Where does the bitter taste in the mouth come from and what to do about it

What does bitterness in the mouth mean after eating or in the morning: causes and treatment

Bitterness in the mouth is a fairly widespread phenomenon, many people are familiar with it. This is especially true for those who suffer from pathologies associated with the gallbladder, liver, bile ducts, and organs of the digestive system. Why does this symptom occur?

The causes of altered taste are often spicy, fatty, spicy foods, and medications used over a certain period of time. A person suffering from congenital problems with the bile ducts also “puts up” with the taste of bitterness. Constant bitterness in the mouth (and not only after eating) indicates the presence of a serious disease that requires correct diagnosis and adequate treatment.

Momordica charantia (Bitter Melon)

Bitter melon is a green, cucumber-shaped melon that has a very bitter taste.

It is consumed in Asian, African and Caribbean countries, but is less popular in other areas.

Bitter melon is rich in phytochemicals such as triterpenoids, polyphenols and flavonoids, which have been shown to slow the growth of various types of cancer in both test tube and animal studies (,).

It is also used in alternative medicine to lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

One 4-week study found that consuming 2,000 mg of dried bitter melon powder each day significantly lowered blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, but not as much as a regular diabetes drug ().

A larger review found mixed results in people and determined that the evidence was insufficient to recommend bitter melon supplements for people with diabetes ().

Like most bitter foods, bitter melon is rich in antioxidants, which help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals and may reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes (, , ).


Bitter melon is rich in natural phytochemicals that may help prevent cancer, reduce oxidative stress, and lower blood sugar levels.

Pine nut syndrome

In some people, pine nuts cause D. S. Risso, L. Howard, C. VanWaes, and D. Drayna. A Potential Trigger for Pine Mouth: a Case of a Homozygous PTC Taster / Nutrition Research interesting reaction - within two days after the treat, a bitter metallic taste may appear in the mouth. When consuming other products, the latter will only intensify. Scientists call this effect pine nut syndrome.

What to do

Wait. Typically, bitterness in the mouth disappears on its own within 2–4 weeks.

Cruciferous vegetables

The cruciferous family includes many bitter or strong-tasting vegetables, including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, radishes and arugula.

These foods contain compounds called glucosinolates, which give them a bitter taste and are associated with many health benefits ().

Test-tube and animal studies have shown that glucosinolates can slow the growth and spread of cancer cells, but these results have not been consistently replicated in human studies (, , ).

Although some evidence suggests that people who eat more cruciferous vegetables have a lower risk of cancer, not all studies are consistent (, ).

Some researchers believe this discrepancy may be due to genetic differences between individuals, as well as natural differences in glucosinolate levels due to vegetable growing conditions and cooking methods. Therefore, additional research is needed (,).

In addition to their potential cancer-fighting effects, the glucosinolates in cruciferous vegetables help your liver enzymes process toxins faster, reducing their negative effects on your body ().

Although no official recommendations have been established, some studies suggest that eating at least five servings of cruciferous vegetables per week provides the greatest health benefits ().


Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage contain powerful anti-cancer compounds and may improve the liver's ability to process toxins.

How to remove bitterness in the mouth, the cause of which has not been established?

If the cause of bitterness in the mouth is not determined, it is recommended:

  1. Frequent meals in small portions are effective for women in late pregnancy, in whom bitterness is caused by the pressure of the fetus on the digestive organs;
  2. Smoking cessation or restrictions – if bitterness is caused by disorders of the taste buds due to constant exposure to tobacco smoke;
  3. Taking probiotic medications to normalize the microflora and cleanse them from parasites is an effective method if the bitterness is caused by a parasitic invasion, as is the case with giardiasis;
  4. Detoxification of the body and cleansing of the intestines with the help of sorbents - helps with bitterness caused by food poisoning;
  5. A diet that excludes fatty and heavy foods, as well as spices, spicy, smoked foods - helps if a bitter taste in the mouth appears due to indigestion;
  6. Normalizing sleep and rest patterns, eliminating stress factors, playing sports and walking in the fresh air - if bitterness accompanies neurological pathologies and mental disorders.

Bitterness in the mouth cannot be treated at home with the help of medications, since this is not a disease, but just one of the symptoms of body disorders, each of which requires an individual approach to treatment.

Dandelion greens

You might think that dandelions are just a weed, but their leaves are edible and very nutritious.

Edible dandelion greens are medium-sized, bright green leaves with jagged edges. It can be added to salads, fried as a side dish, or included in soups and pasta.

Because dandelion greens are very bitter, their flavor is often drowned out by other additives such as garlic or lemon.

Although little research has been done into the medicinal properties of dandelion greens, the leaves have been found to be rich in many vitamins and minerals, including calcium, manganese, iron, and vitamins A and K ().

