Photopolymer dental restoration service in Moscow

From the name it is clear that dental restoration implies correction of appearance, correction of existing deficiencies. Especially often, such manipulation is carried out in case of minor damage to the enamel, for example, if caries is observed at the stain stage. However, improving the appearance of the smile area often requires more serious treatment when the destruction reaches superficial, medium and even deep caries. Dental restoration is a very delicate process that requires the use of high-quality materials and the doctor’s jewelry skills. These are the dentists who work at the VivaDent clinic. Adults and children come to us without fear, knowing that thanks to the use of the latest generation anesthetics and innovative means for prompt, high-quality and inexpensive dental restoration, pain is eliminated. We invite Muscovites and guests of the capital to see this in person at any of our branches!


  • Key recovery goals
  • Types of dental restoration
  • Advantages of composites
  • Advantages of veneers
  • Pros of lumineers
  • Features of teeth extensions
  • Materials used
  • Prevention of destruction

Key recovery goals

Patients sometimes themselves do not understand very well what they want from dental restoration. If, in the event of damage or injury, there is a visible chip or crack, then the reason for the appeal is clear. The doctor must restore the unit to its previous shape with maximum color matching with other elements. If you want to create a Hollywood smile, even with a healthy dentition, treatment is often not required; then microprosthetics using veneers or lumineers is used. Recently, more and more people are asking for hygiene procedures, in particular, whitening, which can also be considered as one of the methods of dental restoration. Modification of functional capacity is most often applied to the lateral units that experience the highest loads. Correction of appearance is especially important in the smile area; it is not without reason that not only public figures, but also ordinary people are increasingly seeking restoration of their front teeth. Thus, the main goals of the procedure are:

  • improvement of chewing functions, which contributes to more thorough grinding of food and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elimination of interdental gaps by changing the position of the elements of the upper and lower dentition;
  • treatment of caries in the spot stage, as well as superficial, medium and deep caries with composite materials;
  • restoration of lost units or local fragments using plates or gel-like compositions;
  • creating a charming “Hollywood smile” using modern technologies.

REMEMBER! Healthy gums and a beautiful smile are a gift that, unfortunately, not everyone has. But there is no need to despair. If 30 years ago artistic and functional restoration of teeth required a lot of money, now anyone can improve their appearance without extra material costs.

Advantages and disadvantages

The restoration method using composite materials has its positive and negative sides. Advantages of the technique:

  • low cost of the method compared to orthopedic;
  • speed of implementation - the procedure is carried out during one visit to the dentist, it is also possible to do several teeth in one visit;
  • minimal fabric trimming;
  • if there is a chip or channel work is required, correction can be carried out without removing the entire restoration composition;
  • effective in the presence of chips, cracks or gaps between teeth.

It is also worth noting several disadvantages characteristic of this technique:

  • shrinkage of the composite material, which requires grinding the edges of the restoration at least once a year;
  • change in shade over time due to absorption of dyes;
  • reduced impact resistance compared to ceramic structures;
  • not recommended for use in patients with an installed pacemaker.

Types of dental restoration

It is clear that the procedure for building up elements due to natural thinning differs from the manipulation of treating caries at the spot stage. Therefore, dental restoration is a broad concept that includes several areas of dental art. First of all, this is the treatment and restoration of the outer layer of enamel due to mechanical, chemical, and thermal damage. The second is aesthetic dentistry, which includes such common procedures as element extensions, microprosthetics using lumineers and veneers. Aesthetic restoration of teeth is a more labor-intensive task, requiring several visits to the doctor. In this case, specialists from a dental laboratory are involved, who make impressions for the installation of removable or non-removable structures. You can get rid of superficial, medium and deep caries in one visit. Depending on the time required, experts distinguish between two main types of dental restoration.

  • A direct method that involves restoring function in one visit to the doctor. It is mainly used to correct a defect in a local area of ​​an element using a composite material. Simply put, this is the same filling used for superficial, medium or deep caries, as well as caries in the spot stage, only with improved performance and aesthetic characteristics. The pros and cons of composites will be discussed in the next section.
  • An indirect method that involves the involvement of third-party specialists. The production and installation of veneers and lumineers is a striking example of this type of restoration of anterior teeth, which, as a rule, pursues artistic and aesthetic goals. However, we should not forget that competently performed veneering not only significantly improves the appearance, but also gives additional strength to the elements, prevents loosening and the formation of interdental gaps.

