6 features of the Quadrotti prosthesis

To fully replace missing teeth, the best solution would be to install implants, but this procedure cannot be classified as a budget method. When financial possibilities are limited, removable dentures come to the rescue. Modern dentistry offers many options for such orthopedic structures, but the most comfortable, high-quality and aesthetically attractive are dentures made from soft elastic materials. In this article we will look at such popular models as Acry-Free and Quattro Ti.

Review of Quattro Ti prostheses – why the model is interesting and is it worth overpaying for it?

Article navigation

  1. When is this type of prosthetics used?
  2. Design features of the Quadrotti system
  3. How the structure is installed
  4. Advantages of Quadrotti models
  5. Features of fixation on the upper jaw
  6. Disadvantages of Quattro Ti
  7. Are there any contraindications for installation?
  8. Quadrotti service life
  9. Features of care
  10. Alternative options
  11. Comparison with other types of orthopedic devices
  12. Cost of dentures

Question for a specialist
Dental prostheses “Quadrotti” are a patented development of the Quattro Ti company. They belong to removable prosthetics, but at a higher level. “Quadrotti” are new generation designs that are used for partial tooth replacement. Today they compete with nylon prostheses, surpassing them in comfort, elasticity, lightness, aesthetics and service life.

Quattro Ti is aesthetically pleasing and comfortable to use

The same clasps, due to the metal component, cause difficulties with diction, rub the mucous membranes, and cause pain and discomfort. At the same time, the hooks are visible in the smile area, which gives it a not the most aesthetic appearance.

None of this applies to the Quattro Ti. The hooks of the Quadrotti denture are made of soft and beautiful thermoplastic (polyformaldehyde and nylon), which allows them to be left transparent or painted in white or pinkish shades. As a result, the patient receives a beautiful smile and does not have to worry even if the front teeth have been replaced. In addition, these hooks are practically invisible in the mouth, they do not spoil or scratch the enamel of supporting teeth, do not injure the frenulum of the lips, tongue and cheeks, and do not change diction.

Such prostheses are quite aesthetic and comfortable to wear.

Design features of the Quadrotti system

Quadrotti dentures are made from a material called Dental-D (patented by Quattro Ti) - a nylon-based plastic that is processed under high temperatures1. This model refers to dentures without a palate; it is installed on the upper or lower jaw, but is not used in cases of complete absence of teeth.

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The entire prosthesis is created from one solid piece of material and consists of several main parts:

  1. artificial gum: it is created from white translucent or pink plastic - the material is the basis for the entire prosthesis, and its continuation are hooks that clasp the supporting living teeth at the base. White gums are not aesthetically pleasing enough, but the white hooks merge with the enamel of the teeth, so they are completely invisible to your interlocutors. Pink gums are more aesthetically pleasing, but if the hooks are located in the area of ​​the front teeth, they slightly reduce the length of the supporting teeth. Therefore, the color of artificial plastic gum should be chosen depending on the number of lost teeth and the location of the future prosthesis,
  2. artificial teeth: These are ordinary dental crowns that are usually created from plastic. Less often - from ceramic composite or ceramics (but the systems will be very expensive). They are securely fixed in the plastic base,
  3. fastening elements: the hooks with which the prosthesis is fixed in the oral cavity are not made of metal, but of soft thermoplastic, which does not injure the enamel and does not create discomfort for the patient. They can be either white or pink - this, by the way, is one of the design features of this system.

On a note! In some Internet sources you can find information that these are American prostheses. In fact, the manufacturer is an Italian company. Sometimes on the Internet its name is written as follows: Quadrotti, but the correct name will be Quattro Ti - in accordance with the name of the manufacturer.

The prosthesis fits snugly to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, is lightweight and flexible, but at the same time quite durable and holds securely in place.

Acry-Free dentures

Such dentures consist of a durable frame that serves as an imitation of gums. The package also includes artificial crowns, which can be ceramic, plastic or zirconium (but, as a rule, the plastic option is used as the most budget-friendly).

Partial removable structures also contain fastening elements in the form of special hooks. They are made from the same material as the frame, so they do not rub or injure soft tissues and remain almost invisible in the mouth.

