Whitening Zoom 4 (Zoom 4). What is it, instructions, reviews, price

Why do you need a diet?

The teeth whitening procedure involves influencing the natural or acquired shade of enamel with a special device or means for “evaporating” the dark pigment.
Subsequently, the protective layer of enamel becomes thinner. It takes about 10–14 days for it to fully recover. If the still fragile tooth enamel can be affected by dyes, then there is a high probability of staining the surface of the teeth. To prevent this result, dentists have developed a special white diet that excludes a number of “colored” foods from the diet.

Before the procedure or after its completion, the dentist gives the patient the necessary recommendations about acceptable and prohibited products after teeth whitening. Neglecting the recommendations can cause not only darkening of the enamel, but also the development of caries.

Features of teeth whitening Zoom 4

Zoom technology is patented by Discus Dental. The essence of the method is as follows: a special gel is applied to the surface of the teeth, the action of which is activated by the light of an ultraviolet lamp. As a result of light exposure, oxygen molecules are released, which penetrate dental tissue and destroy coloring pigments.

Zoom 4 whitening technology, which is the latest version of Philips' development, features a number of solutions that significantly increase the comfort and safety of the procedure.

Which products are safe

Dentists recommend consuming foods that are not only safe, but also healthy for your teeth. It is advisable to include foods containing minerals (calcium and fluorine) as well as vitamins (A, EC) into your daily diet. Quick fastening of the enamel will allow you to quickly return to your usual diet and favorite dishes.

Experts determine the main list of foods that can be eaten after teeth whitening at the dentist:

  • any dairy products that do not contain dyes or coloring fillers;
  • fruits and vegetables of dull colors;
  • natural seafood;
  • poultry and egg whites;
  • pasta, cereals and potatoes;
  • any cabbage, with the exception of red cabbage;
  • bakery products;
  • celery or asparagus (steamed).

When following a white diet after teeth whitening, the list of acceptable foods includes all those foods that do not have a coloring effect.

It is recommended to adhere to these particular products in order to avoid not only staining, but also damage to the enamel. Weakened enamel can react to sour, salty and spicy foods, which will “eat away” the unprotected enamel, thus provoking the development of infectious or inflammatory processes. It is also not advisable to consume rough food to prevent damage to the surface of the teeth.

What foods are not advisable to eat?

Particular attention is paid to the list of what patients should not eat after teeth whitening. Limitations are associated with increased tooth sensitivity and the risk of enamel staining.

During the white diet, the following are excluded from the diet:

  • any tea, except white;
  • coffee drinks and cocoa;
  • brightly colored sauces;
  • drinks made from vegetables or fruits;
  • fruits and berries with rich color;
  • all citrus fruits and sour berries;
  • dragees, lollipops, chocolate, jam;
  • egg yolk.

Dentists also advise you to independently monitor the consumption of products containing dyes. To do this, you can even study the composition of the product on the packaging before purchasing it.

Using the method at home. Instructions

You can whiten your teeth using the Zoom technology at home. True, the whole process will take about 6-12 days, and helps change the color of the enamel by 4-6 tones. But during the procedures, a gel with a 9-16% content of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is used.

So, whitening is carried out as carefully as possible, and after it there is no increase in tooth sensitivity. You can also use the system at a convenient time. Thus, it is better for working patients to purchase the Night White set, thanks to which the whitening process occurs at night. For those who have a few free hours during the day, the Day White system is suitable.

To use the Zoom technology at home, you will also need to first carry out a full treatment of the oral cavity, remove tartar and plaque, and carry out professional cleaning. Next, the dentist will take impressions of the jaws and make special silicone mouth guards based on them.

Then you can begin teeth whitening, which follows the following algorithm:

  1. The gel should be applied to the inside of the mouth guard using the dosage recommended by your doctor.
  2. The mouth guards must be placed on the jaws and pressed down lightly. If necessary, you will need to remove excess gel with a napkin.
  3. If the Day White system is used, then you need to wear the aligners for 30 minutes. if you use the Night White set, you will need to keep the aligners in place for 8 hours.
  4. After the procedure, you need to carefully remove the pads, immediately rinse your mouth, and spit out the contents. The mouth guards must be thoroughly washed, dried and placed in a special container.

After the procedure, you should not smoke or consume foods or drinks with dyes. Otherwise, the effect will disappear immediately.

How long should you stick to the diet?

It is advisable to observe the restriction on this list for at least two weeks until the protective layer of tooth enamel is restored.
In the future, consume foods with dyes, but in small quantities. If it is not possible to completely give up products with dyes, a slight deviation from the diet is acceptable, but only from the fourth day after teeth whitening. After eating foods and the list of restrictions, you should immediately brush your teeth and use a mouthwash.

The longer you manage to follow a white diet, the longer your teeth will remain snow-white. After whitening, teeth become even more sensitive to pigments, so dentists advise not to overuse products rich in dyes to maintain the effect.

Differences from Zoom 3

During the “Zoom 3” procedure, the whitening process itself occurs due to the fact that the pigment is destroyed under the influence of heat from a special lamp. But this process also leads to dehydration of the enamel, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. And after the session, discomfort can last for several days.