CURIOUS! Microprosthetics are used not only in the smile area. Many stars of show business, cinema, and sports, in particular Tom Cruise and Nicolas Cage, put veneers or Lumineers on their side elements. It is clear that the chewing load on them is higher, so crowns are used as a base.

Sign up for dental restoration at the Zubastik clinic

Do you want to have dental restoration done inexpensively and with high quality?
Make an appointment with a dentist by phone and come to the appointment! On the clinic’s website you can see photos of dental restoration before and after visiting a doctor, read patient reviews, see the price list for services, and choose a doctor. Our specialists will select the best option for dental treatment and restoration at a low cost. The result of turning to real professionals will be a healthy smile and self-confidence!

Advantages of composites

Modern compounds used for dental restoration are distinguished by high strength, durability, and the ability to choose any shade. In this regard, many patients often go too far, wanting to have unnaturally snow-white units. The focus on media characters is commendable, but it is worth remembering that such elements require careful care, which requires time and money. Our clinic’s specialists are inclined towards the option of restoring teeth using natural-colored composites. Indications for the use of such compositions include many factors. Among them are caries in the spot stage, extensive lesions, pigmentation, and unusability of old fillings. The only disadvantage noted by experts is the gradual “eating” of the layer. Over 10–12 years, the material shrinks, as a result of which a repeat procedure is necessary. But the benefits of dental restoration using composites are much greater.

  • There is no need for deep grinding of the elements to the stump, which prolongs the life of the units and relieves the patient of discomfort.
  • The materials used are completely safe, have no contraindications and are perfectly integrated into the oral cavity.
  • The high strength of gel-like compositions virtually eliminates the possibility of scratches on the applied surface.
  • The latest generation polymers used to prepare composite compositions are able to withstand critical temperatures.
  • The ability to restore the aesthetic and functional role of the anterior and lateral units in one visit to the doctor attracts clients.

IMPORTANT! When restoring teeth using composite compounds, the doctor always has the opportunity to adjust the result. If there is a shortage of material, an additional layer is applied, and if there is an excess, the excess is ground off. The financial aspect is also a significant advantage. The procedure for restoring functionality in one visit to the dentist saves not only time, but also money for the client.

In what cases will photopolymer restoration help?

The use of photopolymers when performing restorative procedures makes it possible to achieve great success in recreating damaged teeth. With the help of such materials you can change both shade and shape.

The main indications for restoration with photopolymers are as follows:

  • all kinds of damage to tooth enamel;
  • the need to correct the color and/or shape of the tooth;
  • partial destruction of the dental unit;
  • incorrect arrangement of dental units in a row;
  • wide interdental gap.

It should be understood that there are also a number of contraindications. Their list is relatively small. Thus, the procedure is not recommended if the patient suffers from bruxism, severe gum inflammation, or is allergic to the restorative material used.

Advantages of using photopolymer materials

Photopolymers are composite materials widely used in dental practice. They replaced fast-hardening plastics, which were previously used in restoration.

Photopolymers have the form of a paste or flowing material, the hardening of which is carried out as a result of exposure to special lamps. At the moment, dentists most often use LED lamps, which do not overheat the tissues.

The advantages of using photocomposites are obvious:

  • high strength of materials, which ensures the durability of the restoration;
  • minimum shrinkage upon completion of polymerization of the composition;
  • wear resistance of finished structures;
  • ease of design modeling;
  • a wide range of colors, so that the restored unit does not differ in shade from neighboring teeth;
  • minimal treatment of the tooth surface during restoration;
  • the ability to complete the procedure in just one session;
  • the procedure is completely painless for the patient;
  • lack of a long rehabilitation period after the procedure.

It is worth noting that another good reason why many patients choose photopolymer dental restoration is price. Dental composites are an affordable material, and therefore their use makes it possible to provide high-quality medical care to patients with the lowest income levels.

