Removal of dental plaque: with hand instruments, sonic and ultrasonic scalers

Dental deposits are plaque and tartar that form on the surfaces of teeth and accumulate in the supragingival and subgingival space. Dental plaque not only makes our teeth unsightly - dull and yellow, but they contribute to the development of a wide variety of dental diseases of the teeth and gums. It is for this reason that it is imperative to remove dental plaque and do it in the dentist’s office, using professional techniques and equipment.

How dental plaque is removed in dentistry, by what methods and what is the price for the service in Moscow - we will answer all these questions in detail in this article.

What is dental plaque and how is it removed in dentistry?

Dental plaque is plaque that remains on the teeth after eating or drinking. This plaque contains large quantities of various bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms that harm the health of our teeth and gums. If soft dental deposits are not removed by regular brushing, they will gradually harden and turn into stone, which cannot be removed at home. Both hard and soft deposits on teeth increase the risks of developing caries, periodontitis and periodontal disease. Therefore, you need to deal with their timely removal.

Some people think that brushing their teeth every day will be enough to completely remove plaque, but this is not true. Even if you carry out dental hygiene according to all the rules and using all the recommended tools (brushes, brushes, floss), you will still not be able to carry out high-quality removal of deposits from hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity - interdental spaces, in the space above and below the gums. For this reason, to remove dental plaque, you need to go to dentistry and carry out the procedure using professional techniques and instruments.

To remove dental plaque in modern dentistry, various methods are used, and below we will consider in detail the most popular methods of cleaning teeth and the oral cavity from plaque and tartar.

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What is tartar

Microbes settle on the enamel during food consumption and digestion and multiply under the influence of a moist, warm environment near the gums. If they are not removed within the next fifteen hours, the process of mineralization of these organisms will begin.

After seven days, mineralization becomes irreversible, and after six months, the “dead” microorganisms turn into natural stone, the shade of which varies from yellow to dark brown.

Thus, up to 30% of tartar consists of organic compounds, and the amount of inorganic components gradually increases from 70 to 90%.

Additional Information. It is necessary to understand that the composition is not constant and varies depending on the period of mineralization. The amount of organic matter decreases with each day of hardening.

Remember that after just a couple of days of lack of careful hygiene, the film forms a rough surface that attracts even more plaque.

In addition, the occurrence of gum inflammation is beneficial to the stone, since this increases the amount of periodontal fluid, which contains the necessary salts and proteins to increase the colony of microorganisms and further mineralization.

Removing dental plaque: methods used in modern dentistry

To remove dental plaque in dentistry, physical and hardware methods can be used. In the first option, special tools are used to remove deposits - stone and plaque - hooks, scalers, finishers. However, the physical method of removing dental plaque is used quite rarely, only when there is a need to remove tartar from deep gum pockets, from which it is difficult to remove it in other ways.

Why has removing dental plaque with hand instruments become unpopular among modern dentists? It's simple, this method is less advanced than modern technologies for removing plaque and tartar. Manual removal of dental plaque is a labor-intensive process, the effectiveness of which will largely depend on the level of knowledge and qualifications of the dentist. Moreover, when manually removing dental deposits, irregularities remain on the teeth, in which plaque will accumulate even more actively.

Due to the considered disadvantages, manual removal of dental plaque is rarely carried out; hardware methods for removing plaque and tartar are more often used - Air Flow technology and ultrasonic cleaning.

Air Flow technology for removing dental plaque

This technology is ideal for removing soft and pigmented deposits from tooth surfaces.
The procedure for removing plaque is quick and without discomfort for the patient and, in addition to removing plaque, it helps to lighten the tooth enamel a little - by approximately 2-3 shades, to its natural shade. When removing dental plaque using Air Flow technology, teeth are cleaned by applying a powerful air-water flow to their surface, which contains abrasive particles (soda).

Air Flow dental plaque removal is an effective and gentle method of combating plaque, but with all its advantages, it does not help get rid of tartar. To carry out high-quality removal of hard dental deposits, teeth are cleaned with ultrasound. We will talk about this technology in detail in a separate section of our article.

