Teeth whitening products: what to advise patients

Whitening toothpastes

All toothpastes remove surface plaque from enamel because they contain mild abrasives. Some toothpastes with whitening properties contain mild polishes or chemical ingredients to provide additional effectiveness in removing plaque and stains. However, with the help of whitening toothpastes, you can only remove surface plaque and lighten your teeth by only one tone, while in a dental office, using professional whitening systems, you can lighten your teeth by 3-7 tones. If the paste contains abrasive particles, you should not use it constantly, as you can injure your tooth enamel.

Benefits and harms

The benefits and harms of tooth powders have become overgrown with a considerable number of myths and speculations. Supporters and opponents of this oral hygiene product express almost the opposite opinion. In fact, its use is safe, but it is not without its drawbacks.

A high-quality abrasive has advantages over pastes:

  • High efficiency of cleaning the tooth surface. The powder copes well with plaque and can prevent the formation of tartar.
  • Good whitening ability. Thanks to its abrasive effect, the powder whitens teeth better, and the achieved result lasts for a longer period.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties. The powder can prevent the development of many inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. For some gum diseases it is recommended to use it as an application.

Among the shortcomings is the loose consistency. Because of this, powdered products are less convenient to use compared to pastes. In addition, it is much more difficult to introduce additional therapeutic or prophylactic components into the composition. According to this criterion, it is seriously inferior to pasta. High abrasiveness can only be partially considered a disadvantage, since when used correctly it does not harm the teeth.

Modern tooth powders are safe, provided they are chosen and used correctly.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing is the composition of the tooth powder. The basis of the product is chemically precipitated chalk or clay. The base substance provides an abrasive effect, thanks to which plaque and dental deposits are easily removed from the enamel surface. This is an excellent remedy for the prevention of tartar, but if such a problem has already appeared, no hygiene product can cope with it. In this case, you will need specialist help and professional cleaning. To ensure a preventive and light therapeutic effect, essential oils and fragrances are added to the composition. Soda, aluminum chloride, etc. can be used in the composition as abrasive components that increase bleaching properties.

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Teeth whitening strips and gels

Whitening gels are gel-like products that are applied with a brush directly to the surface of the dental crown. The instructions usually call for once or twice daily use for 30 minutes for 30 days. Sometimes, the effect is noticeable within a few days, and the final result lasts for several months.

Teeth whitening strips are very thin, almost invisible strips coated with an active substance, most often a gel with hydrogen peroxide. Strips are one of the ways to apply gel to the surface of teeth. The method of applying the strips is similar to the gel method - once or twice a day for 30 minutes, for 30 days.

The application period is indicated conditionally; it may differ for each system.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening Kits

  • You can whiten your teeth without leaving home.
  • It removes stubborn stains that have accumulated on enamel for years.
  • It strengthens your teeth and protects them from harmful bacteria.
  • This blue light teeth whitening is much more affordable than dental treatment.
  • The LED light used in this device is much safer than UV light teeth whitening procedures.
  • Results are achieved quickly and easily.

Amazing, right? Let's check out the 10 best teeth whitening kits you can buy!

Teeth whitening trays

Teeth whitening systems with a special tray can be purchased either in a store or from a dentist. It is a mouthguard shaped like a bite, with a whitening gel applied to it. The mouthguard is used for a specific period of time, usually from a few hours a day (for example, while sleeping) for four weeks or more (depending on the degree of enamel discoloration and the desired tone).

The whitening kit may include a gel activator lamp, the light of which, through a transparent tray, enhances the process of releasing oxygen from the gel.

Mouthguards can be universal, or they can be made in the clinic according to an individual impression.

Laser teeth whitening technology

Laser teeth whitening is a relatively new way to achieve a snow-white smile, having only started practicing dentistry about 15 years ago. Laboratory tests show that the method is not only most effective, but also safe for patients.

Laser whitening is a chemical method of lightening the enamel coating, since it uses a special whitening composition that is used to treat tooth surfaces. The main component of the composition is the same hydrogen peroxide.

After applying the whitening agent, the surface of the teeth is exposed to a laser, which triggers and accelerates the chemical reactions necessary to lighten the enamel layer. Our dental clinic in Moscow, Vanstom, uses ZOOM and BEYOND whitening methods.

The whitening procedure includes the following steps:

1. Before applying the whitening composition, the specialist applies protective agents to the soft gum tissues that will protect them from burns and irritation. However, it is worth knowing that such treatment does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection; some redness of the gums after the laser whitening procedure is considered normal. Traditionally, this redness does not cause discomfort in patients and goes away quickly - in just one day.

2. Next, the dental surfaces are treated with whitening gel and exposed to laser radiation.

Apart from slight redness of the gums after the procedure, no other side effects are observed. The result that can be achieved with competent and high-quality laser whitening is lightening the enamel layer by several shades.

