Get frenuloplasty from a genital surgeon

How to prepare for frenuloplasty

In the process of preparing for surgery, you should consult with a urologist, who will draw up a complete list of recommendations based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the results of the tests performed. A week before the planned procedure, it is necessary to avoid taking any aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

On the day of surgery, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • carry out a thorough toilet of the genitals and hygienic cleaning using special products for the care of the intimate area;
  • shave the scrotal area;
  • give up caffeine in the morning, and breakfast should be as light as possible, without fatty foods;
  • Bring a set of sterile wipes and spare linen with you to the clinic.

If the patient is allergic to various drugs, you must inform your doctor about this, and take an antihistamine the day before frenuloplasty. In cases of a negative reaction of the body to general anesthesia, it is required to notify the anesthesiologist.

Compliance with all general recommendations for preparing for the correction procedure contributes to the most effective implementation of all surgical procedures with minimal risks of subsequent deviations.

When is tongue frenulum trimming required?

The frenulum of the tongue is a small elastic membrane connecting the tongue to the oral cavity. The frenulum is responsible for important functions of the tongue: movement, breathing, swallowing, speech. This disorder is called ankylogloxia.

The normal development of the lingual frenulum begins centrally, at the root of the tongue, and ends at the lower incisors. The rest of the arrangement is a deviation. There are several deviations in the development of the frenulum:

  • Short bridle. The tongue becomes inactive and leads to improperly formed speech and jaw deformation.
  • Incorrectly positioned frenulum. Reduces motor activity of the tongue.
  • Long frenulum under the tongue. It can be located at the tip of the tongue and affect the swallowing process, disrupting nutrition.

Problems with the development of the tongue frenulum are a congenital pathology. And it is hereditary in nature. May occur due to problems during pregnancy.

Trimming the frenulum for an adult

The operation to trim the frenulum of the tongue can be performed at any age as prescribed by a doctor.

Every 20th person has a shortened frenulum of the tongue. The likelihood of this anomaly occurring in men is much higher than in women.

To independently check how the frenulum is located under the tongue, you can do simple children’s exercises: “horse”, “mushroom”, “painter”. Externally, the frenulum will not differ from a healthy state. If you experience any discomfort while performing these exercises, you should go to the clinic for a consultation.

Symptoms that will help you identify problems with tongue webbing:

  • When the tongue is extended, the tip of the tongue bends down;
  • Difficulty swallowing;
  • It is not possible to insert the tongue completely;
  • Bite problems;
  • Inflammation of the surrounding tissues of the tooth;
  • When the tongue is raised, it takes the shape of a heart;
  • Incorrect pronunciation of words.

Adults require frenulum trimming less often than small children. However, tissue healing in an adult takes a little longer than in small children. This type of operation is performed under local anesthesia.

When is surgery scheduled?

The frenulum circumcision operation is performed for the following indications:

  • Impaired pronunciation of words. If the speech therapist did not notice the deviation in childhood, then speech defects may occur in adulthood. The operation will help restore the functioning of the speech apparatus.
  • Orthodontist recommendations. A frenulum that is too short causes crooked teeth and stunts the growth of the lower jaw.
  • Periodontal recommendations. Due to deformation of the gums, the root of the tooth is exposed, which makes it susceptible to other diseases.

When not to have surgery

Since all surgical procedures have limitations. If you have:

  • acute chronic diseases of the oral cavity;
  • benign tumors of the jaw tissue;
  • infectious diseases of the whole body;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • mental disorder;

The operation to trim the frenulum of the tongue is called frenuloplasty.

Types of frenuloplasty

This type of operation can be performed in 3 ways:

  1. Cutting. The bridle is trimmed, the edges of which are sewn with transverse seams.
  2. Delete. The frenulum is trimmed using two triangular incisions and removed, after which sutures are applied.
  3. Moving. The edge of the frenulum is trimmed and secured in the required place with sutures.

The entire operation takes no more than 20 minutes. After a few days, the stitches will dissolve on their own. There are no complications after frenuloplasty.

Manipulation technique

In medicine, two directions of correction of the frenulum of the genital organ are used:

  • frenulotomy, dissection of the connecting tissues of a previously intact frenulum;
  • frenuloplasty, restoration of the length of the frenulum when a scar forms after its rupture.

The manipulation technique involves dissecting the tissues of the frenulum in the transverse direction, followed by stitching them longitudinally, increasing its length. The operation is performed using local anesthetics and takes no more than a quarter of an hour; the patient remains under observation for about half an hour, after which he is sent home. The period of complete recovery takes from two weeks to a month.