The essence of the method

Compared to mechanical or chemical methods of teeth cleaning, this procedure has the main advantage: safety. Tartar is quite difficult to remove using mechanical methods, which can damage tooth enamel. When using ultrasound, tartar is easily separated, and the enamel is not damaged. In this case, the procedure will be comfortable for the patient and usually painless (in some cases it is recommended to use anesthesia - for example, when removing subgingival plaque).

For ultrasonic cleaning of teeth, a special device is used - an ultrasonic scaler. First, the surface of the patient’s teeth is covered with a special gel, which is then exposed to this device. Under the influence of ultrasound, the gel releases oxygen, which oxidizes deposits. Thanks to vibration, not only the tooth surface is cleaned, but also the periodontal canals. Using this method, you can even get rid of stone that forms under the gums. After completion of the procedure, the enamel is polished and a fluoride-containing composition is applied. The entire session lasts about an hour.

Typically, ultrasonic cleaning is carried out in combination with other methods of cleaning the oral cavity (for example, Air Flow). This service is also available in our clinic. The procedure is recommended before treatment and teeth whitening, as it provides disinfection of the oral cavity, a better view of enamel defects, and stronger adhesion of the filling material.

Ultrasound removal of dental plaque: features, stages and prices

Ultrasound removal of dental plaque is a modern and highly effective method of oral hygiene. Ultrasound will help:

  • Carry out the removal of supragingival and subgingival tartar;
  • Quickly remove pigmented plaque;
  • Eliminate soft microbial plaque.

Removing dental plaque is a procedure that is carried out in three stages. Below we will tell you in detail how the process of removing dental plaque with ultrasound will take place in the dentist’s office.

STEP 1: Ultrasound removal of plaque and tartar

Ultrasound removal of dental plaque is carried out using special equipment - ultrasonic scalers.
Scalers can be either a separate device or part of a dental unit. The main working element of the scaler is its tip with a metal attachment. The tip of this metal nozzle vibrates at high frequencies in the ultrasonic range. Also, water is supplied through the nozzle, which washes away decayed dental plaque from the patient’s mouth and is immediately removed with a saliva ejector.

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The scaler effectively removes dental plaque because:

1. Its nozzle creates oscillatory movements that destroy plaque and tartar. In order for the removal of dental plaque to be carried out efficiently and without damaging the teeth, it is extremely important that the vibrations of the nozzle are directed along the dental surfaces.

2. During the operation of the scaler, water is supplied to the oral cavity, which is needed not only to wash out destroyed deposits and cool the nozzle. Ultrasound in an aqueous environment creates many small bubbles, which immediately burst, releasing a large amount of energy. This energy promotes improved removal of dental plaque from tooth enamel, and in addition, helps eliminate pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity.

After removing plaque, the second stage of ultrasonic cleaning is carried out - teeth polishing.

STEP 2: Polishing teeth after removing dental plaque with ultrasound

Polishing teeth after removing dental plaque is an event that must be carried out without fail.
After removing deposits with ultrasound, microscopic particles of plaque and stone may remain on the dental surfaces, making the tooth enamel uneven and rough, which will provide optimal conditions for the accelerated accumulation of a new layer of plaque. Polishing teeth after removing deposits can be done with hand tools, but most often the Air Flow technology is used for polishing, which we briefly told you about above. When manually polishing teeth, after removing plaque, pastes, brushes and strips are used - thin strips with an abrasive layer, which polish the space between the teeth.

STAGE 3: Remineralization of teeth after removal of plaque and tartar

This stage is not considered mandatory and, moreover, many clinics do not include it in the procedure for professional removal of dental plaque.
However, remineralization must be carried out after removing plaque and tartar from the teeth. It helps strengthen tooth enamel and relieve sensitivity that may occur in the neck area of ​​teeth after plaque removal. Remineralization of teeth is carried out immediately after removing plaque and tartar and uses special preparations based on sodium fluoride.


