The effectiveness of treating orthodontic pathologies with In-Ovation braces

Thanks to the achievements of modern dentistry, having a perfect smile has become quite simple.

A variety of orthodontic products make it possible to achieve excellent results in a few months.

At this stage of innovation development, In-Ovation braces from the world famous company DENTSPLY have gained popularity.

Orthodontic systems come in several varieties and are designed to correct malocclusions and reconstruct crooked teeth.

About the brand

DENTSPLY has been supplying the dental field with high-tech products for over a century.

Over such a long period of development, the corporation has achieved great success and has become the largest manufacturer of dental products in the world. The company's products are successfully sold in more than 110 countries.

The DENTSPLY brand has reached the pinnacle of leadership in the introduction of innovative products in the field of dentistry. For the successful development of the corporation, the following directions have been chosen:

  • selection and implementation of new solutions in the field of dentistry;
  • improving product characteristics;
  • introduction of innovative products and tools.

Thanks to more than a century of development, the company has gained a good image, which has allowed it to gain the trust of thousands of specialists around the world.

history of the company

The world-famous American-German company Dentsply Sirona (GAC) is the result of the merger in 2016 of 2 oldest companies founded in the nineteenth century - the American Dentsply International and the German Sirona Dental Systems (GAC).

Dentsply GAC specializes in the production of dental products - orthodontic and implantation systems and components, instruments, X-ray, hygienic and dental equipment, and restoration materials.

The number of Dentsply Sirona employees working in 40 countries reaches 16 thousand. The company has representative offices in 120 countries. Its developments are used by 600,000 dentists with 6 million patients.

Differences from systems from other manufacturers

All modifications of In- Ovation braces are similar to each other both in appearance and design features.

DENTSPLY systems include two main elements:

  • braces;
  • arcs.

Parts of the structure are made of various materials.

The first element is braces in the form of miniature brackets, which are fixed on the surface of the bony organ of the oral cavity and play a formative role, and also serve as a holder for the arches.

The arc in the product is designed to apply pressure to the teeth that need to be moved. This effect is achieved thanks to a special alloy that is used in the manufacture of the structure. The material has the effect of returning to its original shape when heated. This phenomenon is often called the shape memory effect.

In- braces and identical designs from other manufacturers is the absence of additional fastening parts for the arch, due to the unique design of the fixing elements themselves.

Each mount is equipped with a special mechanical clip that snaps into place when compressed.

Due to this design feature, these products are referred to as self-regulating or ligature-free. These qualities make it possible to adjust the stages of treatment, and miniature inserts in the base prevent the structure from being installed incorrectly.

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System Features Innovation

  • self-ligating systems: all models presented in the In-Ovation series assume independent regulation of the tension force of the arc for the natural movement of teeth in a row,
  • unique base: the multi-level mesh structure of the base greatly simplifies the fixation of staples. The plates follow the anatomical shape of the teeth and are in maximum contact with their surface,
  • combination of different ligation options: each bracket is equipped with a metal groove with a special lock and hooks. This design makes it possible to switch from self-ligating to ligature mode without any problems,
  • high aesthetics of ceramic models: increased strength of the plates is achieved by treating them with silicon dioxide. Modern ceramics make it possible to select the shade of the material as accurately as possible so that the braces remain almost invisible on the teeth,
  • rare visits to the orthodontist: the absence of ligatures in the system eliminates the need to constantly adjust the tension force of the arch. On average, you will have to visit a specialist’s office once every two to three months.


The main advantage of braces from the well-known manufacturer DENTSPLY is the fact that their installation does not require the removal of healthy teeth.

Innovative manufacturing technology makes it possible to correct very complex malocclusions and other curvatures of bony organs in the oral cavity.

