Teeth whitening products: what to advise patients

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures nowadays. An attractive smile gives you self-confidence and increases your chances of social success. Therefore, many people come to the dentist not only for dental treatment, but also for cosmetic procedures. But is it necessary to consult a doctor with questions of beauty and aesthetics? Maybe home manipulations in pursuit of a snow-white smile are enough?

A person always has an alternative on how to solve the problem of teeth whitening. The first way is expensive procedures in the dentist’s office, the second option is folk recipes for home use, the third is the search for special whitening products in the pharmacy assortment.

Teeth whitening products at the pharmacy

What teeth should be naturally?

We can list many examples that were considered a trend at one time, but at the same time were harmful to health. For example, women's corsets, which squeezed the internal organs so that they took away their breath and disrupted the functioning of the internal organs. The situation with teeth is approximately the same. Dentists confirm that our human smile is not snow-white by nature, but yellowish. This is normal and indicates oral health.

Despite popular belief, the enamel that covers the tooth is almost transparent and not white. Beneath it is dentin, the main tissue of the tooth, which naturally has a yellowish tint. It is this that “shines through” the enamel and gives it its characteristic yellowness. And most importantly, this shade indicates the health of the teeth, their strength and resistance to caries. If a person’s teeth are naturally too white, this indicates poor enamel mineralization and requires treatment.

Therefore, the first thing when consulting a visitor with the problem of yellow teeth is to determine whether the problem is acquired or whether it is a habitual condition of the teeth.

Why do teeth change color?

In order to properly conduct a consultation, a pharmacist or pharmacist must find out the cause of the defect. Dentists identify a number of factors that change the color of teeth:

  1. Consumption of certain foods and drinks that contain natural or artificial colors: blueberries, chocolate, beets, black tea, coffee, dark juices, etc.
  2. Bad habits. Smoking and chewing tobacco gives an unsightly yellow tint and spoils the overall condition of teeth.
  3. Insufficient hygiene. Improper and irregular tooth brushing is the main factor in changing the shade of dentin
  4. Caries and other dental diseases;
  5. Internal causes: lack or excess of fluoride, metabolic disorders, genetic diseases
  6. Fillings and restorations
  7. Aging. Dentin turns yellow with age
  8. Taking medications: tetracycline, iron and others
  9. A combination of several reasons.

A pharmacist or pharmacist can help with the first three reasons. If systemic or dental diseases are suspected, the visitor should be advised to consult a doctor.

Key benefits of professional teeth whitening

Many people ask the question: “Where is it better to whiten teeth – at the dentist or at home?” After all, on store shelves you can find a lot of “magic” home whitening products. But you should understand that by trying to improve the color of your teeth on your own, you risk irreparably damaging your tooth enamel. It is better to entrust this important procedure to an experienced specialist at our clinic and personally see the following advantages of professional whitening in a well-equipped dental office:

  • Aesthetically attractive result. The doctor will assess the condition and color of the teeth and accurately calculate the degree of exposure required. After all, absolute whiteness looks unnatural. The capabilities of modern whitening systems allow you to change color within a wide range: from 1-2 to 12 tones.
  • Long lasting results. Following the doctor’s recommendations and observing the rules of personal hygiene will allow you to maintain the achieved results for 2 to 5 years. Those who smoke will have to stop smoking for several days after the procedure, otherwise the achieved effect will be nullified. In order to maintain the results of whitening, it is recommended to adhere to the principles of the “white” diet - avoid foods with coloring pigments.
  • Safety. The professionalism and experience of the dentist will allow you to carry out the necessary manipulations not only without damaging the enamel, but also strengthening it against the action of cariogenic bacteria.

Photo: teeth whitening
A professional teeth whitening procedure will get rid of deep nicotine and coffee stains, get rid of tetracycline strips and “clear” tips. Safe teeth whitening in dentistry will allow you to get the desired result without harm to your health.

Types of teeth whitening

Whitening is a cosmetic procedure aimed at changing the color of dentin. It can be professional or home. Professional whitening (chemical/ultrasonic/laser/photo whitening) is performed by a dentist in an office or clinic. These methods are considered the safest and most effective.

For home whitening, traditional methods and special products are used. It is the latter that pharmacists and pharmacists deal with. In addition, these products may be recommended by dentists as the final stage of professional whitening, usually 2 weeks after the procedure. Special whitening products are given to the patient in the clinic, or he buys them at the pharmacy as prescribed by the doctor.