Before making a choice in favor of laser teeth whitening technology, it is worth finding out whether you have any contraindications to it. Lightening tooth enamel with a laser is contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. The procedure is not performed if you are allergic to the components of the whitening gel, have chronic pathologies of the pancreas, or have diabetes.

Before the procedure, it is imperative to treat all teeth with carious lesions, sanitize the oral cavity, and replace old fillings with damage. If there are holes or cracks in the tooth, gel substances can penetrate through them into the dentin and cause severe pain during the laser whitening process. The procedure is not performed for periodontal inflammation, since the specialist cannot completely isolate the soft tissues of the patient’s oral cavity from contact with the gel, and bleeding gums will interfere with the correct implementation of manipulations and, moreover, will negatively affect the results of whitening.

Many patients are also interested in the question: is laser whitening safe and can it be used often? For healthy teeth with a strong and dense enamel coating, laser whitening will be absolutely harmless, but if the patient’s natural enamel is thinned, its natural color is slightly yellowish, beige, it is better to resort to another technique. Also, laser lightening is not the best option for people with increased sensitivity of teeth to external factors. The price of laser whitening at the VENSTOM clinic is 8,250 rubles (1 row of teeth).

You can get detailed advice on the service and prices by making an appointment with the specialists of our dental clinic in Moscow - Vanstom. Our clinic is located next to the Baumanskaya metro station.

Rinse liquids

Whitening liquids are one of the newest products for at-home teeth whitening. Like most mouthwashes, they freshen breath, help reduce plaque, and prevent gum disease. But these products also include ingredients, such as low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, that whiten teeth. Manufacturers claim that to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to use the liquid for 12 months, daily, twice a day before brushing your teeth. However, the rinse may not be as effective as using other whitening products because the whitening liquid only contacts the teeth for a short period of time (only 2 minutes compared to the 30 minutes required for most strips).

Below is a summary of some of the home whitening systems available on the market. The numbers indicating the concentration of the active substance given by manufacturers are not always correct. Sometimes the concentration is exaggerated for marketing purposes.

Popular user questions

How to whiten teeth at home?

Algorithm for teeth whitening using:

1. Smile widely to apply the product as accurately as possible. 2. Apply a thin layer of gel or stick strips/insert trays. 3. Wait for the time specified by the manufacturer. 4. Remove the strips or trays and remove the remaining gel with a napkin. 5. Upon completion of the procedure, do not drink or eat for half an hour.

How often can you whiten your teeth?

You can use gels and mouth guards on average once every six months. The duration of the procedure is 4-6 hours. It is not recommended to use the products more often so that aggressive oxidizing agents do not damage the enamel.

Teeth whitening strips Crest 3D White Luxe

Whitening with the Crest 3D White is carried out in the same way as with other strips - they are applied to the teeth for a certain time in accordance with the instructions. The active substance of the gel is hydrogen peroxide. The strips also contain ingredients that effectively treat stains and plaque on enamel, while the product remains safe for teeth. The company offers the following types of products:

  • Professional Effects Strips. Not only the visible surface is whitened, but also hard-to-reach areas, making the smile appear natural.
  • Supreme Flexfit. Thanks to new technology, these strips adhere better to the teeth. They can be used during the day, they do not interfere with talking, you are even allowed to drink water with these strips on your teeth.
  • Whitening system Gentle Routine. This is a good option for whitening sensitive teeth. The composition includes natural ingredients, and the active substance has a small concentration, this eliminates possible discomfort due to hypersensitivity.
  • The Vivid system is also designed specifically for sensitive teeth.
  • 1-Hour Express Strips. They are coated with a gel with a higher concentration of the active substance, the method provides a faster result, however, the system is not recommended for use in cases of increased tooth sensitivity.

How to use teeth whitener?

How to use whitening products to make them work as effectively as possible:

  • Before applying the product, brush your teeth thoroughly to remove any dirt from the interdental spaces;
  • use dental floss to better prepare your teeth for the whitening process;
  • Apply directly to teeth using the optional applicator.

Manufacturers recommend using teeth whitening products for 7 to 14 days for 10 minutes every day (the duration of whitening depends on the degree of discoloration). This is the time required for the active components to cover the surface of the enamel and simultaneously penetrate deep into the tooth. Even the most persistent discoloration is then gradually eliminated.

Home teeth whitening White Light

White Light system is a universal and affordable product for high-quality home teeth whitening. The active gel is applied in a thin layer from the inside of the mouth guard. The mouth guard is inserted into the mouth and clamped with the upper and lower teeth; a device with a light source is fixed on the mouth guard - it is covered and held by the lips. To obtain a visible result, 10 minutes are enough; if your teeth are very yellow, you can increase the time to 30 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be carried out after breakfast, lunch and dinner for 10 minutes, or 30 minutes at a time - whichever is more convenient for you.

