Victory Series braces - Victory metal bracket system: photos and reviews


If a child has problems with the growth of molars after the loss of baby teeth, a braces system will help correct the situation.

Most often, problems of this kind arise due to a mismatch between the size of the child’s jaw and the emerging teeth. Accordingly, the latter move, running over one another.

Such an extremely complex defect can be dealt with by modern metal brace systems, which are made of stainless steel, capable of replicating any shape.

Arcs can be round or square. Also available with double arches.

Design Features

One of the latest developments is the Victory Series system from the leading American manufacturer 3M Unitek .

Today it is the most popular external prosthetic system used by dentists around the world. Over the years of production, the manufacturer has practically perfected the system.

Let us list how the system differs from its analogues :

  • the braces are made of metal without any taste;
  • the surface of the system is polished, which facilitates its sliding and eliminates the occurrence of damage in the oral cavity;
  • expanded wings of the plates allow the braces to be easily fixed and make it easier to change them if necessary;
  • a high degree of adhesion to the tooth surface ensures the reliability of the structure.

The principle of operation of Victory braces, like other similar systems, is continuous pressure on the teeth in order to move them into the correct position.

Main components of the system:

  • arc;
  • braces with locks;
  • rings;
  • ligatures (elastic bands).

Features of the Victory bracket system from 3M Unitek

Victory braces are one of the most popular external orthopedic systems. It has been used for several decades, since the end of the 20th century .
The Victory production process has been worked out and brought to perfection. The bracket system is made of metal and has a polished surface. Due to this, it “slides” along the oral mucosa without causing discomfort . The metal is imperceptible and has no taste. The structure of the plates (wings) makes it possible to fasten and replace the ligature without any problems. The design feature is a high degree of adhesion to the surface of the teeth.

Photo 1. Low-profile Victory Series bracket system from the American company 3M Unitek.

The difference between Victory and other brace systems lies in the materials of the fastening elements, sizes and locks. Low profile braces are made in a diamond . Because of this individual feature, there is significantly less discomfort when closing the jaws. The base conforms to the anatomical shape of the tooth, and the widened wings facilitate ligation.

Anatomical shape of the Victory bracket system

This orthodontic device has an anatomical shape. The main problems with metal braces are the large size of the “clasps” and sharp edges that damage the mucous membrane. Victory 3M Unitek braces have rounded corners, they are slightly widened and therefore protrude less on the surface of the teeth. This means that wearing them is much more comfortable and completely painless.

In addition, the “clasps” are diamond-shaped, which corresponds to the vertical line of the tooth, which means that securing the bracket is further facilitated. Also, braces for premolars (the so-called small molars) have a curved shape, so they are better attached to their “barrel-shaped” surface. The ease of working with this system also played a role in the growing popularity of this new product among orthodontists. This form was developed thanks to many years of research conducted by the company based on existing braces models. As a result, these dental braces are not only comfortable and safe, but also look aesthetically pleasing and neat on the teeth due to the absence of right angles.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation is continuous pressure on the teeth and moving them into the correct position. The main components of the design: arch, clasps, rings, ligatures (elastic bands).

Metal clasps are attached individually to each tooth with special glue. Using a wire arc, the clasps are connected into a single system and secured with ligatures and rings.

Under the influence of the arch, crooked teeth are aligned and occupy the correct position in the dentition.

Distinctive features of Victory braces systems

  • Victory metal braces are a standard vestibular system, the design of which involves attaching brackets to the arch using special elastic bands. Braces are fixed on the front side of the dentition,
  • compact dimensions: in the process of manufacturing braces, the individual structural features of each tooth are taken into account, and the design itself is characterized by small dimensions, which allows you to significantly increase the level of comfort during treatment,
  • APS system: the basic configuration of the device includes the presence of pre-applied dental glue on the surface of the brackets, which not only firmly fixes each bracket, but also significantly simplifies the procedure for installing the device. This is also a plus for patients: the time spent in the orthodontist’s office is noticeably reduced,

This is interesting! When installing Victory braces, the APS system is used, a feature of which is the use of a special adhesive, that is, pink dental glue. The composition is able to reflect light and change its shade, which allows the doctor to instantly determine the presence of excess glue and carefully remove it, since excess adhesive left on the enamel often leads to the formation of plaque. In addition, the adhesive releases fluoride, thereby protecting tooth enamel.