The reasons for the occurrence of tartar, which cannot be removed at home, are:

1. Insufficient and poor-quality oral hygiene does not ensure sufficient removal of microbes that begin to actively multiply and “freeze”;

Note! This also includes incorrectly selected toothpaste, brush, brushing teeth “in haste,” and the absence of dental floss, brushes, rinsers, or irrigators in rituals.

2. Hard plaque occurs due to excessive consumption of soft foods and fast carbohydrates (flour and confectionery products). They promote abundant salivation, which provides favorable microflora for the proliferation of bacteria;

3. Bad habits - smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages (especially coloring ones, such as red wine), unhealthy diet;

4. Metabolic disorder, which leads to a change in the composition of saliva and an increase in free salt ions.

A combination of one or more reasons influences the success of tartar removal.

Plaque appears on all teeth, but the most common are the lower teeth on the inside. This is due to its proximity to the large salivary glands.

Symptoms of the disease

If a person is not attentive to the hygiene of his teeth, he is unlikely to examine the oral cavity with a flashlight to assess the degree of neglect of the situation.

Therefore, you can determine the presence of a problem not only visually, but also by indirect signs:

  • bleeding gums - often completely painless and occurs only when brushing your teeth (naturally, after the impact of a toothbrush on sensitive gums, unpleasant sensations arise);
  • bad breath - if there are no problems with the stomach, but the smell is present, it is worth considering that perhaps an impressive amount of stone has accumulated, since the active activity of microorganisms is associated with the release of sulfur compounds;
  • swelling and soreness of the gums - a feature of the accumulation of plaque, which will be discussed below, affects the soft tissues, developing inflammatory processes.

Important! It is very important to remove tartar before gum recession begins - a decrease in soft tissue, “lowering” or “raising” of the gums. This leads to exposure of the tooth root and increased sensitivity.

Types of Tartar

Based on their location, there are two types of plaque:

  1. Supragingival - visible stone, located above the gum, often found on the lower front teeth on the inside and in the area of ​​the upper molars;
  2. Subgingival - as the name suggests, plaque, which is located in the periodontal pocket, in the groove between the tooth and the gum, cannot be seen with the naked eye;
  3. Stone bridge - microbes can cover the enamel of several teeth in a row, the most advanced case.

Cleaning tartar will also depend on the method of its attachment to the surface:

  • with the inclusion in the process of organic pellicles on “cement” (this is a specific tissue covering the root part of the tooth);
  • with the inclusion of organic pellicles on the enamel in the process;
  • synthesis on uneven abrasive surfaces, for example, in the early stages of caries disease, or at chipped sites (and also, as mentioned earlier, during the formation of food plaque);
  • attachment in the depressions and ridges between teeth on the enamel or tooth root.

Consequences of dental plaque

Dentists know how to remove tartar to avoid damaging your smile.

What complications threaten?

  • inflammation of the gums and gingivitis - tartar, especially the subgingival type, has a direct effect on the tissue, promoting softening and redness, then the pocket between the gum and tooth begins to increase, increasing the formation of new bacteria;
  • periodontitis - in which bone tissue is also involved, which gradually begins to break down, which ultimately leads to complete loss of teeth.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the formation of tartar in a timely manner and contact a dental clinic to remove it.

Tartar removal

There are several ways to get rid of future diseases.


Ultrasonic tartar removal is the most common and safe method used in dentistry today.

The principle of operation is small, rapid vibration of the tip of the device - the scaler. When it comes into contact with a tooth, it creates enough resonance to destroy hard plaque.

Additionally, the nozzle treats the tooth surface with a chlorhexidine solution or water, thus polishing the surface to prevent the attachment of new plaque.

The advantage is minimal impact on the native enamel.

Air Flow

In fact, the method is based on the destruction of plaque by a thin jet directed under high pressure, consisting of water and air, non-abrasive particles.

If necessary, additional antiseptic substances are used.


It is rarely used due to the high cost of the equipment, and the principle of operation is the same as that of ultrasound - a directed beam destroys the stone, and air or water “washes” it out of the dental spaces.