On a note! Acry-Free is a modern material, the patent for which belongs to Uniflex. Today it is widely used for the manufacture of dentures. It is based on acrylic resins, making the structure quite light and flexible. Prostheses made from this material are small in size and have a smooth, pleasant-to-touch surface.

As proven by the results of clinical studies, Acri Free prostheses are characterized by a shorter adaptation period than, for example, acrylic ones. In this case, the period of adaptation proceeds almost twice as fast and lasts on average from one to two months. In addition, such prostheses make it possible to slow down the process of loss of bone tissue by one and a half times1.

How the structure is installed

  1. selection of colors for the future prosthesis and its base - so that it blends with the gum,
  2. taking an impression to give the prosthesis the correct anatomical shape and ensure maximum comfort for its owner, taking into account the characteristics of the bite,
  3. creating an impression on the basis of which a removable denture will be cast in a dental laboratory,
  4. As a rule, 2 weeks pass from the first visit to the final stage of installation and adjustment of the prosthesis. At the final stage, the doctor tries on the prosthesis and, if necessary, makes adjustments.

Advantages of Quadrotti models

Modern Quattro Ti prostheses stand out against the background of similar designs for partial removable prosthetics. Among the key advantages of this model, experts highlight the following points:

  • excellent aesthetics due to the ability to choose the color of clasps and crowns,
  • quick adaptation: virtually no discomfort, gum rubbing or speech changes,
  • softness, elasticity and lightness, including fastening elements,
  • absence of metal in the structure,
  • Dental D material is hypoallergenic,
  • reliable fixation in the oral cavity due to the elasticity of the material,
  • significantly smaller construction volume in comparison with acrylic and nylon analogues,
  • the strength of the material and the possibility of correction (modeling) of the prosthesis, which significantly extends its service life.

Quadrotti dentures are very convenient for daily use. Due to its softness and lightness, adaptation and further use are very comfortable. The structures are practically not felt in the mouth, and artificial teeth look very natural and natural, which is why they are recommended for dental prosthetics for children and people with hypersensitivity of the mucous membrane.

“I generally quickly got used to quadrotti. They are much more comfortable than my previous dentures. I can’t say that they look absolutely perfect in the mouth, but they are quite natural, again in comparison with other options. And one more important plus: only with them I finally stopped being afraid that false teeth would pop out at the most inopportune moment..."

Evgenia V., 56 years old, fragment of a review on the website 32top.ru

It is worth noting that the Quattro Ti company decided to distinguish itself when creating products for dental restoration: Quadrotti dentures today have various fruit flavoring additives - this will really appeal to children who have an extremely negative perception of the presence of dentures in their mouths.

There is no metal in Quattro Ti

Do you know that Quadrotti dentures are improved analogues of clasp removable structures? Before the invention of Quattro Ti, clasps were considered one of the best options for prosthetics for a partially toothless jaw - lost teeth can be scattered, the defect can be single or multiple. The main thing is that at least a few outer supports remain to fix the structure, since it is secured and held in the mouth by strong hooks, locks or telescopic crowns.

So, as for the clasp, it would be more perfect if it were not for the metal at the base of the prosthesis and the metal hooks, which together often complicate the adaptation and operational period for patients, lead to allergies, chafing of the mucous membrane, and the appearance of galvanic syndrome.

Bioplastic Dental D is used for the manufacture of structures.

“Quadrotti” are Italian prostheses of a new generation, they are free of the disadvantages of classic clasp systems, made of soft, natural-looking, elastic and very load-resistant material Dental D (bioplastic) - it is tens of times stronger than acrylic. The material has undergone more than one clinical trial in Europe, the USA and Canada. It has been proven that it does not have the toxicity associated with the metal. It is hypoallergenic, which expands the possibilities of its use.

Disadvantages of Quattro Ti

  • dentures are not suitable for very high loads, but they, as a rule, lead to the loss of natural teeth, so the disadvantage is relative,
  • cannot be used if there are no teeth left in the oral cavity - supports in the form of living teeth are required for fixation,
  • the high cost is due to the characteristics of the material for their manufacture,
  • It is recommended to store and care for dentures using special solutions, which at the same time allows you to extend their service life.

Are there any contraindications for installation?