  • unique shape of brackets: for premolars, that is, teeth that are located after the fangs, the braces have a special shape - the presence of extended wings of the plates ensures more reliable fastening of the brackets,
  • high level of comfort: rounded edges and compact dimensions can significantly increase the level of comfort during treatment,
  • increased strength: metal braces are almost impossible to damage, while sapphire systems and ceramic devices easily break if handled carelessly,
  • durable color: braces are not affected by coloring products and liquids, therefore they perfectly retain their original appearance throughout the entire period of treatment (although it is not initially distinguished by high aesthetics - the metal has a gray tint and contrasts with the snow-white enamel),
  • ease of removal: these systems are quite easy and quick to remove (compared to other metal braces), and the risk of injury to tooth enamel is minimized.

This is interesting: Retainers and mouth guards after braces: why you need to install them, how long to wear them

Advantages and disadvantages

3M Unitek products have many clear advantages over other similar samples of this group of orthodontic structures.

These advantages include:

  • Miniature. The locks of the system are very small in size, so they are practically invisible and do not create discomfort when brushing your teeth.
    The thickness of the elements is also small, which helps to avoid injuries to the oral mucosa.
  • High strength. During operation, the metal does not change shape.
  • Reliability throughout the entire period of bite correction (about 1.5 - 2 years).
  • Versatility. The bases of the locks are shaped like a grid, which consists of 80 cells. This greatly simplifies the process of gluing braces. These clasps are designed for small molars.
  • Short treatment periods.
  • Hypoallergenic metal used to create systems.
  • Original appearance. If braces cannot be avoided, then it’s better if they make you stand out from the crowd.
  • Very fast getting used to the device . Practically does not interfere with diction.
  • Low cost.

Photo: Victory braces with colored ligatures
Unlike other similar designs, Victory manufacturers supply the product with bases immediately filled with special glue.

Like all metal systems, Victory has some typical disadvantages :

  • no matter how miniature the size, they are still noticeable. Therefore, a child may want a more inconspicuous, but at the same time fragile system, for example, made of ceramics;
  • any construction of this nature is an irritating factor, especially in the first few weeks (pain, irritation of the mucous membrane, psychological aspects);
  • changes the physical and chemical characteristics of tooth enamel, which can subsequently cause caries;
  • the duration of the process and the need for regular visits to the dentist;
  • the need for careful oral care.

Disadvantages of the Victory braces system

This bracket system itself does not have any disadvantages, but it belongs to metal vestibular devices, which still have disadvantages.

Low aesthetics

This is the main problem with metal braces. They are very noticeable on the teeth and therefore repel people who value their external attractiveness. Although Victory braces are small, they change the appearance of your smile.


A reaction to metal is quite common, so cases often occur when a patient experiences rejection after fixing metal braces. And then you will have to start treatment with braces again.

However, for many, these disadvantages are outweighed by the fact that Victory metal braces are the most effective and reliable of all the others.

Indications and contraindications

mandatory points are met :

  • The child's permanent teeth have erupted.
  • X-ray confirmed the completion of root formation (usually it takes about 2 years from the moment of eruption).

If the roots are still weak, they may not withstand such loads.

Bone tissue is fully formed at the age of 15–16 years. Accordingly, most often braces are installed during adolescence. But it is imperative that the child is psychologically prepared for such a procedure.

For orthopedic treatment, there is a specific list of contraindications .

Installation of the structures in question is impossible in the following situations:

  • absence of most teeth;
  • diseases of the immune and endocrine systems;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diseases of the blood, cardiovascular, nervous system;
  • tuberculosis.

Indications for use

Braces improve the lives of many people, relieving them of various pathologies. Orthodontists recommend that patients install corrective systems in the following clinical cases :

  • pathology of the structure of the dentition;
  • congenital crooked teeth;
  • curvature of several teeth;
  • abnormal milk bite (in children);
  • breathing problems as a result of an abnormal bite.

Important! The length of time you need to wear braces depends on your dental history. For minor defects, treatment takes several months , for serious defects - several years .

From what age can it be used?

