7 features of cold teeth whitening technology

A beautiful smile can be called the calling card of modern people. You can make your teeth snow-white using special cold lamps. Professional light whitening provides the best results.

Interesting! Teeth whitening (not cold, of course) was invented in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians ground pumice and wine vinegar. Or they used improvised tools like a file. Yes, the teeth undoubtedly became lighter, but after a while they were affected by caries, because under the influence of acid and abrasive particles of pumice the enamel was quickly and severely destroyed. And the files completely removed the top layer.

Modern photobleaching technologies do not involve the use of improvised means and are based on the use of hydrogen peroxide and a cold beam of light.

This is one of the photobleaching methods

Photo whitening allows you to radically transform your smile in just one visit to the dentist. The technology is also called “light”, since during its implementation the doctor acts on the tooth pigment through lamps emitting cold or hot light.

The principle of removing pigment from enamel is similar in all photobleaching methods. It is assumed that a gel with hydrogen peroxide or urea (reagent) and light (catalyst) will be used. Under the influence of a light lamp, the gel releases active oxygen, which penetrates deep into the tissue and removes pigment.

Doctor Zubastic recommends

By following simple rules, you can save the result for a long time:

  1. After the cold beam whitening procedure, you cannot lighten your teeth at home with hydrogen peroxide, salt, soda, or other folk remedies. This leads to damage to the enamel.
  2. If you cannot stop drinking coffee, red wine and foods containing dyes, brush your teeth after every meal. No opportunity? Use special mouth rinses, sprays, and irrigators. This will help prevent the formation of plaque and stone, which are precursors to darkening of the enamel. This also applies to those people who smoke. Under the influence of nicotine, even lightened enamel will turn yellow.
  3. Be sure to cleanse your mouth twice a day – morning and evening.
  4. Visit the dentist once every six months.
  5. Don't use toothpicks. An alternative to them is dental floss.
  6. Eat less foods containing sugar. They contribute to the proliferation of bacterial infections in the oral cavity.
  7. Include green apples and dairy products - cottage cheese, milk, cheese - in your diet. They are rich in calcium, which will help strengthen dental tissue.

Only careful oral care, diet and your efforts will help you maintain a Hollywood smile for a long time.

Tags: Amazing White, Beyond, LED lamp, Luma Cool, lamp whitening, whitening, photo whitening

About the author: Dr. Zubastik

Typically, a toothache begins to subside on the way to the clinic and finally goes away after 10 minutes of sitting in line to see the dentist.

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Carried out using halogen lamps

Cold teeth whitening involves the use of a gel activated by halogen lamps, the radiation of which is passed through special filters. As a result, the teeth are exposed to high-intensity, cool blue light.

Halogen lamps have the least negative effect on enamel

It is believed that halogen lamps have the least negative effect on the enamel and do not cause pain during and after the procedure. During operation, they do not heat tissues, as do ultraviolet and LED devices used, for example, for ZOOM technology, which also belongs to the category of photo-bleaching. However, the same “ZOOM” has its own advantages, because the developer has created a gel for these lamps, which contains components that strengthen and reduce the increased sensitivity of the enamel.

Cold light is light that does not have ultraviolet or infrared radiation; its temperature is approximately 37 ° C (almost the same as that of the human body). Due to this temperature regime, the procedure is as comfortable and painless as possible for the patient.

Indications and restrictions

Indications for the cold whitening procedure are visible darkening, change in shade, pigmentation of tooth enamel, both general and fragmented.

Darkening can be caused by the negative influence of nicotine tar, tea, coffee, drinks and juices. Often the cause of color loss is poor oral hygiene, and, as a result, plaque and tartar.

In addition, the patient may be recommended this method as an alternative option to give a snow-white appearance to teeth that naturally have a yellowish or gray tint. True, the effect in this case may be less pronounced.

Despite the almost absolute safety of the technique for the human body, it is not recommended, and sometimes even extremely undesirable, in the following situations:

  • pregnancy at all stages of its course;
  • lactation period;
  • age restrictions - too young or, on the contrary, old age of the patient. This can damage the structural integrity of the enamel, which is not yet sufficiently formed during childhood, and is physiologically weakened in old age;
  • tendency of teeth to wear out;
  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • in case of respiratory dysfunction;
  • when diagnosing neoplasms of a malignant nature of formation - regardless of the degree and stage of disease progression;
  • with a tendency to intolerance to certain groups of medications;
  • dental diagnoses, such as caries;
  • partial destruction of the surface layer of hard organ tissue;
  • a large number of fillings, dentures, crowns and implantation systems - artificial materials after bleaching will not turn white, but will retain their original color and will be noticeable against the background of general bleaching. They will need to be changed;
  • pathologically thin enamel - if this fact is ignored, the tooth may begin to decay.

