White Light home teeth whitening system - instructions for use

The White Light whitening system is an effective means for convenient and quick teeth whitening at home. Its unique properties are based on light technology combined with the use of a special two-component gel.

This cleanser was developed by the world famous Natural White company, which is a leader in the field of whitening technologies in the USA. In addition, the White Light system has a quality certificate and is produced in other countries using original American technology (in particular, in Chinese factories).

Instructions for use

It is necessary to use the White Light system in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Brush your teeth.
  2. Open the tubes of gel.
  3. Apply the mixture in a narrow strip (about half a centimeter wide) to the bottom and top surfaces of the mouthguard. In this case, two types of gel - whitening and with an active substance - must be applied alternately.
  4. Apply the tray to your teeth immediately after filling it with the cleaning solution and wrap your lips around the outer frame to hold it in your mouth.
  5. Turn on the LED located on the front surface of the device by pressing the button provided for this.
  6. Wait until the whitening process is complete and carefully remove the device.

To activate an additional 10-minute cycle of cleaning tooth enamel, simply press the button again. Three such repetitions are allowed in one session.

How to use correctly: recommendations

In order for the use of White Light teeth whitener to be as effective and understandable as possible, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To enhance the whitening effect, the device can be used for 30 minutes daily for 5 days.
  2. Clean the device thoroughly after each use.
  3. To clean only one of the jaws, the mouthguard should be carefully divided into two halves, slightly pulling them in different directions.
  4. In order for the effect of the whitening course to last as long as possible, you must follow these rules: take regular care of your oral cavity; try to refrain from consuming highly colored foods and drinks; Stop smoking and get periodic check-ups with your dentist.


How long does the procedure take?

It is carried out once a day and takes no more than half an hour. For noticeable results, 2 weeks of daily use is enough. If you do not notice changes in the color of the enamel within several days, increase the duration of the procedure by 10 minutes. A gel from another company, which is activated under the influence of a lamp, is also suitable for whitening.

Can a filling or crown be whitened with White Light?

The White Light system brightens only natural tissues, so veneers, crowns, dentures and dental bridges and fillings cannot be bleached. It is also not suitable for eliminating tetracycline stains that appear due to prolonged use of tetracycline antibiotics.

Do I need to adhere to a certain diet during whitening?

For several days before the start of the whitening course, during the course itself and several days after it, it is not recommended to consume food and drinks with coloring ingredients - berries, coffee, strong tea, etc. Failure to follow this simple rule can lead to staining of the enamel.

Is it harmful to use?

Teeth whitening with the White Light device in combination with the two-component Sunshine gel is completely harmless to either tooth enamel, dentin and roots. The safety of the product is associated, first of all, with the fact that whitening with its help only implies the replacement of carbon grids in the space of the enamel-dentin boundary with oxygen radicals (OR), which are a product of the breakdown of carbamide peroxide during each session. As a result of the saturation of the free type oxygen radicals of the enamel-dentin boundary, the permeability of light increases, which leads to an increase in the visual effect of teeth whiteness.

In addition, the whitening procedure using the White Light Kit takes place in a neutral acid-base environment (pH), which guarantees the absence of any acid or alkaline reactions in the oral cavity during the session.

Equipment and care rules

The White Light package includes:

  • light-emitting device with built-in LED and CR2025 battery;
  • two separate or one double mouthguard;
  • gel in 2 tubes.

After the procedure, the light irradiator and mouthguard must be cleaned of any remaining gel and saliva.

The light irradiator is washed with soap and running water. Immersing it in water is not recommended due to the risk of water entering the electrical system - battery and LED. After washing, the device must be dried with air or a dry cloth.

The mouth guard can be washed with soapy water or a brush and toothpaste. The upper and lower parts can be separated before washing.

Cautions and contraindications for use

To know how to use White Light without harm to health and other unpleasant consequences, first of all, you should take into account the warnings and contraindications for this product.


  • the device is prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women;
  • not recommended when undergoing a course of orthodontic treatment;
  • It is prohibited to use in the presence of gum disease without appropriate consultation with a specialist;
  • Use by children under 16 years of age is permitted only after mandatory consultation with a dentist.