Orthodontic treatment using braces is possible if the child’s permanent teeth have erupted and an x-ray examination has recorded the completion of the formation of their roots (about 2 years after eruption) - weak roots will not withstand the load .

Doctors usually wait for the second molar to appear in the dental arch (at 12-14 years of age). The bone tissue of the jaws finishes developing by the age of 15-16 years. Therefore, braces are most often used during adolescence.

But the psychological preparation of the child, his attitude towards labor-intensive treatment and the troubles associated with it are also important.

As part of the diagnosis , the following is performed:

  • production of control and diagnostic plaster models ,
  • myotonometry (measurement of the tone of the masticatory muscles, which affects the success of bite correction),
  • masticationography (study of the amplitude of movements of the lower jaw),
  • anthropometric measurements of the facial and jaw bones to identify imbalances,
  • conducting tests to determine the effectiveness of chewing function for a specific pathology,
  • X-ray examination of the bones of the facial skeleton in different projections and much more.

Preparatory activities include :

  • making individual orthodontic plates or wearing trainers >;
  • therapeutic myogymnastics , aimed at the proper development of the muscles of the face and neck;
  • preparing the periodontium (periodontal tissues) for wearing braces - after all, the entire load when correcting the position of the teeth will fall on the periodontium.

The Victory system is suitable for the treatment of anomalies in children and adolescents due to the fact that it contains metal braces, which, according to reviews, are not prone to breakage, and are also small in size .

There are no restrictions for adults - moving and straightening teeth is possible at any age.

Suggested Models

The manufacturer offers several modifications of the product in question:

  • standard;
  • low profile;
  • with a vertical groove.

Victory Series™ LP

The low-profile Victory Series™ LP models have the most aesthetic appearance . Patients most often choose this option due to the miniature size of the locks.

Low profile is not the only advantage of such braces. In addition, they have a small vertical size, which improves the condition of the oral cavity.

A high level of control and 100% quality results are guaranteed by the MBT™ system.

Victory Series™ Active SL

3M Unitek also developed a self-ligating Victory Series™ Active SL model . The difference between this system is the absence of colored rubber bands for fastening. To release the arc, simply fold back the special latch.

Bottom line

The American company 3M Unitek is one of the three leading companies producing bracket systems. High quality metal alloy, affordable price level, quick bite correction - these are the differences between Victory brand devices. Optimal quality is determined by the use of high-precision technologies, 3D modeling, and innovative developments. The company offers several variants of models - with ligatures, without ligatures.

Ligature designs can be decorated with colored rubber bands, which is why teenagers and children like them. Colored orthodontic appliances can be used to create different looks. Victory braces are safe for tooth enamel due to the special adhesive composition that is applied to the clasps. This composition is similar to dental filling material.



Stages of treatment


The first stage of treatment is diagnostic procedures. Within this stage:

  • Prepare control plaster models for diagnostics.
  • Myotonometry is performed, during which the tone of the masticatory muscles is measured and the effectiveness of bite correction is assessed.
  • Masticography is performed - diagnostics of the amplitude of movements of the lower jaw.
  • Disproportions and the nature of pathologies are determined.

Preparatory activities

The next stage - preparatory activities - includes the selection of individual plates, therapeutic exercises, and preparation of the periodontium for the installation of braces.

Before installing the structure, the orthodontist must take care of the complete sanitation of the oral cavity, cleaning of stones, plaque, and elimination of caries. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove one or more teeth.


The procedure then consists of several successive steps:

  • Preparation of an impression of the jaw, on the basis of which the bracket system is produced.
  • Installation of an orthopedic structure.

In general, installing the system is a fairly simple and reliable procedure, but at the same time it takes a lot of time.

Timing of the course of correction and features of treatment for adults

The duration of therapy varies significantly between adults and adolescents.
The fact is that by about 18 years of age, the human skeletal system completes its formation. Therefore, bone tissue ceases to be elastic and actively resists any physical impact. It takes more pressure and much more time to force an adult patient's teeth to move. Features of therapy after adolescence:

  • It takes a year to a year and a half to correct even the smallest defect. More significant pathology requires a course of 2–3 years;
  • if crowding of teeth is caused by insufficient jaw size, then it will no longer be possible to expand it; some dental units will have to be removed to make room for the rest to be aligned;
  • the presence of dentures (crowns, “bridges”) significantly complicates the correction process, and sometimes makes it impossible.

