White spots on the lips, small pimples. Causes of rash, treatment of Fordyce granules


Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa, which can occur in mild and severe forms. The development of pathology is possible at any age. Risk factors for the appearance of white pimples on the inside of the lip include insufficient hygiene, smoking, and lack of iron in the diet. In this case, genetics and gender do not matter.

Why do white spots appear?

White pimples form on both the inner and outer sides of the upper and lower lips, around the mouth, and sometimes the rash affects the cheeks and chin. What formations look like in different pathologies can be seen in the photo.

What infectious diseases can cause white rashes:

  1. HPV – transmitted through any type of sexual contact, small white warts affect not only the anus and labia, male genitalia in an adult, but also the outer and inner sides of the lips in the mouth. Externally, oral warts look like thorns or cauliflower inflorescences.

    HPV is transmitted sexually

  2. Candidiasis – with weakened immunity, long-term use of hormonal and antibacterial agents, the active growth of yeast fungi on the mucous membranes begins. When the oral cavity is affected, a white coating of a cheesy consistency appears, which is difficult to remove, and rashes appear in the corners of the lips, gums, and tonsils. The disease occurs in infants when the rules for treating nipples and bottles are not followed.

    Candidiasis is caused by the growth of yeast fungi on the mucous membranes

  3. Herpes – a common recurrent disease, accompanied by the appearance of small bubbles, blisters, severe itching, and tingling.

    Herpes on the lips often recurs

Important! Oral candidiasis may indicate the development of HIV, cancer, diabetes, anemia; the disease often develops during pregnancy, after organ transplantation.

Malignant and benign neoplasms on the lips

Various spots, bubbles and balls on the lips, chin and cheeks are a sign of the presence of severe, incurable pathologies. But often neoplasms are of benign origin.

What tumors appear on the lips:

  1. Cancer - a large white flat spot is visible on the outside of the lips, gradually it becomes covered with ulcers and bleeds. The neoplasm constantly increases in size and becomes hard.
  2. Mucosal cyst - white balls with fluid inside, appears on the inside of the lower lip. The reason is excessive salivation, lip biting, piercing. If the neoplasm is located deep, then only a small white nodule is noticeable on the surface.
  3. Fibroma is a benign neoplasm, consisting of connective tissue fibers. Outwardly it looks like a small tubercle of white or pink color, located in the oral cavity, appears due to injuries, the habit of biting lips, and poor-quality dentures.
  4. Lipoma - a problem that occurs when the sebaceous glands become inflamed; the neoplasm is benign, but can become a malignant tumor. The balls are a consequence of diet, prolonged fasting, when the body begins to store fat reserves.
  5. Atheroma is a blockage of the sebaceous gland, a benign tumor with a tendency to degenerate, gradually becomes larger, and when pressed, purulent contents are released.
  6. Milia are small or large hard subcutaneous white dots, white balls, periodically appear and disappear, appear around the lips, on the chin; the pathology is often diagnosed in a child. The cause of rashes is slow cell renewal, sunburn, allergies, and the use of pastes with fluoride.

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A mucosal cyst most often appears as a result of mechanical trauma to the lip.

Often comedones and allergic rashes appear in the mouth area, which spread from other areas of the face. The white border above the upper lip occurs due to waxing of the mustache.

Other reasons

White blisters and spots on the lips are caused by genetic, autoimmune diseases, allergies, and it is not always possible to determine the true cause of the pathology. Rashes in the form of semolina on the side surfaces of the tongue, on the outside or back of the lip provoke non-compliance with the drinking regime, sunburn, bacterial infections, leukoplakia, and disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Stomatitis - ulcerative white, gray or pale yellow growths form on the inner surface of the lower, upper lip, and cheeks. The disease develops against the background of vitamin deficiency, trauma, allergies, smoking, anemia, gastrointestinal pathologies, is accompanied by severe pain, burning, and usually goes away after 2 weeks.

Stomatitis forms on the inner surface of the oral cavity and is characterized by severe pain.

Vitiligo – light spots of different sizes with blurred edges appear on the skin of the lips. The disease develops due to pigmentation disorders; the exact causes of the pathology have not yet been established, but vitiligo is associated with cancer and autoimmune problems.

Vitiligo spots are the result of skin pigmentation disorders

Fordyce's disease - small pimples of white, pale yellow, pink color with clearly defined edges - Fordyce granules, which, in fact, are wen. They are located along the outer border of the upper or lower lip, sometimes they can be found on the genitals, mucous membranes of the cheeks and lips, the size of the rash does not exceed 2 mm, there are no unpleasant sensations.

