Thai toothpastes: types, action, application, composition and reviews

All Thai cosmetics and medicinal products are distinguished by their natural composition and effectiveness. Each drug is tested and tested under clinical conditions, so that only the best samples reach the market. Thai toothpastes are no exception. They contain natural extracts and extracts from plants, essential oils and other traditional and exotic ingredients. With the help of unique toothpastes from Thailand, you can actually reduce the frequency of visiting the dentist. These products are different from those that we are used to seeing in mass markets, so read the article carefully to get the maximum benefit from the miracle remedies for the oral cavity.

Manufacturers of Thai toothpastes

Cosmetology and pharmaceuticals are actively developing in Thailand of toothpastes from different manufacturers. the best one for themselves :

  • darlie - tourists often call it pasta with a Man in a Hat after the picture shown on the tube. The paste is white or black, with the addition of plant extracts or bamboo charcoal. Freshens breath and whitens teeth.
  • twin lotus is a dense black paste that leaves a pleasant menthol taste in the mouth. It contains no dyes or preservatives, and its intense black color is given by cuttlefish bone and seaweed. After regular use, your teeth become whiter, your breath stays fresh longer, and bleeding gums go away.
  • kodomo - specializes in children's toothpastes. Contains fruit extracts, mango, coconut, pineapple, has a pleasant taste, gently cares for sensitive children's teeth, and does not contain abrasive particles that scratch the enamel.
  • 5 star - it has puck-shaped packaging, which is unusual for Russian consumers. The composition includes essential oils of camphor, cloves, menthol, borneol. Has an excellent whitening effect, removes gum stains and tartar . Reviews for this clove paste are consistently excellent.
  • kokliang is a paste with a natural composition, which includes: ginseng, Chinese pearls, borneol, snow lotus, clove and mint essential oils.
  • isme - in a round jar with charcoal, which is an absorbent and bleaching agent, it also contains traditional borneol and clove oil.
  • Abhai herb is a herbal paste from a tube with a rich brown color. Has a powerful antiseptic and whitening effect. Contains clove and mint oil, betel oil, mangosteen bark powder.


Photo: Baan Somjeed toothpaste from Thailand

In Thailand, there are many medicinal plants that cannot be found here, which have a healing effect on human gum tissue. For example, guava, mangosteen peel, SE tree powder . The Thais have learned to use them in the production of their medicinal pastes, and today they successfully offer them on the market.

Such cleaning compositions for the oral cavity have a healing effect on sore gums, relieve inflammation, actively fight the growth of bacteria, stop bleeding, and nourish tissues with vitamins and strengthening substances.

Their components have a gentler effect on tooth enamel, so you should not expect a special whitening effect after their use. Among the large number of options, we will focus on those that our compatriots liked most:

  • Abhai herb . The paste has an unusual dark color due to the presence of plant components in it. The specific taste and smell of this paste more than pays for itself with its disinfecting properties. It copes well with many gum diseases and has a beneficial effect on their overall condition.
  • Baan Somjeed . This paste can be used not only for the prevention of diseases and treatment of gum diseases, but as a local anesthetic. The components included in its composition can relieve toothache. Of course, this is not a solution to the problem, and you will still have to treat your bad teeth, but it is quite possible to improve your condition for a while.
  • Twin Lotus Herbal Toothpaste original . This paste has passed the necessary laboratory tests and received a quality certificate in our country. It is recommended to be used for the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease, bleeding gums, to combat bacterial plaque, as well as some viruses.
  • Borneol . This product contains components used in Thai medicine to treat many diseases. With its constant use, you can get rid of some types of ulcers and wounds in the mouth, and even heal a sore throat.

Directions for use (instructions)

Don't know how to use an unfamiliar product? Before first use, you must carefully read the instructions. The first rule: if during use you experience unpleasant sensations - tingling, burning and even pain, stop cleaning. Toothpaste is applied only to a dry brush. You need much less of it than regular product; a pea-sized amount is enough. If the paste is stored in a jar, it is applied to the brush with a special spatula. After use, the spatula is rinsed and put away; contact of the product in the jar with water should be prevented. For cleaning with Thai toothpastes, only soft brushes are used. You don’t need to use them every day—once every three days is enough. Other hygienic cleanings can be carried out with the usual cleaning agent.


