What is the whitening effect of tooth powder based on: composition, advantages, reviews


Several decades ago, the main means of dental hygiene was not toothpaste, but tooth powder. Having a coarse abrasive as its main component, this product often did more harm than good.

How does the modern version differ from its predecessors?

Advantages and disadvantages

The action of tooth powders is still based on an abrasive, which is most often chalk.

But the composition of the modern product is enriched with various plant substances, minerals and essential oils, which determines their benefits :

  • Thanks to the action of plant components, periodontal inflammation is reduced . Reduces swelling and bleeding of gums;
  • during use, normalization of the balance of the acid-base environment of the oral cavity is noted;
  • when used, soft plaque and tartar are actively removed in a short period of time;
  • during the procedure, the enamel is intensively saturated with minerals , which is a good prevention of caries;
  • The product is easy to use; no additional instructions are required ;

In addition to its advantages, the product also has its disadvantages :

  • the main whitening effect is achieved through abrasive , so frequent use can lead to damage to the surface layer of the crown;
  • the powder form does not allow the addition of some active fillers ;
  • The product is stored in an unsealed jar and for cleaning, you need to dip a moistened brush into the total mass of powder each time.
    This promotes the proliferation and accumulation of bacteria, which subsequently enter the oral cavity;
  • Tooth powder can only be used by people with normal crown sensitivity ;
  • Essential oils included in the composition can cause severe allergies.

The disadvantages of this product are not so serious that one should refuse to use it. You can avoid negative consequences if you strictly follow the instructions for use.

Comparison table of characteristics

In the table below we once again list the main characteristics of the products in question. By relating them to each other, it will be much easier for you to choose a powder that meets your product needs.

Powder nameManufacturerComponentsEffect
Veda Vedica Herbal RedIndiaherbal extracteffects on the entire oral cavity
Lion TobaccoSouth Koreamint, calciumeliminates tobacco stains and yellowness
Herbarica Biobeauty WhiteningRussiazeolite, calcium, minteffective whitening
Smoca Green Mint and EucalyptusSouth Koreamint, eucalyptusrestoration of teeth whiteness
Fudo Kagaku Binotomo EggplantSouth Koreaeggplant char, sea saltbleaching, disinfection
MI&CO CalendulaRussiacalendulanormalizes alkaline balance
Sun Corporation Sunny bunny EucalyptusRussiaeco componentsrelieves pain, disinfects, cleans interdental hard-to-reach areas

How is the result achieved?

Many who have used whitening tooth powder have compared the results obtained with professional cleaning. The product allows you to whiten crowns only to their natural shade . The result of a snow-white, dazzling smile cannot be achieved in this case.

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In this article we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Oral Bee Brown electric toothbrush.

Follow the link https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/karandashi/zubov-nyuansyi-primeneniya-vidyi-i-otzyivyi.html you can read reviews from those who already use a whitening pencil teeth and share your opinion.

The principle of operation is that the abrasive and additional components mechanically remove the pigmented layer and various deposits from the enamel . At the same time, the crown is polished, which gives it perfect smoothness and shine.

Composition of the product

The speed of obtaining the effect and the quality of whitening directly depend on the composition of the powders. The requirement is maximum environmental friendliness and naturalness of components capable of cleaning crowns well.

To increase the whitening effect, different manufacturers use a wide variety of ingredients :

  • chalk is the main component, which has not only cleansing, but also remineralizing properties;
  • Lemon essential oil can enhance the whitening effect. The substances it contains break down the pigmented layer;
  • bicarbonate of soda is also one of the main components with a high abrasiveness;
  • plant extracts acting as flavoring agents. For this, mint, ginger, and cinnamon are most often used. They add not only a pleasant taste, but also an aroma;
  • anti-inflammatory herbal additives are added to the product : extract of nettle, St. John's wort, licorice, etc.
    They help eliminate bleeding gums and other manifestations of periodontal inflammation.

Indications and contraindications

The main contraindication to lightening tooth enamel in this way is intolerance to the components of the product .
To decide whether you can use this whitening product, you need to know what you are allergic to.

If the substance contains allergens that are dangerous to you, then it is better to refrain from this procedure.

The indication for using this product is teeth whitening. But these are not all the positive effects of using the powder.

It is worth noting! Tooth powder reduces the risk of tartar formation, reduces the sensitivity of tooth enamel and increases resistance to caries.

Is toothpaste better for whitening?

Nowadays you rarely see a person using tooth powder. Most people prefer advertised pasta. When deciding on crown whitening, many people think about this product and think about its effectiveness.

