How to clean your tonsils at home

Why do you need to rinse your tonsils?

Human tonsils (tonsils) have a special structure. They have deep slits (ducts) called lacunae. This is a place where different types of bacteria accumulate and where drainage is impaired. Food debris, dead epithelial cells and microorganisms that decompose organic matter contribute to the formation of plugs in the lacunae. Many people face a problem during upper respiratory tract diseases. The plugs are white or yellowish lumps. In this case, the tonsils become a source of infection. From them, toxins enter the body and damage internal organs.

When treatment is not started in a timely manner and the resulting lumps are not eliminated, the tonsils become inflamed and tonsillitis develops. If the disease becomes chronic, various complications are possible, in particular glomerulonephritis and rheumatism.

Features of the treatment of tonsillitis

Treatment of the disease must be timely and comprehensive. Washing the tonsils is one of the methods of conservative treatment of chronic tonsillitis with purulent discharge. This technique is used along with injections into the parenchyma and capsule of the tonsils, UV rays, x-ray therapy, etc.

Treatment should be carried out not only by an ENT doctor and therapist. Dental services may be needed. The best results in the treatment of ENT organs can be achieved if the teeth are simultaneously treated and careful individual oral hygiene is established. The fact is that carious cavities, soft plaque and tartar are a source of infection. No matter how hard you try to eliminate germs from the tonsils, new pathogens will migrate to them from the oral cavity.

Benefits of the procedure

There are two ways to rinse the tonsils: using a syringe or using the vacuum method using the Tonzillor apparatus. The ENT doctor decides how to rinse, based on the patient’s condition and his physiological characteristics.

The washing procedure has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • persistent therapeutic effect (if you rinse your throat in courses, you can achieve long-term remission, and the symptoms of tonsillitis will not remind you of themselves for a long time);
  • During the procedure, antiseptics and local antibacterial drugs are used, which act exclusively on the inflamed area, unlike conventional antibiotics taken orally;
  • no allergic reactions;
  • Children and pregnant women can wash their tonsils.

How often do rinses need to be done? For long-lasting results, otorhinolaryngologists recommend performing the procedure several times a year.

Friends! Timely and correct treatment will ensure you a speedy recovery!

Before washing your tonsils, you must stop eating at least an hour before visiting the doctor. After the session you need to abstain from food for a couple of hours.

Complex therapy for chronic tonsillitis usually includes ten rinsing sessions, which are carried out daily or every other day.

Contraindications to washing are: cancer, tuberculosis, acute infectious diseases, mental disorders, hypertension.

Regular rinsing allows you to avoid tonsillectomy (surgery to remove tonsils) and significantly increase the period of remission.

Clinical picture

The formation of plugs in the tonsils is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pungent and unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • cough;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • periodic sore throat;
  • dryness;
  • enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • increase in body temperature.

The patient may suffer from frequent sore throats and other throat diseases.

If the first unpleasant symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. Only after consulting a specialist can you self-treat your tonsils at home. The procedure is the same as in a clinical setting.

How to remove almond plugs?

Experienced patients know how to quickly treat the unpleasant symptom of low immunity. But what should people do when the disease appears for the first time? We repeat once again - do not put off going to the doctor. And before that, we will inform you what possible procedures you will have to endure.

The specialist will conduct an examination and listen to all the patient’s complaints. Since the deviation is easy to diagnose, he will immediately prescribe procedures and medications to treat sulfur stones. One of the possible procedures for removing almond plugs is washing. It helps remove all food debris, formations and soothes inflamed tonsils.

If your tonsils are clogged, how will the cleansing process go?

  1. The doctor uses a special, disposable syringe for rinsing. He selects the appropriate attachment based on the size of the patient's mouth.
  2. A medical solution is drawn into the syringe. For example: furatsilin, propolis, potassium liquid, miramistin. They have an antiseptic property, which not only cleanses the tonsils of plugs, but also removes the inflammatory and bacterial effect.
  3. From different sides and at different angles, the specialist injects liquid, pointing the syringe at the tonsils. This is how it knocks down plugs and mucus.

Do you think this is easy and safe to do at home? - not at all. If you wash it yourself, you can damage or burn your tonsils. It will be even worse if, due to strong pressure, adhesions form. It will prevent content from leaving the channel. Also, strong pressure can drive the sulfur stone even deeper, this will significantly complicate the situation and you will definitely have to see a doctor, only to remove the tonsils.

How to wash tonsils at home

Antiseptic and antibacterial drugs are used to treat the tonsils. With their help, it is possible to eliminate the source of infection, as well as relieve inflammation. The following tools can be used for the procedure:

  • saline;
  • alcohol-containing solutions;
  • furatsilin;
  • soda-salt solution with the addition of a few drops of iodine;
  • herbal decoctions.