What is the Doctor Smile whitening procedure and the equipment used.

Come here if you are interested in the essence of Zoom 4 teeth whitening.

At this address https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/osobennosti-double-white.html we’ll talk about the pros and cons of Double White express teeth whitening.

Gentle on enamel and gums, does not cause pain

Experts say that teeth whitening with cold light eliminates the possibility of injury, overheating and overdrying of hard tissues, as well as increased enamel sensitivity after the procedure. When carrying out manipulations there is no risk of burns or irritation of the mucous membrane.

Cold whitening is a gentle method

“I’ve been wanting to try cold whitening for a long time. True, because of the name, I was afraid that the cold would set my teeth in the process, but it turned out that this was not the case at all. During the procedure, I very carefully monitored the sensations that arose: when the gel was applied, I felt a slight tingling sensation, but I did not have any direct pain or cramps. Everything is tolerant and acceptable! On the first day, of course, my teeth ached, there’s no way around it, but less than with chemical whitening, which I did before. By the second day I already felt completely fine.”

Viki_Niki, review from otzovik.com

Photo teeth whitening Beyond Polus - reviews


Dear Maria, in fact, the remedy is good and not accessible to everyone... so they write all sorts of nasty things about the method. About a year ago I whitened my teeth with honey. on Taganka which. At that time I paid about 14k wooden ones for bleaching, but now I think it will be more expensive. If you want to have white teeth without consequences, I recommend it)



I went through this procedure and was satisfied. It lasted relatively short, but there was no pain or discomfort. Of course, sitting in the dentist's chair for an hour is not very pleasant in itself, but during the whitening there was nothing scary or painful. The effect was immediately strong and noticeable. I have never had such snow-white teeth before.

Monica m


Advantages: quickly lightens teeth by several shades

Disadvantages: the effect may not seem pronounced enough, moderate pain

I previously only discussed the possibility of teeth whitening hypothetically, because I thought that whitening teeth as a smoker did not make sense. Because in this case, the whitening procedure will have to be carried out regularly, and I, having rather problematic teeth, was somewhat afraid of the prospect of replacing mine with ceramics. A friend who has a close relative who is a dentist generally waved her hand at me - they say, don’t even dare! The very mechanism of action on the sites was described very superficially, they say, “don’t be afraid, everything will be fine” - and the picture was processed in a photo editor, so as not to think about what the patient does not need to know and go quickly to bleach)

Having quit smoking, I returned to thoughts about whitening as an additional incentive, so as not to reach for a cigarette even occasionally, and to get my smile in order. I made an appointment for whitening at Mekstodent (I have been going to this dentistry for a long time). They do bleaching beyond polus. There are not very many reviews about this particular system (in any case, much less than about zoom whitening). As far as I understand, the principle is similar, but beyond polus is more generous (but the result is less significant than Zoom, which is logical).

On the eve of the procedure, I started reading reviews. After one they contained information about pain that, according to some reviews, was barely bearable, and I began to think about giving up. But she didn’t refuse. The procedure consists of 3 “approaches” of 15 minutes each). Descriptions of the mechanics of the process itself can be found in large quantities on the Internet - treatment of gums with gel, glasses on the eyes (one whitening procedure is equivalent to a large number of tanning sessions in a solarium in terms of the level of ultraviolet radiation received at the same time). In general, I was prepared to suffer, but... nothing bad happened. During the entire whitening procedure, I only had 3 quite noticeable lumbago in my lower teeth (the most severe was the first). This is a noticeable but short-term pain that is quite possible to endure.

By effect. Your teeth have become lighter, but if you are expecting the effect of porcelain crowns, it will not happen. I adequately assessed the result that I could get, so I was not disappointed, although I would not have refused if it had been a little more (within a couple of tones). Subsequently, in order to achieve the desired effect, I bought a home whitening system. Overall I’m happy with the result - the teeth are definitely whiter than they were, there is no effect of porcelain crowns, but I wouldn’t repeat the procedure - dental health is still a priority. and to maintain the effect, you can take a course of home whitening from time to time and, if possible, not abuse red wine, coffee and tea (especially bagged). and of course a colorless diet for 2 weeks after

Vladimir Zhukov, 33 years old


Finally decided to get my teeth whitened. It took me a long time to decide on the method, but I decided on the cold system and did the beyond whitening. The doctor, Maria Karavaeva, recommended this method, since my plans included lightening it by just a couple of tones. It turned out exactly as I wanted, there’s nothing to complain about. Also, the promotion is a significant plus. Thank you.

Vasilisa, Moscow


​Angelina, what exactly is there to prepare for?! You will need to give up coffee and cigarettes after the whitening procedure, before - it makes no sense. Well, if you are a coffee lover and smoke, then you will have to at least give up this for two days, but keep in mind that the whitening result will not be so long!