Carbamide peroxide-based products are widely used in both home and professional whitening. It consists of hydrogen peroxide and urea peroxide. When it hits the surface of a tooth, the substance disintegrates to form atomic oxygen. The latter penetrates the dentin and destroys the yellow pigment.

When carrying out the procedure in the clinic, high concentrations of carbamide peroxide of 10% and above are used. You need to be careful with them, as they can cause severe burns. To enhance the effect, the gel with the active substance is irradiated with special lamps. For home use, concentrations of the active substance range from 4 to 7.5%.

It is worth saying that this substance is approved by the American and Russian Dental Associations and recommended for use. Products that contain acids or abrasives should be used with extreme caution and it is best to consult a doctor before using them.

Should you use teeth whitening strips? Dentist's opinion

But are these products safe for home whitening? Let’s find out with Vladimir Losev, a specialist at the MEGAST dental clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences. A snow-white smile is the dream of absolutely most people. In addition, due to certain habits, for example, smoking or consuming drinks such as coffee and strong black tea, plaque can actually form on the teeth, which is difficult to get rid of with regular toothpaste.

Whitening strips help lighten teeth and eliminate age spots on them. They are relatively safe when used correctly, although they are not suitable for all patients. For those who already have problems with enamel, for example, there is increased sensitivity of teeth, it is better to avoid home whitening, including with strips, so as not to make your problem even more noticeable and not create the ground for the appearance of caries.

Ideally, you should consult a dentist or hygienist before attempting home whitening. He can recommend a truly safe brand of at-home whitening strips and confirm that this procedure is necessary for you. Often, doctors themselves suggest completing the in-office whitening procedure at home in order to achieve truly excellent whitening results.

Independent selection of teeth whitening products is fraught with some difficulties, since the dental market today is flooded with low-quality and generally controversial Chinese-made products, so there is a risk, using such products that have not passed certification, of causing irreparable harm to tooth enamel or gum health . In this regard, you need to be extremely careful and purchase products either at the pharmacy or in consultation with a specialist.

It is also necessary to remember that teeth whitening products are not as safe as we think at first glance. As a rule, they contain substances that help lighten the enamel: such as urea and hydrogen peroxide. Often, in-office bleaching uses the same substances. But during in-office bleaching, a specialist controls the process so as not to harm the patient. During the home procedure, patients, obsessed with getting a snow-white smile in the shortest possible time, often violate the algorithm and increase the time.

Strips can be used no more than 2 times a day with breaks of 12 hours. In whitening packages you can find a special gel, which is used to lighten the enamel, and strips of two sizes for the upper and lower jaws, respectively.

Before the whitening procedure, you need to rinse your mouth with water, blot your teeth from excess moisture, apply the whitening gel to the strips and apply them to your teeth for 5-30 minutes. The procedure is best done in front of a mirror to better control the process and avoid accidentally sticking the whitening strips to your gums.

It is necessary to strictly maintain the time - no more than 30 minutes, so as not to harm the enamel. After the procedure, you must carefully brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with water.

As a rule, the results of home whitening become obvious after 2-4 weeks of using the strips. At the same time, while you are doing home whitening, it is recommended to temporarily exclude drinks that can affect the color of the enamel (wine, coffee, strong black tea, etc.) and reduce smoking. Immediately after the whitening procedure, smoking is generally not recommended.

Source: epochtimes.r

Are there any contraindications?

There are several diseases and conditions for which professional and home whitening using products containing carbamide peroxide is not recommended:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the procedure may cause increased sensitivity of the teeth.
  2. Age up to 18 years. Before this period, the procedure cannot be carried out according to the instructions.
  3. Cracks, chips. Damage and defects can cause the composition to penetrate deep into the tooth tissue and lead to a burn of the pulp.
  4. Caries and carious cavities. If this problem is not eliminated before manipulation, the application of a bleaching agent will lead to softening of the dentin and aggravation of the disease.

Dental teeth whitening: effective and affordable

Today, a huge number of different whitening procedures have been developed that promise a Hollywood smile and radiant teeth. However, not all of them are safe and capable of delivering what they promise. Our clinic uses reliable techniques that represent advanced developments in modern dentistry.