10 reasons why you should choose In-Ovation:

  1. The design features of braces control the vibrations of each individual dental unit.
  2. During the installation process, the oral tissues are not injured.
  3. The design is thin, which allows it to be almost invisible.
  4. Caring for braces is not difficult.
  5. The special internal mechanism for holding the arcs does not require additional fixing parts in the form of rubber bands or metal wire fasteners.
  6. There are no ligatures in the braces, which makes them easier to clean and daily oral care.
  7. An interacting latch with additional functions holds the arch in the groove and allows the patient to avoid visiting the dentist for a long period of time for a control examination of the stages of treatment.
  8. The product is manufactured with high precision.
  9. Braces are resistant to acids and various temperatures.
  10. The materials used in the manufacture of In-Ovation systems are environmentally friendly.

The features of In-Ovation bracket systems are shown in more detail in the video.

How much does it cost to get braces on your teeth?

The cost of metal dental braces at the ViDentis clinic is from 46,000 rubles, ceramic braces - from 72,000 rubles. The turnkey price will include diagnostics with the necessary x-rays, impressions and calculations - 6,000 rubles, a monthly visit to the doctor - from 5,000 to 8,000 (depending on the complexity and duration of treatment).

We enter into an agreement with all patients, where we specify the terms and cost, so that you can be confident in the result and the price will not change, because the treatment is not quick.

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In what cases is installation possible?

In-Ovation braces successfully correct malocclusions in patients of all ages.
If we talk about orthodontic problems, the designs are suitable for the following cases:

  1. The pathological process of teeth erupting outside the dental arch with a turn and overlapping each other.
  2. Visible interdental space (gap) separating the central incisors of the dentition.
  3. Anomalies in the relationship of the dental arches.
  4. Rotation of teeth around their axis (rotation).
  5. Correction of the consequences of periodontal tissue diseases.

Need for correction

Every experienced specialist in the field of dentistry will, without hesitation, make an unequivocal conclusion that bite restoration and correction of dental defects is a necessary and important procedure.

If we delve deeper into the medical point of view, an abnormal bite can lead to irreversible consequences:

  • disturbances in the process of chewing food;
  • pathologies of the temporomandibular joints;
  • systemic damage to periodontal tissue;
  • chronic headache;
  • clicking of the jaws when talking and while eating.

Crooked teeth can lead not only to problems in the oral cavity, but also to disrupt the psychological state. An incorrect bite develops complexes that cannot remain without consequences.

Any person wants to be attractive and not experience discomfort in all life situations. A perfectly straight dentition and a snow-white smile are an important and, perhaps, the main detail in the beauty of a person’s face, which means that the health of the oral cavity and teeth requires careful care.

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The In-Ovation braces system has several types, which allows you to select a product based on the characteristics of a particular case and maximally satisfy the patient’s wishes.

Vestibular metal systems

In the manufacture of In-Ovation R braces, specialists use a high-quality alloy that contains stainless steel.

The material is abrasion resistant and has high strength characteristics. The surface is matte, which eliminates the appearance of chiaroscuro in bright lighting. All these qualities significantly improve the aesthetic appearance of the structure.

The flexibility of the metal allows you to give the product the desired shape and create braces with the most innovative design features, even in the smallest sizes.

The In-Ovation R view has the following features:

  1. All elements of the device are made with extreme precision.
  2. The base of the product has special notches that make it possible to achieve a tight connection between the metal material and tooth enamel.
  3. The walls on the mounting slots are beveled at an angle, which makes it easy to install the arches.
  4. The pressing load is increased due to a special interactive latch.
  5. The rounded shape of the spring contours significantly reduces discomfort during wear.
  6. All fastening parts of the device are laser marked, which greatly simplifies the installation process and allows you to quickly find the right element.

The shape of the arc is determined using computer technology. The program executes a sequence of instructions that determine the formation process.

In- Ovation devices can easily cope with restoration tasks so that frequent visits to a specialist are not required, which cannot be said about similar products from other brands.

