Tartar formation and complications of this condition are one of the most common reasons for treatment.
The problem of food getting between teeth is one of the most common in dentistry. Most people
Pathogenesis of neck pain on the left side Pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. Symptom
Injuries to the oral cavity Damage to the lining of the tongue can occur in the following cases: Brushing teeth too much
Symptoms In patients with a violation of the continuity of the series, certain groups of masticatory organs are overloaded, chewing
From the name it is clear that dental restoration implies correction of appearance, correction of existing deficiencies. Especially
A type of sputum Doctors call sputum a substance that is formed from saliva, mucus and bronchial cells.
Description of the pathological process Its occurrence is provoked by cariogenic microorganisms, streptococci and lactobacilli (some types of them),
Today, the obvious fact is that the level of quality of dental treatment has increased significantly. What
How teeth are cut Teething is a complex process, because at this time tissues are formed,