Best Teeth Whitening System

It is impossible to say unequivocally which systems are better. Professional methods are intended for radical teeth whitening, home methods are intended to enhance and maintain the result. The most effective and safe method is considered to be a procedure in a clinic, since experiments at home are fraught with unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation of the mucous membrane or burn of the gums.

Among in-office options, the laser technique is well-deservedly popular - the device does not heat the tissue, the smile becomes whiter by about 15 tones, and the process lasts less than half an hour. These advantages give us the right to call laser teeth whitening the best system.

Teeth whitening at home Global White

Global White is a comprehensive whitening system that includes:

  • Gel. Whitening pencil;
  • Retractor to hold teeth open during the procedure;
  • Brush for applying bleach.

Whitening gel includes 3 percent or 6 percent hydrogen peroxide. It is its effect that provides the brightening effect. Another component of the gel is potassium nitrate, which is necessary to maintain tooth enamel and reduce its sensitivity. The third element is xylitol, which actively prevents the proliferation of carious bacteria.

In addition to the global white whitening system, a mouthwash and toothpaste have been developed to maintain the effect. Mouthwash, in addition to lightening the enamel in hard-to-reach areas of the teeth, also promotes its remineralization.

Are there any contraindications?

There are several diseases and conditions for which professional and home whitening using products containing carbamide peroxide is not recommended:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the procedure may cause increased sensitivity of the teeth.
  2. Age up to 18 years. Before this period, the procedure cannot be carried out according to the instructions.
  3. Cracks, chips. Damage and defects can cause the composition to penetrate deep into the tooth tissue and lead to a burn of the pulp.
  4. Caries and carious cavities. If this problem is not eliminated before manipulation, the application of a bleaching agent will lead to softening of the dentin and aggravation of the disease.

Home teeth whitening using White Kiss trays

White Kiss whitening kit is another comprehensive system for home teeth whitening. The set includes 12 ml of whitening gel, toothpaste to maintain the whitening effect, and two thermoplastic trays.

The main active ingredient of the White Kiss whitening gel is carbamide peroxide 10%, a professional but safe product for teeth. To reduce the risk of developing enamel hypersensitivity after whitening procedures, the gel contains potassium fluoride and xylitol.

White Kiss toothpaste is designed to maintain the whitening effect of the gel. It is low-abrasive and contains sodium fluoride and xylitol, which effectively prevent caries. The paste also contains papain, which copes well with plaque, and pyrophosphates, which protect teeth from further plaque formation.

The set is designed for a one-week course - 7 procedures.

If we compare White Kiss with Global White, the manufacturer of White Kiss speeds up the whitening process by increasing the concentration of the active substance, which means that for sensitive teeth it is preferable to use Global White.

Other methods of mechanical teeth whitening

In addition to professional methods, there are also home mechanical lightening techniques that are incredibly popular in modern society. However, using them to whiten teeth may be unsafe and cause more harm than good.

Traditionally, for home mechanical teeth whitening, people use pastes that contain abrasive particles. The abrasive in the paste will indeed help clean teeth from plaque, but at the same time it will gradually destroy the enamel structure, which will lead to its thinning and the appearance of tooth hypersensitivity. Constant and incorrect use of pastes with abrasives is also fraught with the risk of developing cervical caries, since it is in this area of ​​the tooth that the enamel coating is destroyed most quickly.

Home whitening Amazing White

Amazing White HOME COLLECTION teeth whitening system at home with a mini LED lamp is an innovative product on the dental market that allows you to painlessly, safely and effectively change the color of your teeth at home. Allows you to avoid uncomfortable mouthguards, gum irritation and increased tooth sensitivity. Manufacturers promise comfort, ease of use and snow-white enamel. The kit contains a mouth opener, an LED lamp, the light of which will release active oxygen from the whitening gel, and two tubes with the active product.

Teeth whitening: a brief educational program

Teeth whitening methods

Whitening methods can be divided into two types:

