Lump on the labia under the skin: photos, causes and treatment

Author of the article, Candidate of Medical Sciences O.Yu. Ermolaev
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The wind runs like a crazy stream through the veins. I have neither the strength nor the desire to toil further. Great changes are coming in the veins of consciousness. The covenant became old again, yesterday it was new.

Taisiya Rozhinova

BARTHOLINITIS is an inflammation of the large gland of the vestibule of the vagina (Bartholin's gland). When Bartholin's gland fills with mucus or pus, it forms

Bartholin's GLAND CYST.

TREATMENT of bartholinitis, opening of the Bartholin gland WITHOUT PAIN, within 3 seconds! There are RESULTS, there is EXPERIENCE, there are ways to ACHIEVE.

Treatment of bartholinitis WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS, opening of the Bartholin gland without pain, on the day of treatment, with the Surgitron device is one of the popular areas of practical activity of the Women's Health Clinic.

The causative agents of bartholinitis are bacteria: staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia, gonococci, etc.

In some cases, Trichomonas and Escherichia coli are detected in the contents of Bartholin gland cysts.

The infection enters the Bartholin gland through the excretory duct after mechanical trauma: scratching, sexual intercourse with insufficient hydration, chafing after wearing tight and lacy underwear.

The inflammatory process takes over the entire Bartholin gland within 3-5 days.

Pus fills the lobules of the Bartholin gland with the formation of a false abscess (pseudo-abscess of the Bartholin gland).

A Bartholin gland cyst or Bartholin gland abscess can open on its own.

Photo of bartholinitis. Recurrent (re-occurring) left-sided bartholinitis. The genital fissure is narrowed and shifted to the right. A postoperative scar is visible on the left labia majora
Treatment of bartholinitis, opening of the Bartholin gland in the presence of pus is necessary.

It is IMPORTANT to start moving in the right direction!

EVERYTHING you need to know about the right direction in the treatment of bartholinitis and Bartholin gland cysts, see HERE:

  • Symptoms of bartholinitis
  • Diagnosis of bartholinitis
  • Treatment of bartholinitis
  • Prevention of bartholinitis
  • Questions and answers about the treatment of bartholinitis

Treatment of bartholinitis by appointment by multi-channel telephone 8 (800) 500-52-74 (calls within Russia are free), or +7 (for foreign calls).

ONLINE information about the treatment of bartholinitis can be found at: [email protected]

REGISTER ONLINE for the treatment of bartholinitis here.

REGISTER online for marsupalization of the Bartholin gland here.

Buy coursework by phone +7 (928) 022-05-32 or here.

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Reviews about the treatment of bartholinitis

A.U., Nalchik

I was very touched by the hospitality of the staff and the competence of the specialists! I spent a long time looking for help in various clinics, I can honestly say throughout the region. But only at the Resort Clinic I was able to find her! May all the kindness that you give to people in such a difficult matter return again and again to you and your families!!!

From the book of reviews and suggestions

During the treatment at the Clinic there was very good service, cultural treatment, and competent treatment. I am very pleased with the good treatment and excellent attitude, I wish we had more clinics like this. I especially want to thank the doctor, candidate of medical sciences. Sciences Ermolaev Oleg Yuryevich for very attentive treatment, qualified approach and sensitivity. Thank you very much!

All reviews about the treatment

Symptoms of bartholinitis

The symptoms of bartholinitis are characteristic and allow an accurate diagnosis to be made upon examination.

Bartholinitis always occurs UNEXPECTEDLY against the background of complete well-being and compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

A FEELING of rubbing and annoying DISCOMFORT appears in the lower third of the labia majora at rest and while walking.

Bartholinitis in the vast majority of cases is unilateral.

Symptoms of acute bartholinitis are MALACE and weakness.

Swelling occurs in the form of a sedentary elastic “ball” and PAIN when walking in the lower third of the labia majora.

Body temperature, as a rule, rises to 37.5-38.0°C.

The process progresses over 3-5 days.

The formation of a pseudo-abscess of the Bartholin gland is accompanied by high body temperature (up to 39.0°C), chills, and throbbing pain in the corresponding labia majora.

Upon examination, swelling and REDMENT in the area of ​​the Bartholin gland (“BUNE” on the labia) are detected; palpation (feeling) of the corresponding labia is sharply PAINFUL.

When the suppurating Bartholin gland spontaneously opens, pus flows out, the general condition quickly improves and the temperature decreases.

Photo of bartholinitis. Spontaneously opened pseudoabscess of the left Bartholin gland. Blood flows out of the perforation hole (the rupture site). Please note: the perforation is located deep, as a result of which pus flows into the vagina

In the chronic stage of bartholinitis, the development of a retention cyst of the Bartholin gland is possible.

A retention cyst is a cyst that can spontaneously resolve (empty) and reappear.