Vestibular ceramic systems

In-Ovation C braces are considered a unique self-adjusting ceramic system. If a patient needs effective and high-quality dental correction with distinctive aesthetics and an inconspicuous design, In-Ovation C devices are the best choice.

During manufacturing, the ceramics undergo hot processing, after which the bracket is cast. This method allows the finished product not to react to temperature changes. Using translucent ceramics, the shade that best matches the color of tooth enamel is selected.

All braces are coated with a layer of zirconium dioxide, so the ceramic does not wear out and retains its original color. Steel arcs are painted with a polymer coating, which increases resistance to external influences.

In-Ovation C braces are distinguished by the following qualities:

  • affordable price;
  • smooth and sliding surface that does not cause allergic reactions and increased susceptibility of the mucous membrane;
  • the ability to choose the shade of the product as close as possible to the natural color of the enamel;
  • the edges of the clamps do not have protruding parts, which makes them practically invisible;
  • ease of hygienic care;
  • increased efficiency in eliminating defects.

Braces from the In- Ovation C system are considered the best products in correcting malocclusion and are many times more effective than their steel counterparts.

Lingual systems

In-Ovation L braces are to be installed on the lingual part of the dentition. That is why this system is most popular among patients who do not want to disclose the fact of having braces installed.

In addition, the internal fastening of the system is the only chance to secretly correct dental defects, especially if the type of activity requires you to clearly and distinctly communicate with others and have an impeccable appearance.

The lingual system includes many small locks that are fixed both on springs and on the inside of the dentition. Springs exert increased pressure on each individual dental unit in the direction required for correction.

Since there is virtually no working space in the lingual area, the profile of the In-Ovation L system is reduced to a minimum. The alloy is characterized by increased strength and durability due to the gold included in its composition.

The advantages of In-Ovation L braces include:

  1. All locks fit any dental defect, which guarantees proper fixation.
  2. All elements of the system are made of hypoallergenic materials.
  3. The products have a flat and smooth surface.
  4. The compactness and adaptability of the finished product allows for installation in such a way that diction and the process of chewing food will not be impaired.
  5. This system is capable of correcting complex dental anomalies that other identical products cannot cope with.

Despite a number of positive qualities, the system has one negative point - very high cost.

However, it can be justified by the use of high-tech equipment of increased precision in the manufacture, which guarantees excellent results.

How long does treatment last?

The duration of treatment directly depends on the model of the brace system. Thus, metal solutions successfully cope with their task within six months to a year. Ceramic models, in turn, are unlikely to be able to correct existing defects in less than a year. Typically, self-ligating constructs can significantly speed up treatment. However, do not forget that after removing the corrective device, there is a retention period, which is extremely important to ensure that the achieved effect is consolidated.


The installation steps for any of the listed systems are almost the same. The installation process takes approximately 2 hours and will depend on the complexity of the pathology.

The installation is divided into several stages, which in some cases may have minor differences, but are generally based on the main work:

  1. Expert advice on your treatment plan . The doctor examines the oral cavity and determines the usefulness of braces in correcting a particular defect.
  2. Diagnostics. A thorough examination of the complex functional system of teeth and jaws is prescribed. A circular X-ray of the dental units is required.
  3. Preparatory manipulations . Complex procedures for the improvement of soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity.
  4. Discussion with the patient of further stages of treatment.
  5. Taking impressions of both the lower and upper jaws for the plaster fitting model.
  6. Proper fastening of braces on a fitting plaster version by a dental technician.
  7. Installation of a braces system by removing them from the model and moving them into the oral cavity using special tools.
  8. Changing arches during treatment within the time limit set by the dentist.
  9. Removal of the system and fixation of a structurally removable retention device.


The cost of self-ligating brace systems made in the USA depends on the material from which they are made:

  • the price of a metal structure for 1 jaw is from 40 thousand rubles;
  • from ceramics - from 45 thousand rubles.

