Foam Splat (Splat) for children's teeth. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Types, flavors of Splat dental foam and their composition

The company's official website presents 5 types of cleansing foams for teeth and oral cavity for adults. The main purpose of the products is to freshen breath, protect against caries, lighten enamel, and normalize the condition of the gums.

Brief description of types of cleansing foams:

Foam namea brief description ofAdvantages and disadvantages
Splat mintThe product has a light mint aroma and taste. Thanks to this characteristic, the drug effectively eliminates bad breath, including tobacco. The foam effectively cleanses plaque from tooth enamel. Does not contain fluoride. Advantages of the drug:
  • mild refreshing effect;
  • has a whitening effect;
  • can be used when wearing dentures.

No deficiencies were found in the foam.

Splat raspberryThe foam has a pleasant aroma and taste of raspberries. The product helps remove plaque and food debris and gently freshens breath. Since the composition does not contain fluoride, the foam can be used for teeth and gums with increased sensitivity. Advantage of the product:
  • gently freshens breath;
  • convenient for use on the road;
  • eliminates the smell of tobacco smoke.

No disadvantages have been identified in this species.

Splat aloe and tea treeThe drug has a moderate herbal taste and aroma. Thanks to its composition, the product has an enhanced protective and restorative effect on gum and tooth tissue. The foam does not contain fluoride. The drug is recommended for use when wearing braces and with increased sensitivity of the gums. Advantages of foam:
  • herbs have a calming effect on irritated gum tissue;
  • the product cleans teeth and gums no worse than toothpaste;
  • The foam has a slight whitening effect.

No shortcomings were found in the product.

Splat cleansing MaximumThe product has a pronounced mint aroma and taste. The composition also provides high antibacterial protection and promotes effective teeth whitening. Foam is not recommended for use by people with hypersensitive gums. Advantages of the drug:
  • eliminates bad breath for a long time;
  • allowed to use when wearing braces;
  • has an antibacterial effect.

The disadvantage of the product is “conditionally” considered to be a pronounced mint aroma.

Splat LavenderThe foam has a herbal taste and lavender aroma. The product quickly restores the pH balance in the oral cavity and has a soothing effect on the gums. The drug effectively flushes out food debris from the oral cavity. Advantages of the product:
  • suitable for sensitive gums;
  • restores the condition of “irritated” gums;
  • Gently eliminates tobacco odor.

The disadvantages “conditionally” include a lavender aroma and herbal taste.

The official website presents only the general composition of the foams, which ensures the effect of the product.

The list of these components includes:

  • licorice extract. The substance helps destroy bacteria that cause caries, prevents the formation of plaque on teeth, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • complex of milk enzymes. The component destroys the membranes of cells of pathogenic microflora, eventually they die, activates the growth of “useful” microflora and prevents the appearance of plaque on the teeth. Additionally, the element promotes long-term breath freshening;
  • plasdon. The substance dissolves plaque on the teeth (especially from coffee, tobacco or tea) and washes it out of the oral cavity;
  • aloe vera extract. The component has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. The substance also activates tissue regeneration and has a calming effect;
  • pomegranate extract. The component has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing effects;
  • sea ​​buckthorn extract. Increases the protective functions of the oral mucosa, accelerates the healing of small wounds and prevents the development of inflammation.

The exact composition of the substances used to create each type of drug is not disclosed.

Dental foam is placed in plastic bottles in an amount of 50 ml. For ease of use, the bottle is equipped with a dispenser and a protective cap.

Cons of oral foams

Foam rinses also have their disadvantages, let’s look at them in more detail:

  • will not replace a brush and toothpaste on a permanent basis,
  • does not massage the gums,
  • will not remove tartar and large amounts of soft plaque,
  • will not remove firmly stuck pieces of food,
  • sometimes the product runs out very quickly: after all, the volume of the bottle is only 50 ml, and with frequent use it will not last long,
  • short shelf life: up to 6 months, sometimes a little longer. But this is explained by the natural composition. Therefore, carefully read the information about the shelf life before purchasing,
  • When using, it is better to be in front of the sink: using the product in a crowded place, like chewing gum, is quite problematic.