Your doctor will help you determine the appropriate product for irrigating your tonsils.

How to clean tonsils

You can minimize the side effects of tonsillitis by regularly doing preventive rinsing of your tonsils at home. To do this, you need to take a syringe (10 ml) without a needle or a small syringe with a soft, long tip. The procedure is carried out in front of a mirror. You need to keep your head straight to control the direction of the jet in the reflection of the mirror. When irrigating, they hold their breath. Tonsils need to be treated closer to the lacunae. Washing is carried out in stages:

  1. The mouth is rinsed with boiled water or herbal decoction.
  2. Draw an antiseptic into a syringe (syringe).
  3. The lacunae are treated with liquid pressure.
  4. The mouth is rinsed with an antiseptic.

The tonsils are washed from pus up to 5 times a day, always after each meal. The procedure can be carried out using an irrigator using a standard nozzle. To do this, a minimum pressure level is set on it. The tonsils are washed one by one.

Since the liquid washes out pathogenic bacteria from the ducts, it must be constantly spat out. Otherwise, the infection gets inside, which can cause inflammation in the larynx, lungs, and bronchi. For such actions to be effective, it is important to maintain a water regime, as well as take additional medications prescribed by the doctor.

Basic recommendations: how to properly rinse tonsils at home

Experts advise adhering to the following rules when washing your tonsils:

  • choose only high-quality irrigators with several operating modes and the ability to regulate pressure;
  • wash your tonsils to prevent tonsillitis if it has already been diagnosed once;
  • carry out the procedure in courses of 5-10 procedures with intervals of several months;
  • during the period of preventive treatment, avoid spicy and hard foods (crackers, chips, etc.), which can burn or scratch the larynx;
  • After rinsing, gargle with an antiseptic solution.

Positive effects of tonsil rinsing

As a result of washing out purulent plugs, your well-being significantly improves, namely:

  • pain syndrome is alleviated;
  • cough is eliminated;
  • bad breath disappears, as harmful microorganisms and fungus are eliminated;
  • immunity of mucous membranes increases;
  • the microflora on the surface of the tonsils is restored.

After washing the tonsils to remove plugs, the risk of pathogen proliferation and the development of throat diseases is significantly reduced.

Washing of the palatine tonsils in a clinical setting

Moscow clinics offer patients 2 highly effective options for hardware cleaning of the tonsils:

  • vacuum, using the Tonsilor device;
  • deep washing, combining hardware cleaning with phonophoresis and ultrasound.

Both methods help not only to cure the acute stages of ENT diseases, but also to get rid of chronic tonsillitis.

Vacuum rinsing of tonsils

The hardware method of cleansing the tonsils is a procedure that brings discomfort to the patient. To reduce pain, an anesthetic is used (usually the drug Lidocaine).

The duration of the manipulations is up to 10 minutes.

The procedure flow is as follows:

  • the patient is asked to take a sitting position, tilt his head down, stick out his tongue;
  • a special device with which the device is equipped is applied to the patient’s lymphoid accumulations;
  • Using a vacuum, purulent deposits are removed from the ducts.

The course of therapy usually includes up to 10 rinses (in difficult cases, treatment is extended for another 5 procedures). After recovery, to achieve a prolonged effect, experts recommend repeating the vacuum cleansing procedure after 12 months.

You can see how the treatment procedure occurs in the video:

Contraindications to the use of this method in treatment regimens are: pregnancy, oncopathologies, retinal detachment, atherosclerosis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Ultrasonic exposure

Excellent results in the treatment of tonsillitis are shown by deep cleansing of lymphoid accumulations. The liquefaction of purulent accumulations and the death of pathogens is caused by ultrasound (frequency - 26.5 kHz). The process is complemented by the introduction of medicinal drugs into the lymphoid tissue (phonophoresis). Before carrying out the procedure, you should watch a video about the main stages of Tonsilor therapy:

Timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs significantly reduces the risk of pathologies. An integrated approach will allow you to completely get rid of problems

- not only washing, but also taking drugs that stabilize the immune system, as well as hardening.

Possible complications when washing the tonsils

The procedure requires some experience. If you don't get it right the first time, don't be discouraged. Each time you do it, you will do better and you will need to visit the doctor less and less often. But remember that incorrect actions can aggravate the problem and injure the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx. Thus, some plugs under the pressure of the injected product may not be washed out, but fall into even deeper layers. In addition, the syringe injures the lymphoid tissue, which over time leads to scarring of the mucosa and deterioration of its natural patency.

It is worth considering that outpatient treatment is much more effective than home treatments.

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