  • Do not attempt to use the machine to whiten porcelain heads, crowns, dentures, fillings or bridges. This product is designed for cleaning natural teeth only.
  • The device and the included two-part gel are not suitable for removing stains on tooth enamel caused by tetracycline.
  • After using the White Light whitening system, there may be a temporary increase in tooth sensitivity, as well as lightening or irritation of the gums. These phenomena are not dangerous and go away on their own.
  • Use during sleep is strictly prohibited.
  • Keep the whitening kit out of the reach of children.
  • Avoid getting White Light gel in your eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse eyes with water.
  • Beware of prolonged contact of the product with the skin to avoid temporary irritation and lightening. After using the gel, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Do not allow White Light bleach to come into contact with fabric or clothing.
  • The gel should be stored in a cool place protected from the sun.

Doctor's review

Galina Slivina Doctor of the highest category,

“White Light is able to give your teeth evenness, beauty and health, providing them with the correct bite. You will be spared the need to pay for orthodontic services. The product is very easy to use at home; there is no need to acquire professional skills; it does not cause any discomfort. The substances used as raw materials are taken from the natural environment, they are completely hypoallergenic and do not cause harm to health. Even the very first sessions can produce a positive result of high stability. And remember, a beautiful smile is not only aesthetics, but also health!”

Advantages and disadvantages

This technology for enamel whitening has the following advantages:

  1. Professional effect . The vast majority of developments for cleaning tooth enamel at home (whitening strips, toothpastes and others) often contain only up to 20% of the active substance, which significantly reduces their effectiveness. The White Light system contains the right amount of carbamide peroxide to achieve exceptionally professional results. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to obtain a quick and lasting whitening effect - 8-10 shades in accordance with the Vita scale;
  2. Safety of use . The gel included in the kit does not contain acids or other aggressive compounds. The basis for its work is the mechanism for replacing active oxygen molecules located at the enamel-dentin border, which is completely safe for teeth;
  3. Long-term results . The effect of using White Light bleach can last up to 18 months even if all recommendations for food and drink intake are not followed, as well as in the absence of proper hygienic oral care.


  1. Insufficiently comfortable design of mouth guards . Since the shape of the device is made according to a template cast, due to the individual characteristics of the jaw, the mouth guards may not fit tightly to the teeth. As a result, some amount of the gel will be washed away by saliva, which somewhat reduces the degree of the final whitening effect;
  2. Less effective compared to professional grade procedures. The amount of carbamide peroxide in a two-component gel is not sufficient for professional cleaning of tooth enamel at home, and therefore allows only an average result from the procedure to be achieved.

Teeth whitening trays

They are one of the most effective types of teeth whitening, when under the influence of the gel all 32 teeth become white at once. Versatility and convenience are the distinctive features of teeth whitening trays . They will suit each of us, as they come in all sizes. They will last a long time, you won’t have to constantly spend money on more and more disposable teeth whitening systems, and they will be ready to help at any time to make your smile fresh and happy. Teeth whitening trays provide immediate results from the first use and are designed for use with any type of dental gel. They will be the key to your beautiful and bright smile!

Find out more information and purchase teeth whitening trays

Teeth Whitening Gel

It is this that serves as the basis and main component of all modern teeth whitening products without exception. We are grateful to him because our teeth become lighter and thus the natural color of the enamel returns. Teeth whitening gel is extremely easy to use and always provides excellent whitening results. It is important to note that the gels offered for sale by the American company Plus White are designed in such a way that they have several degrees of safety that preserve the enamel and make it stronger. Another important factor is that one tube of Plus White gel is enough for several whitening courses, which in the long run gives white teeth for many months . Teeth whitening gel is great for use on its own, in systems, or in tandem with a mouth guard. Gel is something that will always take care of how your teeth look!

Find out more information and purchase Teeth Whitening Gel

Teeth Whitening Pencil

Teeth whitening pencil is a new type of perhaps one of the most popular procedures in dentistry. It is distinguished by mobility, comfort, and safety. At the moment, this is the fastest teeth whitening procedure possible. A special dental gel is absorbed into the enamel in an incredible 30-60 seconds. The simplicity of the design (elegant pencil-shaped body and professional whitening gel) makes it possible to instantly improve the color of your teeth enamel.