When whitening “Zoom 4”, a special gel is exposed to a lamp with “cold” light, which starts the process of pigment destruction, but does not cause heating of the enamel. And accordingly, such a procedure is not accompanied by discomfort. And after it, the teeth remain sensitive for a maximum of 7-12 hours.

The Zoom 4 system also uses a gel containing 25% hydrogen peroxide (in Zoom 3 the drug contains 35% of this substance). Namely, peroxide affects the structure of the enamel, contributing to the appearance of microscopic pores. So the damage from Zoom 4 is much less, and the gel of this system contains fluoride and other beneficial substances that help minimize damage and strengthen the enamel in the process.

The influence of bad habits

Changing your diet with these minor adjustments for just two weeks is easy for many people. It is much more difficult to change your habits.

Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol have a negative impact on teeth. It is necessary to give up smoking completely, since a snow-white, beautiful smile and nicotine are incompatible.

With alcohol, indulgences are permissible, since it is only necessary to categorically refuse drinks containing any types of dyes. But since modern alcoholic drinks (with the exception of clear ones) mostly contain coloring substances, the list of permitted alcohol is insignificant.

Other recommendations

Professional whitening in order to prevent negative consequences requires special dental care, which is not limited only to a white diet.

Dentists advise patients to adhere to several rules in the first two weeks:

  • oral hygiene should be gentle (select a brush with soft bristles, a toothpaste without abrasive particles, use rinses, refuse irrigators and dental floss);
  • women should give up colored lipstick and replace it with hygienic lipstick or transparent gloss;
  • pay attention to the medications they take; they should not contain dyes;
  • To maintain the whitening effect, it is advisable to have your teeth professionally cleaned every six months.

If you do not follow the recommendations after dental teeth whitening, you may experience rapid darkening of the enamel. After just three weeks, the effect of the procedure may no longer be noticeable. But the consequences for dental health are much more serious, since weakened oral tissues are easily susceptible to infectious and inflammatory processes.

A white diet is one of the necessary conditions for maintaining the effect of a beautiful smile after teeth whitening. A two-week dietary restriction will allow you to enjoy the results for a long time and keep your teeth healthy.

Carrying out a procedure in dentistry

Whitening “Zoom 4”, reviews of which are positive, should be carried out only in a professional dental clinic.

Zoom 4 device

Then the procedure will give maximum results and will not bring side effects.

Rules for patients

The whitening procedure with the Zoom 4 system cannot be performed if you have inflamed gums, caries and other dental diseases. So before it, a complete examination and treatment of the oral cavity should be carried out. You will also need to replace existing fillings with temporary ones. Otherwise, in the process they will change their shade and become noticeable.

You should also perform professional cleaning, during which plaque and stone are removed and the enamel surface is polished. This procedure will not only improve the appearance of your teeth, but will also make them more susceptible to whitening. After this, dentists recommend a course of enamel mineralization. This measure will help prevent tooth sensitivity.

Preparatory stage

Immediately before the whitening session, teeth should be isolated from the rest of the mouth. And cofferdam, a special latex fabric, will cope with this task better. The exposed parts of the gums will need to be treated with a hardening gel. You can also use a special mouth guard.

But in this case, it is necessary to treat the exposed parts of the gums, the inside of the cheeks and lips with a protective composition that will prevent burns. It is also advisable to protect the patient's eyes with dental glasses.

Main part

The whitening procedure itself should be carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. A gel consisting of an alkaline component and hydrogen peroxide should be evenly applied to the 10 upper and 10 lower dental units.

  2. The treated area must be exposed to a UV lamp, which activates the whitening process. The session takes 15-20 minutes. Then you should apply a new portion of the gel to your teeth and apply a lamp to it. This procedure can be repeated one more time if necessary.

  3. At the end of the session, you will need to remove the remaining whitening composition, and treat the dental units with a remineralizing gel, which strengthens the enamel and reduces the sensitivity of the oral cavity.


The duration of the procedure depends on the initial color of the enamel and the desired result. As a rule, all stages of whitening take about 60 minutes. But if your teeth need to be whitened by only 4-5 shades, then the session will take about 30-45 minutes.


Since during the session whitening occurs under the influence of cold halogen light, the enamel does not heat up. And accordingly, the procedure does not cause any sensations. In some cases, mild discomfort may be felt the day after the session. But you can easily get rid of it by simply brushing your mouth with a paste designed for sensitive teeth.

What side effects might there be?

Whitening Zoom 4 may cause some side effects. But, according to doctors, negative reactions arise only as a result of an incorrect procedure:

  • Gum irritation. A similar problem occurs if the gums were poorly treated with a protective composition. Then the bleaching gel gets on them, causing irritation.

  • Pulp damage. This situation occurs if the preliminary preparation was poorly carried out, caries is not healed and the crowns are not sealed. In this case, the bleaching gel enters the pulp through the lesions, causing severe irritation and pain.
  • The occurrence of cervical erosion. This problem is caused by poor-quality treatment of exposed dental necks with a protective composition. Cervical erosion is accompanied by severe pain, and its treatment is quite lengthy.

With frequent whitening systems, teeth become unnaturally white, which looks unattractive. Also, due to repeated procedures, the quality of the enamel decreases and the teeth become sensitive.

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