Orthodontists recommend that the correction of dental pathologies should begin as early as possible. But reaching maturity is not a contraindication for bite correction.

Duration of therapy

The period for diagnosing and installing the structure, as well as the mandatory period of wearing it, depends on the complexity of the defect.

The installation of the system itself takes about 2 hours, and almost any doctor can perform it. In especially severe cases, the procedure may take 3 hours.

As for the timing of treatment, it directly depends on the initial condition of the patient’s teeth. The average period is six months. To consolidate the results, you will need to devote approximately the same amount of time to wearing the retainer.


Patients who have used Victory braces for correction note the high effectiveness of the system and the compact size of its elements. Also, as a positive point, they note the simplicity of the design, which allows for high-quality teeth cleaning.

We invite everyone to share their opinion about this system in the comments to this article.

And in this video, the blogger shares his impressions of changing ligatures to colored ones:

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Adaptation period

Adaptation occurs individually for everyone. For some, it may take only two days to get used to it, while others will take painkillers all week.

It all depends on the complexity of the defects and individual characteristics.

During the adaptation period you can use :

  • painkillers;
  • dental gel;
  • rinsing the mouth with a warm decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage (can be replaced with regular lightly salted water).

If pain and irritation do not go away within 7 days, you should urgently consult your orthopedic surgeon.

Manufacturing and installation

Correction with braces is a complex multi-stage process that can be roughly represented in several stages: preparation, installation, treatment and removal.


The preparatory period includes several steps:

  1. Diagnosis. It allows you to identify the severity of the anomaly, contraindications and the condition of the teeth and periodontium.
    For this purpose, in addition to visual and instrumental examination, an X-ray examination and examination using an articulator are prescribed. In some situations, additional examination using CT or MRI may be necessary.
  2. Taking impressions. For this purpose, a quickly setting alginate mass is used, which accurately conveys the relief of the teeth.
    To predict the future result, impressions of both jaws are taken. At the same stage, computer modeling of the system and the correction process is done. Once all the data is collected, it is sent to the laboratory to manufacture the system.
  3. During the manufacturing period, the dentist begins sanitation of the oral cavity . If there are no dental diseases, professional cleaning is carried out. If there are any, then the doctor eliminates them: treats caries, replaces old fillings, etc.


The installation procedure lasts on average 1.5 hours. Depending on the degree of complexity of the pathology, the time may increase or decrease.

Installation proceeds in the following order:

  1. The dentist cleans the crowns with a special paste and then rinses it off with water.
  2. Dried enamel is treated with a solution based on orthophosphoric acid , which increases the porosity of the enamel.
    This helps to increase the adhesion of the adhesive composition to the surface of the teeth. The solution is applied for no more than 30 seconds, after which it is washed off with water and the surface is dried again.
  3. Positioning. Before fixing the structure, the dentist marks each bracket using a special marker.
  4. Installation can be done in several ways: direct (classical) and indirect. The direct method involves fixing each individual bracket. To do this, glue is applied to its platform and pressed to the surface of the crown.
    To ensure high-quality hardening of the adhesive, the crown is treated with a special lamp. With the indirect method, the brackets are attached to a thin silicone mouth guard. Glue is applied to them there, after which the mouthguard is transferred to the dentition and pressed tightly.

    Just like with classical fixation, braces are treated with a lamp. After the glue has completely hardened, a correction arch is installed, placing it in the groove of the locks and fixing it with ligatures.

  5. The procedure ends with the removal of residual glue and grinding of the crowns.

If a special glue rich in microelements is used, then its excess is left around the brackets as a protective and remineralizing coating.

In the first few weeks, the system may cause discomfort and even pain. The degree of their severity will depend on each specific case. In some situations, pain occurs that requires the use of painkillers .

For mild aching pain, you can use dental gels based on lidocaine . Rinsing also helps a lot .

If the pain is intense and does not subside for more than a week, you should urgently seek help from an orthopedist.