The contents of a Bartholin gland cyst are glassy, ​​viscous mucus.

Photo of bartholinitis. Retention cyst of the right Bartholin gland. A mature cyst is represented by a characteristic protrusion in the lower third of the right labia majora

Photo of bartholinitis. Spontaneously opened retention cyst of the left Bartholin gland. Clear, viscous mucus flows from the perforation

Retention cysts of the Bartholin gland never! do not become malignant, but at certain sizes they cause aesthetic discomfort and difficulty during sexual intercourse.

Bartholinitis has a tendency to relapse (reoccur).

Photo of a right Bartholin gland cyst in a 28-year-old woman
Photo of a Bartholin gland cyst. Same case

Photo of a left Bartholin gland cyst in a 19-year-old girl

Photo of a left Bartholin gland cyst. Same case



is a cyst filled with a yellowish fluid formed by fat cells, epidermis and sebum. Since all this in the cyst is in a state of stagnation, when opened, the substance that is usually removed has an unpleasant odor. Causes of atheroma: increased oily skin, acne, poor cleanliness, hormonal changes, heredity. Atheromas form where there are many sebaceous and sweat glands. When they grow to a size of 5 cm, tension occurs on the surface of the skin and even internal inflammation is possible. It is always recommended to remove atheromas without waiting for complications, although they also degenerate extremely rarely.

The atheroma is completely removed by isolating it from the tissue. At the same time, they try not to disrupt its integrity and make sure that no particles of the cyst shell remain, otherwise this may cause a relapse in the same place.

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Diagnosis of bartholinitis

Acute bartholinitis and Bartholin gland cyst do not cause any difficulties in diagnosis.

In acute bartholinitis and pseudoabcess of the Bartholin gland, all the classic signs of inflammation are present: pain, tumor formation and local (local) increase in temperature.

A certain difficulty arises when making a decision to treat conservatively (medically) or operate.

In other words, it is necessary to answer the question: is the inflammatory process widespread, or has a PSEUDO-ABCESS already formed in the form of a cavity with purulent contents.

The success of treatment and aesthetic comfort depend on accurate diagnosis!
Accurate diagnosis and treatment of bartholinitis WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS, opening of the Bartholin gland WITHOUT PAIN, on the same day of treatment, with the Surgitron device is one of the popular areas of practical activity of the Women's Health Clinic.

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3D photo of a left Bartholin gland cyst in a 28-year-old woman

3D photo of a cyst in the right large gland of the vaginal vestibule of a 16-year-old girl

Pay attention to the excellent quality of the photographs, testifying to the expert class of our devices.

Temporary seals

When wearing underwear that is too tight, a pimple may appear, which in appearance resembles a wen or a lump caused by bartholinitis, but after eliminating the traumatic factor, the pimple goes away.

Sometimes acne occurs due to contact with dirty hands or the use of products to which an individual allergic reaction is detected.

Temporary formation of a lump occurs after hypothermia or a cold, but after recovery it disappears.

Treatment of bartholinitis

Treatment of bartholinitis must begin at the first symptoms (signs) of trouble.

If you consult a doctor early, based on our experience, there is a real chance to stop the inflammatory process and prevent the formation of an abscess or cyst of the Bartholin gland.

Treatment of bartholinitis in the acute stage consists of quickly limiting and stopping the inflammatory process.

Treatment of bartholinitis with delayed treatment is to accelerate the maturation of the pseudoabscess and shorten the period of physical and moral disability.

At the same time, there remains a chance (small chance) of stopping the process without surgical treatment.

To treat bartholinitis, the Women's Health Resort Clinic uses a combination of herbal remedies and modern physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy potentiates (manifold enhances) the effect of herbal medicines.

In combination with herbal medicines, physiotherapy allows you to achieve recovery WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS.

All physiotherapeutic procedures at the Women's Health Resort Clinic are performed WITHOUT PAIN in comfortable conditions by professionally trained midwives.

Contraindications to physiotherapeutic treatment are general contraindications to physiotherapy: stage 3 hypertension, oncological processes in the body, severe somatic (therapeutic) diseases in the stage of decompensation.

Contraindications for each specific procedure are described in detail on the website in the corresponding paragraph of the article “Physiotherapy”.

Medicines based on herbal and mineral raw materials according to the prescriptions of the Clinic’s doctors have detoxifying, analgesic and local (local) anti-inflammatory effects, forcing the immune system to actively fight the infectious process.

Our experience in the treatment of bartholinitis shows that the use of medicines based on natural raw materials is an important physiological (corresponding to human physiology) component of treatment.

In case of suppuration of the Bartholin gland - filling the gland with pus with the formation of a pseudo-abscess of the Bartholin gland - it is necessary to open the Bartholin gland.