  1. Professional whitening - you need to go to the dental clinic for it. This includes photo bleaching, chemical bleaching, ultrasound, and laser. These methods require medical knowledge, skills and special equipment. These are usually quite expensive procedures, but at the same time the safest and most effective. We would recommend them.
  2. Home whitening. This includes both traditional methods and special modern means. We won’t talk about grandma’s methods like lemon peels and activated carbon, but we will dwell on various types of special equipment in more detail. These include:
  • whitening toothpastes and powders . The very first and most common, but not the most effective option. Typically, these toothpastes and tooth powders act as abrasives, removing a thin layer of enamel along with plaque. In addition, there are very effective enzymatic and chemical whitening toothpastes. This method really helps to lighten your teeth, but it can seriously harm your health, so buy only good toothpastes and use them for no longer than a month;
  • Mouth rinses are a good addition to toothpaste and generally a good thing for oral hygiene. The effectiveness of whitening, of course, is unlikely to amaze you, but mouth rinses act gently, fight germs, freshen breath, and maintain normal acid-base balance and humidity in the mouth;
  • erasers for teeth are ordinary polyester erasers, only they need to be used to erase not pencil marks from paper, but stains from teeth. Quite a strange invention of a Chinese genius. Of course, an eraser will not help whiten your teeth for a long time, but it will remove the effects of drinking coffee or red wine;
  • whitening varnishes - they do not so much change the tone of tooth enamel as simply paint over it. This is a quick, short-term method used when there is no time for thorough whitening. The varnish is erased, for example, by food, but it will still last one evening, so it can be used before an interview, a reunion or other important event;
  • gels are not as effective as chemical whitening in the dentist’s office due to the lower concentration of the active substance, but they are cheaper, are not as dangerous if used incorrectly, and can be used at home. The gel is applied to the teeth using a brush: this must be done carefully, because if it gets on the mucous membrane it can cause serious irritation. Typically the course takes about two weeks. The most convenient format for producing gels is pencils. They are small, convenient, you can take them with you on a trip and use them on the road;
  • Mouth guards are not so much an independent product as a way to enhance the effectiveness of the whitening gel. The trays are placed on the teeth before bed for an hour or two or even throughout the night. They can be either standard sizes - the main thing here is not to miss - or thermoplastic, that is, capable of taking the shape of your teeth after heating;
  • strips - they are glued to the teeth using fixing compounds, and the agent with which the strips are impregnated is responsible for whitening. Just like mouth guards, the strips are usually applied before bedtime. Their advantage is that you can do household chores and not be distracted by the whitening procedure, which happens as if by itself. Quite effective, safe and inexpensive method.

Contraindications to teeth whitening

Since bleaching somehow affects the enamel, before using any product, pay attention to contraindications. General contraindications to teeth whitening include:

  • children's age (up to 16 years);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • any diseases of teeth and gums;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • enamel damage: chips, cracks, caries;
  • allergy to the active substances of whitening products: hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide;
  • anomalies in the eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • taking antibiotics and other medications that can affect the color of tooth enamel;
  • oncological diseases.

In any case, before using bleaching products, read the instructions, and if you have any doubts, consult a specialist for advice.

How to maintain the result after teeth whitening with drugs from the pharmacy

Home whitening cannot provide as long-lasting results as professional procedures. Therefore, in order to keep your teeth white for as long as possible, after and during whitening, follow three simple rules:

  • exclude coloring foods and drinks from your diet: coffee and tea, red wine, soy sauce, beets, carrots, berries;
  • pay due attention to oral hygiene: brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day, use dental floss and mouthwash;
  • stop smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.

Home whitening Zoom Day White and Night White

Day White ACP is a daytime whitening system that contains an active gel based on 7.5% or 9.5% hydrogen peroxide. The composition of the Day White ACP gel also includes: amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) - adds shine to the enamel, reduces its permeability, and potassium nitrate - to reduce the sensitivity of the enamel. The recommended course of whitening is up to 2 weeks, 2 times a day for 30 minutes.

Night White is a night whitening system that contains an active gel based on 16% carbamide peroxide. The gel also includes amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) to restore damaged enamel. For effectiveness, the Night White system uses custom trays made using a vacuum former. The recommended course of use of Night White is from 9 to 27 days for 5-7 hours.

How to use tooth powder

To ensure that tooth powder does not cause harm, it is necessary to use it correctly:

  • The composition should be selected in accordance with the condition of the teeth, gums, and existing diseases. For example, in case of some gum diseases, it is necessary to minimize the traumatic mechanical impact, so abandoning the paste in favor of the powder is not advisable.
  • Highly abrasive products should be chosen only if you need to clean the enamel from heavy deposits and stains. They can be used by smokers to solve the problem of yellowing teeth.
  • It is not recommended to use abrasives for daily hygiene. It is enough to clean once every 3-5 days, and for daily use, give preference to paste. This combination of products gives an excellent whitening and preventive effect.
  • The powder easily absorbs moisture. This not only affects its properties, but can also cause bacteria to multiply. Do not dip your toothbrush in powder before use. The product must be diluted with a small amount of water to a paste-like consistency.
  • To achieve maximum effect, brush your teeth with the powder for about 3 minutes. Experts recommend changing the product on the brush twice in one session. The brush should be soft, this will help reduce the mechanical load that the abrasive has. After finishing brushing, you can further brush your teeth with a non-abrasive toothpaste. This should be done if significant deposits are visible on the teeth, the enamel has darkened or stains have formed on it. Be sure to rinse your mouth very thoroughly.

Which is better - tooth powder or toothpaste? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. The choice depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the condition of the oral cavity. It is not always right to choose one of the means. In some cases, the greatest effectiveness can be achieved with the right combination.

Home whitening Beyond

Beyond Home Edition home whitening system is based on the Beyond Power Whitening Accelerator professional whitening system. The technology involves the use of cold light with a wavelength of 480 nanometers, which is comfortable for the patient. Using 18 high intensity light emitting diodes, this light triggers a special film and a specially formulated whitening gel. The system replicates the accelerated whitening used in the Beyond Power Whitening Accelerator system in dental offices.