As for cleaning stones, you can simply come to the doctor for whitening, and he will decide whether to whiten your teeth right now or whether it is worth carrying out a series of procedures before that!

I whitened my teeth, they didn’t do anything other than whitening, but I never had stones! And the effect lasted for about half a year, maybe longer..




shiny, snow-white teeth, reasonable price.


The first three days are difficult without coffee and chocolate!


I performed whitening at Prizma Dentistry in Barnaul. The result is excellent... I don’t know who says that the procedure is painful - I almost fell asleep. During the third approach, a slight sensitivity appeared, but it was tolerable! Before the procedure, a gel was applied to me for 30 minutes to reduce sensitivity, immediately after the procedure and then I was given a regimen for 3 days to take home. And I didn't have any problems. I’ve been walking for half a year, joyful, smiling. I'll go again! Advice to everyone: follow the recommendations given by the doctor and then there will be no sensitivity or discoloration! Very pleased, five points for both whitening and dental staff!




Whitens teeth quickly, without much pain, excellent results


It’s hard to swallow saliva because of the mouth guard, but this is individual...

At the beginning of May I had teeth whitening with the Beyond Polus system at Estet Smile. The results are very pleasing, there is no pain, the enamel is good, the whiteness has lasted for almost a month, in one procedure (it all took about 1 hour), my teeth whitened by 5 shades. I recommend Beyond + master Yulia in Estet Smile (near Pecherskaya metro station), I can also recommend




a big advantage, the effect is visible immediately


I didn’t find any cons

In my opinion, teeth whitening in our modern world seems not to be a problem, but in fact this is far from the case. Having tried many whitening methods, I settled on this method of teeth whitening with the Beyond system.



I read about the technology of photo teeth whitening with the BEYOND system and came to the conclusion that:

— whitening technology is safe and does not damage the enamel;

— the effect lasts for about a year, and if after a year you repeat the procedure in an accelerated mode, the result will last for many more years;

— the procedure is painless and takes little time.

I decided and went for the procedure (1 photo - before).

Girls! In advance of the procedure, it is necessary to clean your teeth from plaque and tartar - otherwise the desired result will not be achieved.

And before the procedure itself, be sure to eat! Then you will endure the procedure much easier. That's what the doctor told me.

So let's begin... the worst thing, in my opinion, began from the first minute.... They inserted a huge plastic thing into my mouth, which prevented my jaw from moving, my lips from closing…. I was not mentally prepared for this)))) After about 10 minutes I got used to this thing, but the desire to remove it as soon as possible did not leave me throughout the entire procedure... I still had to somehow swallow saliva, which seemed impossible))) but it turns out that you get used to it)

Next, the gums were treated with a special solution that prevents damage to the mucous membrane when applying the gel to the teeth. (10-15 minutes)

Then, in my presence, they opened an individual syringe with whitening gel and applied it to my front teeth, that is, only those that are visible when I smile. They pointed a lamp at my teeth and told me not to move for 14 minutes. It was comfortable to lie down, the lamp adjusts to any position, which is a big plus, the light is cold - it does not heat up. After about 5 minutes, tingling sensations began to appear in the front tooth, sometimes noticeable, sometimes stronger. So the procedure was repeated 3 times for 14 minutes. There was no pain, only tingling in one tooth and then in the other, which was generally tolerable.

Then my teeth were treated with fluoride and I could go. The doctor warned me not to smile for about 2 hours, because contact with sunlight would increase tooth sensitivity. And she gave me a gel just in case, if it suddenly hurt too much.

Satisfied that everything was already over, I went to the reception desk to pay for the procedure, said a few words and there was a very strong pain in my front tooth…. It seemed like sparks would fall from my eyes... I tried harder not to open my mouth unnecessarily! After about an hour and a half, the shooting stopped. After everything I had been through, I felt like a hero!!

For two days there were white spots on my teeth, but then they disappeared and I was satisfied with the result. The smile was snow-white, and I want to note that I began to smile much more often, without embarrassment in all 32 teeth))) (photo 2 - a week later)

To call this procedure pleasant and painless is hard to come by, since a plastic device is inserted into the mouth and periodically shoots in the teeth. There is nothing to compare with, perhaps this is the norm, but I would not want to repeat bleaching again, and there is no need. Half a year has passed and my teeth are still white (photo 3 - now), this is of course a big plus, since I didn’t follow a diet and only used the whitening paste for one month after the procedure.

Price: 10,000 rub. I did it for two jaws, taking into account a 50% discount, in April 2015.

Rating 4 because I achieved the desired result, but not in a particularly pleasant way.



I think everyone dreams of a beautiful white smile, but what if they are not that white?