They also contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect your eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration (macular degeneration).

What's more, dandelion greens are an excellent source of the prebiotics inulin and oligofructose, which promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria ().


Dandelion greens are rich in vitamins and minerals, and contain carotenoids that benefit eye health and are a source of prebiotics that promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

Consequences of avoiding bitter tastes

Unfortunately, the modern consumer era goes to great lengths to make our food palatable. The only bitters available now are dark chocolate and coffee. But we also mix these products with sugar, which completely neutralizes the beneficial effects of the first basic taste. What is bitter among modern products? The hops in beer are softened by malt. Even lettuce, which our ancestors consumed in the wild to increase appetite before meals, began to appear bland and tasteless. But the absence of bitterness leads to dysfunction of the male and female genital organs, hormonal imbalance, migraines, gastric disorders, painful periods, disorders of the liver, intestines, diabetes, hypoglycemia.

Citrus fruit peel

While the pulp and juice of citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, and grapefruits taste sweet, sour, or tart, the outer shell and white pith are quite bitter.

This is due to the presence of flavonoids, which protect the fruit from being eaten by pests, but have many beneficial properties for human health.

In fact, the peels of citrus fruits contain a higher concentration of flavonoids than any other part of the fruit ().

Two of the most common citrus flavonoids are hesperidin and naringin, which are powerful antioxidants ().

Test-tube and animal studies suggest that citrus flavonoids may help fight cancer by reducing inflammation, improving detoxification, and slowing the growth and spread of cancer cells, but human studies are needed ().

If you want to include citrus fruit peels in your diet, they can be chopped and used as zest, dried and used in seasoning blends, or even candied into candied fruit that can be added to desserts.


Citrus fruit peels have a bitter taste due to their high concentration of flavonoids. These powerful antioxidants may reduce inflammation and help protect against cancer.

What causes the bitter taste?

Do you remember the food pyramid from school? Plants are the base of the food chain, providing food for countless herbivores, but no one wants to be eaten. Therefore, plants produce toxins to protect themselves from greedy herbivores.

These toxins have a very strong bitter taste, which makes the plant unpalatable and protects it from predators.

The same can be said for rancid oil or butter. Rancid fats, which are a product of microbial fermentation, have a bitter taste. Such stale fats are not advisable to eat.

Humans, primates, and monkeys have evolved the ability to recognize bitter tastes to avoid poisoning from these substances. However, one study states that different primate species have different degrees of taste perception, suggesting that the degree of bitter taste perception has evolved depending on the presence of toxic compounds in a given animal's diet.


Cranberries are tart, bitter red berries that can be eaten raw, cooked, dried, or juiced.

They contain a type of polyphenol called proanthocyanidin type A, which can prevent bacteria from sticking to the mucous surfaces of your body.

This may be useful for reducing bacterial tooth decay, reducing the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach, and even preventing urinary tract infections (, , , ).

Although many of these studies were conducted in test tubes or on animals, the results from human studies are promising.

One 90-day study found that drinking about two cups (500 ml) of cranberry juice every day helped eliminate Helicobacter pylori stomach infections three times more effectively than a placebo ().

Other studies have shown that a daily dose of cranberry supplements containing at least 36 mg of proanthocyanidins can significantly reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs), especially in women (, , , ).

In addition to cranberries' antibacterial properties, they are incredibly rich in antioxidants. In fact, this berry contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of the 24 most commonly consumed fruits ().

This may explain why regular consumption of cranberry juice has been associated with improved heart health, reduced inflammation, and improved blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and triglycerides ().


Cranberries are rich in polyphenols and antioxidants, which help prevent various types of bacterial infections and may improve heart health.

What is bitterness?

When a food particle enters the mouth, it interacts with the surface of the tongue. The tongue has tiny pores that contain taste buds.

These receptors are formed by special cells called taste buds. These cells are similar to nerve cells. They sense changes, send signals to the brain and communicate with other nerve cells. About 50-150 bulb-shaped taste buds make up each taste bud.

The taste cell contains many proteins that recognize different tastes. The TAS2R protein detects bitter taste. These proteins are formed by following a set of instructions in our DNA - genes. Humans have more than 25 genes that encode proteins that perceive bitter taste. The actual copy number of these genes in humans and the number of TAS2Rs they produce may explain why some people do not perceive bitter substances while others do.


Cocoa powder is made from the beans of the cocoa plant and tastes very bitter when unsweetened.

Cocoa is often used in a variety of desserts and is also mixed with cocoa butter, cocoa liqueur, vanilla and sugar to make chocolate.

Research has shown that people who eat chocolate at least five times a week have a 56% reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease, compared to those who do not consume chocolate at all ().