How is restoration performed?

Restoration using photopolymers is a multi-step process. It looks something like this:

  • first, professional hygienic cleaning is performed - this improves the adhesion of the composites to the enamel, and also removes solid deposits, making it possible to correctly determine the color of the enamel;
  • previously installed fillings are removed, if any;
  • using a special scale, a shade is selected that is as close as possible to the natural shade of the patient’s enamel;
  • anesthesia is performed (usually local), after which the affected tissue is removed;
  • the working area is isolated from saliva using special latex wipes so that exposure to moisture does not change the characteristics of the composite;
  • the enamel is treated with a degreasing and antimicrobial composition;
  • composites are applied in layers - each layer is dried separately with a lamp;
  • Finally, correction and polishing are performed.

Advantages of veneers

Indirect dental restoration using the installation of the thinnest plates is in demand today not only by public figures, but also by ordinary people who dream of eliminating imperfections of elements. Veneering involves grinding down 0.5–0.7 mm, after which plates of the selected shade made from individual impressions are glued onto the polished surface. Dental restoration using this method involves processing from 4 to 10 units in a row, that is, a plate is not placed on a separate element. There are some contraindications for the installation of such structures: grinding gums (bruxism), pathological inflammation of soft tissues, a high degree of abrasion of hard tissues on which it is impossible to attach elements. In addition, the installation of onlays is not recommended in the presence of dentures made of hard materials. Otherwise, indirect dental restoration has many advantages.

  • The high aesthetic component of the procedure allows you to create a dazzling smile and hide imperfections.
  • Sufficient mechanical strength of the plates, resistance to temperature changes, and the influence of food coloring.
  • The tight fit of the plates protects the enamel from external influences, protects it from destruction, and prevents the penetration of bacteria.
  • The ability to bind together disparate elements, reducing loosening that occurs with age.
  • Elimination of yellowness, fluorosis, chips and microcracks resulting from damage and injury.
  • The possibility of covering not only the front part, which preserves the taste sensitivity of the units, but also “dressing” the tooth on both sides to increase strength.

NEED TO KNOW! Veneers can be ceramic, composite or zirconium. The former are distinguished by a higher aesthetic component and increased whiteness. However, ceramics is a rather fragile material. Polymer-based composites are characterized by a less attractive appearance, but are more practical and quite affordable. Zirconium guarantees the longest life of the plates.

Indications for correction

Various types of defects are subject to restoration:

  • violation of the color or quality of enamel;
  • chips, cracks, erosion, unevenness, carious holes;
  • irregular shape and size of the crown;
  • displacement and curvature of teeth.

Important! In some cases, the dentist is forced to refuse to provide restoration services to the patient. Among the reasons: allergies to the materials used, pathological grinding and abrasion, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, destruction of the root or more than 60% of the tooth crown.

Pros of lumineers

The procedure for restoring teeth using lumineers is more expensive. This is due to the fact that plates 0.2–0.3 mm wide are thinner than veneers, so their production while maintaining the same high performance properties is a more labor-intensive process. Lumineers are often used to hide pigmentation defects after treatment of caries in the spot stage. Indications for this method of dental restoration are other factors: erosion and damage to the enamel, the presence of cracks and chips, visible diastema (wide spaces between units), the presence of old and deteriorated fillings. Often, plates are considered as an alternative to braces, which is not inferior to well-known designs in terms of strength, and in appearance is completely ahead of them, allowing teenagers not to experience psychological discomfort. Among other obvious advantages of dental restoration using lumineers, the following factors are worth noting:

  • minimal turning of elements is required;
  • You can create a dazzling smile in 3 visits;
  • the overlays do not require special care;
  • the adhesive composition contains fluorine, which is beneficial for enamel;
  • there is no need to use anesthesia;
  • the materials do not cause allergies and take root well;
  • the plates serve flawlessly for 15–20 years;
  • the doctor can remove the structure at any time.