Immediately after the operation, no extraneous sensations are observed; during the next 24 hours after the intervention, some discomfort and pain persist:

  • this is due to the presence of a wound surface that comes into contact with urine when the bladder is emptied;
  • as well as during spontaneous erection at night, when, with an increase in the size of the organ, tension occurs in the unhealed tissues.

After healing, a neat suture remains, which runs along the lower zone of the organ. Restoring the length of the frenulum allows you to fully and painlessly open the head, without causing pain and discomfort during erection and sexual intercourse.

Symptoms and diseases of the frenulum of the penis:

  • Rupture of the frenulum of the penis
  • Removal of the frenulum of the penis
  • Growths on the frenulum of the penis
  • Soreness of the frenulum of the penis
  • Papillomas on the frenulum of the penis
  • Rash on the frenulum of the penis
  • Itching of the frenulum of the penis
  • Frenum of the penis
  • Inflammation of the frenulum of the penis
  • Swelling of the frenulum of the penis

Why is surgery performed - plastic surgery of the foreskin frenulum?

The frenulum of the penis is a fold of skin running from the glans to the foreskin. Sometimes, due to congenital characteristics or injury, its length is insufficient, which causes pain and tissue tears during sexual intercourse. The situation can be corrected with the help of frenulotomy - dissection of the frenulum of the penis followed by plastic surgery.

The short frenulum becomes tense during intimacy, causing pain and discomfort. Due to painful sensations, a man is unable to have sexual intercourse. If the operation is not performed on time, the patient will develop a psychological failure complex linking intimacy and pain. It will be difficult to get rid of the problem.

A tight frenulum pulls the head of the penis down during an erection. The penis becomes curved, making intimacy impossible.

The frenulum may break during intercourse. The rupture is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding. Sometimes during contact the tissues do not tear completely, but are constantly torn a little. This leads to the formation of cracks and scarring.

The frenulum is a sensitive area containing a large number of nerve endings. Therefore, its stretching during intimacy causes additional stimulation, reducing the duration of sexual intercourse. The result is premature ejaculation. This significantly reduces the sexual satisfaction of both partners and can cause psychological complexes in a man.

Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of psychological and medical problems, if
the frenulum of the penis
is short it is necessary to undergo
plastic surgery
. After the operation, the patient will be able to lead a full intimate life without pain and discomfort.

Complications after frenuloplasty

The procedure is a simple operation and is carried out quite quickly; on average, all surgical procedures take from 15 to 30 minutes. The number of risks is minimal.

Among the undesirable consequences are:

  • infection in the wound, which contributes to the formation of balanoposthitis;
  • allergic reaction of the body to the use of various anesthetics;
  • suture dehiscence and subsequent bleeding;
  • painful sensations in the area of ​​the lower part of the penis;
  • swelling of the foreskin;
  • purulent discharge from the wound formed after the intervention;
  • increase in body temperature.

Infectious infections occur quite rarely due to the use of antimicrobial drugs, which are prescribed to the patient for the rehabilitation period. The maximum duration of pain after the correction is two months.

What is labial frenuloplasty?

The labial frenulum is a fold of mucous membrane that connects the lip and gum. Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper and lower lips is done to eliminate pathologies that can have unpleasant consequences in the form of impaired diction and the formation of malocclusion. This operation itself is very simple and has minimal contraindications. It is done if the frenulum is too short or too wide, which affects the position of the teeth and the condition of the gums. For example, due to a wide frenulum, a diastema may appear - a gap between the central incisors. In this case, either surgery using the classical method or laser plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum will help.

Sometimes plastic surgery is performed on the frenulum of the tongue - the membrane connecting the lower part of the tongue and the mucous membrane of the lower jaw. In children, surgery promotes the correct formation of the bite and prevents speech defects; in adults, it is a necessary measure for effective prosthetics with a removable structure or implantation. Read more about tongue frenuloplasty here.

Rehabilitation after surgery

The recovery period after surgical procedures takes on average about a month. During this period of time, a scar is formed and natural blood circulation in the area of ​​the head of the penis is restored.

To speed up the rehabilitation process, it is necessary to consult with a urologist, who, based on the patient’s individual indicators, will give a number of recommendations.

Here is a list of general doctor’s instructions, compliance with which will allow you to quickly return to natural intimate life and eliminate the risks of complications:

  • the developing scar will require special care in the form of treatment with special solutions during the first week;
  • complete abstinence from sexual contact until the wound heals;
  • when urinating, you will need to bend the head of the penis so that urine does not get into the wound, this will help avoid unwanted irritation and the risk of infection;
  • reduction of physical activity;
  • carefully follow the antimicrobial regimen.