The opening of the Bartholin gland in our Clinic is performed WITHOUT PAIN using a non-contact method using the Surgitron apparatus.

In some cases, up to 25 ml of pus leaks out.

The internal pressure is so great that when a pseudoabscess of the Bartholin gland is opened, a stream of pus sometimes reaches one meter.

The cost of opening the Bartholin gland WITHOUT PAIN is 4250 rubles.

Photo of bartholinitis. Suppuration (pseudoabcess) of the right Bartholin gland
Photo of bartholinitis. After non-contact opening and drainage of a pseudoabcess of the right Bartholin gland in our Clinic

Within 5-7 days, professionally trained midwives of the Clinic CLEAR the remaining pus and WASH the Bartholin gland, perform magnetic laser and ultrasound treatment.

After non-contact opening of the Bartholin gland, the wound is epithelialized (heals) with the formation of an aesthetic, thin, barely noticeable scar.

Hospitalization (inpatient treatment) is not required.

During the treatment of bartholinitis, a fortified diet is necessary. There are no restrictions or dietary requirements.

Sexual intimacy is possible after complete relief (cure) of acute bartholinitis or complete epithelization (healing) of a postoperative wound.

Complete healing, as a rule, occurs 9-12 days after non-contact opening of the Bartholin gland in our Clinic.

During the period of an open wound and incomplete healing, if it is impossible to avoid sexual intercourse, surrogate forms of love and anal sex are allowed.

In case of recurrent (recurring) bartholinitis, the Women's Health Resort Clinic performs extirpation (husking, complete removal) of the Bartholin gland or marsupalization of the Bartholin gland.

After extirpation (husking) of the Bartholin gland, Bartholin gland pseudoabscess and Bartholin gland cyst never occur again.

We accept girls, young women and women from all cities of Russia, near and far abroad.

The resort clinic for women's health operates both for paid services and in the voluntary health insurance system.

The spa clinic for women's health facilitates the accommodation and accommodation of women, women with children and couples during examination and treatment.

About living conditions and transfer from Mineralnye Vody airport and Pyatigorsk railway station in detail in the article “Accommodation”.

If you need to book accommodation, please coordinate your arrival date no later than 7 days in advance.

Reception only by appointment no later than 3 days in advance by phone 8 (800) 500-52-74 (free call within Russia) or +7 (928) 022-05-32.

Time to go to the doctor

If all diseases were treated with proper hygiene... There are clinical manifestations that require immediate consultation with a specialist:

  • painful condition of the perineum;
  • discharge (white, cloudy);
  • mobility of seals;
  • accelerated growth in education;
  • itching and burning.

The first specialist you need to contact is a gynecologist. His task is to sweep away sexually transmitted diseases.

Despite widespread educational work on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, 10% of the world's population are infected with them every year. In Russia, every third woman out of four manages to get an STD by the time of pregnancy. If chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and gonorrhea are not treated in a timely manner, there is a high risk of infertility.

Therefore, if you are embarrassed to go to a antenatal clinic, find a medical center, anonymously conduct an examination, and then be sure to visit a gynecologist. Self-medication for STIs does not work.

Leading specialists in the treatment of bartholinitis in the Southern Federal District

Ermolaeva Elvira Kadirovna is a well-known and recognized specialist in the treatment of bartholinitis in the North Caucasus. She is a gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, physiotherapist-resortologist. Women who want to improve the aesthetics of the genital organs, reduce the size of the vagina and refresh intimate relationships from all regions of Russia and foreign countries turn to Elvira Kadirovna .

Ermolaev Oleg Yurievich Candidate of Medical Sciences, operating gynecologist with 25 years of successful experience in treating bartholinitis. Able to see relationships that elude others.

Shchepkin Petr Sergeevich Gynecologist, specialist in the treatment of bartholinitis and marsupalization of the Bartholin gland. Experienced ultrasound doctor.

About the doctors of the Clinic in detail...

INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION of the reputation and achievements of the Women's Health Resort Clinic in the development and implementation of effective and safe treatment methods and the quality of medical services provided is the AWARDING of the Women's Health Resort Clinic in Pyatigorsk with the SIQS International QUALITY CERTIFICATE in the field of medicine and healthcare. International Socratic Committee, Oxford, UK and Swiss Institute for Quality Standards, Zurich, SWITZERLAND.

We work seven days a week and on holidays:

Monday - Friday from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday, Sunday, holidays from 8.00 to 17.00.

Treatment of bartholinitis, opening of the Bartholin gland and marsupalization of the Bartholin gland by appointment by multi-line phone 8 (800) 500-52-74 (free call within Russia), or +7 (for foreign calls).

The cost of opening the Bartholin gland WITHOUT PAIN is 4250 rubles.

ONLINE information about the treatment of bartholinitis can be found at: [email protected]

REGISTER ONLINE for the treatment of bartholinitis here.