ON A NOTE! Making impressions in the laboratory takes from 5 to 10 days, depending on the complexity, configuration and volume. However, technologies are already emerging that make it possible to restore teeth using ultra-thin onlays in one visit to the doctor. Thus, miraculous prosthetics using the CAD/CAM system makes it possible to restore the former attractiveness of a smile in the shortest possible time.

When is recovery required?

Modern dentistry offers restoration of the aesthetics of the dentition and the full functioning of damaged or lost units. Often the need for such treatment arises when there is deep caries damage. This insidious disease is not always distinguishable at the first stage, which leads to the destruction of a significant part of the crown.

Additional Information. Dentists recommend not to delay in treating caries. The deeper the disease penetrates, the more difficult recovery will be.

Another reason for dental restoration is trauma. Most often, as a result of strong mechanical influences, there is a need to restore the front teeth. The need for dental restoration often arises also due to non-carious diseases. Failure to promptly seek help in restoring the beauty of your smile can lead to the acquisition of persistent complexes and neuroses.

Features of teeth extensions

One of the most popular types of dental restoration is tooth augmentation. This direct method is used for minor damage, for example in the case of superficial or intermediate caries. It is important that the area of ​​damage is no more than 25–30%. Dental restoration by extension can mean both partial restoration of a local fragment and complete correction of shape and color. The use of filling material is not always possible, so the most common option is to build it onto a pin, around which a composite composition is applied. This method of dental restoration is often used for children who cannot receive veneers and lumineers. Traditional options using inlays make it possible to preserve the nerve and pulp. Each method of dental restoration using extensions has its advantages.

  • Extension with filling has excellent aesthetic characteristics: the new element does not differ from its neighbors. The appearance can always be adjusted. As one of the direct methods of dental restoration, extensions are carried out during one session, which saves effort, time and money. Along with masking visual imperfections (stains, cracks, chips), the procedure strengthens the elements and promotes the healing of soft gum tissue.
  • Pin extensions are most often used in cases of severe damage. There are different options, shapes and materials for the base of a future crown, which allows you to approach the problem individually in each case. After an X-ray examination, 3D modeling is carried out, which allows doctors to assess the reliability of the future design, and the patient to assess the external attractiveness of the new element. After this, the rod is implanted into the root and a filling compound is applied.

The price of tooth restoration using extensions depends on many factors: the use of anesthesia, the materials used, the amount of work. In any case, this is one of the most reliable and practical methods of restoring the aesthetic and chewing functions of the dentition. Much depends on the doctor’s experience and the availability of modern equipment. The presence of knowledgeable specialists, the latest generation technology, safe anesthetics, and sterile instruments in any of the branches of the VivaDent allows us to successfully solve the most complex problems.

Artistic restoration of chewing teeth

Indirect method. When the upper relief layer of a tooth is lost, doctors use linings made of ceramic material for restoration. They completely cover the surface of the tooth and do not allow decay and any harmful effects to spread. Direct method. The loss of part of a tooth is eliminated by recreating a fragment from a polymer material. The work happens faster than the indirect method and can take half an hour. Our specialists prescribe the desired treatment option only after a thorough diagnosis, determine the optimal method and do not offer unnecessary procedures.

Materials used

The cost of dental restoration directly depends on the materials used. Extension on a pin involves implanting a rod made of titanium, steel or fiberglass into the bone tissue. The first material enjoys well-deserved popularity due to its unique combination of low weight, amazing strength, and environmental safety. The alloy, widespread in various areas of the national economy, integrates perfectly into the oral cavity without causing side effects. Surgical steel is an equally common material for dental restoration, characterized by high resistance to mechanical and thermal stress. As for fiberglass, recently the carbon variety of nanomaterial, which has the ability to adapt to the structure and behavior of the patient’s soft tissues and evenly distribute chewing loads, has become increasingly in demand. When restoring teeth using traditional methods using crowns, various materials are also used.

  • Ceramics are an aesthetically beautiful solution that provides a snow-white smile and an attractive appearance. It requires careful care, is highly fragile and does not have a very long lifespan.
  • Metal is an obsolete material that is currently almost never used. However, in terms of strength characteristics it surpasses its competitors, so products made from alloys are still in demand.
  • Metal-ceramics is an intermediate and most successful option. Combines the attractiveness of the first and the reliability of the second material. The affordable price explains the high demand for metal-ceramic crowns.