As for the restrictions on installing Quattro Ti prostheses, the list here will be minimal. Among the existing contraindications, experts in the field of prosthetics identify the following conditions:

  • the presence of teeth destroyed by caries and other pathological phenomena in the oral cavity requiring dental treatment - it must be carried out in advance,
  • acute inflammation of periodontal and gum tissues – also requires correction, if possible,
  • the presence of moving teeth on which it is simply impossible to attach the system - it will also wobble,
  • allergy to the material (in extremely rare cases),
  • inability to provide proper care for the prosthetic structure for any reason.

It is worth noting that the range of indications for their installation is much wider than that of other prosthetic devices. It is for this reason that the choice of patients and specialists is increasingly falling on this option of prosthetics.

Patient reviews

About Acri Free prostheses

“I started having serious problems with my teeth when I was a child, and now I’m using dentures. I am now 33 years old, and by this time I discovered that I had a severe allergy to metal in my mouth. My doctor suggested an inexpensive acrylic option or Akri Free. I read reviews on the Internet and settled on the second option. Of course, you had to get used to the fact that you have some kind of foreign thing in your mouth, but these are minor things compared to a toothless mouth. Now I can talk and eat with them freely, and I don’t experience any pain or discomfort. Personally, I think it’s a very good solution to the problem.”

Elizaveta E., Moscow, review from flamp.ru

About Quadrotti prostheses

“Yes, this is a real find! A nylon prosthesis cannot be compared with Quadrotti, I realized that from my own experience! The addiction is almost instant, and it looks perfect in the mouth. After this nylon horror, I now spend hours in front of the mirror with a stupid smile on my face, I can’t get enough of it. Believe me, it's worth the money! I don’t know what will happen next, but the doctor promised me that this prosthesis will last 10 years for sure.”

Antonina P., Samara, review from flamp.ru

Features of care

Soft systems produced under the Quattro Ti brand are very reliable and durable. But this does not mean that after installation you do not need to monitor them. However, caring for Quadrotti dentures will not cause much trouble: morning and evening - clean your teeth with a soft brush and toothpaste. It is advisable to remove the dentures from the mouth and clean them with a stream of tap water. And at least once a week it is worth soaking the structures in special antibacterial solutions in order to protect the material from destruction.

Important! To store Quadrotti prostheses in special liquids, choose a dark or matte container so that it does not allow direct sunlight to pass through, which can deform the plastic.

Comparison with other types of orthopedic devices

“Quadrotti” dentures provide the most uniform distribution of the chewing load, which minimizes the risk of injury to the mucous membrane. If we compare this model with the equally popular Acri-Free dentures, it is worth noting a tighter fit to the supporting teeth and gums, as well as the ability to self-balance, which ensures uniform pressure while chewing food. But Quadrotti is in no way inferior to its nylon competitors in flexibility and lightness, but is stronger and more durable, and does not stretch as much - the service life is at least 3-4 years longer.


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Comparison of Acri Free and Quadrotti prostheses

Akri FreeQuadrotti
Possibilities of prostheticscomplete and partial edentiacomplete and partial edentia
Complete upper jaw prostheticspartially block the skydon't block the sky
Possibility of allergic reactionslowlow
Comfort levelhighhigh
Main advantages
  • great aesthetics,
  • quick addiction
  • reliable fixation,
  • high level of strength: Acry Free material is 10 times stronger than traditional acrylic2
  • possibility of repair.
  • natural appearance,
  • reliable fixation,
  • strength: Dental D is 15 times stronger than acrylic plastics,
  • possibility of flavoring with various additives,
  • long service life.
Main disadvantagesHigh cost and fairly strong elasticity (towards the end of its service life the prosthesis loses its shape)High cost, allergic reactions to fragrances are possible
Life time5-7 yearsfrom 7 years and above
Cost (with complete edentia)from 20 thousand rublesfrom 30 thousand rubles

Cost of dentures

The cost of creating and installing a prosthetic structure directly depends on the scale of prosthetics. In other words, the more teeth that need to be restored, the higher the cost of treatment will be. On average, you will have to pay about 30 thousand rubles to fix the Quadrotti prosthesis. In premium clinics and if it is necessary to restore a large number of teeth at once, the price can reach 50 thousand rubles.

  1. According to the manufacturer - Quattro Ti.

Author: Sambuev B. S. (Thank you for your help in writing the article and the information provided)

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