The final result is several shades of enamel, which is comparable to the best professional systems available today. Only here and nowhere else will you find the most modern, effective, best of the best teeth whitening pencils at the best prices. Excellent combination of quality/result/price! All pencils are designed by dentists and made in the USA. Smile more often and longer!

Find out more information and purchase Teeth Whitening Pencil

Teeth Whitening Strips

It has long been no secret that this particular product is breaking all conceivable and unimaginable sales records in dentistry. What is the reason for such great popularity of this product? We can safely say that this is a fusion of several important factors, namely price + ease + result. By uniting in one product, they made it an undoubted bestseller, thereby eclipsing other competitors. The strips are, at first glance, unremarkable transparent or white rectangles that follow the contours of the teeth. However, they contain great whitening power, which will painlessly and gently remove the oldest dirt and plaque from the enamel.

Teeth whitening strips usually have a course duration of 5 days (there are also express options for 1 hour) with single procedures lasting no more than 30 minutes. It is important to note that they are completely safe for health and provide improved results, usually amounting to 4-5 shades of enamel or more. Here you will find the best examples of this type of goods from the USA and will be able to purchase them! This is the most universal type of enamel refreshment comparable to professional options.

Find out more information and purchase Teeth Whitening Strips

Teeth whitening gel

It was hard to imagine that with a history of almost 150 years, teeth whitening gel could have changed. Researchers and scientists of the American company Arm&Hammer thought differently, finding new facets of a seemingly well-known diamond. Previously, we bleached, wasted time, lost money, got angry, rejoiced and ended up smiling dazzlingly. We didn’t even think that we could limit ourselves to only joy and a smile. Recently, everything has been happening exactly like this: we brush our teeth and whiten them at the same time, then we smile and are in the best mood.

magical teeth whitening gel not only gives us a smile, but also prevents oral cavity, saves time and money. Safety and effectiveness, speed and ability to be used every day, professionalism and modernity - any of these theses can be the motto of Arm&Hammer. By purchasing the new American Arm&Hammer teeth whitening gel, you are making a fundamental investment in your health for many years and delegating your dental care responsibilities to a professional!

Find out more information and purchase Teeth Whitening Gel

Mouth guards for bruxism

Almost every person faces the problem of abrasion, grinding, grinding and deterioration in the quality of teeth! Among the dental community, this disease is called “Bruxism” and is classified as a pathology. Mainly, it is typical for people with defects in the structure of the facial bones and pathologies of the joints that are located at the junction of the lower jaw and the temporal bone. There are two types of bruxism: nighttime and daytime. The first type is the most common. At night, the patient grinds his teeth, wearing away the enamel and risking damage to both the teeth and jawbones.

The encouraging fact is that bruxism is treatable and mouthguards for bruxism play a large role in this process. There are 2 types of them: those that are made to order from the dentist and universal ready-made dental protectors, which have a size convenient for everyone and are recommended for independent use at home . Such mouthguards protect the jaw and teeth from destruction, abrasion and grinding, normalize sleep, seriously reduce the load on the maxillofacial system, and eliminate external noise influences characteristic of bruxism. Here you will find only branded American universal dental guards against night and daytime bruxism and you can purchase and use them yourself.

Find out more information and purchase mouthguards for bruxism

Teeth whitening system

There are many high-quality and compact products in the world for getting your teeth in order. Some of them are the most effective, some the least. But regardless of their type and the enamel lightening methods used in them, teeth whitening systems show a thorough and long-term result that will be equal to professional clinical effects. They can be either an express level or offer a long course, usually 7 days or more.

From the name of this type of means for making a smile shine, it follows that their composition is not limited to the traditional presence of any one component, for example, gel, pencil, mouth guard. This is a whole complex of interconnected elements that, complementing each other, produce the best possible result . Among teeth whitening systems, you can often find a combination of such products as a tray, gel, toothpaste, rinse or light device, a set of gels and rinses. This composition has become a classic and guarantees amazing results!

By choosing this kind of complex, you can be sure that it is safe, takes a minimum of your time, was developed by the best dentists in the USA and provides high-quality results!