What I didn’t do) I bought a whitening pencil, and cleaned it with charcoal, and whitening pastes... But the effect is minimal.

I learned about this whitening, which is the most gentle and does not damage teeth.

It takes about 45 minutes.

First, apply the gel to the gums so as not to be affected later by the solution that will be applied to the teeth. They freeze this gel and begin to apply the solution to the “smile zone” (not all teeth are whitened, but only those that are visible when we smile). By the way, before I did the whitening, I had my teeth professionally cleaned, tartar was removed, plaque was removed and coated with fluoride varnish. They will thank you for this later and the effect will be better, I literally did it in a day.

After applying the solution, bring the lamp and wait 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, apply a new solution and so on 2 more times. And then 3 sets of 10 minutes. At the end, wipe off the solution, remove the dried gel, cover it with fluoride varnish and you are free.

As soon as they do it, you will immediately notice the effect. Don't be alarmed if the whitening is uneven and contains white spots. As soon as the teeth are saturated with saliva, the color of the teeth will be equal.

The effect lasts for about six months, but they will not return to the initial state, that is, in any case, you will have them whiter than they have ever been.

By the way, don’t forget to take pictures of your teeth before and after at the same time of day! See the difference. I asked the dentist to take a before/after photo in the chair, but since they have additional light there and, in principle, teeth don’t look yellow in bright light, I didn’t notice much of a difference until I found old photos)))

Smile, it annoys everyone))



Hello, dear friends!


Today's story is about teeth whitening. The best that exists today in our countries (Ukraine and Russia). Bleaching, or photobleaching. Or hardware whitening. Whatever you want to call it, the meaning of the procedure is the result - snow-white teeth in the smile area.


Tone - naturally, it depends on the initial tone of your teeth. But, surprisingly, most often with ease, doing the procedure in three stages at a time, you can get B2 or even B1.


Recommendations. Of course, ideally - oral sanitation and professional hygiene.


General feelings. Nice. A little tiring. Sometimes it shoots with sourness. But the general feeling is quite normal. Tolerable. Boring - yes. But nothing more.


Result. Eat. And high quality.


Care after the procedure. Strictly follow your doctor's instructions. Diet.


Important point! The doctor will most likely give you a special toothpaste and invite you back in half a year.


Definitely recommend!


Beauty ❤️ to you and health!


Sincerely, Anya_sun

Will not cope with hypoplasia and fluorosis

The technology will not be effective against non-carious lesions and stains that affect the aesthetics of the smile: hypoplasia, fluorosis, wedge-shaped defect. Especially if the pathologies are severe.

Are any of the professional whitening methods effective for the listed defects? Researchers claim that some types of hypoplasia, mild fluorosis and even tetracycline teeth are best treated with ZOOM technology. But most often, such patients are still offered to install veneers, lumineers and crowns (if the teeth are severely damaged), which, in addition to adding aesthetics to the smile, help protect the enamel from external influences, destruction and caries.

The technology will not be effective against fluorosis


All technologies used in domestic clinics are foreign developments and equipment.

Unfortunately, we don’t yet have our own analog systems—hence the high cost of the service. Let's consider the most popular systems:

  1. Beyond Polus – created using unique Light Bridge technology.
    It is based on the use of halogen lamps. This eliminates the negative impact on the patient’s body of ultraviolet radiation used during standard enamel lightening. Moreover, it does not heat the surface and ensures the most uniform distribution of the composition;
  2. Luma Cool is the most famous and popular system in Europe, but extremely limited here. It is the only patented technology in the world that allows you to use diode lamps rather than halogen lamps during a session.
  3. Amazing White – a novelty in the world of dentistry. Activates chemical processes thanks to the LED lamp.
    The assortment line of this product is so diverse that it offers the consumer mini-kits for home use.

    Undoubtedly, their effectiveness will be an order of magnitude lower than salon whitening, but they are quite suitable as intermediate procedures. Representatives of this brand are systems with violet, red and blue light fluxes.

The purpose of determining the oral hygiene index and the methods used.

In this publication, read about the method of intra-canal teeth whitening.

Here https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/poloski/yotuel-razrabotka-po-evropeyskim-standartam.html all the most important things about Yotuel whitening.

Allows you to lighten teeth by 6–10 shades

Teeth whitening without heat or laser is safer than with it. However, the effect of using this technology will not be so impressive: not 8–12, but 6–10 tones. The maximum positive result can be achieved if darkening or yellowing of the enamel was caused by smoking, consumption of food and drinks with dyes, or age-related changes.

Some doctors do not advise teeth whitening with cold light if the enamel has a natural gray tint, because then the maximum that can be achieved will be only 2-3 tones.

A smile can be lightened by 6–10 tones

Preparation for the procedure

Whitening with gel and LED lamp is carried out only in dental clinics. Portable compact devices for home use have not yet been created.

