Why does a person become aggressive after drinking alcohol?



Maria Egorovna

Experience 39 years


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Pulmonary edema is a pathological, very serious condition, which is characterized by the release of transudate into the lung tissue. As a result, gas exchange is disrupted, which leads to serious consequences, including death.

Emergency care for pulmonary edema is the only thing that can increase the patient’s risks of survival and recovery. A person in such a situation requires immediate medical attention.

Pulmonary edema itself is most often a complication that accompanies serious problems of organs and body systems, for example, the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, etc.


In fact, there are many causes of pulmonary edema - they are different for different diseases. Let us name, for example, a few general prerequisites:

  • cardiosclerosis after a heart attack, acute myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension, arrhythmia;
  • heart failure;
  • congenital or acquired heart defects;
  • chronic bronchitis, lobar pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
  • complications due to ARVI, measles, influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough and other diseases;
  • prematurity in newborns;
  • serious kidney problems;
  • traumatic brain injury, brain surgery, etc.;
  • inhalation of toxic substances.

These and many other reasons are not direct factors contributing to the development of pulmonary edema. But against the background of such conditions, it can develop, which is necessarily taken into account during hospitalization with all of the above.

How to help at home

Help at home can only be provided to accommodating drunkards who make contact and listen to words. If the intoxication is not severe, then you can refuse to use strong medications. In this case, may well help :

  • The first step is to rinse the stomach with a weak solution of baking soda;
  • Next, you need to take a solution of ammonia. 45 drops of ammonia are dissolved in 200 ml of boiled water. The finished composition is drunk;
  • Afterwards, it is recommended to use an adsorbent; activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel are ideal. These products will help cleanse the stomach of ethanol residues. They must be taken in accordance with the instructions ;
  • The body's fluid reserves must be restored. This is done by drinking plenty of fluids . For these purposes, you can use homemade compotes, fruit drinks, berries, chamomile-based decoctions, and teas.

After the drunken state has become more or less normal, he will begin to think better and understand that he needs to be taken out into the fresh air , for a walk. This will completely remove the remnants of alcohol from his body and sober up.


There are different types of pulmonary edema:

  • fulminant. It develops extremely quickly, in a few minutes - the outcome in this case is only fatal;
  • spicy. Symptoms increase over four hours and the risk of death is very high. Such swelling often occurs with heart attack, suffocation, and traumatic brain injury;
  • subacute. The development of symptoms alternates between active and quieter stages. Occurs in liver failure;
  • protracted. It can develop within twelve hours, even several days, and not have a clear manifestation. It manifests itself in heart failure, as well as chronic lung diseases.

Obviously, each option requires different actions. If the patient can still be saved, speed of response will be a key factor.

How long does an alcohol attack last?

The active phase of an epileptic seizure is usually short, it can last from 30 seconds to several minutes. After an attack, a person may lose memory, be distracted and disoriented, and feel weak and in pain.

The frequency of epileptic attacks usually does not exceed 2-3 times a year. However, their main danger lies in the transition to a chronic form. Then seizures can occur even during long periods of sobriety, since a pathological focus of excitation will form in the brain, causing an epileptic attack.


It is possible to describe the symptoms of pulmonary edema only in general terms, since certain types of pathology occur with blurred characteristics. Signs include the following:

  • severe weakness;
  • shallow, very rapid breathing;
  • dry cough;
  • dry wheezing;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • puffiness of the face and neck;
  • bubbling breathing and moist wheezing;
  • foam at the mouth with a pink tint;
  • lethargy, confusion;
  • shallow breathing;
  • thready pulse.

Some signs of pulmonary edema contradict each other for the reason that everything can start with one condition and end with another. For example, rapid breathing occurs for several minutes or hours, and then it weakens. In the fastest and most dangerous forms of edema, the patient's death occurs from suffocation (asphyxia).

Are you experiencing symptoms of pulmonary edema?

Only a doctor can accurately diagnose the disease. Don't delay your consultation - call

Prerequisites for the development of schizophrenia in childhood

The psyche of a small child is very vulnerable; his condition and mood largely depend on the people around him and the events taking place around him. The psychological perception of reality is established at an early age. If a deviation of the schizoid type is observed, doctors do not undertake to make a definitive diagnosis; they recommend waiting until adolescence.

The tendency to the disease in preschool age manifests itself specifically:

  • the child is considered strange - he reacts inappropriately to events;
  • often experiences unreasonable fear;
  • becomes overly irritable and impulsive;
  • when observing him, increased nervous excitability appears;
  • bouts of crying that occur for no particular reason can last a long time;
  • the child often moves from euphoria to apathy;
  • he talks about his visions, hallucinations;
  • the teenager is bothered by obsessive thoughts, he gets fixated on the same idea.

If there are several such negative manifestations, there is reason to think about visiting a psychiatrist. Deviations may be accompanied by personality degradation, which will fully manifest itself in adolescence. This may include dissatisfaction with appearance, delusions and hallucinations, motor dysfunction, suicidal thoughts and attempts to die.