Mechanical cleaning

Sometimes a mechanical, that is, manual cleaning method is used using:

  • hand scalers - metal sticks with straight and curved attachments;
  • excavators - sticks with attachments, similar to spatulas;
  • chisels - so called precisely because of their external resemblance to their larger brother;
  • curette - thin metal hooks;
  • rasps - the ribbed attachment is designed for scraping.

This type of cleaning is quite unpleasant and painful, but it is the most effective, especially with complex deposits.

However, if the doctor is careless, he can irreversibly damage the tooth enamel, so it is important to choose a dental clinic with professionals in the field of hygienic cleaning.

Which method to choose

The cleaning procedure most often includes several stages, which vary depending on the quantity and quality of plaque. But the standard set of actions looks like this:

  • Ultrasound;
  • Air-flow;
  • Polishing with a brush;
  • Remineralizing therapy.

Finally, the doctor will polish the surface of the tooth and coat it with fluoride to prolong the effect of the manipulation.

How tartar is removed in a particular case depends on the diagnosis. It is important that the dentist use a microscope to detect the early stages of plaque.

As a rule, even after improving nutrition and oral hygiene, it is necessary to come for a preventive examination, which includes professional cleaning every six months. This will avoid problems with gums, and will also allow timely detection of caries and other disorders.

Advantages of ultrasonic dental plaque removal

Ultrasound removal of plaque and tartar has a number of advantages. First of all, it is worth noting the high efficiency and versatility of the technology: it is ideal for removing pigmented plaque and perfectly removes stone from the most inaccessible areas of the oral cavity, even from deep periodontal pockets.

Removing plaque and tartar with ultrasound helps destroy pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity and, what is especially important, cleans periodontal pockets from pathogenic bacteria.

A clear advantage of removing dental plaque with ultrasound is the affordable cost of the procedure. On average, you will have to pay 4-5 thousand rubles for removing plaque and tartar, polishing and remineralizing teeth.

Is it possible to do ultrasonic cleaning at home?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to install a scaler at home and do ultrasonic cleaning of your teeth yourself. This should be done by a specialist. But there is an alternative option - buy an ultrasonic toothbrush. It has a special mechanism and a conductor inside the handle that produce vibrations. This is the so-called “soft ultrasound”, which destroys pathogenic microflora. This device removes plaque 200% more effectively than a regular toothbrush. It’s just that it’s unlikely to be able to cope with massive tartar that has accumulated on your teeth for years. Therefore, it is still recommended to consult a dentist before purchasing.

Are there any disadvantages to ultrasonic tartar removal?

There are no downsides to the technology of removing tartar using ultrasound - it is the most modern and effective method of professional oral hygiene. However, before you go to the dentist’s office to remove tartar with ultrasound, you should find out the level of competence of the doctor, as well as the level of equipment of the clinic.

Why is it important? The fact is that if the removal of tartar and plaque from teeth is carried out by an inexperienced or illiterate specialist, or using outdated equipment, there is a high risk of damage to tooth enamel and poor quality of cleaning them from deposits.

How to prolong the effect of ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning is recommended once every six months. To ensure that you always enjoy clean and healthy teeth, you must adhere to the following recommendations from your dentist:

  • refrain from consuming coloring products for 5-7 days after the procedure,
  • brush your teeth thoroughly, incl. dental brush,
  • use mouthwash
  • eat apples, cucumbers and other natural “cleansers” of teeth,
  • If you are hypersensitive, you should avoid eating sour fruits and juices, chips, and foods with sharp edges immediately after the session.

How to preserve the results of dental plaque removal for a long time?