Important! A week before lamp bleaching, it is not recommended to consume foods and drinks that contain natural dyes - coffee, wine, sweet soda, berries, sauces, seasonings, beets, carrots.


  1. The first step is thorough cleaning of the oral cavity: existing plaque is removed from the teeth. Otherwise, whitening will occur not of the teeth, but of the plaque. At this stage, doctors perform fluoridation using special preparations that create a protective film on the tooth and strengthen the enamel. One of the most common methods of removing plaque is the Air-Flow sandblasting technique.
  2. Then the dentist will select the shade of enamel according to the Vita scale, depending on your wishes.
  3. The next stage is to isolate the lips and cheeks from the teeth using special wipes and cream.
  4. To protect the gums from the effects of the chemically active gel, a liquid cream is used, which hardens after application and forms a protective barrier.

Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste once a day, as high fluoride content can lead to fluorosis. That is, for example, at night you should brush your teeth with a fluoride-containing paste, and in the morning with a paste containing extracts of medicinal herbs.

Cold teeth whitening techniques

Amazing White: this is one of the most popular and safest methods today, allowing you to lighten the enamel by 6-10 tones. At the same time, dentists who use the technique in their practice assure that you will get a natural color, and there is no risk of unnatural whiteness.

Amazing White is one of the most popular whitening methods

Beyond Polus: allows you to whiten teeth in different clinical cases, since the device designed for the procedure has several operating modes (soft, normal and intensive). According to a number of studies2, Beyond lamps emit minimal heat compared to similar devices from other manufacturers. Beyond International also offers patients the opportunity to purchase a halogen lamp for home use, but more details about this and much more can be found in the feature article on the website.

Beyond lamps produce minimal heat

Luma-Arch (“Luma Arch”): using this method you can lighten the enamel by 6-8 tones. To do this, you will only need to make 1 visit to the dentist and spend about 30 minutes (the teeth are lightened in three approaches of 8 minutes each). The method is not as popular in Russia as the others that were listed earlier.


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  1. Androsenko N.I. Comparative characteristics of teeth whitening methods in therapeutic dentistry // Bulletin of medical Internet conferences. – 2022.
  2. Lutskaya I.K. Current state of the problem of teeth whitening // International reviews: clinical practice and health. – 2022.

Expert “Teeth whitening with cold light is one of the safest technologies. But this does not negate careful preparation for the procedure, including professional oral hygiene, strengthening the enamel through fluoridation and remineralization, and the use of special pastes that reduce the sensitivity of hard tissues. It is also necessary to exclude contraindications: age under 18 years, multiple caries, acute inflammation of the gums, oncology, a large number of fillings or the presence of artificial crowns in the smile area.” Dental hygienist Victoria Nikolaevna Kashaeva

Consulting specialist

Kashaeva Victoria Nikolaevna

Specialization: Dental hygienist Experience: 8 years

How it all happens

The procedure is carried out using a lamp and gel:

  1. The surface of the teeth becomes dry.
  2. Then it is processed with a lamp.
  3. If all teeth are whitened, the exposure time is about 30 minutes.
  4. The dentist then turns off the lamp, removes the gel, and you evaluate the results.

If for some reason you don’t like the result, the procedure is repeated. During one visit to the dental office, you may undergo up to 3 cold light whitening procedures.


There is a filling on the front tooth, will it be whitened using the methods you listed?

Valya (06/08/2020 at 01:15) Reply to comment

    Dear Valya, fillings and artificial crowns cannot be whitened by any of the methods existing today. If you want to whiten the enamel, then the filling will need to be changed so that it matches the color of the new shade of the teeth.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (06/13/2020 at 09:15) Reply to comment

Is it possible to do cold bleaching immediately after air flow?

Laura (06/27/2020 at 01:24 pm) Reply to comment

    No, you need to wait at least 7–10 days: during this period you need to use special pastes and remineralizing compounds.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (07/03/2020 at 09:47) Reply to comment

Will they give me an anesthetic injection before bleaching, otherwise I’m afraid...

Zverev S. (07/13/2020 at 15:47) Reply to comment

    Injection anesthesia is not used for such a procedure, but the gums and soft tissues will be treated with a special protective gel that reduces sensitivity and the likelihood of irritation of the mucous membrane.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (07/17/2020 at 09:08) Reply to comment

Write your comment Cancel reply


Regardless of which system the procedure will be performed, cold whitening technology includes the following sequential stages of the dentist’s actions:

  • The gel composition is carefully applied to the surface of the jaw row and evenly distributed - this is an active brightener;
  • turn on the lamp and direct it to the frontal smile area . Typically, such radiation exposure lasts from 10 to 15 minutes;
  • after this, the specialist evaluates the result and, if necessary, carries out several more series of surface treatments with a lamp;
  • At the end of the manipulation, the remaining gel is removed , and the patient is given detailed advice and recommendations for further dental care.

