Analysis of the word “dentistry”: for transfer, into syllables, according to composition

MFA International Transcription


With[With]consonant, voiceless double, hard double
T[T]consonant, voiceless double, hard double
O[A]vowel, unstressed
m[m]consonant, voiced unpaired (sonorant), hard paired
A[A]vowel, unstressed
T[T]consonant, voiceless double, hard double
O[A]vowel, unstressed
l[l]consonant, voiced unpaired (sonorant), hard paired
O[O]vowel, stressed
G[G']consonant, voiced pair, soft pair
And[And]vowel, unstressed
I[th']consonant, voiced unpaired (sonorant), soft unpaired
[A]vowel, unstressed

Letters: 12 Sounds: 13

“Implant” and “implant” - what do these terms mean and what is the difference?

The concepts are equivalent in meaning. These words describe the same thing, despite differences in spelling and pronunciation. The thing is that we “borrowed” the terms themselves from different languages. Thus, the word “implant” comes from the English verb “to implant”, the translation of which sounds like “to implant”. The term “implant” was borrowed from the French language, coming from the noun “implant”, which in Russian sounds like “transplant”1. The term “implant” is considered more correct, although “implant” is also an acceptable form, it is just more often used in colloquial speech.

In dentistry, an implant is a product that is implanted into bone tissue or a socket immediately after tooth extraction, takes on all the functions of the tooth root and ensures reliable retention of the prosthesis in its place. Such products are created from pure titanium or with minor impurities - the material is absolutely biocompatible and best takes root in living tissue.

In dentistry, an implant is a product that is implanted into bone tissue.

Declension of the word "Dentistry"

Nominative Who? What? dentistrydentistry
Genitive Who? What? dentistrydentist
Dative To? Why? dentistrydentistry
Accusative (individual) Of whom? What? dentistrydentistry
Creative Who? How? dentistry dentistrydentistry
Prepositional About whom? About what? dentistrydentistry


Consists of four vowels “o”, “a”, “o”, “o” and six consonants “s”, “t”, “m”, “t”, “l”, “g”. Among them are three voiced - “m”, “l”, “g” and three voiceless - “s”, “t”, “t”. Contains ten letters in total. It is recommended to make transfers in this way: “one hundred”, “ma”, “to”, “log”. The stress falls on the third syllable “that”, which has four syllables in total. This noun is masculine, inflected, can be used in the plural, and is animate.

It is possible to form an adjective from the lexical unit in question by adding the part “technical” to the stems.

This compound word has two roots - “stom”, “log”. The suffix is ​​“at”, the ending is zero, the stem is “stom”, “log”, the connecting letter is “o”.

In order to avoid repetition in the text, you can replace it with synonyms. The closest in meaning would be dentist, dentist, dental specialist.

Sentences containing “dentist”

In order to better and faster remember how to spell “dentist”, here are examples of use in texts:

  • Victoria really did not like visiting the dentist, so now she has serious problems with her teeth.
  • My dentist strongly suggested that I take a teeth cleaning course.
  • Since childhood, Vasily dreamed of becoming a doctor; his choice was the profession of a dentist.
  • The honored dentist of our city was congratulated on his anniversary and presented with a huge cake.
  • Alexandra married a famous dentist.

Sentences containing "dentistry"

  • The prototype of modern dentistry
    in ancient times were dentistry, which at that time did not belong to traditional official medicine, and maxillofacial surgery, which was considered a branch of general surgery.

    K. M. Kapustin, Dentistry: lecture notes

  • She has repeatedly given presentations at well-known Russian and international conferences on children's dentistry

    Yulia Selyutina, Dentist Selyutina, I have a question: how to take care of children’s teeth?, 2018

  • Areas of the head and anterior neck most important for surgical dentistry
    and maxillofacial surgery.

    V. A. Lebedev, Topographic anatomy and operative surgery for dentists


“Dentist” you need to remember how to write correctly. This expression is a dictionary expression, that is, correct use in a written text must be checked in spelling dictionaries or other authoritative sources. There is only one correct use - the second “a”, in all other syllables the vowels “o”, at the end - the consonant “g”. Many dictionary constructions have different pronunciation and written fixation, so the rule “we write as we hear” does not work in Russian. Tokens that cause difficulties should be taken apart, put the correct emphasis, and, if possible, select a test phrase or modify the expression.

The main purpose of implants – what are they for?

Titanium dental roots are implanted in cases where it is no longer possible to fully restore the tooth using other methods - if the living root has not been preserved or it is too damaged and requires removal. In this case, the optimal solution to the problem would be to completely replace it with an artificial analogue, on which a fully functional crown can subsequently be placed. In addition, implants are used as supporting elements for “bridges,” partial or complete dentures, if more than one tooth is missing in a row.