Read on the topic: why is tartar dangerous and how best to remove it - home and office removal methods, which of them is more effective.

Splat foam series for children

Splat dental foam is also produced for oral care in children. The children's version of the product is represented by only one type. The main function of the product is to protect and strengthen tooth enamel, as well as protect gums (especially during teething).

Splat junior calcium and lactic enzymes has a light fruity aroma and taste. After using the product, a sweet aftertaste remains in the mouth.

The components included in the foam have a gentle cleansing effect on tooth enamel and gums, normalize the pH balance and enhance the protective functions of the oral mucosa, and also contribute to the proper formation and strengthening of tooth enamel.

The foam contains the following active ingredients:

  • bioactive calcis. The substance is extracted from eggshells. This component helps strengthen tooth enamel;
  • Dipotassium glycyrrhizinate. The component has an anti-inflammatory effect, as a result, changing teeth in children is less painful;
  • lactoperoxidase. Fermented milk enzyme forms a protective film on the gums and enamel, additionally helps to normalize the pH balance in the oral cavity and prevents the development of pathogenic microflora;
  • lactoferrin. It is also a fermented milk enzyme that has a pronounced antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral effect. Additionally, the substance helps to activate the protective properties of saliva;
  • glucose oxidase. The component has antimicrobial activity, helps normalize the pH balance and accelerates the healing of small wounds;
  • lysozyme The substance prevents the development of inflammatory processes and helps strengthen the protective functions of saliva;
  • creatine The component helps to normalize the condition of gum tissue;
  • licorice extract. The component has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • arginine The substance prevents the development of pathogenic microflora and normalizes pH balance. Additionally, the element reduces tooth sensitivity and prevents the development of caries.

There are no fluorine, abrasives or other harmful substances in the composition.

Important. It is not recommended to use the foam before the child reaches 3 years of age, since the product must be spat out after use, which children at this age cannot do. After 14 years, the foam should be replaced with an adult one, since the children's version will not be able to provide the required protection to the gums and tooth enamel.

Mouthwashes for sensitive teeth –

Mouthwashes to reduce tooth sensitivity may contain 2 types of active ingredients.
Firstly, these are fluorides, which include sodium fluoride, amino fluoride (olaflur) and potassium fluoride. These components work by creating a layer of calcium fluoride on the surface of the enamel, which protects teeth from the influence of chemical, thermal and mechanical irritants. However, the effect of using this group of components develops gradually. The second group of substances includes potassium compounds - such as potassium nitrate and potassium fluoride, which work by reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings in dental tissues. This group of substances acts more quickly, but the effect will disappear immediately after using the product. Therefore, ideally, rinses contain a combination of active substances: both fluorides and potassium compounds.

Rinse aid ELMEX “Sensitive Plus” –

  • manufacturer – Germany,

  • active substances are aminofluoride, potassium fluoride, as well as “dimethyl-amino-ethyl methacrylate-polycarbamyl-polyglycol”.
  • fluoride content – ​​250 ppm,
  • price for 400 ml – from 260 rubles.

Comments: in our opinion, Elmex Sensitive Plus is one of the best rinses for reducing dental hypersensitivity. It contains amino fluoride, the substance potassium fluoride (which, upon dissociation, decomposes to form active fluoride ions and potassium ions), as well as a special polymer “dimethyl-amino-ethyl methacrylate-polycarbamyl-polyglycol”, which creates a protective biofilm on the surface of the tooth. Ideally, combine this product with Lacalut Extra Sensitive toothpaste.

Rinse aid PRESIDENT “Sensitive Plus” –

  • manufacturer – Italy,

  • active ingredients – potassium nitrate, calcium lactate, xylitol, as well as linden and chamomile extracts,
  • fluoride content – ​​without fluorine,
  • price for 300 ml – from 220 rubles.