If a poor result is obtained, a repeat session can be performed no earlier than after 7-10 days.

The video shows the process of the procedure.

Expected Result

Experts claim a fairly effective range of enamel lightening - from 6 to 10 tones, especially since if the result is poor, the manipulation can be repeated, and the number of sessions per visit can be increased.

Organs whose color is not snow-white due to genetics are somewhat less susceptible to bleaching. Naturally gray or yellow teeth are the most difficult to lighten.

The result is stored for about a year, after which the process can be repeated.

What effective folk whitening remedies exist? How to whiten teeth at home?

This question could be answered briefly: there are no effective traditional methods of teeth whitening . And I would like to warn against the thoughtless use of improvised means in order to save money. Very often this backfires. It is strictly forbidden to use soda, tooth powders, lemon, activated carbon, etc. to brighten your smile. in different combinations. I personally once had a patient who spent a considerable amount of time brushing her teeth with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. When she came to me, I learned for the first time what enamel erosion looks like. At that time I had not yet photographed clinical cases, but it looked something like this.

How do you like this “whitening”? Instead of beautiful teeth, they were irreparably damaged and their restoration cost her a lot of money. As usually happens, thoughtless savings turned into even greater expenses.

I also heard a story from colleagues about how one of the patients whitened his teeth with “Toilet Duck”, because the bottle said “safe for enamel.” Well, what else can you say?

to whiten your teeth on your own online . Most of them are just a waste of time. And some are simply harmful. So, in pursuit of beauty, do not lose your sanity, otherwise you risk losing your teeth. Ultimately, if you need to post your photo on a social network or forum, you can whiten your teeth using Photoshop (as they do in glossy magazines for unnaturally white-toothed models). Or if you need white teeth for some important occasion, you can visit the solarium several times, use a foundation of a darker shade... against the background of dark skin, the teeth will appear lighter even without any bleaching (just look at the “tanned” Africans, whose teeth are always appear dazzlingly white just because of the color of their skin).


The cost of a service is difficult to determine unambiguously - even the region of residence of the patient and the status of the clique play a significant role in the issue of pricing.

The determining factor is the technique used during the session:

  • Beyond Polus – 10-18 thousand rubles;
  • Luma Cool – 8000—22000;
  • Amazing White – 11 thousand.

In addition, the entire range of preliminary manipulations is not included in the total cost of the service - you will have to pay for them separately, depending on the volume of work performed.

Analogs of dental gel Cholisal

Author of the publication

General practitioner, general practitioner.

Our expert

General practitioner, cardiologist, researcher at the National Medical Research Center named after V. A. Almazov.

Comparison of analogues, which one is better

Cholisal (dental gel) Rating: 112 votes

Cholisal is a foreign drug for the treatment of oral diseases. The composition contains 2 active components: choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride. Can be used for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases.

Substitutes for dental gel Cholisal

Proposol (aerosol) Rating: 118 votes

Analogue is cheaper from 255 rubles.

Manufacturer: Altaivitamins (Russia) Release forms:

  • Spray 25 g.

Proposol is another analogue of the drug, available in aerosol form. The composition includes propolis, ethyl alcohol and glycerin. It has a small list of recommendations for use: gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis. Contraindicated in case of intolerance to propolis and other components of the drug. It is not recommended to use Proposol for children under 7 years of age.

Maraslavin (solution) Rating: 105 votes

Analogue is cheaper from 245 rubles.

Manufacturer: Sopharma (Bulgaria) Release forms:

  • Fl. 100 ml.

Maraslavin is a substitute for Cholisal, available in the form of a solution. The active substance of the drug is herbs. Prescribed for periodontal disease in hemorrhagic and purulent form. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. During treatment with Maraslavin, it is not recommended to eat spicy foods, and you should not brush your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Novosept forte (spray) Rating: 104 votes

Analogue is cheaper from 149 rubles.

Manufacturer: Natur Product Europe B.V. (Netherlands) Release forms:

  • Spray 25 ml.

Novosept forte is an antiseptic and anesthetic spray. Thanks to the active substances it contains, it is suitable for the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis and gingivitis. It is prohibited for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 18 years of age, in the presence of acute liver and kidney failure, as well as intolerance to the components of Novosept forte.

Dentinox (dental gel) Rating: 62 votes

Analogue is cheaper from 37 rubles.

Manufacturer: Dentinox (Germany) Release forms:

  • Gel 10 g.

Dentinox is a dental gel, an analogue of Cholisal. 1 g of gel contains 150 mg of chamomile tincture, 3.4 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride and 3.2 mg of lauromacrogol 600. Unlike Cholisal, it is used only for teething in children. Contraindicated in case of intolerance to any component.

