How to sober up quickly: advice from a narcologist

The dangers of long-term drinking

Heavy drinking leads to the development of severe pathologies:

  • Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, IBS, etc.);
  • Infection with infectious diseases due to decreased immunity;
  • Development of central nervous system diseases such as epilepsy;
  • Severe mental disorders, destruction of brain cells.

The life of a person prone to binge drinking is shortened due to the development of severe diseases of internal organs. In addition, as a result of alcoholism, criminal episodes often occur: drunken brawls, murders, theft, neglect of children, etc.

Inducing vomiting for weight loss

You should not induce vomiting after eating to lose weight. This leads to big problems for the body. As a result of such an aggressive method of losing weight, the body becomes dehydrated, and from repeated procedures of inducing vomiting, such serious diseases as:

  • bulimia,
  • anorexia,
  • digestive system disorder,
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Such diseases are very difficult to treat. Therefore, you should not risk your health.

Is it possible to get out of binge drinking on your own?

Narcologists say that the best way out of binge drinking is to go to a drug treatment clinic. The specialist assesses the severity of the alcohol addict’s condition, determines current pharmacotherapy and detoxification measures based on the condition of the addict’s body.

When diseases develop in a latent (hidden) form, independent attempts to remove alcohol from the body end very badly: the “golden hour” of providing medical care is lost.

Side effects if you constantly induce vomiting

  • Your body may become prone to vomiting.
  • Dehydration and loss of electrolytes.
  • Stomach acid can cause tooth and oral decay.
  • You may suffer from acid reflux or even ulcers.
  • You may also develop an eating disorder called bulimia.

Vomiting is definitely no fun. Therefore, unless the situation absolutely requires it, and it is inevitable, do not dare to call it. Before you try any of the remedies described in this article, it is important to understand whether vomiting will improve your condition. Therefore, consult a doctor. If you continue to feel sick or restless, contact your doctor immediately.

How to get out of binge drinking smoothly

Slow withdrawal from binge drinking is necessary to minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms. The following recommendations are relevant if you are unable to seek help from professionals. In other cases, it is necessary to call a narcology team to your home.

How to induce vomiting

In order to urgently remove alcohol from the body, you need to induce vomiting. There are several ways to cleanse your stomach:

  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of warm salted water and press on the root of the tongue;
  • Dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in warm water. Stir the mixture thoroughly until completely dissolved, and then drink. If nausea does not come on its own, press on the root of the tongue with two fingers;
  • Drink strong black tea with milk and a pinch of salt. Two cups of salted tea are enough to induce vomiting.

It is important to note that to induce vomiting you need to drink a large amount of liquid. Otherwise, concentrated alcohol together with gastric juice can burn the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth.

What to drink when recovering from binge drinking at home

To cleanse your body as quickly as possible, you need to drink plenty of water. It would be a good idea to use chicken broth to strengthen the immune system and “calm” the walls of the stomach. In addition, you can drink herbal infusions and compotes to strengthen the body.

Anti-binge pills

During a hangover, it is important to use the following medications:

During withdrawal symptoms, it is necessary to seek the help of narcologists: otherwise, severe pathologies develop. Drugs such as Donormil, Enalapril, Valocordin, etc. It is not recommended to take without a specialist's prescription.

Eating when recovering from binge drinking

Often, after a binge, a person has no appetite, but to prevent the development of gastritis and ulcers, you should eat food often and in small portions. Consumption of fried, smoked and over-salted foods is prohibited. Give preference to light soups, dairy and fermented milk products.

How to quickly sober up from alcohol

The painful consequences of drinking alcohol - hangover, nausea, dizziness - force you to ask the question: how to sober up in 5 minutes and get rid of the consequences of the feast. The doctors' answer is clear: this is impossible. Even a detox drip lasts at least 30 minutes. To achieve complete sobering, it is not enough to simply remove ethanol. It is necessary for the body to get rid of its breakdown products and accumulated toxins. It should also be borne in mind that alcohol is eliminated from a woman’s body more slowly than from a man’s body, this is due to the peculiarities of metabolism and metabolic processes.