Keep in mind! The product also has a downside.

  1. Reliability of information. It is not known for certain how true and complete the information is, provided on the product packaging. The following points make you think:
      If the composition is natural, then why doesn’t anything happen to the paste after several months of use? It does not deteriorate, does not change smell or color. And this despite the fact that it is traditionally stored in the bathroom, where there is high humidity and temperature;
  2. not a single natural component can cause excessive foaming, which occurs when the product comes into contact with water; only synthetic materials can achieve this;
  3. Even the average person knows that a product made from high-quality and natural raw materials cannot be cheap, and Thai toothpastes are just like that.
  4. Health risk. If used incorrectly or frequently, it can damage tooth enamel or cause inflammation of the gums. The whitening effect occurs due to mechanical action on the enamel. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to some rules when using Thai paste.
  5. Unpleasant sensations during hygiene. Not all users like the not very pleasant taste and smell of the product . Russian residents are spoiled by the good parameters of domestic toothpastes.
  6. Inconvenient to use. Still, it’s not for nothing that over time humanity has switched to making toothpastes in tubes. This is the best option, while the others are much inferior in dexterity of use.

Important! In addition to the above, some lovers of Thai paste note that there is a need for longer rinsing of the mouth, since a lot of foam is really formed during cleaning.

Also, the packaging itself is inconvenient to store, since the paste also comes with a special spatula; you have to allocate a separate shelf for them, otherwise there is a risk of losing the device or dropping everything on the floor.

Myths and realities of toothpastes from Thailand

There are a lot of stereotypes about Thai drugs and dental drugs in particular that stop buyers. In fact, many beliefs about Thai pastes are harmful myths, which we will now dispel.

Myth 1: Thai oral products are not natural.

They last a long time and change well, which is what opponents of Asian cosmetics use as an argument against it. In fact, Thai pastes contain only natural ingredients, which are balanced in such a way that they are preserved without the use of modern drugs.

Myth 2: Thai toothpastes scratch tooth enamel.

In fact, particles of clay, bamboo charcoal and other whitening substances are so well processed before entering the toothpaste that they do not trust the enamel. If you are afraid of damaging the coating of your teeth, use products without abrasive particles. There are many such pastes among the range of Thai cosmetologists.

3rd myth: exotic ingredients can harm Europeans.

Yes, herbal toothpastes from Thailand contain specific ingredients, such as coconut or Chinese pearls, which are unusual for Russian buyers. But this does not mean that they will not contribute to the health of his teeth. The only thing you need to take care of is that you are not allergic to this extract. with before use . If after an hour no rash or irritation appears in this area, you can brush your teeth. If discomfort occurs during cleaning, it is better to stop the hygiene procedure.

Myth 4: Toothpastes from Thailand are not tested for effectiveness.

This may apply to artisanal pastes or counterfeits of well-known brands. Products imported undergo all stages of clinical testing, effectiveness and safety testing. Famous Thai manufacturers strive to earn credibility among their customers, so they do everything to increase loyalty to their own brand.

Advantages of pasta

It is worth noting! Puck-shaped jars quickly found their buyer in Russia and not just like that, but because they have a number of advantages:

  • bleaching. We have all encountered situations where a product purchased at the supermarket labeled “whitening” did not help. In the case of a product from Thailand, the effect will be noticeable. You shouldn’t expect a dazzling smile after the first cleaning, but after about two weeks you will see results;
  • long lasting freshness . After using the product, the cleansing of the oral cavity becomes noticeable and long-lasting, so much so that even sinful drivers are sometimes saved by brushing their teeth with Thai paste;
  • quick result . Pleasant and fresh breath appears immediately after several cleanings, the whitening effect occurs a little later. Such short terms are guaranteed only by a product from Thailand;
  • recovery. The cleanser saturates teeth with minerals and trace elements;
  • naturalness. Unlike conventional products, the product from Thailand does not have a chemically aggressive effect on the oral cavity;
  • price. In Russia you can purchase goods in the range from 100 to 500 rubles;
  • efficiency. A very small amount of cleaning agent is required for single use. In this case, the foam and aroma will be abundant immediately after the start of hygiene. And one jar will last for at least six months;
  • disinfection . Most whitening products from Thailand contain cloves. It has a powerful antimicrobial effect;
  • range . Thailand is famous for many things, including the abundance of fruits and plants that are exotic to us, the flavors of which can be tasted in a wide variety of pastes from a considerable number of manufacturers. There are also herbal and black varieties.