FACT! Ceramics and metal ceramics, due to the addition of useful microelements and a tight fit, provide reliable protection of units from pathogenic microbes. Therefore, dentists consider ceramic crowns and veneers not only an effective aesthetic solution, but also a powerful preventive measure. According to doctors, people with such structures in their mouths after dental restoration are less likely to develop superficial, medium and deep caries.

Features of restoration of chewing teeth

When it is necessary to restore chewing units, reliability, comfort and proper distribution of the load when eating food come to the fore. In this case, direct composite dental restoration with photopolymers is used. Its advantage over conventional fillings:

  • withstands increased loads;
  • practically merges with natural enamel;
  • no grinding of healthy tissue is required;
  • low pain of the procedure;
  • has a high degree of adherence to dentin.

With proper care and following the dentist’s recommendations, restoration of a chewing tooth with a composite material provides a guarantee period of wearing a filling of up to 5–6 years. The procedure is used to eliminate the consequences of caries, enamel hypoplasia, and, if necessary, to form the upper part of the crown while preserving the root.

Prevention of destruction

Nobody wants to visit the dental clinic one more time for dental restoration. However, statistics show that destruction of elements, ranging from caries at the spot stage to deep caries, is observed today in 75% of Russian residents. This is due to many factors. Smoking and alcohol, excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, sweets, natural and artificial dyes have a very negative effect. Of no small importance is genetic predisposition, as well as irregular oral care, which leads to the formation of plaque and tartar, which requires immediate dental restoration. But even after it’s done, you shouldn’t think that a charming smile will remain forever without any effort. Any patient can maintain an attractive appearance after dental restoration; you just need to listen to the doctor’s recommendations and regularly carry out simple preventive procedures. Dentists recommend:

  • after restoration, extension, installation of veneers or lumineers, see a doctor at least once every six months;
  • Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, morning and evening; in the first 3 months after dental restoration, it is better to purchase a soft brush;
  • subsequently it is necessary to use dental floss, or better yet, special brushes that do not cause damage to the gums;
  • After each meal, use rinses without aggressive components; if they are absent, use ordinary, preferably boiled, water.

Simple precautions will help protect the elements restored during the dental restoration process. Crowns, composite materials, veneers and lumineers are effective ways to restore aesthetic and chewing functions, the choice of which remains with the specialist. The VivaDent clinic employs qualified doctors with higher education who spare no time in studying innovative trends. Dentistry is progressing by leaps and bounds, and it is gratifying that our company is a trendsetter in Russia today. Powerful medical equipment, the presence of our own laboratories in each branch, and the use of high-tech materials allow us to solve the most complex problems in the field of dental restoration. We even take on those cases that are refused in other places, because we are confident in our abilities. Our employees generously share their optimism with patients who know: visiting the VivaDent clinic for dental restoration will leave only positive emotions and give you the opportunity to smile dazzlingly!

Recovery methods

At the consultation stage, the dentist determines the characteristics of the defect and selects one or more ways to eliminate it. In some cases, the final choice depends on the financial capabilities of the patient.


The most popular method for eliminating carious holes, chips, cracks, stains and irregularly shaped teeth. The correction is made using composite materials carefully selected in color. If you need to restore a large amount of tooth tissue, strengthening pins are used.


This refers to prosthetics for the missing parts of the crown, made in the laboratory to an individual order based on casts. Used only for lateral teeth.


These are thin (up to 0.5 cm) onlays made of ceramics or other materials used to correct small chips, irregularities in shape, tilt or position of teeth, and various enamel defects. With their help, the installation of a ceramic crown is avoided. The method gives an excellent aesthetic effect, but requires minor crown grinding. An improved type of veneers - lumineers - are ultra-thin overlays that do not require turning.


In difficult cases, it is impossible to do without installing individually made onlays that completely replace the crown part of the tooth. They make it possible to restore the beauty and full functionality of the dentition. The pulp is removed to avoid the development of pulpitis; only a stump is left in place of the crown.