However, there are ways that can speed up the sobering up process and relieve unpleasant symptoms. The general principle for quickly sobering up from any type of alcohol is to stop drinking it.

How to sober up from strong alcohol (vodka, whiskey, cognac, moonshine, etc.)

If you need quick sobering up after drinking alcohol above 40 degrees, then it would be appropriate to induce vomiting (the so-called “restaurant method” - two fingers in your mouth) and take sorbents. It is also a good idea to take a walk in the fresh air - this is necessary to improve blood circulation and stimulate metabolism. Contrast showers and washing with cold water help stimulate autonomic functions. Thiamine solution (B1) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improve the detoxification functions of the liver. You can sniff a cotton swab dipped in ammonia.

Taken together, these measures will contribute to faster sobering, but they will not completely remove alcohol from the body.

How to sober up from weak alcohol (beer, wine, cocktails)

It all depends on the amount you drink, but in general, low-alcohol drinks are eliminated from the body more slowly than strong alcohol. If possible, i.e. We are not talking about emergency sobering up, you need to get a good night's sleep - this way ethanol breaks down faster. In the absence of contraindications (impaired functioning of the heart, blood vessels, brain), you can visit a bathhouse or sauna to improve metabolism. In addition, some alcohol may be released through the sweat glands. It is allowed to take diuretics, combining them with plenty of water without gas.

How to make an urgent withdrawal from binge drinking at home?

Specialists from the Narcologist-24 clinic will help you cope with withdrawal from alcohol. A team of experienced narcologists promptly travels to addresses in Moscow and the Moscow region.

After an examination and history taking, the professional provides medical assistance: administers IVs (using saline solutions, etc.) and injections, resorts to individual pharmacotherapy, and also provides psychological assistance.

Drug treatment assistance from Narcologist-24 professionals includes:

  • Use of certified medications;
  • Guarantee of maintaining the confidentiality of each patient. The company’s transport does not bear identifying marks, so neighbors will not know about the provision of drug treatment services;
  • Participation of qualified psychotherapists to create motivation for treatment;
  • Comprehensive treatment of alcohol addiction;
  • Help for relatives of an alcohol addict.

For what poisonings should you not induce artificial vomiting?

Induce vomiting with extreme caution. It is not effective in removing corrosive substances from the digestive tract. Forced gastric emptying can be harmful and interfere with effective treatment.

Inducing vomiting is dangerous to health after consuming:

  • Substances that may foam: These include detergents, shampoos and soaps. Vomiting will turn the stomach contents into foam, which can enter the respiratory tract. This can lead to inflammation (pneumonia) and pulmonary edema.
  • Hard or sharp objects. These include buttons, coins, toys or rings. Objects may scratch the throat, cause injury, or become lodged in the airway.
  • Acidic liquids: bleaches, pesticides and acids. Vomiting these substances will worsen chemical burns in the esophagus, throat, and mouth.
  • Petroleum products: gasoline, solvents, kerosene, paint thinner and other flammable products. When vomiting, there is a high risk of these substances entering the respiratory tract, which can cause burns to the mucous membranes in the throat and esophagus.
  • Vomiting as a method of weight loss. This can lead to eating disorders such as anorexia bulimia, exhaustion, dental damage and be life-threatening.

The main ways to get rid of binge drinking

Attempts to independently bring a person out of binge drinking may fail due to psychological cravings for alcohol. This means that quitting binge drinking on your own is not recommended. The methods below are only relevant for mild hangovers.

Detoxification at home

Breaking out of binge drinking at home should be carried out with the participation of professionals. The doctor uses droppers to cleanse the bloodstream of ethyl alcohol metabolites, and medications to restore the functioning of internal organs and mental functions. In difficult situations, hospitalization in a hospital is necessary.