Comments: PresiDent Sensitive Plus rinse contains a very high dosage of potassium nitrate, which ensures rapid reduction of hypersensitivity. In addition, the product contains calcium lactate to increase the mineralization of tooth enamel, as well as a high concentration of xylitol (it neutralizes acid in the oral cavity, thereby inhibiting the demineralization of teeth, and ultimately also indirectly helps reduce hypersensitivity.

Important: We would like to point out that mouthwashes to reduce dental hypersensitivity are only a secondary treatment for this problem. They do not allow achieving a greater effect than can be achieved with special toothpastes and concentrated gels used for increased tooth sensitivity. Such rinses are a good option for use in the middle of the working day, and in the morning and evening it is better to use toothpaste for these purposes.

Indications for use

Splat dental foam is recommended for use in the following cases:

  • to prevent the formation of plaque and tartar on the enamel. Efficiency can reach up to 97%;
  • to prevent the development of caries;
  • to restore the condition of the gums;
  • when wearing dentures or braces, in order to improve the condition of the gums and tooth enamel;
  • to reduce pain during teething;
  • to strengthen tooth enamel;
  • to lighten tooth enamel;
  • to eliminate bleeding gums;
  • in order to increase the protective functions of saliva. Recommended if your immune system is weakened or if you are taking medications that have a destructive effect on tooth enamel;
  • to restore pH balance, especially after eating acidic foods;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. The foam should be used in combination with anti-inflammatory medications;
  • to eliminate unpleasant odor from the mouth, including tobacco.

The composition of the foam actively flushes out food debris and pathogenic microflora from the oral cavity, so it is recommended to use it after every meal.

Features of the use of rinses -

Typically, mouth rinse is used 2 times a day (morning and evening - immediately after meals and subsequent brushing of teeth). The second option is that you can use the mouthwash immediately after lunch in the middle of the working day, but in this case, before rinsing, it is advisable to clean the interdental spaces from food debris using dental floss. We have listed the basic rules below.

Scheme for using mouth rinses -

  • For rinsing, 10 ml of solution is enough (15-20 ml may be written on the rinse aid packaging, but this is only for the purpose of making you buy a new package faster),
  • rinsing time averages from 45 to 60 seconds (the exact time depends on the type of rinse aid, and will be written on the product packaging; some types of rinses without alcohol and antiseptics, for example, Parodontotsid, 2-3 minutes are recommended),
  • after spitting the solution, you should not rinse your mouth with water, eat for several hours, or drink for at least 30 minutes (this is a desirable rule that will increase the effectiveness of the procedure, but not mandatory),
  • do not use rinses with alcohol, as well as products with antiseptics or antibiotics - more than 10-14 days (in this case you will get side effects).

Advantages and disadvantages

Dental foam is considered a fairly effective oral care product. But despite this, the remedy has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Foam Splat

Benefits of foamDisadvantages of foam
Can be used on the go, no toothbrush or water requiredUnable to wash away food debris stuck between teeth
The product does not contain dangerous or aggressive substances and has a gentle cleansing effect.
Effectively prevents the development of caries (with regular use)
Does not irritate soft tissues of the oral cavityDoesn't massage gums like a toothbrush
Freshens breath for a long period of time
Budget price
Allows you to gently lighten tooth enamelDoes not remove “hard” plaque from tooth enamel
The presence of a dispenser, as a result, the product is used sparingly
Minimum time to clean your mouth (5 seconds is enough)
Helps reduce inflammation
Allowed for use when wearing braces and dentures

An additional advantage of the foam is the minimal likelihood of developing an allergic reaction to the composition.

How to choose tooth foam

The specialty product is not a traditional hygiene product. And not all manufacturers include it in their range of products. When choosing such a liquid, you should remember the following points:

  • the cleanser should not contain harmful foam formers and aggressive substances such as sodium lauryl sulfate, fluoride, triclonazan, chlorhexidine, alcohol and abrasive components;
  • The foam must contain herbal extracts: they should provide effective control against bacterial plaque and food residues that are difficult to reach with a regular toothbrush;
  • it would not hurt the owner of an orthodontic structure to ask the seller whether it is possible to use a specific product for his individual situation;
  • It is also important to take into account such a delicate problem as bad breath in those who have an addiction to smoking: good quality foams are designed to destroy the repulsive odor and maintain a pleasant aroma throughout the day.