In order for the positive results of cleaning to last for a long time after removing plaque and tartar, you need to learn how to properly care for your teeth. Here are the recommendations that dentists give to their patients:

  • Choose and use in dental and oral hygiene the brush and paste that suits you - your type and condition of tooth enamel;
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day - before breakfast and before bed. Try to rinse your mouth after every meal; • Brush your teeth in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes;
  • Use rinses and dental floss to remove plaque from interdental spaces and other places in the mouth that are difficult to clean with a regular brush;
  • Teeth need to be brushed from all sides, in addition, the tongue and gums need to be cleansed;
  • Try to drink coffee and tea less often, and it’s better to quit smoking altogether. It is these habits that contribute to the rapid formation of pigmented plaque.

And of course, don’t forget that professional dental plaque removal is a procedure that should be carried out at least twice a year!


Despite the fact that the procedure is safe and recommended for most people, there are a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy (not an absolute contraindication, consult your doctor),
  • tuberculosis,
  • asthma,
  • age up to 18 years,
  • colds and infectious diseases,
  • HIV,
  • hepatitis,
  • gastrointestinal diseases,
  • the presence of implants or orthodontic structures,
  • increased sensitivity of teeth.

The dentist will definitely inform you about all existing contraindications and carry out the procedure in accordance with the condition of your teeth.

Is it harmful - ultrasonic removal of dental plaque?

Many patients are interested in the question of the safety of ultrasonic removal of dental plaque. We hasten to reassure you - the safety of the procedure has long been proven and confirmed by a number of clinical studies. The use of ultrasonic equipment to remove plaque and tartar from teeth does not cause any negative side reactions or pathological changes in the human body.

However, it is worth considering that there are a number of contraindications to the procedure that must be taken into account. Ultrasound removal of dental plaque should be avoided if you have serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, severe respiratory diseases, pathological tooth sensitivity, and ultrasonic teeth cleaning is not performed in children and adolescents.

During pregnancy, it is possible to remove dental plaque with ultrasound, but not in the first trimester.

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Is ultrasonic teeth cleaning harmful?

In the absence of contraindications, ultrasonic cleaning is absolutely safe. In addition, it is good for your teeth. Cleansed, smooth enamel begins to better absorb microelements and nutrients contained in toothpaste, mineral water, and food. Do not confuse ultrasonic cleaning with chemical bleaching, which dries out the enamel, making it more fragile and sensitive.

How often should I do ultrasonic teeth cleaning?

It is recommended to undergo a session approximately once every six months. Over the course of 6 months, dental plaque gradually accumulates and hardens. In people suffering from mineral metabolism disorders or increased viscosity of saliva, tartar forms faster. In this case, cleaning should be done every 3-4 months.

Is it possible to do ultrasonic cleaning at home?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to install a scaler at home and do ultrasonic cleaning of your teeth yourself. This should be done by a specialist. But there is an alternative option - buy an ultrasonic toothbrush. It has a special mechanism and a conductor inside the handle that produce vibrations. This is the so-called “soft ultrasound”, which destroys pathogenic microflora. This device removes plaque 200% more effectively than a regular toothbrush. It’s just that it’s unlikely to be able to cope with massive tartar that has accumulated on your teeth for years. Therefore, it is still recommended to consult a dentist before purchasing.

Is ultrasound safe during pregnancy?

Ultrasonic waves act locally, so they are safe for a pregnant woman. However, it must be taken into account that in the first trimester of pregnancy the protective properties of the placenta are still very weak, and in the third trimester the sensitivity of the uterus to any external influence increases. Therefore, if you decide to undergo hygienic cleaning at the dentist, it is better to do it in the second trimester. Be sure to tell your doctor about your situation.

Cost of dental plaque removal

We have already written above that this procedure has a cost that is quite affordable for a wide range of patients. But in different clinics the price may be different: this is explained by the fact that different dentists include a different set of procedures in the dental plaque removal service. Most often, a complex is offered that includes ultrasonic teeth cleaning, Air Flow polishing and fluoridation. The cost of such a comprehensive service in Moscow will start at 4,500 rubles.

You can undergo the procedure for removing dental plaque in comfortable conditions and using ultra-modern technologies and equipment in our dental clinic in Moscow - VENSTOM. You can find out all the details about the service and about making an appointment with our specialists by writing to the chat on our website or calling us!

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