The “anti-birds” enantiornis had a long tongue that was also designed in reverse.

Top 10 people with the longest tongue in the world

  1. Stephen Taylor is a giant human tongue.
  2. Nick Stoberl is more than anyone in the world.
  3. Annika Irmler is the longest female tongue.
  4. Nick Afanasyev - success thanks to language.
  5. Chanel Tapper is the most unique girl.
  6. Adrianna Lewis is funny and quirky.
  7. Byron Schlenker has the biggest tongue.
  8. Emily Schlenker is a young world record holder.
  9. Yagya Katuwal is a very original person.
  10. Radmila Yusupova is a smiling girl.

Stephen Taylor - owner of the world's largest tongue

The most amazing thing is not only the fact that man has the longest and largest tongue in the world, but also that it continues to grow. Taylor works as a regular school teacher. In 2009, Stephen was included in the Guinness Book of Records, since then his organ has grown by 0.5 cm. Thanks to this feature, the man is very popular in his homeland in England and all over the world. Taylor was repeatedly invited to television, and print publications wrote about him. The man is not at all ashamed of his uniqueness, he even demonstrates it in every possible way. Stephen has had a big tongue since childhood; even at school he entertained his classmates with various tricks. Experts in the field of science and medicine cannot explain why the longest, largest tongue in the world continues to grow. The record holder himself jokes about this that he is growing because of constant demonstrations to others.

Stephen Taylor - huge tongue

Even member of the legendary group Kiss, Gene Simmons, wanted to look at such a unique person, and was delighted with such a rarity. Stephen can easily reach his nose with the tip; the total length of the longest organ is 9.8 cm. The man’s mother urges her son not to show his pride again.

The longest tongue of a bird

Oddly enough, the woodpecker has the longest tongue among all birds. This is not a large bird, its size varies from fifteen to fifty-three centimeters, while the tongue reaches sizes from fifteen to twenty centimeters. It turns out that the length of the tongue is several times longer than the beak.

The woodpecker has the longest tongue in birds. Its length reaches 15 cm

Woodpeckers live almost everywhere, but wooded areas are preferred for their residence. The reason is the lifestyle and diet of these birds. Their main food is tree-dwelling insects. When obtaining food, the woodpecker uses its beak like a jackhammer, making holes in the bark of trees in this way. This opens up the food passages in which insects hide. With its amazingly long tongue, the bird takes them out of these holes.

It’s amazing that a woodpecker’s tongue can stretch out and become so thin that it can easily penetrate even an ant passage. There is a special gland on the tongue, thanks to which the tongue is covered with a sticky liquid, which is why insects simply stick to it.

The tongue is fixed in the right nostril, and not in the mouth. At the same time, it, dividing into two parts, encircles the head and neck, then is inserted into the beak through a special hole, where it connects again. It turns out that when the woodpecker does not use its tongue, it is located at the back of its neck, under the skin, and also in its nostril.

The woodpecker's long tongue is fixed in its nose

A number of experts argue that such a structure of language is evidence of intelligent activity, and not the result of gradual evolution.

Nick Stoberl - record holder of the list

The guy broke the record of the previous participant in 2015; the length of his organ is 10.08 cm. The record holder lives in the USA, works as a comedian and artist. He says that after the official recognition in 2015, all friends, when meeting new people, always add that Nick has the longest tongue in the world. Of course, new acquaintances ask to demonstrate such a rarity.

Nick Stoberl - a big tongue by inheritance

The guy admits that it’s very cool to have such a big tongue, you can easily reach the tip of your nose and amuse your friends. His father also had this phenomenon, so we can say that the rare phenomenon was inherited by Stoberl. According to the young man, it was not easy to officially register his figure; the desire to stand out coincided with the 60th edition of the Guinness Book of Records. Before publication, the record holders were checked very carefully, Nick took measurements several times and finally got into the Book, which he is very proud of.

Annika Irmler - a girl with a very long tongue

In 2001, she managed to become a record holder, demonstrating her long organ, 7 centimeters long. During the measurement, you had to stick your tongue out of your mouth as much as possible. A 12-year-old girl succeeded. On average, the length of the organ protruding from the mouth is 5 cm. The teenager is very popular among her friends due to this unusualness.

Annika Irmler - very long tongue

The girl admits that after the official announcement of the achievement at school, she had to stick her tongue out at almost every child; everyone was interested to make sure. Friends have told Annika more than once that her tongue is the biggest and someday she will become famous because of it. Irmler is glad that she found herself among unique people.

Nick Afanasiev - young actor

Until the guy proved that his organ is the longest, no one had heard of him. Nick is Russian by nationality; as a child, his parents moved from Moscow to the USA. In the states, Afanasyev became famous for his originality. The length of the organ is 8.9 cm, the guy dreamed of becoming famous, becoming a famous actor, he believed that he could succeed, because he was not like everyone else. The young man easily reaches his elbow and nose.