Operating principle

The active components of the foam have the following effect on the condition of the tissues of the oral cavity:

  • help destroy bacteria that cause caries;

  • foam bubbles like a sponge wash away “soft” plaque and remnants of small pieces of food;
  • prevent the development of inflammatory processes, as a result, the pain symptom decreases and the sensitivity of the gums decreases;
  • have a calming effect on “irritated” tissues, so the product is recommended for increased sensitivity of the gums and when teething;
  • accelerate the healing process of microtraumas by activating the process of cell regeneration;
  • have a softening effect on “old” plaque and prevent the deposition of new plaque, subject to regular use;
  • have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora (fungus, bacteria, viruses), ultimately reducing the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes and caries;
  • create a protective film on the gums and tooth enamel;
  • have a moisturizing effect on mucous tissues;
  • activate the activity of beneficial organisms;
  • quickly restore pH balance;
  • have a strengthening effect on enamel;
  • Thanks to the elimination of plaque, natural teeth whitening occurs.

Additionally, the components of the foam have a refreshing effect, eliminating unpleasant tobacco or other odors.

Irrigator for the whole family: what to consider when choosing?

Electric or flow. Most stationary irrigators are electrical appliances and operate from the network. But there are flow-through models that fit onto the faucet and operate using tap water pressure. In the latter, it is difficult to regulate the pressure, you cannot set different modes and you can only use tap water.

  • Tank volume.

Electrical devices differ in the volume of the tank into which water or a special solution is poured. For portable devices, the volume can be 200-250 ml, for stationary devices - 600-1000 ml. For a large family, it is wise to choose an irrigator with the most capacious tank.

  • Number of nozzles.

Each family member must use his own nozzle for hygiene purposes, so for family use it is advisable to choose a device with the maximum configuration. In such devices, the number of attachments can vary from 7 to 10. For convenience, identical attachments differ in color.

  • Number of operating modes.

A simple irrigator can function in two or three modes. Pulsating is suitable for massaging the gums, jet allows you to effectively clean the interdental spaces, cervical areas of the teeth and other hard-to-reach places, soft - for caring for sensitive teeth and the entire oral cavity. But there are models that provide more than 10 operating modes.

  • Power adjustment.

The best family irrigator is the one in which you can change the power of the jet. Depending on the user's age, gum sensitivity and other factors, different levels of water pressure may be comfortable. For example, a child requires a relatively low pressure, while an adult requires a high pressure. It is important to carefully clean braces at low power, and it is better to clean the interdental spaces with strong water pressure. Therefore, it is optimal to choose a device that will be comfortable for every family member to use.

  • Safety, tightness.

The vast majority of stationary family irrigators operate from the mains in direct contact with water, and saving on electrical appliances can be dangerous for your entire family. When choosing which irrigator to buy for your family, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers. Devices from reliable brands are of good quality, sealed, and have certificates confirming their safety.

Instructions for use

Foam for cleansing the oral cavity should be used in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Initially, you should remove the protective cap from the bottle and apply 1-2 presses until the foam appears.
  2. Then it is recommended to wipe your hands with a damp cloth to remove dust and other dirt from them.
  3. Shake the bottle.
  4. Place the “spout” of the dispenser into the oral cavity and make 2 to 4 presses. The bottle should be held vertically. The amount of foam in the mouth should be enough to perform a high-quality “cleaning”.
  5. Carry out manipulations similar to rinsing your teeth with water for 5 seconds. The product should also be “strained” between the teeth.
  6. Spit out the remaining foam.
  7. Close the bottle with a protective cap.

It is recommended to carry out manipulations after each meal. No additional use of a toothbrush or rinsing the mouth with water is required (rinsing the mouth with water, on the contrary, can reduce the effectiveness of the foam).