The information published on this page is not a call for treatment and does not replace consultation with a specialist . Please consult a doctor!

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Which is better: Cholisal or Solcoseryl Top

Average price: 142 rubles

Average price: 208.8 rubles (more expensive by 66.8 rubles)

Which is better: Holisal or Kamistad Top

Average price: 142 rubles

Average price: 239.9 rubles (more expensive by 97.9 rubles)

Which is better: Cholisal or Metrogyl Denta Top

Average price: 142 rubles

Average price: 210.5 rubles (more expensive by 68.5 rubles)

Purpose of the page: show a list of analogues (synonyms), current prices and drug ratings provided by users (over 10,000 ratings in total).

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What is cold light

What is the cold bleaching method and why is it called that. Cold bleaching is a photobleaching system that uses a brightening gel in combination with exposure to light. The name of the method comes from temperature indicators, and because the light is halogen, blue, cold spectrum. The enamel surface does not heat up under the light beam.


By the way. There are other photobleaching methods that use an LED lamp or ultraviolet light. During the process of exposure, they heat the surface to be bleached and require the use of additional cooling for a more comfortable procedure.

A cold photo lamp serves as a catalyst. Halogen light creates a chemical-physical reaction that releases oxygen species from the gel. Due to this, the top darkened layer is removed, brightening it. Oxygen particles penetrate quite deeply, allowing the surface to be whitened to a significant extent.

Cold light of the lamp - catalyst

Cold bleaching has many differences not only from photosystems of similar action, but also from other lightening techniques.

By the way. It is customary to say “whitening” in modern dental practice and among patients in dental clinics. Strictly speaking, this term is not accurate. It would be more accurate to use the term “depigmentation” for whitening (color change) and “discoloration” for lightening (discoloration).

Table. Differences between cold whitening and other techniques

Whitening methodDifferences
Professional, at home, using a mouthguard and gelThe main difference is that cold bleaching is performed by a doctor.
It cannot be done on your own. Firstly, there is no photo lamp with halogen light at home. Secondly, the oxygen gel used in the clinic is three times more concentrated than the one sold in pharmacy whitening kits. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide in it is up to 37%, while the maximum concentration in the pharmaceutical composition is 12%. For this reason, home whitening is carried out over a long period of time, and the effect is not immediately noticeable. You can whiten enamel with cold light for an hour, in several cycles of 15 minutes.
Chemical, clinicalThis is also done by a doctor, but without using a lamp. There is no effect of the catalyst on the gel. Lightening occurs due to the fact that the clarifier for chemical bleaching contains 45% peroxide. It is applied to the enamel layer in several steps, each of which takes up to half an hour. The effect is approximately the same as that of cold lightening, but the likelihood of damage to the enamel due to the high concentration of the gel is much greater. Moreover, during the chemical procedure, painful or unpleasant sensations may occur and the mucous membrane may be irritated.
Hot, in a clinical settingThe main difference between the hot and cold methods is different lamps that emit a qualitatively different light.
The gel reagent, which is exposed to the light catalyst, does not heat up under a halogen lamp, and the tooth surface maintains a normal temperature. The patient does not feel discomfort. Tooth enamel is not damaged. During hot photobleaching, unless a special cooling system is used, the enamel may suffer significant superficial damage and the patient may experience pain and discomfort.
Clinical laserThe most effective method today, which is inferior to cold bleaching.
With laser lightening, your teeth will become white in just a third of an hour. This is achieved by exposing local areas to a dense laser light beam. A halogen lamp has more diffused light, and its effect on the gel occurs more slowly. The laser technique has only one significant drawback - its cost is four times higher than that of the cold depigmentation method.

By the way. The first attempts to lighten dental surfaces were recorded in ancient Roman medical practice. The Roman Aesculapians used urea for this. Then various acids were used. It was only in the last century that light technology for depigmentation was discovered.

Cholisal: how to take the drug correctly

Cholisal is a drug that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effects.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of a dental gel, which is used during teething. It has a specific smell.


Active elements: choline salicylates and cetalkonium chloride. There are also additional ingredients: ethanol, anise seed oil.

Pharmacology and pharmacodynamics

The gel helps fight inflammation, relieves pain and has an antimicrobial effect.

The active substance perfectly anesthetizes the area to which the gel was applied and eliminates inflammation. The analgesic effect lasts for 3-8 hours. Another active component has an antiseptic effect, killing harmful microorganisms.

The medicine has a certain structure, due to which it penetrates well into the tissue and remains on the oral mucosa for several hours. Almost does not enter the blood circulation.