  • Opalescence Boost System

Allows you to whiten 1 tooth or the entire dentition. It is carried out with a special gel containing a unique activator with the addition of fluorine and potassium. The product can even cope with whitening deeply pigmented teeth that have changed color due to injury or disease.

  • Amazing White procedure

One of the latest developments in aesthetic medicine, it combines high efficiency and reasonable cost. The system was developed in the USA. The principle of its operation is based on the use of atomic oxygen. The gel is activated by the cold light of the LED lamp, which does not heat the dental tissues and does not increase tooth sensitivity. The effect is visible to the eye immediately after the procedure.

  • Express whitening

A gentle option for Amazing White dental whitening. It involves 1 cycle of manipulation, is distinguished by the most gentle effect on the surface of the teeth and is low in price.

A large selection of different whitening options allows everyone to become the owner of a beautiful, radiant smile that will help in career growth and in their personal life. We have selected for you the most effective technologies that allow you to achieve excellent results quickly and inexpensively.

Contraindications to the procedure include gum and periodontal diseases, the presence of untreated caries, thinned enamel and tooth hypersensitivity, and a tendency to stomatitis. The procedure is not performed on persons under 18 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Teeth whitening products in pharmacies

The pharmaceutical market offers the following products for home whitening:

Facilities Peculiarities Examples
Toothpastes and powders The brightening effect is manifested by abrasive components (calcium compounds, aluminum oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, polyphosphates, bentonite clay, silicon oxide, dicalcium phosphate), acids, peroxide, oxygen or specific enzymes. With regular use of abrasives, it is possible to achieve a change in tooth color by 1 tone, no more, and at the same time they damage the enamel. Therefore, these products must be used carefully and for no more than a month.

Acidic, peroxide and oxygen pastes are not recommended for those with sensitive teeth.

Enzymes papain, bromelain and titanium dioxide are whitening ingredients that gently lighten and are suitable for long-term use.

Examples of non-abrasive toothpastes:
  • Blanx White Shock
  • ROCS Sensitive repair & whitening
Rinse aids The lightening quality of these products is minimal. Their release form does not allow for long-term and effective contact of the whitening components with the tooth surface. Therefore, rinses have a different role - to increase the effectiveness of toothpaste, wash away food debris, normalize pH, destroy microorganisms, freshen breath and thereby improve oral hygiene.
  • Lacalut White
  • Splat Professional
Gels Gels usually contain carbamide peroxide, a substance that breaks down the pigment in tooth dentin. Gels sold in pharmacies are inferior in effectiveness to professional ones. The percentage of the active component in them is lower and without special equipment the result will not be so obvious.

But they do not require special equipment and are safe to use, so they are popular at home.

  • Rocs Pro whitening gel
  • Global White whitening gel pencil for 3 tones 5 ml.
Mouthguards Mouthguards are not independent means for whitening; they enhance the effectiveness of gels. The whitening solution is applied to the teeth, and then the mouth guard is worn for several hours or overnight. In pharmacies you can also find kits that include LED lamps. Their task is to activate the gel and speed up the procedure.

When consulting, you need to pay attention to the size of the mouthguard. There are two types sold in pharmacies: standard or thermoplastic. The latest model, after heating under hot water, takes the shape of a human jaw and is considered more effective.

  • Blanx Oxygen Power O3
Pencils This is a whitening gel in a form that is more convenient to use. The active substance, as a rule, is the same carbamide peroxide.
  • Blanx White Shock Pen Gel
  • Global White Pen Gel
Stripes They are impregnated with a whitening composition based on carbamide peroxide and glued to the teeth overnight or for several hours. A convenient and inexpensive method that has gained great popularity. Their essence is the same as that of mouthguards - to increase the efficiency and uninterrupted supply of active components to the tooth tissues.
  • Global White
  • Blanx
Pills They clean dentures. According to the instructions, dissolve the tablet in water and immerse the prosthesis in the prepared solution. Main effects:
  • removal of plaque and food debris;
  • destruction of bacteria.

Due to this hygiene, dentures will not change color over time.

  • Corega Dental White.

