How can you kiss with braces on your teeth - openly about the secret

Who doesn’t dream of a Hollywood smile, especially for teenagers and young girls. But for many, the dream remains a dream, and the reason for this is the fear that the device installed in the mouth will ruin the quality of life for a long time, for example, by taking away the opportunity to kiss.

It may take several years to correct a bite. Therefore, for young people, the burning question is: is it possible to kiss if you have braces installed in your mouth? Do they really interfere with this? Will they ruin their personal life because of this? Below are answers to many questions about orthodontic appliances on teeth and kisses.

Where is the truth, where is the myth?

Experts in this branch of dentistry, arguing over years of successful practice, convince young patients that modern braces do not spoil their personal lives at all and do not interfere with kissing. Contrary to the popular stereotype:

  • Designs fixed to the teeth do not change the sensitivity of the lips and tongue
  • The partner and his own teeth in the mouth, as well as the mucous membrane, cannot be injured during the kiss, because the braces fit tightly to the surface of the teeth
  • There is no risk, even with a passionate kiss, of breaking or moving the structure

Many people are afraid that their braces will get too stuck together if both of them are wearing them in a pair. But this is only possible in comedies, for the amusement of the public, for a strong visual effect. To this, orthodontists respond that teeth are not involved in a kiss, which means they cannot interfere. And the structural elements have a rounded shape for safety; they simply have nothing to catch on each other.

If a couple of lovers simultaneously decided to correct their bite and acquire dazzling smiles, then together, supporting each other, it will be morally much easier to do this than alone.

Modern braces look like jewelry. or almost invisible at all

They come in sapphire, gold, transparent, and those that are installed on the back of the teeth. Therefore, you shouldn’t refuse them for fear of not getting a kiss.

Guys' opinions about girls' braces

Girls are especially worried about installing such structures. They think about how to wear them, how they will look to the opposite sex, how to kiss with braces. Girls should know that men, as a rule, have a positive attitude towards the fact that a woman takes care of herself and does everything possible to decorate her appearance or adjust it for the desired result. Therefore, braces are not a problem for them. In addition, men do not think that braces interfere with kissing. They have a completely opposite opinion. This design does not frighten them at all.

In addition, there is such a nuance: if braces are installed on the upper jaw, then the lips are raised, so visually they appear larger. This is very exciting for the opposite sex. Recently, some girls and women specifically give themselves injections in order to enlarge their lips. You don't have to do this procedure if you wear braces. Since the lips will lift without any injections and will visually look larger.


Typically, an inferiority complex due to the installation of braces develops in adolescents. But even adults are often embarrassed to kiss when they are in the mouth. Doctors believe that the cause is not the design features in the mouth, but invented fears, fear of rejection by a partner. After all, the mirror reflects pieces of wire on the teeth that spoil the appearance, which cannot be hidden, they are in the most visible place.

Even smiling properly is a shame, and the fear of losing attractiveness overshadows all reason. The fear of losing a partner, worsening his attitude towards himself, or losing sexuality makes behavior insecure.

But if, because one person is wearing braces, the other half loses interest or changes their good attitude, then can the tender feelings of such a person be considered real? Is this connection worth holding on to? Obviously it's not worth it.

During the first 14-15 days after the structure is attached to the teeth, there is a feeling of a foreign body in the mouth. It is during this period that most lovers begin to fear that braces will worsen the kiss or make it impossible. But doctors are encouraging that everything is done in such a way as not to in any way affect the patient’s quality of life.

However, teenagers often depend on the opinions of their surroundings and company, so they are embarrassed by having braces in their mouths, fearing ridicule from their peers, and avoid kissing for the same reason. Although the juvenile critics themselves have no idea about the features of orthodontic structures. Adults take this easier, and they receive much less ridicule.

Bottom line

There are no contradictions between braces and kisses, this is confirmed by numerous reviews. The main thing is to follow medical recommendations in this delicate matter, approach it with concern for your partner, and be creative.




In order to overcome all the complexes that have appeared, you need to believe for yourself that wearing braces does not affect your appearance, but helps your smile become much more beautiful over time. Therefore, you shouldn’t change your lifestyle because of them, you need to be patient a little.