Fans of tooth powders will also appreciate this whitening product from Thailand.

Reviews from customers and dentists about Thai toothpastes

Since childhood, I have had yellowish tooth enamel. No matter what I did, no matter how expensive pastes I bought, nothing helped. Professional cleaning also helped to lighten the enamel by just a couple of tones, and even then not for long. My sister from Thailand brought me whitening toothpaste as a gift. In light of my upcoming wedding, I took the risk of trying it after reading reviews from dentists. I was surprised by the result - coconut paste really whitens! There is a small side effect - tooth sensitivity has become stronger. But this was most likely because I used it every day. I started cleaning it as expected once every three days - everything came back. I finally got a snow-white smile in my wedding photos!

Due to my duty, I know all the advantages and disadvantages of modern toothpastes. I am a dentist in a clinic. I used the most expensive professional products for myself, not believing in natural remedies. One day, out of curiosity, I tried Thai toothpastes. Now I don’t resort to professional cleaning, I just brush my teeth with this paste every three days for a month, and they noticeably whiten. The only thing I would not recommend to my patients is not to use it if their teeth are highly sensitive. You can get more problems with your teeth than improve them. Otherwise, excellent natural remedies!

I have been looking for an absolutely safe toothpaste for my children for a long time. I chose a Thai product and tested it on myself first. A paste with a pleasant pineapple flavor, soft consistency, and without abrasive particles that scratch your teeth. The composition is more than excellent: no harmful preservatives, chemicals or other poisons. I am happy to order Thai pasta for both myself and my children!


In order not to risk your own health, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications in advance.

  1. Allergy to components in the paste. People prone to allergic reactions should use this product with caution. Especially if the composition contains a fruit or plant to which a reaction has already been identified.
  2. Increased sensitivity of teeth. Since the paste contains abrasive substances that are used for whitening, this product is not suitable for people with thin and sensitive enamel.
  3. The presence of ulcers, stomatitis and other open wounds in the oral cavity. Since the Thai product is highly concentrated, it can have not only a disinfecting, but also an aggressive effect on wounds.

Note! If you experience any discomfort while using whitening paste from Thailand, it is better to stop using it so as not to cause the risk of damage to the oral cavity.


The bleaching composition contains not only abrasive substances, but also vegetable ones. Together they make the crown lightening process as fast as possible. Such products allow you to equally remove both soft and hard plaque.

The combination of active substances helps break down tartar and prevent new deposits . The intensity of exposure will depend on the components included in the product.

When using the most aggressive option, you can get the desired result after the first cleaning. These pastes differ in their color, taste and smell.

Also, many may be surprised by the dense consistency of the cleaning mass and the shape of the packaging in the form of a jar. Recently, gel-based products have begun to appear in traditional tubes, which are more familiar to consumers.

The following pasta varieties are the most popular in Russia:

  • Herbal Clove .
    It effectively removes dark spots caused by smoking and drinking coloring drinks. It is an excellent antiseptic that prevents the inflammatory process and actively fights the proliferation of pathogenic microbes for a long time. The manufacturer promises that with regular use of this product for two weeks, the teeth will acquire a shade as close as possible to their natural one. This option is very economical, since a volume not exceeding the head of a match is enough for cleaning.
  • Punchalee. The quality of this composition is confirmed by a Russian certificate. The main whitening components here are soda and calcium.
    In addition, the effect is enhanced by plant components. This paste is distinguished by the fact that it not only whitens, but also intensively strengthens tooth enamel.

    A positive effect of the product on periodontal tissue was also noted. But this composition gives it a sharp, specific smell and taste;

  • Wangrom . She copes with whitening at the same level as others. Only unlike previous products, this paste has a pleasant taste and familiar smell.
  • Herbal Prime Perfect . Its base is thicker and drier, somewhat reminiscent of powder. It removes soft plaque and stone well, but is not recommended for people with hypersensitive enamel. This is due to the high content of abrasive particles.
  • Twin Lotus Fresh Cool . This product is suitable for whitening sensitive crowns. It comes in standard tubes, making it easy to use.