Find out more information and purchase a teeth whitening system

Products for dry mouth Biotene Oral Balance Dry Mouth

Manufacturer Bioten is the only company in the world that directs all efforts and resources to research and production of products that normalize balance in the oral cavity and salivation and combat the appearance of dryness. There are 4 products in the line that provide equal care for oral health as well as dental protection for teeth and gums. The most famous of them is a gel that instantly improves the condition and, in fact, from the first minutes of use normalizes the flow of saliva in the mouth and helps to forget about dryness.

Find out more information and purchase products for dry mouth Biotene Oral Balance Dry Mouth

Remedies for dry mouth

More than 10% of people suffer from a disease called xerostomia. This is nothing more than dry mouth. It can overtake each of us. Unfortunately, it appears easily and quickly, but getting rid of it is an extremely painstaking and long-term process. There are several reasons for this scourge, but there is only one path to recovery. These are products that improve the microclimate in the mouth, moisturize it and normalize salivation. The products we offer are high quality products made in the USA that neutralize signs of dryness and improve your overall condition. They really work and lead to health!

Find out more information and purchase Remedies for dry mouth

Abreva Cold Sore/Fever Blister Treatment

Herpes occurs unnoticed and can fray your nerves and ruin your life. There are only a few effective drugs against this disease, and among them, Abreva is the constant leader. This is an American drug that takes care of the health of the lips, eliminating cracks and 100% fights the signs and emerging herpes on the lips. The drug has been at the top of the rankings for more than 10 years and is approved by the American Dental Association. Elimination of 25% of the disease in the first 2.5 days, complete cure in 4 days or more.

Find out more information and purchase Abreva Cold Sore/Fever Blister Treatment for herpes

Orajel Instant Pain Relief Toothache Gel

Are you exhausted and tormented by pain in your teeth, and are you afraid to go to the doctor? Of course, you can turn to traditional medicine and wait for a miracle, but the best option is always the most obvious - professional medications that relieve inflammation and neutralize pain . Orajel is the recognized #1 product in the field of dental health. This is a gel that, when applied to the affected area, turns on cosmic speed and begins to work quickly, leading to the mitigation and relief of suffering. If previously a trip to the dentist was inevitable, now there is a decent and affordable alternative! Product designed and made in the USA!

Find out more information and purchase Orajel Instant Pain Relief Toothache Gel

Tooth sensitivity remedy Crest Sensi-Stop Strips

It often happens that your smile is formally in order, your teeth sparkle with whiteness, but you are plagued by painful sensitivity , when anything cold, anything hot, anything sweet or salty is equally unpleasantly perceived by the enamel. It is accompanied by unpleasant pain when teeth interact with external stimuli. This unpleasant phenomenon can be long-lasting and ultimately lead to tooth loss. There are creams, pastes, and rinses that temporarily relieve symptoms, but do not completely eliminate the problem. The flagship of American dentistry, Crest, has launched a fundamentally new product for enamel hypersensitivity . These are strips that not only restore health, but also relieve pain and eliminate symptoms.

How long does whitening take?

One whitening procedure can take 10-30 minutes. The general course of using White Light is at least 5 days. It is important to take into account that the period of the overall course can be increased depending on the current state of the tooth enamel, as well as its natural color, and the duration of each individual procedure can reach 30 minutes if a faster whitening effect is required.

In most cases, the whitening effect is visible already on the 5th day of using the system!

How to care for the device

To properly care for your White Light device, just follow these tips:

  • To clean the light emitter, it is recommended to use ordinary soap and running water. In this case, avoid completely immersing the device in liquid.
  • To make it easier to care for the mouth guard before cleaning, you can separate it by slightly pulling the separated elements in opposite directions.
  • After cleaning, all elements should be wiped with a dry cloth.
  • It is recommended to avoid washing any components of the kit in the dishwasher to avoid damage.

Tips after the procedure - how to maintain color?

To ensure a pronounced and long-lasting effect, just follow these tips:

  1. There is no need to skip procedures - they must be done daily as part of the course.
  2. Do not smoke - tar and nicotine settle on the enamel and make it yellow.
  3. Carry out remineralization, that is, apply a special gel composition with phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. Here it is better to consult a doctor about which composition to use.
  4. Minimize the consumption of coffee and black tea.
  5. Exclude red wine, fruit drinks, cherry juices, beets and the like from food and drinks.
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