To soften the friction of the formed scar during sexual intercourse, after the recovery period has expired, you should use lubricants. If the doctor's instructions are not followed, complications may arise that require repeat surgery, which will be much more painful and will lead to the formation of scar tissue and a subsequent decrease in the normal functioning of the sexual organ.

Operation methods

There are several ways to perform plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis, which depend on the anatomical features of the structure of the structural tissue of the foreskin.

Among the main methods, there are two types of surgery:

  • Frenulotomy.
    Lengthening the frenulum occurs by cutting in the transverse direction followed by longitudinal stitching, which allows you to naturally increase the length of the fabric up to 2 centimeters. With this method, the sensitivity of the genital organ is not affected.
  • Frenulectomy
    . Complete removal of the frenulum, which is required for mechanical injuries of the foreskin and scarring of the tissue. The incision is made transversely around the circumference of the genital organ, followed by longitudinal stitching. The result is a scar that aligns with the natural suture at the bottom of the penis.

Quite often, both methods are implemented without the use of classical surgical instruments. Intervention in the tissue structure is carried out through laser exposure. The technology of the procedure fully complies with generally accepted rules, with the exception of the use of radiofrequency exposure instead of a scalpel; instead of stitching, the edges of the resulting wound are soldered.

The main advantage of using modern equipment is the minimal risk of bleeding during the process and natural disinfection of the wound through exposure to high temperatures.

Answers to frequently asked questions on the topic of the frenulum of the penis:

  • Which doctor treats frenulum of the foreskin?
  • Where to go with a problem on the frenulum of the foreskin?
  • What tests should be taken if there are problems with the frenulum of the penis?
  • Diagnosis of diseases of the frenulum of the penis
  • Treatment of diseases of the frenulum of the penis
  • Is it possible to remove the frenulum of the penis?
  • Swollen frenulum of the penis
  • Rash on the frenulum of the penis
  • Herpes on the frenulum of the penis
  • How does the foreskin affect sensitivity?
  • How to stretch the foreskin?
  • What is the foreskin for?
  • Diagnosis of diseases of the foreskin?
  • Why doesn't the foreskin open completely?
  • What to do if the foreskin is swollen?
  • Have plaque appeared under the foreskin?
  • Do you perform foreskin plastic surgery at your clinic?

Frenum of the foreskin

In the nth percent of men at birth, and in some subsequently through injury, the frenulum of the foreskin becomes short and not prone to stretching. Blows, injuries and active sexual intercourse can tear the frenulum. Today in the world there is only one method of treating frenulum pathology, namely surgery.

As a result of surgical intervention, either the frenulum is completely removed, or a so-called frenulotomy is performed, that is, plastic surgery of a shortened frenulum, which can be lengthened.

Surgical intervention to remove the frenulum is performed by transversely dissecting the frenulum, after which it is sutured longitudinally. In another case, the frenulum is completely removed. This operation can prevent rupture of the frenulum of the foreskin in the future. Hospitalization is not required for the operation. Healing occurs within ten to fourteen days, and sex is also prohibited during this recovery period. This procedure is carried out using laser technology, depending on the indications.


The operation itself lasts about thirty minutes under local anesthesia. The technique itself consists in making an incision across the genital organ, then suturing it in the longitudinal direction. This procedure makes it possible to eliminate excessive tension on the foreskin and will turn your frenulum into an almost invisible seam, which will turn into a natural “suture” at the bottom of the genital organ.


This operation also has complications, but they are very rare. Most complications arise from infection introduced during the operation in the form of simple bleeding.

And, nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account that in the place where the foreskin is located, there are no large vessels, which is why all bleeding is not life-threatening and can disappear at home.

In order to exclude the possibility of infection, doctors will prescribe you various types of antibiotic-based creams; they are advised to use them for three to seven days.


