Is it possible to open the locks on braces at home?

The question of how to open a brace yourself worries many patients who are undergoing orthodontic treatment. Before opening the brace lock, you need to understand that only a professional orthodontist can do this correctly and as safely as possible. It is advisable to perform these manipulations in cases where there is a need to replace the arc or correct a problem that has arisen. Doctors do not recommend opening the lock at home. Quite often, when patients try to open the lock on their own at home using improvised objects, this leads to breakdown of the structure. In today's article we will talk about how to open a brace as carefully and safely as possible without the help of a doctor.

How to open the lock on braces

Before opening the lock on the braces, the patient must know what type of structure is installed on the dentition. You can unfasten the lock of ligature systems using special tools. All designs of various models are equipped with keys, which every orthodontist has. Dentists sometimes use a float or ligature pliers to open the appliance. At home, you can unfasten the lock using these same tools, if you have them at home.

How to open a brace at home? You need to act as carefully and accurately as possible. Otherwise, you can damage both the teeth and the device element. You don’t have to put in much effort at home if you need to unfasten a Daimon-type structure. The plates are equipped with clips, the fixation of which differs depending on the specific model. A separate key is provided for each. It must be installed in the hole and rotated 45 or 90 degrees. After such actions, you can remove or replace the wire that is necessary for correction.

Patients often wonder: how to open a brace? This can be done even at home, provided that you have a special key at hand. Before opening a brace at home using improvised means, you should think about whether you need to do this? After all, even a toothpick can seriously damage structural elements or teeth. If the brace was damaged during an unsuccessful attempt to open it, you should contact an orthodontist as soon as possible. A professional doctor knows how to open the braces correctly and safely. Therefore, if such a need arises, it is better to entrust the task to an orthodontist.

Why is it dangerous to remove braces early?

Early removal of braces is possible, but only for medical reasons. Dismantling is carried out in the following cases:

  • incorrect installation of the system;
  • allergic reaction caused by braces;
  • lack of result and the need for surgery;
  • achieving an intermediate result that suits the patient.

The teeth change their position immediately after the installation of the structure, so at the very beginning of treatment the patient may feel discomfort or even pain in the oral cavity. Adaptation lasts 5-15 days, so you need to be patient and not try to influence the staples, move them to the side or pick the locks with various objects. If the mechanism is damaged, it will have to be reinstalled.

In addition, removing braces early is dangerous to your health. Incomplete treatment can lead to:

  • dysfunction of the mandibular joint;
  • pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • destruction of individual dental units.

The orthodontist may temporarily stop treatment and remove braces to eliminate a sudden problem, such as caries or gingivitis. After this, the staples are installed again.

The lock has opened: what to do?

We figured out how to open a brace at home. It is enough to have a key and carefully open the lock. But what should you do if the lock accidentally opened on its own? In this situation, it would be advisable to visit a dental clinic. But many people manage to latch the structure on their own. You need to carefully monitor the position of the arc and make sure that it remains inside the mount. To close the clip on the dental unit, you need to apply force and press it on both sides. When it comes to self-regulating systems, many of them are secured with a special latch. If a person has no idea how to open a brace at home, even if they have a key, it is better not to risk it and make an appointment with an orthodontist.

When are braces removed?

Braces are removed after the planned result is achieved, and the likelihood of relapse is minimal. How long the structures will have to be worn depends on the following factors:

  • The complexity of the pathology. It is possible to change the position of several units in 6-12 months, but multiple anomalies have to be corrected within 1-3 years.
  • Age. In childhood, the tissues are more pliable, and the teeth quickly take the position specified by braces. Adult patients need to prepare for longer treatment.
  • Type of orthodontic braces. Metal and sapphire braces cope more effectively with malocclusion pathologies, ceramic braces work a little slower, and you have to wear plastic products the longest.
  • Compliance with the rules of therapy. The patient needs to periodically visit the dentist to tighten the arch of the structure. It is also necessary to follow diet and hygiene rules. If a person does not follow the doctor’s recommendations, treatment becomes more complicated and delayed.
  • Target. It is not always necessary to wear braces until the bite is completely corrected. In some cases, it is enough to eliminate the aesthetic defect. If deviations do not cause inconvenience, and the smile has become beautiful, the doctor may suggest removing braces earlier than planned.

You won’t be able to determine that the treatment has come to an end and it’s time to remove braces on your own. You will need to undergo an examination and take pictures of your jaws. After this, the doctor prescribes a time for removal of the structure. Dismantling is carried out in one procedure.

The bracket has come off: what to do?