The use of whitening paste can only help if your teeth are naturally white. In a situation where the natural shade of the crowns is far from white, only a dentist can help.

We have collected reviews about laser teeth whitening. Find out how good this procedure is.

This article lists effective folk remedies for treating periodontal disease.

Don't know how to treat gum disease? Here: - recipes are given.

Consumer Opinions

Most consumers who have once tried black, herbal or pink Thai toothpaste do not want to return to traditional hygiene products. However, there are also conflicting opinions. Here are just a few of them:

  1. The product has a specific taste and smell. Some consumers quickly get used to them, others simply refuse to use them. The taste will definitely be appreciated by those who are still nostalgic for Soviet tooth powder.
  2. The manufacturer claims that the enamel paste is soft and non-traumatic. However, they are contraindicated for people with severe caries. It is better to try products with chamomile or guava extract. Thai toothpaste with cloves or borneol is suitable if there are no inflammatory problems.
  3. All products in round packaging have a whitening effect. However, it is not recommended to brush your teeth with them in the morning and evening; it is better to alternate with regular toothpastes. Also, do not rely on an instant whitening effect. Such products are really good at removing plaque, but they are not able to restore naturally yellowish enamel.
  4. Round packaging is only convenient if you take it on a trip. It is difficult to get paste onto a dry brush. If you wet it, water gets into the product, making it gooey and creamy. A special spatula often comes with the jar. However, reviews about it are very contradictory. Some consumers find it inconvenient, while others find it extremely useful.
  5. The cost of Thai paste is comparable to the usual mid-price products. Therefore, it is not worth purchasing a foreign product solely to save the budget.

Of course, you cannot be guided solely by consumer reviews when choosing a paste. Today, everyone can purchase a Thai product, evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, and only after that make their choice.

approximate cost

To purchase toothpaste from Thailand, you do not have to go to this exotic country. Today, such products can be bought in pharmacies or specialized retail chains, online stores.

The cost of the product will be slightly higher when compared with Thai prices. For example, Punchalee whitening paste will cost 250 rubles, and for the herbal composition Abhai herb you will have to pay a little more than 100 rubles. The final price may vary depending on the region. As a rule, it is much more profitable to buy Thai toothpastes in online stores, according to people’s reviews.

Product Features

The key advantage that unites all types of toothpastes produced in Thailand is high efficiency.

Each product is designed to perform a specific function to help relieve the manufacturer's stated oral problems.

Drugs manufactured in Thailand have a lot of unique features compared to domestic analogues:

  1. Natural ingredients are used .
    The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect advertised by the creators of the product is achieved through the use of oils and plant extracts with a pronounced bactericidal effect in its composition. Most often, well-known mint and cloves are used for such purposes, as well as exotic herbs - miswaka, guava, clinacanthus and many others.
  2. Great abrasive force .
    As the main abrasive material that promotes high-quality plaque removal, Thai pastes use natural ingredients such as aluminum oxide, titanium or silicon dioxide, bamboo charcoal, and soda. These substances are carefully processed using modern equipment so that the smallest particles acquire rounded edges, preventing damage to the enamel during brushing.
  3. Use of aromatic components . Almost every product from Thailand has an original exotic taste and smell, thanks to the presence of natural exotic aromatic additives.
  4. Wide variety of species . Each type of dental product is marketed as a remedy for a specific oral problem. This makes it possible to select a drug based on individual needs.
  5. Low cost of production of toothpastes. Thanks to low prices, products that promote high-quality oral hygiene have gained high popularity both among residents of the country and among numerous tourists.

Do they really whiten teeth?

Each paste made according to Thai recipes has an individual list of indications, so you should not purchase any for teeth whitening. This is explained by the presence or absence of active ingredients in the composition, which ensure lightening of the enamel.

Punchalee pasta is very popular in Russia. The product is certified, the composition contains only components of natural origin. Whitening is achieved thanks to the properties of calcium carbonate.

Another equally popular product is MeiTan Active White. It is recommended for coffee and tea lovers. The composition perfectly copes with the typical coating of drinks.

The product also competes with a Thai toothpaste 5 star 4A. Its consistency is unusually solid, which ensures economical consumption. Among the active ingredients is white clay, which provides the effect of lightening the enamel.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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