This is likely due to the polyphenols and antioxidants found in cocoa, which can dilate blood vessels and reduce inflammation, protecting your heart ().

Cocoa is also a good source of several micronutrients, including copper, manganese, magnesium and iron ().

Unsweetened cocoa powder, cocoa nibs, and extra dark chocolate contain the most antioxidants and the least amount of sugar. Therefore, they are a healthy addition to your diet ().


Cocoa is rich in polyphenols, antioxidants and microelements, and regular consumption may protect against cardiovascular disease.


Treatment is prescribed based on diagnostic results, taking into account the causes of bitterness in the mouth.

Conservative therapy

Photo: freepik.com
A doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Choleretics and cholekinetics. These are choleretic drugs that are prescribed for cholangitis and cholecystitis.
  • Enzymes that stimulate digestion. They can be used not only for diseases of the digestive organs, but also for liver damage (in combination with hepatoprotectors).
  • Antispasmodics. They are prescribed if bitterness in the mouth appears along with abdominal pain and is associated with gastritis or other diseases of the digestive system. Antispasmodic drugs relieve pain and relax the smooth muscles of the stomach.

If the appearance of bitterness is associated with viral hepatitis, the doctor will prescribe complex therapy for the underlying disease. In case of parasitic infection, anthelmintic drugs are prescribed. Additionally, it is recommended to follow a diet, frequent, small meals and control the drinking regime.


Surgical treatment is carried out for gallstone disease to remove and remove stones - calculi. If the gallstones are small, the ESWL (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) technique is used, crushing the stones with a shock wave. In more severe cases, open or laparoscopic cholecystectomy is prescribed. It is carried out if neither diet nor ultrasound methods improve the condition. A cholecystectomy involves removing the gallbladder.

Stones extracted from the gallbladder. Photo: Alena1919 / Depositphotos


Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide and a major source of antioxidants in the Western diet ().

Like most bitter foods, coffee is rich in polyphenols, which give it its unique taste.

One of the most abundant polyphenols in coffee is chlorogenic acid, a powerful antioxidant likely responsible for many of the beneficial properties of coffee, including reducing oxidative damage and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes (, ,).

Research shows that drinking 3-4 cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of death, cancer and cardiovascular disease by 17%, 15% and 18%, respectively, compared to drinking coffee altogether ().

A separate analysis found that each cup of coffee consumed per day reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 7% ().

Some research also suggests that caffeinated coffee may help prevent neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, but more research is needed to understand the reasons (,).


Coffee is a rich source of antioxidants and polyphenols. Drinking 3-4 cups per day may reduce the risk of death, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and neurological disorders.

Zinc deficiency

This is a common cause T. Yagi, A. Asakawa, H. Ueda, S. Ikeda. The Role of Zinc in the Treatment of Taste Disorders / Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture taste disorders.

Why this is so, scientists have not yet fully figured out. But there is a version. Zinc is known to increase AR Shatzman and RI Henkin. Gustin Concentration Changes Relative to Salivary Zinc and Taste in Humans / Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America concentration of gustin, a protein that the body needs to renew taste buds. When there is not enough mineral, they recover worse and begin to fail.

In particular, zinc deficiency affects T. Kojima, T. Maeda, A. Suzuki, T. Yamamori, Yasumasa Kato. Intracellular Zinc-Dependent TAS2R8 Gene Expression through CTCF Activation / Biomedical Research on the perception of bitter taste: it becomes stronger and more distinct, which is why even fairly neutral products begin to taste bitter.

What to do

Talk to your therapist. Zinc deficiency can usually be detected by L. Maxfield, S. Shukla, JS Crane. Zinc Deficiency/StatPearls when testing blood for this mineral.

If a deficiency is confirmed, the doctor will suggest eating more foods high in zinc:

  • beans and other legumes;
  • red meat;
  • shellfish;
  • pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts;
  • dark chocolate;
  • cheese.

In addition, the specialist will try to determine the reason why you are lacking an important element and will help you correct it.

Green tea

Green tea is another popular drink consumed around the world.

It has a naturally bitter taste due to the catechins and polyphenols it contains.

The best known of these catechins is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

Test-tube and animal studies suggest that EGCG may slow the growth of cancer cells, but it is unclear whether it has the same effect in humans (, ).

While some studies show that people who drink green tea have a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer, not all studies have shown benefits ().

Green tea also contains many polyphenols, which act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Together, these compounds reduce free radical damage and reduce inflammation, which may reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease (, , ).

In fact, drinking just one cup of green tea per day is associated with an almost 20% lower risk of heart attack ().

Choose green tea over black or white tea to get the maximum dose of antioxidants (,).

You can learn more about the benefits of green tea for the human body on this page - Green tea: benefits and harm for the human body.