It must be remembered that the purpose of wearing braces is a beautiful smile, and braces themselves, although a long-term phenomenon, are temporary

Not everyone can do this; many still lose a lot of self-confidence during the period of wearing such structures on their teeth.

But there are some useful tips for this period:

  • Any, even the most comfortable, well-fitted orthodontic structure in the mouth at first still interferes and feels like a foreign body;
  • During the adaptation period, the patient simply gets used to it, learns to eat, take care of the oral cavity, and speak normally with the construction on the teeth;
  • During the adaptation period, it is really worth refraining from kissing, so as not to spoil the pleasure, first of all, for the owner of braces due to the pain that occurs;
  • The second partner must understand the problems of his partner and be patient.

No one forbids kissing with a bite correction system installed, even from the very first day, if it does not cause pain or discomfort. But most often you have to postpone such pleasant moments until you completely get used to braces.

Practical advice

Orthodontists advise first of all not to rush. At first, the owner of the structure for correcting the bite experiences pain due to the significant pressure of its elements, such as staples. After all, this is the beginning of correcting dental deficiencies. These sensations of stiffness in the mouth can ruin any romance and kill attraction for a while. You just need to go through the entire adaptation period, it doesn’t take much time, about 14 days. But then the structure is practically not felt in the mouth, without spoiling the sensitivity of the oral cavity.

If he and she love each other, braces are not a hindrance

Some couples who have overcome these difficulties say that in the future, braces even add new sensations to kissing; you can experiment with new variations and techniques.

You just need to periodically ask your partner about the sensations, so as not to spoil the impression with something unpleasant during the fusion of lips. This will bring variety to your personal life, because experimentation always adds spice and sensuality to intimate relationships.

More careful oral hygiene will definitely be required. To avoid bad breath, you need to thoroughly and thoroughly brush your teeth and teeth at least three times a day. After installing the structure, the orthodontist always explains in detail how to do it correctly.

Before a date, you should check your braces in a mirror to make sure there are no pieces of food stuck in them. For more thorough cleaning of a non-removable structure, it is better to purchase special devices such as brushes or irrigators, special toothbrushes. To freshen your breath, you can use a mouthwash, balm, or menthol lozenge. But the most effective procedure is to thoroughly clean your teeth and braces after every meal, even during your lunch break at work. After all, bad breath interferes not only with kissing, but also with any type of communication.

By listening to the recommendations of experts and those who have already passed the quality of personal life test with braces, you can avoid the unpleasant moments associated with kissing at this time. In the video presented, teenagers talk about their first impressions of kissing with braces in their mouths.

First kisses

After a period of adjustment, a gentle kiss can turn into a passionate one.

You should start with kisses that involve only your lips. This will save the couple from incidents and unpleasant impressions and rejection. A person with braces needs to get used to the situation, understand how to kiss, as if learning all over again. Therefore, at first, passion should be replaced with tenderness and not rush.

Especially important! From the very beginning, do not increase the pressure with your lips too much, so as not to cause unpleasant moments due to the feeling of the metal of the braces.

In such slow, very gentle movements of the lips, you both will find new, never experienced pleasure. After all, love usually makes you hurry.

How to kiss with braces

Do braces interfere with kissing? According to experts, this is not true; kissing with a structure is the same as without it. There are a number of special recommendations:

Be careful when kissing for the first time after installing the system; Light movements of the lips, similar to a soft touch; Avoid deep kisses for the first time.

The patient and partner may worry about the integrity of the structure and the likelihood of injury, but they will soon get used to it and the problem will resolve on its own. The materials from which the products are made also do not affect the ability to kiss. Outwardly invisible (lingual) braces are more comfortable physically and externally than visible (vestibular) braces, since the latter:

  1. They do not allow kissing too actively, because this increases the risk of wounds, and if both partners have the products, there is a chance that they (the staples) will catch on each other;
  2. In the first week, socks cause discomfort and pain; it will be difficult to speak and eat. Kissing will have to be postponed until the end of the period of getting used to the braces.

Orthodontic treatment is important for creating a perfect smile, but braces are not permanent. They can diversify personal life, and make some people more attractive and original, emphasizing their individuality

Soon you and your partner will get used to the products, and after taking them off you will remember unforgettable kisses.