Detoxification using folk remedies

There are no folk remedies that can cure alcohol addiction. Some folk recipes help to slightly alleviate the condition, but high-quality therapy involves resorting to traditional medicine.

Cabbage pickle for hangover

After drinking alcohol, the body becomes dehydrated and loses minerals. Cucumber and cabbage brine help cope with thirst and replenish the vitamin and mineral balance in the body.

Corvalol for hangover

Corvalol is used to combat insomnia and lower blood pressure. Only a doctor should determine the dosage of the drug, since the medication contains a potent substance - phenobarbital.

Glycine during binge drinking

Glycine helps to activate mental functions and improve mood. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the use of Glycine must be systematic.

Analgin for hangover

Analgin is used to relieve pain syndromes, but the use of analgesics is prohibited while intoxicated.

Lemon after drinking

Vitamin C strengthens the body's protective functions, helps to quickly remove ethanol from the body and give it tone. It is allowed to drink water with a small amount of lemon.

How to get sober long term

A longer lasting effect is somewhat more difficult to achieve - it is necessary to remove as much as possible all traces of alcohol in the body, restore the acid-base balance and the functioning of biochemical mechanisms.

Initially, you need to completely eliminate all traces of alcoholic beverages from the body. In addition to artificial vomiting, it is advisable to do a cleansing enema - it will allow you to empty the intestines and stop absorption. However, the procedure is not only unpleasant, but also requires additional equipment - a tube, an Esmarch mug and other medical instruments. It will be quite difficult to perform the manipulation on your own.

That is why, as an alternative, narcologists recommend enterosorption - the process of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with the help of special drugs - enterosorbents. They act according to the laws of osmosis, so they do not cause any biochemical changes in the blood. Activated carbon is considered one of the most famous representatives of the group, but few people know that to achieve the effect, you need to drink about 15 tablets at a time, with plenty of water. It is more convenient to take other medications - Polysorb, Atoxil, Enterosgel. They are available in finished form or as a powder for solution.

It is important to constantly maintain water balance - alcohol redistributes intercellular fluid, causing dehydration of all cells of the body. You need to drink clean water, you can choose mineral water - this normalizes salt metabolism. If you are not prone to allergic reactions, try fruit juices - grape, apple, pomegranate. The additional vitamins and glucose they contain improve overall health.

After completing all the activities, there is a need for energy saturation - proper nutrition after an active feast. Food should be easily digestible, but at the same time rich in proteins and important structural microelements. It is better to choose dietary white meat or fish, whole grain porridge and fiber-rich vegetables. Also, many experts agree that you should supplement your diet with dairy products - they not only create an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach, but also normalize the balance of intestinal microflora.

Medicines that can additionally be used in this situation are drugs of different directions of action:

  • Diuretics. Although alcoholic drinks themselves have a diuretic effect, it is worth accelerating the elimination of toxic substances in the urine. It is better to choose Spironolactone (Veroshpiron) - the well-known Furosemide, Torasemide and other diuretics do not retain potassium, which can lead to serious consequences, electrolyte imbalances and even affect the functioning of the heart.
  • Antioxidants. Vitamin C is considered a remedy that can normalize metabolic processes and improve the nutrition of body cells. Ascorbic acid activates the synthesis of proteins and hormones, improves the detoxification function of the liver. It is important to ensure that the dose of the drug does not exceed the recommended daily dose.
  • Neurotropic agents. B vitamins improve neuromuscular reactions and restore damaged nerve tissue. The main vitamin of this group is thiamine (B1). It promotes the production of coenzymes that break down ethyl alcohol into carbon dioxide and water. An ampoule with thiamine can be diluted in a small amount of water and drunk. Vitamin B6 also has a pronounced detoxifying effect.
  • Amino acids. They improve liver function, while stimulating the detoxification functions of the body, and have an antioxidant and protective effect for cells. They also prevent inhibition of the work of alcohol dehydrogenase, the main enzyme for the utilization of ethyl alcohol.
  • Aspirin. Many people try to normalize their condition with acetylsalicylic acid. The drug improves the rheological properties of blood, preventing the formation of microthrombi, and also has an analgesic effect. However, taking this medicine does not remove the cause of the bad condition, but only masks its symptoms.