In terms of its whitening properties, the powder is slightly superior to pastes, since the amount of abrasive substances in it is much greater . They allow you to quickly loosen hard deposits and the colored layer of the crown.

Therefore, those who are interested in getting a white smile in a short period of time are recommended to use this particular hygiene product.

In addition, before deciding on the choice of whitening agent, you should consider that most toothpastes contain preservatives and sodium lauryl sulfate , which accumulates in our body.

When giving preference to one of these products, you must remember that tooth powder cannot be used constantly. This may damage the enamel layer. The most correct option would be their complex use.


Below are some customer reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

Katerina B.

I have been using tooth powders for many years, but for the purpose of quick whitening on the eve of upcoming celebrations. And I had heard before about the dangers of their frequent use. I was encouraged by the fact that such products can also be beneficial for the mouth. Apparently it's worth using them a little more often.

Egor K.

Today there are many different powders in the world, I use them. At the same time, I alternate the use of powder and paste and noticed positive changes in the shade of my teeth. This product actually whitens better than paste. And there are much more medicinal impurities in these drugs.

Recommendations for use

In order to achieve the desired result when using the product without harming your teeth, you must follow certain recommendations for its use:

  • It is advisable that the product be selected for you by a dentist who will take into account the general condition of the teeth and gums.
  • Avoid dipping the brush into the packaging. The rest of the mass will absorb moisture, which may change the properties of the product.
  • It is recommended that before applying to the brush, dilute the powder in a separate container to a thick paste.
  • To avoid damaging the enamel, it is best to use a brush with soft bristles for cleaning.
  • Do not use the product for more than 10 days.
  • After use, it is recommended to use a rinse, which helps both restore tooth enamel after intensive cleaning and give greater freshness to the breath, which is especially important for smokers, since powders do not cope with this very well.

The cleaning procedure with this product is practically no different from cleaning teeth with toothpaste . Just like when using it, you need to repeat the session in the morning and evening. The duration of cleansing is at least 3–4 minutes.

The whole procedure goes as follows:

  • Apply powder to a moistened brush;
  • Begin cleansing with gentle movements, from the front crowns. It is very important to move the brush along a vertical plane. This will significantly reduce the risk of harm to teeth;
  • Clean for at least 2 minutes. Then apply a new portion to the brush and repeat all cleansing movements for 2 minutes;
  • After the procedure, rinse your mouth thoroughly, washing away any remaining product.

Tooth powder can be used as a remedy. To do this, it is diluted to the state of a liquid porridge, applied using a cotton swab in the form of applications on the crowns and gums for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with water.

If desired, this procedure can be combined with standard tooth brushing with toothpaste .

Popular manufacturers

Nowadays, teeth cleaning powder is becoming increasingly popular and is firmly established in the oral hygiene market niche.

Many manufacturers of popular brands of pastes began producing this forgotten product, which turned out to be quite in demand.

Let's look at some well-known brands:


Allows you to effectively get rid of plaque, thanks to the complex of included substances: calcium carbonate and lemon oil.

In addition, this product has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties , due to the presence of mint essential oil in the composition.

At the moment, this option is the most economical - its price is 40 rubles .

Don't know when to start brushing your child's teeth? In this publication we have collected recommendations for parents.

In our new review, we will introduce you to the advantages and disadvantages of Rox whitening toothpaste.

Here https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-niti/kak-nado-polzovatsya.html you will find video instructions on how to use dental floss.


Perfectly suited for people with depleted enamel . Containing a large amount of minerals, it actively remineralizes crowns.

The Biobeauty company also took care of the health of gum tissue by including more than a dozen plant extracts with anti-inflammatory effects in the product.

In addition, the powder contains a component that enhances whitening - ziolite. Such a rich complex of incoming substances determines its high cost. One package costs about 450 rubles .

For more information about the advantages of this composition, watch the video:

Family whitening

It has a standard composition with minimal addition of reinforcing components, this allows it to be used by both adults and children .

At the same time, this particular powder is often recommended for allergy sufferers .

Restoring the whiteness of enamel with this product will cost 130 rubles .


This is one of the recently developed products consisting of unique components. Here, the anti-inflammatory and whitening properties come from the probiotics of cow's and mare's milk and ginger .

The powder not only effectively strengthens and brightens the enamel, but also completely improves the immunity of the oral cavity. It helps destroy bacteria that cause caries.

The average market value of the product is 250 rubles .


It is a good remedy for the prevention of periodontal tissue diseases . Often used as applications.