Another common problem is the unsticking of system elements. In such a situation, you should also seek help from a doctor. If such an opportunity is not expected in the near future, you can act at home. You can either attach the plate to the tooth using special wax, or carefully remove the lock. Please note: metal models are durable, so they are much easier to glue than ceramic structures. Ceramics are quite fragile and can break during DIY repairs. If an element breaks, you will have to buy an orthodontic device again, which will be expensive. Peeling off often provokes non-compliance with the rules of wearing the system. To avoid problems with the structure during orthodontic treatment, you need to follow the rules and remember the limitations.

Can braces be removed by another orthodontist?

Any orthodontist can dismantle an orthodontic structure, but it is better to have this procedure done by the doctor who installed the braces. Firstly, he knows exactly all the nuances of the treatment process, and secondly, the cost of treatment, as a rule, includes the removal of the structure. Another clinic will have to pay for examination and dismantling of the system. You will also need to pay separately for fitting retainers. In any case, when going to another dentist, take your medical record, which describes the pathology and all stages of treatment.

Medical indications and contraindications for installation

Orthodontists usually recommend using braces in cases where the patient has:

  • pronounced deformation of the dentition;
  • crowded teeth or large distances between them;
  • presence of teeth extending beyond the row;
  • slowing down or stopping the teething process;
  • disproportionate development of the jaws;
  • anomaly of the dental system;
  • indications for implantation or prosthetics.

Among the contraindications, there are several reasons why a doctor may recommend refraining from installation:

  • the presence of serious diseases that have a negative impact on the general condition of the body;
  • serious disruptions in the functioning of the immune and circulatory systems;
  • individual manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • lack of oral hygiene;
  • diagnosing diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis and oncological processes;
  • the presence of certain mental disorders that represent an obstacle to quality orthodontic treatment;
  • functional abnormalities in the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • inflammatory processes of an acute and chronic nature (periodontitis, gingivitis);
  • diseases with violation of the integrity of bone tissue (osteolysis, rickets, osteoporosis);
  • absence of a large number of units in a row.

Disadvantages of non-ligature products

With such a variety of advantages, it is very difficult to find weak points in Damon braces. However, among them we can highlight factors such as:

  • Price. Installing a self-ligating system of this level requires the presence of certain skills and experience in this specific area. The high quality of products manufactured by Ormco also shows that the price of a custom design does not fall into the category of budget options. Of course, braces with ceramic elements will cost the consumer more than similar metal devices.
  • Visibility of individual elements. The mechanism is attached to the front of the teeth. Therefore, during a conversation or with a wide smile, an attentive interlocutor can see some parts of the structure.
  • Duration of wearing. As you know, the strength of ceramic and plastic products is lower than metal ones. In this regard, individual parts of the bracket system wear out faster and must be replaced.

Damon self-ligating braces are the best solution for those who want to quickly correct their bite

Damon braces (Damon) are one of the most popular lines of ligature-free brace systems, presented by the American company Ormco. The basic design was developed about 15 years ago by orthodontist Dwight Dimon. Today, this orthodontic system is available in several versions - patients are offered metal and combined models with ceramic plates, as well as transparent braces made of polycrystalline aluminum.

Important! Damon bracket systems are equipped with special locks with a special type of damper - SpinTek. This is a patented mechanism that holds the arc in the grooves of the plates, but does not prevent it from moving freely. As a result, the friction force remains at a minimum level, while the facial muscles are involved in the process of correcting the bite, and the treatment is more comfortable for the patient1.

Rules for caring for teeth with installed braces

Braces are protruding elements, so when eating food, food residues can easily be fixed on them. It is because of this that you need to brush your teeth after every meal, this way you can effectively eliminate any leftovers.

You need to brush your teeth with braces using an Ortho brush with bristles of different lengths that allow contact with both the braces and the tooth surface. It is necessary to carry out sweeping movements along a row of teeth, starting from the farthest part of them to the center. In this case, it is necessary to apply the same amount of force to the brush as, for example, when using an eraser in order to remove a pencil inscription.

Also, in addition to the brush, you need to use a brush that penetrates well into the space between the surface of the tooth and the arch. In this case, movements must be made along the tooth surface, they cannot be carried out outward, in the direction from the tooth, if the brush is under the arch, otherwise, by pulling the arch, the bracket can be torn off from the tooth. You also need to use floss - dental floss, which will clean the interdental spaces, since food debris fibers can easily penetrate into the interdental spaces and cause caries.