Treatment is the longest and most difficult stage. The whole process is divided into several periods:

  1. Alignment of teeth. This period begins immediately from the moment the system is installed.
    Only elastic thin arches are used, which exert minimal pressure on the crowns and lead to a gradual restoration of their normal position. To achieve visible results, it is necessary to regularly adjust the design by replacing the arches with more elastic ones.
  2. Bite correction. To do this, the system replaces the elastic arch with a rigid one. It features more aggressive pressure and helps restore proper bite.

How much does a metal braces system cost? Price and schedule for all types of work.

Where to buy wax for braces? Here is a list of possible options.

Why are Incognito braces not visible on the teeth?

Removing the system

Removing the system usually does not take much time and follows the standard procedure:

  1. The dentist removes the ligatures and removes the archwire.
  2. the brackets are removed using dental forceps .
  3. Finally, the enamel is sanded to remove any remaining adhesive and treated with a remineralizing compound .

How to care?

Caring for such brace systems does not involve anything complicated.

Watch the video for how to care for metal braces:

It is enough just to thoroughly brush your teeth in the morning and evening, and also carry out hygiene procedures after each meal. A mandatory process is rinsing the mouth with special means.

This will prevent gum inflammation.

If you are going on a road trip or trip, the required set of accessories should consist of:

  • brushes;
  • toothpaste;
  • dental floss;
  • rinse aid.

To prevent the appearance of caries or plaque, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the structure of food.

While wearing braces, it is better to avoid using :

  • chewing gum;
  • cold and hot food, drinks;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • nuts;
  • hard foods (taffy, crackers, candies with nuts, bagels);
  • ice cream

What can happen without treatment?

As a rule, patients come to the dental clinic for occlusion correction only when the pathology significantly worsens their appearance, and minor defects are left unattended. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because even small deviations from the norm can lead to deterioration in health:

  • uneven distribution of chewing load provokes the development of caries and gingivitis;
  • compression of nerve endings due to improper positioning of the jaws causes constantly recurring headaches;
  • poor oral hygiene (for example, due to crowded teeth) leads to excessive growth of pathogenic microflora;
  • abrasion of enamel, loosening of teeth and even their loss;
  • Insufficiently thorough chewing of food provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


This is one of the most pleasant questions when considering Victory systems. Installing such braces will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than other popular options.

For comparison: if you can buy Victory, along with the installation procedure, at a price of 23–27 thousand rubles , then Damon Q, Smartclip or 3M self-ligating braces will cost you 140–165 thousand.

Gold structures from Incognito with supervision will cost the entire 370 thousand rubles.

Invisalign aligners – no less than 450 thousand rubles for two jaws.

What is unique?

Braces compare favorably with analog devices in the following design features:

  • all components of the product are made of high-quality medical alloy of metals that do not oxidize and practically do not cause allergies;
  • The main area of ​​the model is designed in such a way that it anatomically copies the shape of the external surface of the organ. This makes its installation easier, and the fit of the product to the tooth is as tight as possible;
  • the clamps and platform have a small profile, making the structures almost flat;
  • The arches are fastened using highly elastic ligatures. For this purpose, both standard and designed in various color shades are used, which enhance the aesthetic content of the systems. Young patients especially like these options; they are more willing to agree to treatment;
  • a mesh is specially applied on the base of the system, thanks to which the adhesion of the adhesive composition and tooth enamel will be of better quality;
  • the shape of the wings for attachment to canines and molars is more streamlined in comparison with analogue models from other manufacturers.

Operating principle of the system

The principle of operation of the system for correcting malocclusion defects is that a certain pressure force is constantly exerted on the organs in order to further orient them to the correct position.

Participating in this process are:

  • arcs;
  • clamps;
  • rings;
  • elastic ligatures.

Using a special adhesive component, micro-locks are mounted separately to each fragment of the dentition.

Using an arc made of wire, they are connected into a solid system and fixed with ligatures and rings. Under the force of pressure, the devices straighten, setting the direction of the organs, and they gradually acquire the correct position.


Despite the fact that this procedure is not cheap, in comparison with analog systems from competing companies, Victory will cost the patient somewhat less. costs about 30 thousand rubles.

If you break down the amount into all components, the price breakdown will look like this:

  • preparatory procedures – from 1,000 rubles;
  • diagnostics – from 2,500;
  • preparatory activities – from 3,000 rubles;
  • the cost of braces is from 23,000 rubles.

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