Restoration with photopolymers

Dental restoration refers to dental procedures aimed at restoring the healthy appearance of the dentition using artificial materials of various compositions. With its help, congenital defects and defects acquired as a result of injury or disease are corrected.

Restoration with light-curing materials (photopolymers) is the most practiced method of eliminating functional and aesthetic deviations of the dentition. Durability and natural appearance are the main advantages of this approach. Restoring the crown part of a tooth with photopolymer is possible if at least a third of it is preserved.

Restoration of the volumetric part of the crown is carried out using a pin. The composite material is applied in layers, each of which is exposed to an ultraviolet lamp. The comfort and naturalness of the final result largely depend on the artistic skills of the specialist. The quality of polishing of the photopolymer is of great importance for aesthetics. A perfectly smooth surface facilitates hygienic care, creates the appearance of tooth integrity, and eliminates the feeling of discomfort.

Additional Information. Dental restoration with photopolymers is not carried out during pregnancy or during inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and respiratory tract.

Features and stages of extension to a pin

Restoring a tooth crown when a significant part of it has been lost will not have a lasting effect without the use of a pin. This element is made of durable materials (steel, titanium, palladium, carbon fiber, fiberglass) and serves as the basis for extensions. The part restored with photopolymer is securely fastened to the pin, ensuring the reliability of the structure even under significant loads.

Important! Bruxism (grinding in your sleep) and lack of roots are direct contraindications to building teeth with pins.

Stages of extension onto a pin:

  1. Cleaning, processing and expansion of canals.
  2. Insertion of a pin with fixation of its edge in the bone.
  3. Filling the canal with pin fastening.
  4. Attaching an artificial crown or layer-by-layer application of layers of photopolymer to recreate part of a tooth.

Additional Information. If only the root remains of the tooth, it is possible to avoid implantation using pinning. In this case, restoration of the tooth stump for further installation of the crown is carried out on the outer edge of the pin.

Enamel restoration

Many dental problems begin with poor enamel, the outer protective layer of the crown. With insufficiently good oral care, certain diseases and a lack of certain substances in the body, various dental defects develop.

The following approaches are used to restore tooth enamel:

  • Cracks, irregularities and chips are eliminated using photopolymers or veneers.
  • Procedures for saturating teeth with fluoride and calcium are designed to strengthen enamel.
  • A special restorative composition can be prescribed as applications.
  • If the enamel has lost color, professional whitening is used.

Prices for Dental Restoration

Treatment of superficial caries without preparation ICON4,100 rub.Sign up
Tooth restoration with light-curing composite material 0.5 surface areaRUB 2,310Sign up
Tooth restoration with light-curing composite material 1 surface4,050 rub.Sign up
Tooth restoration with light-curing composite material for 1-2 surfaces (medium caries)RUB 3,950Sign up
Tooth restoration with a composite light-curing material on 1-2 surfaces is complex (moderate caries)4,850 rub.Sign up
Tooth restoration with a light-curing composite material for 1-2 surfaces (deep caries)5,400 rub.Sign up
Tooth restoration with premium light-curing composite material, 1 surface6,450 rub.Sign up
Removal of dental plaque (ultrasound + polishing) from one jawRUB 3,460Sign up
Tooth restoration with a light-curing composite material on no more than two surfaces (deep caries)RUB 5,950Sign up
Tooth restoration with light-curing composite material 2 surfaces5,200 rub.Sign up
Tooth restoration with premium light-curing composite material, 2 surfaces7,150 rub.Sign up
Restoration of a tooth with a composite light-curing material on no more than two surfaces (deep caries) is complex6,550 rub.Sign up
Tooth restoration with light-curing composite material 3 surfacesRUB 6,360Sign up
Tooth restoration with premium light-curing composite material, 3 surfaces or moreRUB 8,950Sign up
Restoration of a tooth with a composite light-curing material when more than 2/3 of the lateral tooth tissues are destroyedRUB 7,950Sign up
Artistic tooth restoration with color selectionRUB 9,240Sign up
Therapeutic veneerRUB 11,550Sign up
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