You need to use dental floss at least once a day. If during the day it is not possible to brush your teeth after eating, you need to rinse your mouth well and remove any remaining food. If you use an electric toothbrush, don't change your habit. In this case, the working part of the brush should be located on 1 tooth, maximum attention should be paid to the cervical area (gum-tooth border).

A few words about prices

How much do Damon braces cost? The exact answer to this question will depend on a number of factors, including the choice of a specific system model and the pricing policy of the dental clinic. Installing metal braces on one jaw will cost approximately 35 thousand rubles. Fixing an aesthetic design will cost from 45 thousand rubles per row. Ormco products are quite expensive, but, on the other hand, they are distinguished by their impeccable quality, efficiency, comfort during treatment and many other significant advantages.

Distinctive characteristics of braces

To understand what Damon braces are, you need to understand the principle of operation of the self-ligating system. How does such a mechanism work? Each plate is equipped with a special lock that holds the arc, but at the same time allows it to move freely, thereby minimizing the friction force. In such designs there are no elastic ligatures, so the system independently determines the tension force of the arch, which is optimal for uniform correction of the position of the teeth in the row. To understand what such systems look like, take a look at the photo below.

Photo of a patient before and after treatment using the Damon system

The main distinctive characteristics of the models presented in the Damon line include the following features:

  • good aesthetics: the reduced size of the plates makes it possible to achieve fairly high aesthetics. In the case of Damon Clear models, the brackets completely adapt to the natural color of the enamel and become almost invisible on the teeth,

  • precise and uniform pressure: due to the fact that the systems are self-ligating, they provide a targeted effect on the teeth, promoting their gradual movement in the desired direction,
  • accelerated rates of treatment: according to the manufacturer, Damon braces can reduce treatment time by 20-25%,
  • no need for frequent visits to a specialist: the ligature-free design independently regulates the force of the arc pressure, so one visit to a specialist in a couple of months is enough. But closer to the end of treatment, the doctor can fix the ligatures in order to obtain the maximum effect. How many wires are changed in the system when switching it to manual ligation mode? The answer to this question directly depends on the specific clinical situation. In this case, it is necessary to visit a specialist every month.

“My teeth are naturally crooked, which has embarrassed me since childhood. But, as a teenager, I really didn’t want to walk around with iron teeth, and without them there were enough complexes. And only at the age of 23 did I finally mature. My orthodontist recommended the Damon system - regular iron braces, but without rubber bands. I spent a little over a year and a half with them. Now all my teeth are perfectly straight, which I am immensely happy about. As for the treatment process itself, there was pain and discomfort only in the first month. Then I completely got used to it, and in the end I stopped noticing them altogether.”

Irina, Ekaterinburg, review from

  • patented locking mechanism: each plate has a small lock with a snap-on lid, thanks to which the arc remains in the grooves,
  • precise placement of brackets on the teeth: the special base of the plates allows them to adapt to the shape of the teeth, thereby avoiding the formation of gaps between the brackets and the enamel,
  • resistance to coloring pigments: braces retain their original color throughout the entire course of treatment,
  • ease of care: due to the fact that the system is devoid of ligatures, cleaning braces becomes easier and takes much less time.

Rules for using protection when wearing braces

Using protective plates is not particularly difficult at any age. The main recommendations of dentists are to install protection on a clean and dried surface of the gums and tooth enamel. By following the developed application technique, you can extend the service life and increase the efficiency of using silicone strips.

The algorithm for forming a protective system is as follows:

  • cleaning the oral cavity from food debris and removing plaque;
  • drying and disinfection of the gluing area;
  • collecting the required amount of material and heating it in your hands until soft;
  • uniform and dense distribution of the composition over the surface.

The standard packaging contains a sufficient number of silicone plates, allowing them to be used for a long time. Dentists advise regularly updating the protective layer - prolonged wear can cause the accumulation of pathogenic infections. The total duration of getting used to the brace system is limited to two to three weeks, after which the use of protection loses practical meaning.

By adhering to medical recommendations, using certified materials and regularly seeing a dentist, you can minimize the negative sensations and effects caused by the installation of a corrective braces system at first.

Using wax

Before the advent of high-quality silicone protection, dentists recommended that patients use wax pads for similar purposes. Practice has shown that wax, in comparison with silicone, has a number of disadvantages, including:

  • difficulty in removing the structure - wax particles can remain on the elements of the dentition;
  • Average quality of fastening - silicone fits more tightly and does not change its position during operation.

Medical studies have proven that silicone is more reliable and of higher quality. However, this conclusion does not exclude the possibility of using wax protection in cases where an alternative is not available.