If we are talking about a turnkey installation, then the price is influenced by the degree of complexity of the pathology, and, consequently, the duration and complexity of the treatment. The price also includes:

  • preliminary preparation of the oral cavity - sanitation, filling, tooth extraction, treatment of the inflammatory process;
  • installation, activation and removal of systems;
  • every doctor visit.

The price range for the installation of turnkey systems in Moscow varies from 30 to 70 thousand rubles, in clinics in St. Petersburg from 17 – 20 to 60 thousand rubles. Their size is also affected by the rating of the clinic and its distance from the center of the capital. There are discount systems, various promotions for free consultations, examinations, installations, and payment in installments is possible.

Timing and effectiveness

Orthodontic treatment with In-Ovation braces lasts from 18 to 24 months.

You can determine the approximate period if you have accurate information about the pathologies and individual characteristics of a particular case. The complexity of the situation and the severity of pathological changes will determine the period of treatment, which does not depend on the type of system.

All presented systems have many advantages and show excellent results in the correction of defects and malocclusions even in old age. The design features and material of In-Ovation braces allow the doctor to install them without much difficulty and provide the patient with special comfort and aesthetics.

Innovative self-ligating braces enable the orthodontist to exercise full control over the stages of treatment, quickly identify and resolve problem areas, and predict the outcome.

Watch the video about the treatment process with one of the types of braces from the In Ovation system.

Lingual braces Incognito –

These are the very first and most famous lingual braces. The Incognito bracket system is ligature, i.e. Elastic bands are still used to secure the wire to the braces. However, making these braces is very different from making any other braces. For example, if all other braces are standard and are taken by orthodontists from special ready-made kits, here each brace is made individually based on impressions of your teeth.

Incognito braces are manufactured using CAD/CAM technology (three-dimensional milling on a computer-controlled machine). To make this possible, three-dimensional impressions of the patient’s dentition are first taken using a special intraoral scanner. Then a computer program, based on three-dimensional casts, individually models each bracket (that is, for each tooth separately). Next, the braces are milled on a computer-controlled machine.

Incognito braces (Germany) –

Thus, the production of Incognito braces occurs with virtually no human intervention. Moreover, in the production of metal arches for braces, robotic wire bending is also used, which eliminates the human factor and medical errors. In addition, the braces themselves are made from a special biocompatible gold alloy.

Key properties of Incognito braces –

  • making braces will take approximately 2-3 months,
  • treatment will take on average 1.5-2 years,
  • high efficiency,
  • possible if you are allergic to nickel,
  • can be placed when the clinical height of tooth crowns is low.

Important: an interesting detail is that making Incognito braces is too complicated and cannot be done in Russia. That is why your three-dimensional impressions will be sent to Germany to the manufacturer of this braces system (in), and after 1-2 months the courier will deliver individually made braces to the clinic, and then you will be invited to install them.

Reviews for Incognito braces:

Problems in case of need for repairs - the fact that they are made in Germany according to your individual casts - means that in the event of any minor breakdown, you will need to send the casts back to Germany, and wait about 2 months for the restored parts to arrive. In addition, the cost of repairs will be very high, and you will have to pay for the repairs out of your own pocket. The latter is completely normal, because... the design of lingual braces is itself quite vulnerable to breakage (i.e. breakage does not depend on the work of the doctor).

All this means that the treatment period will increase to six months, and a break in treatment will not be beneficial. Therefore, if you are going to install individually made braces of the Incognito type - your orthodontist will not be able to do it in case of a breakdown - simply take a new bracket out of the box and replace the broken one with it. There have been cases when orthodontists, having installed Incognito braces, in the event of a breakdown, then simply refused to treat the patient, leaving him to his fate. Therefore, you should not install these expensive braces “just anywhere.”

Important: if you have chosen this type of braces, be sure to ask for your copy of the contract, which will clearly state the clinic’s obligations and guarantees, as well as the repair time frame (in the event of a brace system failure).

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