Contains extracts of St. John's wort, mint, sage, licorice, thyme, etc. The product removes tartar well without harming the surface of the crown, and lemon extract gives additional whiteness to the enamel.


This is one of the products designed for active whitening of sensitive crowns . It contains zinc citrate and antioxidants, thanks to which a protective film is formed on the surface, preventing the formation of new deposits.

The use of the powder is possible even for small wounds on the gums. The extracts included in the composition promote their healing.

The price of one package is 450 rubles.

Tooth powder is a good tool for whitening crowns. But the maximum effect can be achieved only with comprehensive oral hygiene, including the use of pastes, rinses and other hygiene products.

You can also buy cheaper powders from Artcolor, which are also quite effective. By following all the recommendations, you can whiten your enamel by 1-2 shades in a couple of weeks.

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Tags tooth powder teeth whitening care prices teeth cleaning

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Keep in mind! The composition of tooth whitening powder includes the following components:

  • Chalk or clay is the basis of this preparation. Each manufacturer is trying to create an improved substance that will not harm your teeth. To do this, take into account the size of abrasive particles, which in clay is much smaller than in chalk. Therefore, clay carefully cleanses the enamel of pigment. Both of these substances have remineralizing properties; in addition, clay activates cellular renewal of the mucous membrane.
  • Extracts of plants . Extracts of thyme, yarrow, sage, St. John's wort and pine are often used, which have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties.
  • Baking soda. Improves the quality of teeth cleaning, since it also contains abrasive particles that help the powder base in removing pigment.
  • Lemon essential oil loosens hard plaque and breaks down pigment.
  • Peppermint essential oil prevents or helps treat gum inflammation.
  • Activated carbon. It has excellent adsorbing properties and accelerates the whitening effect of tooth powder.
  • Flavoring. Not used by all manufacturers. There is no teeth whitening benefit, but it does leave a pleasant taste in the mouth after using the flavored substance.

Know! This list of components is not required for each tooth powder; manufacturers have the right to deviate from the basic composition and add more mineral components or essential oils.

Write a comment

  • Anfisa

    June 1, 2016 at 6:43 am

    I had never thought about the possibility of using tooth powder before, I thought it was a thing of the past, somehow it’s more common to clean with toothpaste. And now I’m thinking of trying something) I’m a coffee lover and plaque is my problem, I go to the dentist for cleaning at least once a year. But that’s a lot of money, but here the powder turns out to be a good whitener and an economical option.

  • Julia

    July 1, 2016 at 6:33 am

    I used the powder from time to time, more for fun and variety than for the specific purpose of whitening my teeth. After the second or third use, I always thought about tooth enamel, they say. will erase its powder and about the advertised pastes (well, they won’t just praise the paste instead of the powder? That means it’s better!). But you explained well both the composition and the basic rules. I’ll have to try it “comprehensively” for ten days on the powder and paste and check the result.

  • Diana

    July 2, 2016 at 9:11 am

    Tooth powder is simply a must have for oral care. People come up with a bunch of folk methods for removing plaque and whitening teeth (using soda, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide), which have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel and lead to increased tooth sensitivity, when there is such a simple, effective, and most importantly safe solution to such problems.

  • Larisa

    November 2, 2016 at 2:19 pm

    To be honest, I also thought that tooth powders were a thing of the past. But it turns out that in the matter of teeth whitening, powders are even superior to toothpastes “since the amount of abrasive substances in it is much greater.” Everything ingenious is simple and I don’t see the need to look for something, waste a lot of money on dubious toothpastes and teeth whitening strips.

  • Pavel Sergeevich

    February 15, 2022 at 4:17 am

    Now I use tooth powder to clean my teeth. I saw it by chance and immediately bought it: I remembered my youth, when the powder was very common, and toothpastes were just becoming fashionable. Modern tooth powder is positively different from its predecessors: it has become softer, with a pleasant flavor of the user’s choice. Modern supplements prevent gum bleeding and inflammation.

Which is better: tooth powder or toothpaste?

Many people wonder about the quality of toothpaste and powder, endlessly comparing them and determining which product is better. Let's try to figure it out together.

Firstly, toothpaste contains many aggressive components, in the form of various preservatives , which provide it with a long shelf life, whiteness and disinfection, which cannot be said about powders. The powders contain mainly exclusively natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the gums, teeth, and the oral cavity as a whole.

Secondly, whitening pastes contain elements that over time destroy thin tooth enamel, which, of course, cannot be said about powders. They whiten using herbs and natural ingredients that have a positive effect on gums and enamel.

Which product is better depends only on you, your habits and individual preferences.

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