Duration of treatment and frequency of dental visits

The exact answer to the question of how long you should use Damon braces actually depends on many factors. On average, it takes from one to three years to correct the dentition. The timing of treatment is influenced by age criteria, characteristics of bone tissue, the severity of pathological processes, anamnesis and the specific clinical situation. In adolescence, restoration of correct occlusion is faster due to the fact that the dental system is not yet fully formed. The movement of teeth under the influence of braces occurs more easily than in adult patients.

The schedule of visits to the dental clinic is compiled on an individual basis. During scheduled visits, the orthodontist evaluates the dynamics of treatment, the general condition of the patient and the appearance of the system. If necessary, he can carry out professional cleaning and sanitation of the oral cavity. After installing Damon braces, the frequency of inspections is once every one and a half to two months.

Please note that consolidating the final result may require additional time. After removing the brace system, the so-called retention period begins, during which retainers perform the function of a corrective device.

This design has a supportive therapeutic effect and prevents teeth from moving in the wrong direction. The duration of the rehabilitation stage is individual for each patient. In most cases, dentists recommend wearing retainers twice as long as braces.

Preparatory activities

Before fixing braces, it is necessary to prepare the oral cavity. For this purpose, rehabilitation is carried out. It is aimed at eliminating accumulations of plaque and stone. At the same time, existing dental diseases are treated. If any chronic pathologies are identified, they are transferred to the remission stage.

Before installing the device, be sure to treat:

  • caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • root cyst;
  • periostitis;
  • stomatitis.

If there are partially destroyed tooth crowns, they are restored in advance with composite material. If necessary, intracanal pinning and installation of artificial crowns are performed. Those units that cannot be treated are removed.

Particular attention is paid to professional oral hygiene. During this process, an ultrasonic scaler is used. This device works by performing oscillatory vibrations.

It seems to knock off hard deposits from the surface of the enamel , due to which the latter is completely cleaned and becomes absolutely smooth. This means that the upcoming fixation of braces will take place without complications. Also, after a hygiene procedure, the number of pathogens in the mouth decreases and reduces the risk of gum inflammation.

Why is this system so effective?

In the first phase of treatment, everything happens almost the same as with standard treatment with ligature braces:

  1. The patient gets rid of caries, tartar and plaque, and the oral cavity is prepared for installation of the system.
  2. The orthodontist uses a special compound to attach braces to each tooth.
  3. The orthodontist inserts an arch into the grooves of the braces and fixes it on each tooth using a Spin Tek latch.


The Spin Tek latch is a patented device and comes in many different versions.

First, the braces are connected with the softest and most flexible arch. At some point, it can no longer move the teeth any further, so it is replaced with a new, tighter wire base. In aligning the dentition, an important role is played by the facial muscles: in addition to the external influence from the arch, they provide a natural force that guarantees the durability of the result. The load on the teeth is distributed so that the periodontium is not injured.

Under pressure, the teeth begin to gradually shift to the positions where they are supposed to be. This occurs due to the fact that their holes stretch in the direction of movement. In parallel with this, bone tissue is formed on the opposite side of each hole. Overgrown, it does not allow the tooth to return to its original position. The advantage of Damon is that the pressure on each tooth occurs at the optimal, most precisely adjusted point. The teeth quickly reach the desired position and are firmly fixed in it.

What is orthodontic wax and how to use it?

Let's take a closer look at what orthodontic wax is and how to use it. The main thing is to stick it exactly on the area that causes friction. This can be done using a mirror, examining the mucous membrane and identifying problem areas. Then a small piece of orthodontic wax needs to be warmed in your hand, shaped into a ball and carefully glued onto the dried braces. You don't need to press it too hard. The wax should slightly increase the volume of the structure. Also make sure that the wax does not penetrate into the interdental spaces.

The wax pad should be removed before meals. Although orthodontic wax is completely safe, swallowing it is still not recommended. In order to close the problematic parts of the braces, you can also use beeswax and paraffin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Damon Clear devices have many advantages that set them apart from other models:

  • high comfort of treatment due to the unique shape of the product;
  • the absence of ligatures allows for correction with minimal impact on the teeth, which reduces pain during treatment;
  • this type of system requires fewer visits to the dentist to correct the arch and apparatus, which significantly saves money and time;
  • the time of the correction procedure is only 10 – 15 minutes;
  • the treatment period is 25% shorter than when using other systems;
  • high aesthetics of the system;
  • ease of care.

In addition, a significant advantage is the fact that the device can be installed in the presence of periodontal problems.

The disadvantage of this design is the cost, which is slightly, but still higher than similar systems.

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