Types of Teeth Whitener

Whitening methods are divided into two types - professional and home. The first is carried out by a dentist in a dental office using special equipment. These include chemical, ultrasonic, photo and laser whitening. The advantages of this method are a snow-white smile in a few sessions. The downside is the high cost of the procedure.

Today there are many products on sale that whiten enamel at home. The method allows you to delicately and painlessly restore the natural whiteness of your teeth. Home whitening includes the following:

  1. Pencils – lighten the enamel by 0.5-3 tones. The convenient shape allows you to treat the surface of all teeth. Advantages: low price, ease of use, application to certain pigmented areas.
  2. Mouthguards are special devices that are worn on the upper and lower jaws. There are standard and thermoplastic (after heating they take an individual shape) types. Most effective in combination with whitening gels.
  3. Strips are special adhesive tapes with an active composition. They are practical, convenient and efficient. Advantages: precise dosage of the active ingredient, fast action, no discomfort.
  4. Whitening pastes are the most affordable and convenient way to whiten. The products contain special components and particles that gradually lighten the enamel. The downside is that the effect is not as pronounced as when using the above remedies.

Home teeth whitening with Opalescence gel

Several types of fluoride gel Opalescence PF for teeth whitening at home: with 10%, 15% and 20% concentration of carbamide peroxide. The gel does not cause pain and the development of hypersensitivity. When applied to tooth enamel, it absorbs the same amount of fluoride as when applied over the same period of time to most toothpastes from leading manufacturers. The patented gel composition begins to whiten within 30 minutes after application (from 1 to 3 daily) or whitens for the entire time for which it is applied and left, that is, from 1 to 6 hours during the day. When used at night, when the gel remains active for 8-10 hours, the desired tone can be achieved faster.

Manufacturers of the Amazing White, Zoom, Beyond, Opalescence systems recommend using this system also as a supplement after professional whitening at the dentist.

Teeth whitening: basic methods

Advertising of modern dental clinics offers patients different types of teeth whitening, including photo whitening, ultrasonic lightening of tooth enamel, mechanical, laser and intra-canal whitening. You can also find whitening pencils, mouth guards, and strips in pharmacies, the manufacturers of which assure that these products will restore your smile’s whiteness and attractive appearance.

How can a person who is far from medicine and has little understanding of what is really harmful and what is good for teeth not get confused in such an abundance of teeth whitening methods? The secret is simple - you just need to study the basics and operating principles of each method, and then make a choice in favor of a specific method.

What’s interesting is that all the methods listed above are classified into only two types – chemical and mechanical teeth whitening. Strictly speaking, mechanical methods cannot be called full-fledged enamel whitening - rather, they are high-quality cleaning of dental surfaces from all types of unwanted formations. However, it should be noted that proper oral hygiene gives a good brightening result - the enamel coating becomes noticeably whiter.

Mechanical bleaching is carried out using special equipment; it can use special pastes with hard and small particles (abrasive) that can destroy dense deposits. Mechanical methods of teeth whitening will help you achieve two goals at once: to achieve high-quality hygiene of the teeth and oral cavity and at the same time noticeably lighten the enamel.

Chemical teeth whitening - the procedure traditionally uses various substances that act on the tissue from the inside and destroy the pigments that stain the tooth enamel. Chemical methods are especially good when you need to get rid of deposits formed from frequent consumption of coffee, tea, other drinks that stain enamel, and from smoking.

Below we will consider in detail the operating principle of the most popular methods of chemical and mechanical teeth whitening, and we will analyze in detail their advantages, effectiveness, and disadvantages.

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Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

Teeth Whitening Pencil Bright White

Bright White whitening pencil is a modern development that allows you to improve the color of your tooth enamel at home in just a few procedures.

The colorless gel that is part of the Bright White whitening pencil contains the same components as the products used by professional dentists for teeth whitening, this allows you to whiten your teeth painlessly, absolutely harmlessly and professionally.

Professional whitening

Although some whitening gels are suitable for home use, it is best to have the procedure done at a dental clinic. The fact is that hydrogen peroxide is aggressive towards mucous membranes, and it is very important to carefully isolate them. This is not always possible at home, and there is a risk of getting irritation or chemical burns.

Professional whitening is carried out in several stages:

  • The doctor carefully isolates the mucous membranes. Typically, a cofferdarm is used for this - a special latex plate that allows you to isolate the teeth from the rest of the oral cavity.
  • The composition is applied to the surface of the enamel. It is important to distribute the product evenly, otherwise the whitening will be of poor quality.
  • To activate the chemical reaction, the doctor uses a special lamp on the gel-coated teeth. The released active oxygen reacts with pigments and destroys them. The duration of the procedure depends on the original and desired color. Typically, the patient spends 30 minutes to an hour in the dentist's chair. You can lighten your teeth by 4-6 tones.