Nick Afanasyev - a man with a long tongue

Once he posted a video on the Internet dedicated to his originality; the views in a short time simply went off scale - more than a million! The man was surprised by such popularity; he did not expect such success. But it was thanks to this that the guy began to fulfill his long-time dream of becoming an actor. He was invited to star in the TV series for teenagers iCarly; today Nick has more than a dozen films in his career.

Blue whale

This mammal is not only the largest and heaviest animal on the planet. Its features include the longest tongue. This organ in a blue whale can reach 3 meters. The whale uses this organ to filter tons of water that enters its mouth from shrimp and other food.

It turns out that for every living creature, the tongue plays its own special role, helping them not only in the process of eating.

Chanel Tapper - Women's Champion

The record holder from the Guinness Book of Records comes from the USA. Its organ reaches 9.75 centimeters in length from the tip of the tongue to the upper lip. Chanel first discovered her originality at the age of 8, during a Halloween photo shoot with her mother. In one photo, both showed their tongues and made funny faces. During a detailed examination of the photograph, Chanel clearly saw that her organ was twice as long as her mother’s. Then Tapper's classmates began to notice this, and she even became popular at school for demonstrating a trick during which she reaches her nose.

Chanel Tapper - world record holder for longest tongue

The girl admits that today requests to reach her elbow or nose are familiar to her, she has long gotten used to popularity, but she never ceases to show the uniqueness of the organ. The student did not immediately decide to submit an application to the Guinness Book of Records. She wondered if she needed to be so popular, to show off her tongue to the whole world. After thinking carefully, I finally decided that I would really like to become famous. Measurements were taken, after which the girl was officially recognized as the owner of the world's largest, longest tongue among a female representative. If you stick it out to its full length, the organ appears even below the chin. The student understands that maybe her achievement does not seem very pleasant or understandable to someone, but she herself has no problems with it. After all, the girl was born this way, so she is not shy about this uniqueness.

Komodo dragon or Komodo dragon

The Komodo dragon or Komodo dragon (lat. Varanus komodoensis) is the largest lizard in the world. It is also called the "land crocodile". The lizard itself grows up to 3 meters in length, and its tongue – up to 70 cm. Komodo dragons weigh about 70 kg.


This is a large and powerful animal that can kill even a buffalo. To do this, they should only inflict a wound on their victim, and then just chase her and wait until she falls dead. The fact is that the monitor lizard’s saliva contains many bacteria, which, when they get into the victim’s wound, cause blood poisoning.

Adrianna Lewis - unusual fame

Another American woman, whose originality lies in her very long mouth organ, a little more than 10 cm long, the whole world knows about it. Lewis posted a video where she demonstrates the longest, largest organ in full length; hundreds of thousands of curious Internet users watched the video. The organ is very similar to a snake, it easily reaches the elbow, the tip of the nose, the girl even manages to reach her eyes. Negotiations were actively conducted with representatives of the Guinness Book, the girl was successfully able to officially register the achievement, which she is very proud of.

Adrianna Lewis has the biggest tongue among women

Lewis's mother was the first to notice her daughter's uniqueness when she was 12 years old. The woman noted that the organ was amazing in size when the child began to grimace or eat ice cream. The girl’s abilities amazed those around her, she is not shy, she even loves to surprise others. Adrianna is often photographed with her mouth open, and her images have appeared in several print publications. Lewis even created her own channel on YouTube, where she clearly shows her original abilities and various tricks. The girl is accustomed to unflattering comments from others and Internet users, but this does not stop her.


Macroglossia can be either a local (local) manifestation or have a generalized nature. This disease can occur in many pathologies of the human body. As an independent disease, macroglossia can occur when:

  • inflammation involving the lingual area (low glossitis of the tongue):
  • rhinoscleroma with spread to the upper respiratory tract;
  • open bite;
  • acute angioedema;
  • with the accumulation of pus due to an abscess in the oral cavity;
  • a progressive cyst or tumor with damage to blood vessels (lymphatic or circulatory);
  • hemorrhages accompanied by a rush of blood to the lingual tissue;
  • “neurologically flaccid” tongue syndrome;
  • impaired venous or lymphatic drainage in the lingual tissue;
  • oral candidiasis.

However, macroglossia often occurs with such serious congenital damage to the body as:

  • cretinism or other organic brain abnormalities;
  • genetic disorders (Down syndrome, etc.);
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland and the development of myxedema;
  • acromegaly.

Also, increased sizes of tongue tissue can accompany metabolic diseases such as:

  • amyloidosis (deposition of amyloid in the tongue, when it becomes waxy, dense, with smoothed papillae);
  • glycogenosis;
  • pellagra (tongue red and ulcerated).

Often, forward displacement of the tongue can be observed in children as a consequence of their bad habit of tongue sucking.