Teeth whitening – natural beauty without harm

Trust your teeth whitening to professionals

All types and means of whitening are conventionally divided into professional and non-professional.
The latter includes home treatment of teeth using pastes, plates, pencils, universal trays - all this can be bought at the pharmacy. Most often, self-whitening only allows you to remove plaque and polish your teeth, but achieving even this effect takes a lot of time. Professional methods include photobleaching, which can only be done in a clinic. The procedure takes about an hour and gives maximum effect. We recommend that teeth whitening be performed only in a clinic under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

The German Implantology Center uses the latest generation equipment, in particular ZOOM 4, which is now the most advanced photo-whitening system.

Only experienced dentists who have extensive knowledge in the field of teeth whitening and know every nuance of the procedure work with ZOOM 4.

Indications and contraindications for teeth whitening

Indications for teeth whitening

are purely aesthetic in nature. If you are not satisfied with the darkening of your tooth enamel, visit the German Implant Center: the dentist will examine your gums, check the condition of your teeth and select the most effective and safe method of whitening.

What are contraindications to teeth whitening?

. The procedure is not carried out:

  • children under 16 years of age;
  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • cancer patients;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the whitening gel;
  • significant chips on the teeth;
  • while taking medications that increase tooth sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Before whitening, all patients must undergo professional oral hygiene.

Whitening agents only affect natural enamel; whitening is not carried out if there is a filling on the front teeth - its shade will not change, but the teeth will become lighter, this will be noticeable. If desired, you can replace the filling after the procedure, matching it to the color of the tooth enamel. Artificial teeth do not whiten; if the patient is to undergo prosthetics, we recommend that healthy teeth be whitened in advance, and then a crown be selected for them.

Teeth whitening at the German Implant Center

The teeth are treated with a two-component gel, which includes hydrogen peroxide (whitens teeth) and calcium phosphate (strengthens dental tissue). Ultraviolet radiation from the ZOOM 4 device is directed to the treated area and a chemical reaction begins. Under the influence of light, the gel breaks down into molecules, active oxygen is formed, which penetrates deeply into the tooth tissue and breaks down even strong stains.

Whitening takes an average of 45 minutes, including preparation - one hour and consists of several stages.

  • The dentist determines the shade of your teeth using the VITA scale and agrees on the desired result - how many shades you want to make your teeth lighter.
  • Prepares the oral cavity, protects gums, lips, eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Apply the gel to the upper and lower teeth in the smile area and install an ultraviolet lamp.
  • Within 15 - 20 minutes, the gel “works” under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The patient does not experience any discomfort; slight tingling is possible. If the achieved result is not enough, the procedure is repeated.
  • The doctor treats the teeth with a remineralizing gel, which has a restorative effect.

In one visit to the dentist you can whiten your teeth by 8 shades.

Benefits of whitening using the ZOOM 4 device

Fourth generation ZOOM devices have made whitening even more effective and safe. The ultraviolet temperature is reduced due to the use of an LED lamp, so burns during the procedure are excluded. The volume of hydrogen peroxide in the gel was reduced from 30 to 25%, this made it possible to maintain the effectiveness of the effect and make it more gentle. Discomfort may occur only in a small number of patients with increased enamel sensitivity.

Useful materials for you:

Poor dental hygiene leads to risk of cardiovascular disease

Contraindications to teeth whitening

Which method do you recommend?

The choice will primarily depend on the problem with which the visitor came to the pharmacy. If yellowness is associated with food, bad habits or insufficient hygiene, a pharmaceutical specialist may advise changing the usual paste to a whitening one and additionally offering mouth guards, gels, pencils or strips for use once a week or a short course (the course depends on the type of product).

It is also worth warning that the effect of home whitening will always be less pronounced than that of professional whitening. This will help eliminate objections in the future and prevent the formation of inflated expectations from the procedure. It is better to recommend products from the same series and line, since they usually complement each other and are compatible in composition.

When consulting, it is imperative to clarify whether the patient has caries, whether teeth have been restored or dentures have been installed. If you have cavities or black staining, it is important to recommend seeking help from a dentist. It is also necessary to refer the patient to a doctor if there is a suspicion of diseases of the internal organs, for example, liver diseases, diabetes, oncology, etc. You can assume this problem in a person by asking questions. If previously the color of the teeth was one, but then changed and other symptoms are observed: pain in a certain area, itching of the skin, excessive urination or sweating, etc., in this case it is definitely recommended to refer the patient to a doctor.

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