Teeth whitening gels can be used repeatedly, but the procedures cannot be carried out very often. Listen to your doctor's recommendations. In non-smoking patients who maintain oral hygiene and do not abuse coffee and tea, the effect lasts up to 3-5 years.

Teeth whitening pencil Luxury white

Luxury White-pro pencil was developed using modern technology and helps restore the natural color of tooth enamel. Luxury White PRO contains urea peroxide as an active ingredient, which has a gentle effect on teeth without compromising the integrity of the enamel.

Once on the surface of tooth enamel, peroxide is converted as a result of a reaction into hydrogen peroxide, which leads to its further breakdown and conversion into a portion of active oxygen, which affects tooth enamel.

After the whitening procedure, you do not need to rinse your mouth, just wipe your teeth with a soft cloth, and also refrain from eating or drinking for half an hour (maximum hour).

Contraindications for teeth whitening and recommendations

First of all, we note that the whitening procedure using the Zoom 4 method (and most alternative methods) is possible only in the absence of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, teeth, as well as caries of all stages. Whitening in this way is impossible in the presence of cancer and mental illness, in case of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding and at the age of less than 16 years. As with any medical intervention, prior consultation and diagnostic testing are required to identify possible allergic reactions.

To maintain the results achieved during whitening, you will need to carefully monitor oral hygiene, regularly brush your teeth (and use dental floss after meals), and reduce the consumption of drinks containing aggressive natural dyes (coffee and strong black tea). In the first two weeks, you need to refrain from foods containing both synthetic and natural dyes (this list includes certain vegetables, fruits and berries, sauces and sweet sodas). Smoking should be resolutely abandoned - it can quickly reduce the efforts made to zero. Remember that although the Zoom 4 procedure is safe, it is not recommended to do it regularly - otherwise it will lead to deterioration of the enamel and the appearance of cracks on it.

Magic White home teeth whitening system

The whitening course using the Magic White Home Kit is designed for 2-3 weeks. The whitening method is based on exposure to a light beam of a certain radiation length. Unlike other teeth whitening methods, the system contains an acid-free whitening gel, which eliminates damage to the enamel. The light from the lamp activates the whitening gel, releasing oxygen, which penetrates the enamel and dentin and whitens dark pigments without changing the structure of the tooth.

Professional teeth whitening systems

The principle of the whitening procedure in dentistry is to apply a whitening gel to the teeth, the effect of which in most cases is enhanced by a catalyst in the form of ultraviolet light or a laser beam. Let's look at the features of the most common in-office teeth whitening systems.


The gel on the teeth is activated by ultraviolet radiation from a Philips lamp. There are several versions of the system - ZOOM-1, ZOOM-2, ZOOM-3 and ZOOM-4. The latest versions have a longer light wave, which reduces the time spent on the procedure, and a reduced concentration of hydrogen peroxide - 25%, without loss of effectiveness. The process takes about an hour. As a result, teeth become 12 to 15 shades whiter.


The laser system allows you to achieve even more significant results by targeting the laser to each tooth treated with the whitening gel. The session lasts approximately 20 minutes, the whiteness of teeth increases by 15 shades.

Amazing White

Gentle light whitening with gel containing peroxide - no more than 16%. The radiation from the LED lamp provokes the release of oxygen atoms, which remove stains from the tooth surface. The process takes about half an hour, teeth become 6 to 12 shades whiter, the effect lasts up to 6 months with limited use of coloring products.

Opalescence boost

A type of chemical bleaching without the use of catalysts. An additional advantage is the strengthening of enamel due to the fluoride content in the gel. The result lasts up to 3 years if you follow a “white” diet. Whitening occurs by 5 – 10 tones.


Lightening of dental tissues is achieved by exposing the oxygen gel to cold halogen lighting. The procedure is carried out in 20 – 40 minutes and ends with whitening by 10 tones.

Luma Cool

The system is almost unknown in Russia, but is popular abroad. Its peculiarity is the use of a cold light diode lamp, which eliminates overheating of the pulp and any damage to the enamel. The duration of the process does not exceed half an hour, as a result, teeth are whitened by 8 shades.

Home teeth whitening system Dent 3D White

Dent 3D White teeth whitening technology is in many ways similar to popular home lamp whitening. In the same way, a special gel and a device that emits a light beam at a strictly defined wavelength are used to whiten teeth.

The active substance of the gel is carbamide peroxide, which releases atomic oxygen. This is the same whitening component that is used in professional whitening.

Under the influence of light, a gel with active oxygen penetrates deeply into tooth enamel, destroys pigments without changing the structure of hard tooth tissue.

The packaging design is reminiscent of the White light system, which suggests certain thoughts related to marketing.