Fordyce spots appear exclusively in men

Fordyce spots appear in men and women, their occurrence is not associated with sexually transmitted, infectious, or oncological diseases, the pathology is not contagious, and the size of the rash increases annually.

Important! Often, white spots, dots and pimples under the skin appear after lip augmentation with Juvederm injections.

What to do if pimples appear on your lips?

If you have pimples on your lips, you shouldn’t immediately run to the pharmacy for saving ointment. Despite popular misconception, the term “acne” does not refer to any specific disease. The rash can be a manifestation of many dermatoses. Only a specialist, having studied her character and collected anamnesis, will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

With acne, inflammation around the lips is usually rare, but if the rash around the lips turns out to be acne, the doctor may prescribe topical antibiotics18. These include Clindovit® gel. Its main active ingredient is clindamycin phosphate, which upon contact with the skin is hydrolyzed to form clindamycin6. The drug is active against propionibacteria and helps reduce the level of free fatty acids6. To reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance, it is recommended to combine the use of Clindovit® with azelaic acid preparations (Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide28.

Which doctor should I contact?

If white spots appear on the lips or around the mouth, you should visit a physician or dermatologist. After examination and diagnosis, consultation with a venereologist, infectious disease specialist, dentist, or cosmetologist may be required.

Consult a dermatologist for treatment of pathologies on the lips

Read also: How to get rid of papillomas on the eyelids

If ulcers and inflammation on the lips do not go away for more than two weeks, are accompanied by pain when swallowing, or a tumor in the neck area, consult a doctor.

White spots in a child

When a neonatologist detects white dots on a child’s lips under the skin, this is associated with:

  • candidal stomatitis. A disorder occurs as a result of the active activity of the Candida fungus;
  • bacterial stomatitis, affecting the oral mucosa, in which white spots appear on the inside of the lips;
  • herpesvirus, which can be transmitted from mother to baby through the birth canal during breastfeeding. Painful rashes are observed both on the outer and inner sides of the lip, in the nose, near the eyes;
  • allergic stomatitis, in which the child’s oral mucosa exhibits hypersensitivity to irritants. In this case, a white rash forms on the inside of the lip.

Provoking factors that cause white dots or grains to appear in the mouth or lips of young children include:

  • depressed immunity;
  • prematurity;
  • artificial feeding regimen;
  • insufficient hygiene of pacifiers and nipples;
  • mucosal injuries;
  • lack of nutrients in the body;
  • congestion of the nasal passages, due to which the baby begins to breathe through the mouth, which contributes to the drying out of the mucous membrane;
  • diseases affecting the digestive and endocrine systems.

Variety No. 1: herpes

If a white sore appears under or on your lip, as in the photo below, then you may have herpes. By the way, this is the most common and common pathology of all possible (about 90% of the world's population is susceptible to it), because the herpes virus lives dormant in any organism.

The photo shows herpes

What activates the herpes virus? Weakened immunity, hypothermia (it’s not for nothing that herpes is often called a “cold”), stress, infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency, physical and emotional overload, hormonal changes. Elderly people, pregnant and lactating women are very susceptible to the problem. Some researchers have also found that the disease can be triggered by microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes of the lips, including those received during dental procedures1.

By the way, the pathology is contagious. It is likely that you simply “picked up” her from a close circle of friends through the use of shared towels, cutlery and dishes, through kisses.

Main symptoms: in appearance, the neoplasm resembles a bubble (or several of them, and they then merge with each other) filled with liquid. After a few days, the blister bursts, becomes crusty, gradually dries out, and normally after 7-10 days only a pink spot remains on the skin, which gradually fades.

The herpes virus can make itself felt through sores in the mouth and lip up to 1-2 times a year, which is considered quite normal. But if pathology bothers you more often, then you should sound the alarm and go for examination to doctors, since internal diseases of the body, against the background of which the immune system is greatly weakened, may be to blame.

Usually, before a herpes sore appears under the lip, a person experiences itching and redness of the skin. And once these symptoms are detected, it is worth taking action, namely, starting to apply antiviral drugs like Acyclovir and Docosanol to the skin. It will also be useful to start taking vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen the immune system.

“Almost every year I get this ugly herpetic lesion in my mouth under my lower lip. Do not smear it with creams, it still goes through all its stages from redness to the appearance of a bubble, and then a crust. Even though I take my vitamins every year, and I watch my diet, and I try not to stress too much, I still can’t get rid of this problem... At the same time, I even had an examination with a therapist, and they didn’t reveal any health problems for me...”

Marina K, review from 32top.ru

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