Macroglossia is sometimes misdiagnosed in people with a small lower jaw.

The disease is often called “constitutional”, as it is common in obese men who have an increased love for food.

Macroglossia also occurs in severe infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or syphilis.

Byron Schlenker - language record holder

The cheerful American looks completely ordinary from the outside; as soon as he opens his mouth, it becomes clear why the person is unique. Byron has the world's largest tongue, measuring 8.6 centimeters wide. This width is greater than the length of the beer mat, wider than the iPhone 6 by a couple of centimeters. Byron discovered this feature by accident. Having decided to help my daughter in the library with a school project, I became interested in looking at a copy of the Guinness Book of Records. Schlenker decided to independently measure his oral organ, after which he was convinced that it was wider than the record holder recorded in the Book by a whole centimeter.

Byron Schlenker - owner of the largest tongue

Of course, the whole family decided that they needed to apply to become the current world record holder. Now the man is a local celebrity in his hometown, which he is very happy about. The wife admits that the couple’s mutual friends never stop making fun of them, but she tries not to pay attention. Byron is very popular among local residents; people often stop him in a store or other public places and want to take a photo. Strangers on the street ask to sign copies of the Guinness Book of Books.

Emily Schlenker - uniqueness by inheritance

The girl is the daughter of the previous world record holder; her uniqueness was inherited. The width of the organ is smaller than that of her father and is 7.3 cm, however, she and her father were included in the Guinness Book of Records as the couple with the largest tongues in the world.

Emily Schlenker is the daughter of the most tongue-in-cheek dad

When the father suggested that the child register a world record together, she didn’t even want to hear about it. But after repeated measurements, finally making sure that Emily’s oral organ was indeed larger, wider than the recorded record holder, although smaller than her father’s, the decision was made to submit an application.

Yagya Katuval - unique and funny

A young man from Nepal surprises not only with his appearance. He looks funny, as soon as he starts grimacing using his very large, long tongue, some people around him become perplexed. Yagya works as a school bus driver, local kids know him well, some are even afraid of him. The length of a man’s organ is very amazing, with which he can reach his forehead. To get into the Book of Records, Katuval is going to show the world two tricks in one:

  • completely cover your nose with your lower lip
  • lick your forehead at the same time

Yagya Katuval is a funny and amazing person.
Since childhood, Yagya noticed the unusualness of the organ, while his peers could not reach his nose with his tongue, it easily reached his forehead. A friend of this unusual man says that Katuwal began performing all sorts of tricks after he lost all his teeth except one. Yagya himself admits that even some adults avoid him, they are afraid to approach him. But he is not particularly upset; he dreams of officially becoming a world record holder. He also dreams of acting in a movie, perhaps even in a horror film; for filming, he claims, he doesn’t even need makeup. The man admits that in the morning he spends a lot of time cleaning his large tongue. If he has no teeth at all except one, then he has to tinker with his tongue.

Deep type

Glossitis, as in the photo, affects the entire surface and thickness of the tongue. The photo shows that the disease has affected the root and frenulum.

In the deep form, the tongue is completely affected

It is characterized by the formation of ulcers, deterioration of the patient’s condition, and throbbing, sharp pain. The tongue swells, which makes speech difficult, and the process of chewing and swallowing food, as well as breathing, is disrupted. If treatment is not started, a person will develop an abscess or phlegmon, spreading to the surrounding tissues up to the cervical areas.

Radmila Yusupova - without complexes

The girl from Ufa noticed her individuality in childhood, when she decided to get on television. Then her mother told her: “To get on the screen, you need to be different from others, think about what’s special about you and tell me.” Radmila looked at herself in the mirror for a long time, grimaced, smiled and noted that her tongue was large and long, which was not a peculiarity. The girl’s mother initially rejected such conclusions, claiming that the organ was the same as everyone else’s. But after measuring I was very surprised; the length of the organ reached more than 11 cm.

Radmila Yusupova - famous for having the longest tongue

Today Yusupova has an account on Instagram and YouTube, where she regularly demonstrates masterly tongue tricks in photos and videos. Surprisingly, the girl has a lot of fans. She dreams of acting in films and becoming a famous singer. Radmila studies at the Faculty of Medicine, plays drums in her uncle’s band, and performs in a cafe.

The daily life of the most tongue-tied girl in the world

A long tongue does not at all prevent Gekari from living an ordinary life. But she is very proud of her peculiarity and is not shy about showing it off. Three years ago, she started a video blog on YouTube and became very popular, and now she regularly posts photos of tongue stretching training on her social network page and eagerly communicates with fans. Now she has more than 12 thousand subscribers.

But it must be said that not everyone accepts Gekari’s hobby. There are those who consider her long tongue disgusting. The girl should not pay attention to them, because everyone can have their own opinion, this is normal. Those around her describe her as a kind and cheerful person, passionate about roller skating - she even took part in competitions and managed to win several victories.

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