Safe teeth whitening with dental products

If you decide to have professional whitening, already at your initial appointment with a dentist you will be told in detail about the available methods - depending on the chosen one, the cost will differ. The most popular types of whitening: laser, chemical, ultrasound, photodynamic, as well as one of the most modern and promising methods - Zoom technology. It is on its analysis that we will dwell in more detail.

Zoom 4 is the name of the latest (in terms of appearance) generation of this whitening technology. Its essence lies in the use of a special gel, the active components of which ensure the penetration of oxygen molecules deep inside the tooth under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This leads to qualitative changes and long-lasting results. In one session it is possible to lighten the enamel by more than 10 tones.

Initially, this whitening technology came to Russia from overseas, but due to its high efficiency it quickly gained recognition in most European countries. With each generation, technology improves and becomes safer. The last factor is fundamentally important, since some of the criticism at the beginning (when Zoom first appeared) related to the generous use of hydrogen peroxide, which, as you know, is not the best friend of tooth enamel. At the moment, its content in the treatment system is no more than 25 percent. An important advantage of the system is that all its components are produced by one manufacturer, which guarantees their full compatibility. At the same time, it effectively fights not only the natural pigmentation of teeth, but also darkening caused by active coffee consumption and bad habits. It is important that whitening occurs without damaging teeth or causing microcracks.

White smile home whitening system

Teeth whitening system White Smile photo-whitening technology. The difference between the method is that active oxygen passes to the dentin of the tooth through the enamel matrix, where it cleans it of dark particles on which the color of the tooth depends. It is considered highly effective and completely safe even for problem teeth.

The teeth whitening process in this system is quite simple. It is necessary to apply the gel to the teeth, turn on the device emitting LED light, and point it at the teeth whitening area.

The White Smile system kit includes an LED light device, gel A, dental tray, gel B, instructions, 2 batteries.

The patented formula of White&Smile products was developed in France, production is carried out in Italy, and the products meet the safety requirements of the European Union.

Top 10 Teeth Whitening Kits

ON WHITE Wireless teeth whitening system DUAL / white teeth 8 shades in 5 days I whitening set

The teeth whitening device uses directional light optics technology that combines heat and light with a specially formulated hydrogen peroxide whitening gel. It whitens teeth in just 8 minutes. This clinically proven product makes your teeth 5 shades whiter in just 5 days. It is also safe for use on veneers, bridges and crowns.


  • Quick results
  • No sensitivity or pain
  • No liquid gel
  • Automatic shutdown

AuraGlow Deluxe Home Teeth Whitening System

AuraGlow Deluxe Home Teeth Whitening System offers the best teeth whitening treatment right at home without burning a hole in your pocket. The kit includes a hands-free LED whitening device and a dental whitening gel that clears teeth stains caused by tea, coffee, wine and smoking. This makes your teeth look brighter, younger and healthier. 35% carbamide peroxide teeth whitening gel instantly whitens the surface of teeth. This product claims to remove stains in just 30 minutes a day. Repeat it for 7 days to get maximum results.


  • Quick results
  • Safe for enamel
  • Lack of sensitivity
  • Contains 20 treatments over 20 days
  • Comes with built-in timer

Yotuel 7 Hours Home Whitening Kit

The teeth whitening kit contains whitening syringes, remineralization gel, professional trays and a whitening accelerator. Since no two sets of teeth are alike, this set comes with 3 customizable mouth trays to ensure a perfect fit. Use this treatment once a day for 15 minutes to remove stains.


  • Easy to use
  • Includes case for retainer
  • Quick results
  • No pain or sensitivity

Cali White Vegan Teeth Whitening Kit

The natural combination of baking soda and cranberry oil whitens teeth two to eight shades in just seven days. It also contains aloe vera and chamomile, which soothe sensitive teeth and protect gums without damaging enamel. Includes a blue LED indicator with built-in timer, two syringes of natural botanical gel, two thermoformed mouthpiece trays and one universal tray for a comfortable fit, and a tropical palm tree case.


  • Natural
  • Without cruelty
  • Non-peroxide formula
  • Full set
  • Organic Ingredients

Global White teeth whitening strips.

Sulfate-free teeth whitening strips that whiten teeth in seven days with zero sensitivity. The strips are soaked in coconut oil to remove all types of stains, including stubborn wine and coffee stains. Easy to use, travel-friendly strips have a subtle coconut scent that effectively whitens teeth and shows fast results with regular use.


  • No sulfates
  • Zero sensitivity
  • Easy to use
  • Great taste

MagicBrite Teeth Whitening Kit

The MagicBrite Complete Teeth Whitening Kit contains everything you need for a bright smile and a set of pearly white teeth.
The kit includes two syringes of whitening gel, two vitamin E swabs, an LED teeth whitening device, two trays and a shade guide. It removes the toughest stains without causing pain. This advanced technological device is designed to achieve professional, dental-grade results. pros

  • Whitens teeth in just three days
  • Removes stubborn stains
  • Safe and effective
  • Accessible
  • Cons The device is made of uncomfortably hard plastic

Yamaguchi Light Teeth Whitening Kit

Get noticeable results in just one treatment with a luxurious teeth whitening system. This LED light teeth whitening kit claims to whiten your teeth up to 8 shades in 10 treatments. The kit includes an enamel-safe 35% carbamide peroxide formula with low sensitivity serum. Simply put the device in your mouth, press the light button and wait 20 minutes. Repeat this for 7-10 days for maximum results.