But if you still want a passionate kiss, then you should change the technique. The owner of the design must open his mouth wider during it, so that accidentally, from an excess of strong feelings, he does not injure his partner’s tongue. But at first you shouldn’t rush; you’ll have to add passion to the kiss more slowly than usual. French kissing should also be mastered gradually when braces are installed, so that your tongue does not touch the metal again.

The main thing during a kiss is not to develop complexes, not to worry, but to adapt to new circumstances. Gradually it will become clear how exactly you need to kiss so that nothing gets stuck and you can’t get hurt or injure your partner. Over time, you can even invent your own, individual kissing technique if you have braces. And this will make it even more pleasant for the couple to communicate, because this will be their intimate discovery or a small test of feelings.

About food

It is not recommended to eat hard, difficult-to-chew foods before or during a date.

Before and during a date (for example, at the cinema), those with braces are advised to refrain from crunchy foods, popcorn, nuts, and foods that are difficult to chew. The remains of such food will get stuck in the structural elements and will have to be removed at home. You can eat something that is easy to chew or dissolve in your mouth, such as chocolate. Onions and garlic before the start of a date should be canceled by everyone who wants it not to be the last, and not only because of the presence of braces.

Hygiene issue

Daily thorough oral care is also very important: high-quality brushing of teeth in the morning after breakfast and every meal during the day, and in the evening before bed.

Braces make cleaning more difficult, so additional methods are required. These include:

  1. A brush with a large number of medium-hard bristles.
  2. Mono-tuft brush for cleaning the spaces under the arch and around the locks.
  3. Interdental brushes.
  4. Dental floss with thickening (superfloss) - for cleaning the side (contact) surfaces.
  5. An irrigator is a device that cleans all hard-to-reach parts with the pressure of a water jet, simultaneously having a stimulating effect on the gums.
  6. Paste with enamel-strengthening components - calcium, fluorine, phosphates.
  7. Mouthwash can additionally be used to freshen breath.

After each meal, it is necessary to clean your teeth and braces from food debris with a brush and floss. Maintaining good oral hygiene shows respect for your partner and also helps prevent the development of tooth decay.

This happens because food debris in the form of plaque settles around the structures. During this period, microbes secrete acid, which washes away minerals from the enamel, marking the beginning of the development of caries in the white spot stage. It can be reduced by using various remineralizing agents, but it is not always possible to return the original color without radical measures

Therefore, the importance of proper maintenance while wearing braces cannot be underestimated.

In addition to home dental care, every three months it is necessary to have professional cleaning, polishing and strengthening by a specialist.

After installing the braces system, the specialist must tell the patient about the system of additional dental care, as well as the need for hygiene and a special diet. Some food can damage your braces and also get stuck in the braces.

It is important to remember this when preparing for a romantic meeting with a partner. When answering the question whether it is possible to kiss with braces positively, a person must realize that a lot depends on himself. Before a date, you should brush your teeth again and use a mirror to inspect the system to see if there are any pieces of food stuck in it.

If you don’t have time to brush your teeth, just use a mouthwash

Before a date, you should brush your teeth again and use a mirror to inspect the system to see if there are any pieces of food stuck in it. If you don’t have time to brush your teeth, just use a mouthwash.

To avoid awkward situations on a date, you should thoroughly brush your teeth before the meeting, and periodically leave during dinner to inspect your oral cavity to make sure there are no pieces of food stuck in the braces. If you don’t have the opportunity to use toothpaste and a brush before a romantic meeting, just rinse your mouth thoroughly with water and look in the mirror to make sure that nothing has stuck to your braces.

Jokes aside

Important! People who have braces installed at first experience certain difficulties associated with adaptation. If they (especially teenagers) are ridiculed during such a period, and even from a partner, then some simply remove the structure without going halfway to a correct bite and a dazzling smile. This is unreasonable, but from a psychological point of view it is understandable. After all, during such a period they experience severe stress, uncertainty, and discomfort.

In this case, the partner or partner must provide moral support to their half, and jokes on this topic can only be made if both have such a structure in their mouths.

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