In general, examination by a doctor is carried out on the second day after the operation itself, and after seven days. In general, the operation itself is not very complicated, and quite painless, and the recovery period can pass very quickly and without any complications. This operation can also be performed using a laser. The advantages of this method are that the use of laser technology minimizes the risk of introducing various infectious diseases. The rehabilitation period in this case is reduced by half. But there is an opinion in the world that removing the frenulum using a laser is not a very effective procedure, because the anatomical structure of the genital organ implies its constant movement, changes in its stretch and size, which is very often considered the cause of suture divergence. But only the patient can choose which method is better - classic or laser, everything goes according to the wishes of the patient, as well as medical indications. Also, an important point is that the urologist, before the operation itself, is obliged to prescribe examinations and tests, which include consultations with a therapist , an anesthesiologist, blood tests, in some cases according to the testimony of other specialists, and also an electrocardiogram. If all the necessary tests are present, the operation can be performed on the day of treatment. After removal of the frenulum of the foreskin, the patient has the opportunity to immediately go home. The next day he must come for an examination, or remain in the hospital for observation. Basically, the method of performing the operation does not depend on when you can begin to be sexually active again. Both in the classical and laser methods, sex is allowed after fourteen days from the end of the operation. We also advise you to avoid physical activity. In order to avoid complications and also speed up healing, we recommend:/p>

  • abstain from sexual intercourse until the end of the recovery period (fourteen days);
  • treat the healing area only with the medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • Follow absolutely all the doctor's instructions.

What tests need to be done before surgery?

At the preparatory stage, before surgery, the patient must undergo a series of diagnostic measures as prescribed by the doctor. The main tests that will need to be taken include:

  • general urine analysis;
  • clinical blood test to study its coagulability in order to exclude possible bleeding during surgery;
  • standard samples for research to detect syphilis, various groups of hepatitis and other sexually transmitted diseases;
  • biochemical blood sampling.

Based on the results obtained, further diagnostic measures will be formed, if required. If all tests are normal, frenuloplasty surgery will be planned based on the information received and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Where to have plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis?

Our clinic uses modern equipment and has all the necessary tools for safe interaction with the patient. The consultation is conducted by doctors with extensive experience and knowledge in various branches of urology, who will give practical recommendations on preparing for the procedure, and then draw up the most effective plan for the rehabilitation period.

Our clinic has:

  • specialized rooms for conducting hardware diagnostics;
  • own laboratory for prompt research of the obtained tests;
  • a modern operating room equipped with the required equipment and the necessary additional technical components.

During the operation, high-quality asepsis is used, which minimizes the risk of possible infectious complications later. A delicate approach that allows you to solve all intimate problems in a strictly confidential manner.

Which doctor performs frenuloplasty?

If you have problems with the frenulum on the foreskin, you should consult a urologist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination and, if necessary, prescribe additional diagnostic measures, on the basis of which a decision will be made on the possibility of performing frenuloplasty.

After the operation, the urologist will consult the patient and give recommendations for the entire period of rehabilitation. If you fully comply with the doctor’s instructions, the surgical intervention will be carried out quickly and painlessly, eliminating possible complications in the future.

When is lip frenuloplasty required?

The pathology of the labial frenulum does not always indicate that the patient requires surgery. Sometimes it is minor and does not cause any particular inconvenience. As a rule, surgery is necessary in the following cases.

  • Diastema.
    The excess gap between the central incisors tends to widen, causing the teeth to move forward and move apart in different directions. Also, constant stress on the gums leads to periodontitis.
  • Orthodontic treatment.
    Correcting the bite with braces requires that the frenulum be of the correct shape and have an anatomical location. Therefore, before starting treatment, the orthodontist often sends the patient for plastic surgery.
  • Periodontal diseases.
    A short frenulum can expose the roots of the teeth.
  • Complete prosthetics.
    A short frenulum does not allow a removable denture to be firmly and securely fastened. This is one of the most common cases when plastic surgery of the lower lip frenulum is performed in adults.

Photo of a short frenulum of the upper lip in a child.

A practical way to choose a clinic

Such a delicate problem, requiring a delicate attitude and correct solution, requires contacting a specialist, the necessary qualifications and preferably in a comfortable environment without additional expenditure of free time. Such services can be obtained within a private specialized institution, but how to decide on its choice?

Our Help Desk for private clinics in Moscow “Your Doctor” has all the necessary information; by visiting the site you can not only determine the location of a particular center, but also see all the listed characteristics, as well as make an appointment with a specialist or arrange a home call from a urologist, without leaving the page.

Publication date: 2019-12-11

Useful information on problems associated with the frenulum of the penis:

  • Calling a urologist to your home
  • Balanitis
  • Balanoposthitis
  • Frenum plastic surgery
  • Urethral swab
  • Prostate massage
  • Circumcision
  • Tests for STIs
  • Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Ultrasound at home
  • Frenum of the penis
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Ultrasound of the bladder
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
  • How to prepare for an appointment with a urologist?
  • How to get tested for urological diseases?
  • What tests can be done by a urologist?
  • What diseases does a urologist treat?
  • What symptoms should you consult a urologist for?
  • How to make an appointment with a urologist at the clinic?
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