  • Quick results
  • Custom made tray
  • Natural and gluten-free gel
  • No side effects

Professional teeth whitening system MySmile Professional

The MySmile professional teeth whitening system includes three packs of 18% carbamide peroxide whitening gel and a specially selected tray. This set is ideal for people with sensitive teeth. It claims to whiten your teeth in just 15 minutes. Moreover, this whitening kit comes with a professional LED accelerator that speeds up the whitening process and a timer that automatically turns off the device after 15 minutes.


  • Soft and comfortable shape
  • Fast visible results
  • Enough gel for 9 days

Teeth whitening kit Opalescence PF 20% Patient Kit regular

The Teeth Whitening Kit contains a remineralizing gel that strengthens enamel and reduces tooth sensitivity by replenishing primary minerals. It uses a professional teeth whitening gel that helps remove stubborn stains quickly. The gel is made from 44% carbamide peroxide for effective teeth whitening. This product gives instant results in just one or two applications.


Removes years of stains Kit includes 2 trays, 3 gel syringes and detailed instructions Whitens teeth in 10 minutes

Starlite Smile LED Light Teeth Whitener

With 16 blue LEDs, the Starlite Smile LED Light Teeth Whitener is one of the brightest devices on the market right now. This device includes three adapters for iPhone, Android and USB charging. This is a high-tech, easy-to-use device. The best thing about this product is that it does not require additional bleach trays or batteries.


  • Easy to maintain
  • Flexible mouthpiece
  • No discomfort
  • Works with any teeth whitening gel


  • Poorly designed USB port

Teeth whitening system Soocas Dr. Bei Sonic

This teeth whitening system is an all-in-one kit that includes whitening wands, desensitizing serum, LED activation lamp and a detailed teeth whitening guide. Its enamel-safe formula will not harm your teeth even after repeated use. It contains no harsh chemicals and guarantees zero sensitivity.


  • 5 times faster than whitening strips
  • Immediate results
  • 5 year warranty
  • Not tested on animals

Bright White Smiles Teeth Whitening Accelerator

Bright White Smiles is a lightweight, 5 LED light and tray combo. It works with any teeth whitening gel or strip and whitens your teeth in 10 minutes. The soft silicone tray helps keep the gel in place. This unique design allows you to relax, exercise and perform any activity using it.


  • Easy to use
  • Safe for gums and teeth
  • Available in 5 colors


  • The switch button flashes.

Now that you know what the 10 best LED whitening kits are, let's learn about the side effects of these devices.

Colgate Simply White Teeth Whitening Gel

Colgate Simply White home whitening system is a teeth whitening gel made in the USA, one of the most effective whitening products in its class. Visibly whitens teeth in just two weeks when used once a day, without damaging tooth enamel. The main whitening ingredient of the gel is 5.9% hydrogen peroxide. The composition also includes stabilizing elements (phosphates) to maintain normal acidity in the oral cavity.

After applying the gel to the teeth, it is immediately absorbed into the enamel, and the process of removing stains and yellowness begins immediately. Colgate Simply White can also be used to whiten deeper areas of enamel. To obtain the desired effect, you should refrain from eating and drinking water for only 15 minutes after applying the product to your teeth - this amount of time is more than enough for the whitening gel to adhere to the teeth and the whitening process to begin.

Which method do you recommend?

The choice will primarily depend on the problem with which the visitor came to the pharmacy. If yellowness is associated with food, bad habits or insufficient hygiene, a pharmaceutical specialist may advise changing the usual paste to a whitening one and additionally offering mouth guards, gels, pencils or strips for use once a week or a short course (the course depends on the type of product).

It is also worth warning that the effect of home whitening will always be less pronounced than that of professional whitening. This will help eliminate objections in the future and prevent the formation of inflated expectations from the procedure. It is better to recommend products from the same series and line, since they usually complement each other and are compatible in composition.

When consulting, it is imperative to clarify whether the patient has caries, whether teeth have been restored or dentures have been installed. If you have cavities or black staining, it is important to recommend seeking help from a dentist. It is also necessary to refer the patient to a doctor if there is a suspicion of diseases of the internal organs, for example, liver diseases, diabetes, oncology, etc. You can assume this problem in a person by asking questions. If previously the color of the teeth was one, but then changed and other symptoms are observed: pain in a certain area, itching of the skin, excessive urination or sweating, etc., in this case it is definitely recommended to refer the patient to a doctor.

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