Advice. To achieve greater effect, the foam can be used with a toothbrush. That is, the contents of the bottle must be carefully squeezed onto the brush and manipulated as when brushing your teeth.

Why are family irrigators in demand?

These devices have existed for several decades, but in our country families began actively buying them relatively recently, and there are several reasons for this popularity.

Firstly, today there is a fashion for a healthy lifestyle, and beautiful, clean teeth are an indicator of good health. Secondly, dental services for the whole family are expensive, and it is much more profitable to carefully care for the oral cavity, using possible means, than to then treat diseases of the teeth or gums.

Precautions and special instructions

Splat foam for teeth will only be beneficial if used regularly after meals. It should be borne in mind that the drug is an additional means for caring for the oral cavity, that is, the foam does not replace brushing your teeth with toothpaste.

Important. After “cleaning” the oral cavity, the drug must be spat out. If the product is regularly swallowed, it is possible that poisoning may develop.

After purchase, Splat foam must be placed in a dark place (closet, bag or clothing pocket). The air temperature should be in the range from 4 to 25 degrees. If these conditions are met, the shelf life of the product is up to 1.5 years (counted from the date of production).

Price issue

Review of current prices for oral foams as of September 2017:

  • Splat from 145 to 240 rubles;
  • Iney from 270 to 450 rubles;
  • Professor Persin from 220 to 250 rubles;
  • LoveThatWhiteSmile about 1230 rubles;
  • Global White from 160 to 850 rubles.

Cleansing foam for the oral cavity is exclusively an additional hygiene product. You can take it with you on the road, use it at home, at work or in unsanitary conditions. It will perfectly cope with its functions at any time and in different conditions, even in the absence of water.

Cost, where to buy foam

The price for a bottle of Splat foam depends on the place of purchase (pharmacy, specialty store, online pharmacy), region, and also on the type of product. The following is the price range for a 50 ml bottle in Russia.

Type of foamPrice in pharmacyPrice in storePrice in online pharmacy
Splat mint160-180 rub.165-185 rub.150-155 rub.
Splat raspberry165-190 rub.170-190 rub.155-160 rub.
Splat aloe and tea tree190-200 rub.190-200 rub.175-185 rub.
Splat cleansing Maximum225-240 rub.220-230 rub.210-220 rub.
Splat Lavender185-200 rub.180-195 rub.175-190 rub.
Splat junior calcium and lactic enzymes160-175 rub.160-170 rub.155-160 rub.

It is recommended to purchase Splat foam in a specialty store or pharmacy to avoid buying a counterfeit. The product will have the best effect if used together with toothpaste and a brush from the Splat line of products for dental and oral care.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Teeth whitening rinses –

This is the last group of funds that we would like to talk about. The fact is that such rinses may contain not only completely harmless, but also quite dangerous components. For example, common “whitening components” include: 1) the enzymes bromelain and papain, which dissolve the protein matrix of plaque, 2) polyphosphates prevent plaque from adhering to the teeth - sodium hexametaphosphate and trisodium phosphate, 3) pyrophosphates and polydone prevent the mineralization of plaque, t .e. its transformation into tartar.

All these components are also found in toothpastes (in certain combinations). But what should never be in rinses is carbamide peroxide/hydrogen peroxide. For example, some ROCS rinses contain “hydrogen peroxide 1.0%” (hydrogen peroxide) to implement the oxygen bleaching mechanism. These components are widely used in professional products - in special whitening trays with gel, whitening strips, etc. But an important condition for use is that the gums are isolated from contact with the gel containing peroxide.

There is a clinical study (“The myth of oral hygiene using synthetic mouthwash products,” 2016). It clearly shows that even small concentrations of peroxides in mouth rinses can lead to mutations in the DNA of cells in the oral mucosa. Those. in this case, we are talking about the fact that such rinses increase the risk of developing cancer, and this risk will be highest in smokers. We hope that our review of mouthwashes was useful to you!


1. Dental education of the author of the article, 2. National Library of Medicine (USA), 3. scientific research database, 4. Official websites of manufacturers of oral hygiene products.

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