Green tea contains catechins and polyphenols, which give the drink many health benefits, including possible protection against cancer and a lower risk of heart disease.

Why is bad taste important?

How right are the Chinese aesculapians? Let's understand the process of how something that is bitter affects our body. Receptors on the tongue transmit a signal about the taste of bile to the central nervous system. This stimulates the endocrine glands. The stomach begins to secrete digestive juices, and this increases appetite. As a result, food is well digested. Bitterness makes the liver and pancreas wake up. It helps the first to perform the function of detoxification, and the second - to enhance the secretion that regulates blood sugar levels. Activation of the liver regulates hormonal levels. And bile makes the duodenum work well. But that's not all. Bitterness has been proven to have an antidepressant effect on our brain. That's why dark chocolate is called a “good mood product.”

Red wine

Red wine contains two main types of polyphenols: proanthocyanidins and tannins, which give wine its deep color and bitter taste.

The combination of alcohol and these polyphenols may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by reducing cholesterol oxidation, reducing blood clotting, and dilating blood vessels ().

Some newer research has also shown that red wine may be good for your gut.

One small study found that drinking two glasses of red wine daily for one month increased the number of beneficial gut bacteria ().

Moreover, these changes in gut microbiota were directly associated with lower cholesterol levels and reduced inflammation.

In addition, drinking red wine prolongs life and reduces the risk of developing diabetes and osteoporosis ().

Keep in mind that excess alcohol consumption can lead to liver damage and other health problems, so it is important to consume this drink in moderation.

You can learn more about the benefits of red wine for human health on this page - Red wine: benefits and harm for women and men.


Red wine contains polyphenols, which have been linked to improved heart and gut health. Drinking red wine may also increase life expectancy and reduce the risk of diabetes and osteoporosis.


Pregnancy is often accompanied by E. Choo, R. Dando. The Impact of Pregnancy on Taste Function/Chemical Senses by changes in taste. This is caused by hormonal changes in the body, as well as the immune response and changes in the composition of the blood.

Typically, expectant mothers complain Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy / NHS of a metallic taste in the mouth, but sometimes ML Sipiora, MA Murtaugh, MB Gregoire, VB Duffy may appear. Bitter Taste Perception and Severe Vomiting in Pregnancy / Physiology & Behavior

What to do

Just wait it out. Strange taste sensations, as a rule, appear only in the first trimester of pregnancy and disappear by mid-term.


  • Bitters have their own unique health benefits, such as protecting against cancer, heart disease and diabetes, as well as reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.
  • Most of these benefits come from a wide range of polyphenols, which act as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and even prebiotics.
  • Since there are so many types of bitter foods, it is very easy to include at least some of them in your diet to reap many health benefits.

The article was prepared by experts for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a guide for treating medical conditions and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of illness or any symptoms, you should always consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Tags: Healthy products

About the author: Anastasia Sheveleva

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, therapist, registered dietitian, nutrition consultant. More about the author.

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What foods have a bitter taste?

Many vegetables and spices have natural bitterness, but our perception of this taste is not the same. “The way we feel it depends on genetics, researchers from Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences have proven,” says Yulia Korneva. “The situation here is almost the same as with color blindness: someone simply cannot distinguish between tastes and does not feel the bitterness that others cannot tolerate.” Some people, on the contrary, feel it so acutely that they don’t eat broccoli or Brussels sprouts.

Most of us identify dark chocolate, arugula, nettle, watercress, parsley, dill, chicory, and cilantro as bitter. “And also sesame, dandelion, horseradish, radish, aloe, coriander, eggplant, turmeric, barley, basil,” says Yulia Korneva.

Some experts also classify ginger, thyme, and green tea as bitter. “The latter is especially useful because it is rich in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), recalls Mikhail Gavrilov. — GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that calms and balances. Decreased GABA concentrations have been linked to depression, bipolar disorder and mania.”

Late cucumbers and zucchini – are they healthy?

What if bitterness appears in products that are not bitter? For example, in a dry summer or as autumn approaches, cucumbers become not as tender as they were in the spring. Why does this happen? What makes cucumbers bitter? The fact is that the delicate vegetable is sensitive to all temperature fluctuations. Lack of moisture also puts the plant into shock. As a result, cucurbitacin, a special substance that gives the vegetable bitterness, accumulates under the skin of the cucumber. Despite the unpleasant taste, the product does not become unfit for consumption. On the contrary, cucurbitacin suppresses the development of cancer and also promotes the functioning of the liver, pancreas, and intestines. Why are zucchini bitter? The same cucurbitacin is to blame. Do not rush to throw away such fruits. In China, breeders have specially developed varieties of bitter cucumbers and zucchini that are used as medicines.

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