Combination drugs with special effects can also often be found on sale.

It is contraindicated to use the following drugs:

  • Drinking a new portion of alcohol. Contrary to popular belief, “having a hangover” is completely ineffective - it causes an additional blow to the body, and also leads to the formation of addiction.
  • Heavy food. Rich meat broths, red meat and other similar products slow down the process of eliminating toxins.

Visiting the sauna is a controversial option. Exposure to high temperatures speeds up metabolism, but don't recommend it to someone you don't know well. If you have heart problems, the result can be disastrous.

Contraindications when quitting binge drinking

There are several contraindications for quitting binge drinking on your own:

  • Long 10-day binge

    is an absolute contraindication for independent exit. Severe alcohol dependence requires therapy with the participation of experienced specialists;

  • Sharp deterioration in health

    . The appearance of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms of acute pathologies should alert you. It is necessary to call an ambulance;

  • The appearance of unwanted psychotic reactions

    . If an alcohol addict experiences aggression, suicidal thoughts and attempts, delusions of persecution and hallucinations, you should contact a professional.

When talking about how to get a person out of binge drinking, it is important to take into account the need for an integrated approach: a combination of detoxification measures and psychotherapy. Otherwise, after leaving the binge, the person resumes drinking alcohol.

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What to do after vomiting

After completely emptying the stomach of food residues, you always feel severe weakness and dizziness. To help your body recover properly:

  1. Rinse your mouth with clean water. Even if there are no food particles left in the mouth, gastric juice may remain on the surface of the mucous membrane, which will cause additional irritation. For this reason, you should not brush your teeth earlier than half an hour after vomiting - otherwise the acid will damage the tooth enamel.
  2. Drink a decoction of medicinal herbs. After vomiting, chamomile and ginger tea, lemon balm or fennel infusion are especially useful. The drink should be warm, but not hot; You can add a little flower honey to it.
  3. When you feel an appetite, eat a light dish - yogurt, oatmeal, banana, baked apple. For the next 1–2 days, it is advisable to adhere to a gentle diet to speed up the recovery of the digestive tract. During this period, refrain from smoking, spicy and sour foods, as well as drinking alcohol.

Be sure to give your body a rest.


What to do if a person is on a drinking binge?

If your loved one is a binge drinker, you should immediately seek drug treatment help. Persuasion to go together to a drug treatment clinic often causes a reaction of protest. In order to cut a person off from alcohol for a long time, one must create motivation for recovery.

Upon arrival at home, the narcologist provides medical measures and resorts to psychological assistance. During the intervention, a social worker or psychologist at the Narcologist-24 clinic creates motivation for getting rid of alcoholism, which becomes a reliable basis for recovery.

How to stop a woman from drinking?

In order to get a woman out of her binge, you should call a narcologist to your home. A narcologist performs professional detoxification using saline solutions and medications.

In difficult situations, it is recommended to resort to hospitalization.
Inpatient therapy has the following advantages:

  • Social isolation preventing alcohol relapse;
  • Guaranteed anonymity;
  • 24-hour supervision by experienced medical staff;
  • Possibility of using hardware techniques (UBI, plasmapheresis, etc.).

Is it possible to drink after delirium tremens?

After delirium tremens and other acute psychotic reactions, alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited. Failure can lead to irreversible consequences such as heart attack, stroke or death.

How to stop drinking beer?

Quick withdrawal from beer drinking involves detoxification using infusion solutions. In addition, as a result of beer alcoholism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop, which require timely diagnosis and therapy.

How to get your husband out of binge drinking?