If the symptoms of pulmonary edema are not pronounced, additional studies are required in parallel with emergency care:

  • biochemical screening. This is a blood test;
  • study of blood gases;
  • ECG, ultrasound of the heart;
  • X-ray of the chest area;
  • pulmonary artery catheterization.

In many cases, diagnosis of pulmonary edema is possible immediately - only based on the signs that appear visually in the patient and without additional examination.


There is not and cannot be a single program for the treatment of pulmonary edema. Emergency care for a patient includes measures to reduce venous return to the heart and supply humidified oxygen. Often the patient is transferred to mechanical ventilation, and a tracheostomy may be performed.

Various drugs are also additionally administered: analgesics, diuretics, drugs that reduce pressure in the pulmonary circulation, drugs for the heart, antibacterial agents and much more. Further, treatment of pulmonary edema, if the attack is removed, comes down to treating the underlying disease that caused this pathology.

The prognosis for edema is very serious. Depending on the causes of pulmonary edema, mortality can range from 20 to 90%. The sooner the problem is identified, the higher the chances of recovery. But in many cases, the patient can only be saved by timely treatment of those diseases that contribute to the occurrence of pathology - such prevention of pulmonary edema, for example, is the only way to reduce the risks of the fulminant form of the disease, which in itself is already fatal and cannot be treated.

First aid algorithm

First aid for an epileptic seizure is extremely important, since incorrect actions can not only not help the victim, but also worsen the situation. If someone nearby begins to show symptoms of an impending seizure, you should prepare:

  • find out whether the person has had epileptic seizures before;
  • If a person has epilepsy, he must immediately take the pills prescribed by the doctor to block the seizure. At the same time, people nearby should not give the patient tablets of unknown origin;
  • secure your location, move to a safe, uninhabited place;
  • if the situation occurs indoors, it is necessary to open windows or doors to ensure the flow of fresh air;
  • the patient's head should be placed on one side to avoid choking on saliva or vomit;
  • provide the patient with a fall on a soft surface, place an additional soft object under the head so that the head is higher than the body;
  • remove all potentially traumatic objects;
  • remove belts, necklaces, hats and all things that can squeeze, cause discomfort and make breathing difficult.

Questions and answers

What causes pulmonary edema?

There are dozens of factors that contribute to the development of this pathology. They are associated with other diseases of different body systems. Clinical recommendations for pulmonary edema are largely determined by the situation.

Can pulmonary edema lead to death?

Yes, the risk of death in the case of such a pathology is very high, and for the fulminant form it is the only possible outcome of events. This is an extremely dangerous condition that requires immediate professional help.

How to treat pulmonary edema?

This is done exclusively in medical institutions, most often in intensive care. Only doctors know everything you need to know about the symptoms and treatment of pulmonary edema in adults or children - the pathology cannot be eliminated without special knowledge and skills.

What are the features of pulmonary edema in children?

Unlike adults, this pathology occurs much less frequently in children due to other diseases. The underlying cause is usually allergies or exposure to toxins. Or the cause may be congenital anomalies of various body systems.

What not to do

Doctors talk about several actions that should never be taken if you want to help.

Firstly, under no circumstances should you leave a person alone. During the tonic phase of seizures, the patient may stop breathing due to spasm of the airways. During the clonic phase, hitting your head on something.

Secondly, it is strictly contraindicated to try to restrain a person who is convulsing. The muscles are overstrained due to contractions, and excessive pressure on the limbs or spine will not lead to anything good, but will only increase the risk of damage to the muscle fibers or joints when it comes to the limbs.

Thirdly, there is a well-established stereotype that an epileptic needs to insert something between his teeth. Usually a spoon or keys are mentioned as a suitable item. But the facial muscles are no less tense than others, so an attempt to unclench the jaws can damage the teeth and result in a fracture of the lower jaw. This measure is also fraught with injury for those who want to provide first aid: the jaws are clenched with such force that the epileptic can bite off the finger with which they want to open his mouth.

The risk that an epileptic will bite off his own tongue is a harmful lie. This is a muscle like all the others. When she is in a state of hypertonicity, the likelihood of biting or sticking her tongue tends to zero.

Fourthly, it is very important not to give any medications to an epileptic, even if some medications are found in the patient’s pockets or bag. When under stress, it is easy to miscalculate the dosage, including that of a specially prescribed drug. You can also allow a situation in which the pill ends up in the wrong throat. If the medicine does harm, the person who wants to help will face criminal liability, even if he acted with the best intentions.

At the end of the attack, especially if none have been observed before, the patient should be taken to the clinic for further examination. Qualified doctors at the Yusupov Hospital are ready to provide assistance at any time of the day. Our doctors treat each patient responsibly and attentively, carry out all manipulations and examinations based on individual indicators.

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