Classic implantation requires quite a lot of time. Restoration is carried out in two independent stages:

  1. First, the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination and takes the necessary tests. Meanwhile, specialists carefully study the clinical picture and work out possible treatment options, plan the procedure, select models of titanium roots and suitable places for their implantation. Already as part of the procedure, the surgeon implants implants, fixes special plugs on top and sutures the gums. Next, it will take about 3-4 months for the lower jaw and up to 6 months for the upper jaw for the products to completely take root in the thickness of the bone tissue. Sometimes, with single restorations, temporary crowns are fixed immediately to eliminate the aesthetic defect during healing,
  2. the second stage of treatment begins after complete osseointegration of the titanium roots. The specialist removes the plugs, after which he fixes the gum formers for two weeks (for the frontal group of teeth to form an even gingival contour) or immediately abutments, on which he places permanent crowns, partial or complete dentures.

With a two-stage method, the process of installing implants can last several months.
But there is another alternative - one-stage implantation. This term combines many different techniques, each of which suggests the possibility of prosthetics immediately or very soon after the installation of implants. One of these protocols is the one-stage concept, in which the product is immersed in the socket immediately after tooth extraction, and a crown is fixed on top.

The photo shows the installation of an implant immediately after tooth extraction

Before treatment, the patient must undergo preparation. Along with examinations, X-ray diagnostics and tests, it will be necessary to heal all carious holes in the mouth and eliminate acute inflammatory processes. If pathologies such as periodontitis and periodontal disease occur, it is first necessary to undergo their comprehensive treatment in order to achieve stable remission. In some cases, in particular when using the classical method, it is usually necessary to first carry out bone grafting or sinus lift if we are talking about the restoration of the upper jaw. One-stage protocols often allow you to avoid this stage, which means speeding up the treatment process itself and saving on expensive jawbone augmentation.

Why is tooth numbering necessary?

All human teeth have their own specific location according to numbers. But how can you understand whether it is located on the upper or lower jaw, or on the left or right? You can use full formulations (for example, the first permanent molar of the upper jaw on the right). But such cumbersome names create certain difficulties for dentists and can often cause mistakes, which are especially dangerous if the patient is undergoing extraction of a diseased tooth.

In order to optimize the work of doctors and simplify the designation of tooth numbers as much as possible, special numberings were invented.

Profession implanter or implantologist

Based on the above, it is logical to assume that the true meaning of the term “implant” is a specialist who performs implantation operations. This is a dentist with a specific specialization who restores lost teeth through the installation of implant systems and further prosthetics. To describe this type of activity, there are more suitable and euphonious terms: “implantologist”, “implant surgeon”.

  1. Paraskevich V.L., Dental implantology, 2002.

We write correctly: “implant” or “implantant”

Sometimes, instead of the correct pronunciation, you can hear the wording “implant”. When this word is used to describe a titanium root that serves as a support for restoring a missing tooth, it is a big mistake.

“I embarrassed myself like that once. It’s not clear why I decided that an implant would be right, and in a conversation with one doctor I fixed it on my head. The shame is real! It’s good that I found someone who understood, calmly explained everything to me and didn’t make fun of me. From that moment on, I remembered for the rest of my life that a doctor can be called an implant, and then only with a stretch. But certainly not the rod that is implanted into the gum..."

OlegMi, from correspondence on the forum www.32

An implant can be called a person performing implantation.
According to the rules of the Russian language, the endings “-at, -ant” denote not an object, but a person or an animate noun that performs an action or is directly related to it. Such endings can often be found in words that define a person’s belonging to a particular profession, a specific type of activity: “saboteur” is one who commits sabotage, “musician” is one who writes or plays music, etc.

Location of teeth by numbers

Despite all the individual characteristics of each person, the location of the teeth and their name are the same for everyone. This is explained by the fact that dental elements begin to form long before birth (approximately 2-3 months of embryogenesis), and at birth the child has all the dental buds located deep in the jaw.

In both adults and children, the dentition is symmetrical - the upper and lower jaws have the same number of teeth of the same name (the reference point is the midline of the face).

The table shows the order of the teeth and their correct name.

Serial numberDairyPermanent
1central incisorcentral incisor
2lateral incisorlateral incisor
4first molarfirst (small) premolar
5second molarsecond (small) premolar)
6first (large) molar
7second (large) molar
8third (large) molar

As can be seen from the table, only the front teeth (incisors and canines) have the same names and locations in children and adults. The rear (or “root”) have significant differences.

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