REGISTER online for marsupalization of the Bartholin gland here.

Buy coursework by phone +7 (928) 022-05-32 or here.

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If there is severe bursting and throbbing pain in the labia majora, high body temperature (more than 38°C) and/or poor health, we accept without a prior appointment outside the queue.

Treatment of bartholinitis with the help of phytotherapeutic and physiotherapeutic agents allows one to achieve a complete cure and prevent the transition to a chronic form and the formation of an abscess (pseudo-abcess) and a cyst of the Bartholin gland.

With respect for the religion and different habits of our Patients, we achieve high efficiency and comfort of treatment.

We are at your FULL DISPOSAL if you have any doubts or wishes.

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After spontaneous opening of a pseudoabscess of the Bartholin gland, the outpouring of purulent contents, as a rule, does not occur completely.

The pyogenic (pyogenic) capsule is preserved. And after gluing and scarring of the fistula tract, the process begins to mature again.

Spontaneous opening of a Bartholin gland pseudoabscess leads to the formation of a rough scar.

The only consolation for this is the thought of limited access for contemplation...

The cost of opening the Bartholin gland WITHOUT PAIN is 4250 rubles.

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4. Papillomas


external genitalia - this is the growth of the epidermis of the labia. By their appearance, papillomas are easily differentiated from other formations. They are usually located on a stalk, resembling the shape of a mushroom. Unlike other uncomplicated formations, papillomas may itch or hurt; They are often injured. The reason for their appearance is HPV, the human papillomavirus, which is activated under favorable conditions (decreased immunity, stress, hormonal changes). HPV infection occurs through sexual contact or from the mother at birth. The latent period of this virus (without any formations on the skin) can last indefinitely. The actual growth of the epidermis on the genitals can be provoked by a number of factors, mainly associated with a decrease or depletion of the body's protective resources.

Papillomas are always treated comprehensively: formations on the skin are surgically removed, and the human papillomavirus itself is subjected to systemic therapy aimed at increasing immunity, restoring hormonal balance and balanced metabolism.

It is necessary to treat papillomas. Not only can they grow to large sizes, but they also carry the risk of infecting a sexual partner.


There are primary and secondary prevention of lip cancer. Oncologists recommend:

  • Take precautions when exposed to the sun (wear a wide-brimmed hat);
  • Stop smoking pipes and cigarettes;
  • Maintain oral hygiene;
  • Change working conditions;
  • Do not drink strong alcoholic drinks.

For persons prone to dyskeratosis of the lips and cheilitis, oncologists at the Yusupov Hospital conduct an annual preventive examination. Secondary prevention of lip cancer consists of regular dental treatment at the dentist, surgical intervention in the presence of dyskeratosis and cheilitis.

Lip cancer - what is it?

Depending on the type of tumor growth, the following forms of lip cancer are distinguished:

  • Papillary;
  • warty;
  • Ulcerative;
  • Ulcerative-infiltrative.

A malignant tumor of the lip in 95% of cases is represented by keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma. In 5% of cases, histologists have squamous cell non-keratinizing cancer of the lip mucosa. A tumor of the lip, which from the inside, on the mucous membrane, is characterized by a malignant course (infiltrative growth and early metastasis to regional lymph nodes).

A tumor of the lower lip most often affects the border of the lower lip. A crack, ulcer or swelling forms on it, which looks like a wart. The disease is predominantly diagnosed in people over 60 years of age.

Cancer of the upper lip occurs less frequently than the lower lip, but the tumor is more aggressive. Upper lip cancer has a high risk of metastasis and spreads quickly. This is explained by the fact that the malignant tumor is located close to the nasal cavity, where the blood supply system is developed. A tumor on the inside of the lip is dangerous because it quickly grows into the soft tissue.

Melanoma on the lip is 10 times less common than squamous cell carcinoma of the lip, but is characterized by a high degree of malignancy. Basically, the tumor is located on the red border of the lower lip. It penetrates deeply into tissues, quickly transfers to nearby tissues and gives metastases.

At the Yusupov Hospital, oncologists make a diagnosis of lip cancer using the following methods:

  • Examination with the naked eye and using stomatoscopy;
  • Cytological examination of impression smears from a tumor ulcer;
  • Histological examination of lymph node punctate.

After establishing the primary diagnosis, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out.

Herpes genital

The disease is caused by herpes virus type 2 (the second name is genital). The resulting balls are of soft consistency and small in size. Often grouped together and filled with watery contents. They cause significant discomfort and can manifest as severe, unbearable vaginal itching. When scratching the affected area, small ulcers form, and the infection spreads to adjacent tissues.

The rashes disappear about a month after the first blisters appear. Even with adequate treatment, the pathology can recur, causing serious discomfort to the woman. It is transmitted sexually, so treatment of both partners is considered mandatory.

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