When to use

The gel is prescribed in the following cases:

damage to the integrity of the mucosa due to the use of prostheses or as a result of mechanical impact;

pain relief after dental surgery;

when teething in babies;

other damage and inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa.

How to take it correctly

The instructions say that the ointment is used only topically. The gel should be applied to the problem area and left for 15 minutes. Can be applied at any time, regardless of meals. The procedure can be performed up to 3 times a day. For an adult, 1 cm of gel will be enough; for a child, you need to take 2 times less.

If a person suffers from periodontal disease, then the ointment can be placed in the gum pocket that appears, or compresses can be made from a medicine for the gums.


The drug has a minimal number of contraindications. These include:

allergic reaction (most often caused by the constituent components of the product);

age up to 1 year;

breastfeeding period.

Adverse reactions and overdose

In rare cases, side effects may occur. A tingling or burning sensation may be felt at the sites where the ointment is applied. This reaction usually disappears after a few minutes. Various allergies may also appear.

No cases of overdose have been identified to date. The gel does not need to be swallowed, only used topically. If there is a lot of ointment on the mucous membrane, then you need to rinse your mouth well. If the composition gets into the gastrointestinal tract, you need to rinse the stomach. Treatment is carried out taking into account the existing symptoms.

Is Cholisal possible for children under one year old?

The instructions say that the drug is contraindicated for use in children under one year of age. If a child has stomatitis, then you can apply the ointment to the damaged areas half an hour before meals. Or rub in 0.5 cm of gel for 2-3 minutes.

Is it possible to use Cholisal during pregnancy and lactation?

The instructions say that the drug should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women. But in rare cases, a doctor may prescribe a remedy. It can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and under his constant supervision.

special instructions

Shelf life – 36 months. It must be kept in a place where children have no access. The temperature should be 0…+25 degrees. The ointment should not be allowed to freeze.

At acceptable doses, there is no interaction with other drugs. If you exceed the dosage, then the analgesic and antipyretic effects of other drugs may increase.


Analogues of the drug include: eucalyptus grass, stomatophyte, oak bark, Rotocan, Tantum Verde, Kalgel.

What is more effective: Cholisal or Kalgel

If we compare Kalgel and Cholisal, the effect of the first will be much weaker. This is especially true when babies are teething, which is accompanied by discomfort. In terms of price, Cholisal will be slightly cheaper.

What is more effective: Metrogyl Denta or Cholisal

In terms of cost, Metrogyl Denta will be cheaper than Cholisal. But compared to the original medicine, the analogue contains other active components that weakly penetrate into the affected parts of the oral mucosa. It generally has only a superficial effect, which often leads to the reappearance of the problem, and is therefore considered insufficiently effective.

How much does Cholisal cost?

The medicine can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The price starts from 280 rubles.


Regarding the use of the gel during teething, you can find mostly positive reviews. The drug quickly and effectively copes with inflammatory processes, relieves pain and cools the affected area. If you use the product the night before going to bed, its effect will last almost until the morning. It also has an antipyretic effect. For many, it is a plus that the composition does not contain lidocaine, since it can provoke various and severe allergies.

There are also many positive reviews when using ointment for stomatitis. Within 3-5 minutes you can notice a significant improvement in your condition, pain and discomfort disappear. Inflammation disappears 15-20 minutes after application. If you apply compresses before going to bed, you can quickly get rid of the problem and its symptoms.

All materials presented on the site are for educational purposes only and are not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The site administration, editors and authors of articles are not responsible for any consequences or losses that may arise when using site materials.

Is it possible to whiten a dead, darkened tooth?

Yes, and this procedure is called endobleaching . Those. internal tooth whitening. It may be needed when, after removing a nerve in a tooth, for various reasons it becomes dark, turns yellow and begins to stand out from its healthy neighbors. In this case, access to the canal is made in the tooth, it is reliably isolated, and the same hydrogen peroxide/urea whitening gel remains in the cavity for 2-3 days. As a result, the darkening of the dead tooth can be eliminated. Often this procedure must be performed before prosthetics of the front teeth with metal-free crowns or veneers. Due to their fairly high transparency (which is very necessary from an aesthetic point of view), any change in the color of the tooth underneath will be unpleasant to show through. This may prevent you from making restorations of the same color.

Upper central incisor darkened after depulpation

The same after the internal bleaching procedure


Beyond Polus technology is safe for enamel, but some patients should refrain from whitening procedures, not only with this system

Among the absolute contraindications:

  • age up to 16 years
  • allergy to the components of the drug
  • period of pregnancy or lactation in women
  • serious health problems (malignant neoplasms, pathologies of the circulatory, cardiovascular, immune systems)

Relative restrictions that need to be corrected before the whitening procedure include:

  • open caries, pulpitis
  • periodontal tissue diseases
  • enamel cracks
  • outdated fillings with poor fit
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