A man can only be brought out of a drinking binge with the participation of an emergency drug treatment team. Some relatives of alcohol addicts mix dietary supplements into food, hoping that this will help develop an aversion to alcohol.

In fact, the use of dietary supplements does not help get rid of addiction. Contact narcologists to develop an individual treatment plan for alcoholism.

How to get out of a long drinking binge?

Binge drinking can have varying durations, from two days to several weeks. Prolonged binge drinking leads to rapid destruction of organs and systems, as well as brain functions. Over time, memory loss, difficulty concentrating and thinking processes occur. Coming out of a long-term binge has several nuances:

  • Need for hospitalization

    . As a result of the formation of mental dependence and being in an unfavorable environment, there is a risk of breakdown. This means that the patient should be isolated from the environment for a while;

  • Comprehensive detoxification

    . Pharmacotherapy, hardware detoxification methods and infusion solutions are used to cleanse the body of ethyl alcohol metabolites;

  • Intensive psychotherapy

    . People in the later stages of alcohol addiction often lose criticality of their condition. A qualified psychotherapist helps you recognize the problem and get on the path to recovery;

  • The need for an integrated approach

    . Alcoholism is a disease that affects not only the physical and mental health of a person, but also the spiritual and social spheres. In a rehabilitation center, addicts find new interests and life aspirations that make integration into a sober life easier.

How to reduce alcohol consumption when binge drinking?

A gradual reduction in the dosage of alcoholic beverages does not always lead to the desired result. In some cases, a low concentration of ethyl alcohol in the body causes alcohol withdrawal: the desire to drink alcohol rapidly increases. Such consequences can only be prevented through detoxification in a drug treatment clinic.

How to get sober in the short term

There are often circumstances in which it is necessary to get in shape for a short period of time - about half an hour. This is only possible during the elimination phase, when the amount of ethyl alcohol in the blood decreases. Then the use of physical methods of alcohol detoxification will be quite effective:

  • First of all, go out into the fresh air and create cool conditions - this will slow down the negative effects of toxic substances.
  • It is necessary to wash your face with cold water - this will narrow the peripheral blood vessels and slow down the spread of alcohol, invigorating.
  • A contrast shower also helps improve the condition by stimulating the peripheral nervous system. If possible, you should take a cool bath, but do not make the water temperature extremely low.
  • Massage your feet and earlobes, which are rich in nerve endings, to further activate the autonomic nervous system.
  • If alcohol is still in the stomach, an effective method is to artificially induce vomiting - the remaining alcohol will come out and its concentration in the blood will not increase.
  • It is important to take care of the freshness of your mouth - rinse with sparkling water, brush your teeth, chew mint chewing gum.
  • Also, to increase the tone of the nervous system, you should drink strong black coffee or tea.

However, if a person has already developed an addiction to alcoholic beverages, such methods will be ineffective - alcoholics are resistant to physical means of emergency sobering up.

It is important that during a short-term return to a sober state, there are loved ones next to the drunk who are able to control his actions. Numerous scientific studies claim that at this time a person cannot adequately assess his own behavior; it seems to him that he is completely sober, but this is not so. It is important to stop it in time if you want to drive or commit other actions dangerous to health and life.

First aid for treating binge drinking: way out in 3 days

Inpatient drug treatment is aimed at getting a person out of binge drinking in three days. A full range of medical measures is carried out to normalize the condition of the addict.


Detoxification is the main aspect of alcoholism treatment. In addition to taking sorbents and hardware techniques, they resort to installing droppers. The following solutions are used:

  • Water-salt solutions to combat dehydration;
  • Combination of water-salt solutions with medications: hepatoprotectors, antihypertensive drugs;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes to restore immunity;
  • Hypertonic solutions to restore renal function.


There are also medications that cause vomiting. But you shouldn't abuse pills. To induce vomiting, you can use:

  • Apomorphine. While taking the drug, the vomiting center is stimulated. As a rule, cleansing of the stomach occurs after the first tablet. If there is no effect, then a repeated dose will not give any result. Contraindications for use are heart failure, ulcerative pathology of the stomach and duodenum, tuberculosis.
  • Emetic root (ipecac). May be offered in the form of a collection, drops or tincture. Initially, it is an expectorant, but if the dosage is slightly exceeded, it causes severe vomiting.
  • Lycorin. Expectorant tablets. Exceeding recommended doses is accompanied by the development of vomiting.
  • Copper sulfate. A 1% aqueous solution is prepared for gastric lavage. Dose – 15...25 ml. The permissible daily dosage is 50 ml.

The tablets should be taken with plenty of warm water. This is an additional way to stimulate the stomach for spontaneous cleansing. Moreover, the process itself will take place with less discomfort for the person.

Enhanced poisoning therapy

7,500 pcs.

    Dropper volume 1500 ml
  • Visit of a narcologist
  • Patient examination
  • Consultation with a narcologist
  • Detoxification
  • Doctor's orders
  • Medicines for 3 days
  • Monitoring the patient's condition

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Drug treatment

Pharmacotherapy is necessary to restore internal organs. They use hepatoprotectors to normalize liver function, antidepressants to improve psycho-emotional background, tranquilizers to normalize sleep patterns, antihypertensives to lower blood pressure, etc. Pharmacotherapy is selected individually, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Detoxification in hospital

Detoxification in a hospital setting allows you to resort to hardware detoxification methods.

In addition, in a hospital setting, the addict is under constant supervision of medical personnel, which makes it possible to provide emergency medical care.

In alcoholics, for aversion to alcohol

You can cause a persistent aversion to alcohol in an alcoholic by vomiting. Among the folk methods, the following remedies are often used.

Read also: How to determine stomach acidity

Lobel's hellebore

The prepared product can be used without the knowledge of the patient. First you need to prepare a tincture: pour 10 grams of crushed root with vodka (100 ml) and leave for 10 days in a warm, dark place. To induce severe vomiting, add no more than 4-5 drops to alcohol (per bottle). After about 20 minutes, the person will begin to feel sick and then vomit. To achieve the effect, you need to use the product twice a week.

European cleft tincture

So, 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of warm water over the product, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Leave for 1 hour. Add the product to alcohol at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 100 grams of alcoholic beverage. The first vomiting occurs within 30 minutes. Course duration – 1 month. Frequency of use: twice a week.


There is an old way to treat alcohol addiction - chicken droppings. You need to add a little feces to the drink and let it sit for several days. Vomiting and persistent aversion to alcohol are guaranteed.

When to call a doctor

Calling a doctor is necessary in the following situations:

  • A person is on a drinking binge for more than a day;
  • Inappropriate mental reactions have arisen (delusions, hallucinations, aggression, etc.);
  • A sharp deterioration in health;
  • The appearance of cravings for alcohol;
  • Development of withdrawal syndrome;
  • Hangover.

Specialists of the Narcologist-24 clinic provide professional drug treatment assistance using modern equipment. Extensive work experience and an individual approach to each person help to achieve the best results of therapy together with an alcohol addict.

Molar tooth extraction in children

Unfortunately, young children often develop diseases in both their primary and permanent molars. Worse, it is not always possible to heal them. Dentists remove permanent teeth for children only when there is no way to save them.

Primary molars are both treated and removed. If a permanent tooth begins to grow under a baby molar, then the baby tooth is always removed, since it interferes with the normal formation of the permanent tooth.

At the same time, dentists never agree to premature removal of baby molars. Such teeth are sure to heal. If you remove a baby tooth ahead of schedule, then the baby will develop a crooked bite.

There are situations when a child’s molar tooth must be removed. Such situations include:

  • molar root cyst;
  • presence of granuloma;
  • inflammation of the tooth root;
  • inflammation of the nerve of the lower jaw;
  • severe destruction of the integrity of the tooth.
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