Fang - the seal of evil: signs and superstitions associated with teeth, some of which it’s time to stop believing

For the sake of an attractive smile, many people subject their teeth to various procedures, as a result of which the teeth line gradually becomes even and smooth. The worst thing is if the fangs are uneven or protruding. Special braces for fangs will help get rid of this problem. You can read about the rules for their use here.

Braces for fangs

Problems with fangs

Orthodontists quite often see patients with crooked fangs: this is found in every third person. Here are the types of this problem:

  • fangs are hidden behind the remaining teeth;
  • fangs are turned to the sides;
  • their height is outside the norm;
  • they are only partially cut through.

There are several types of problems with abnormal canine growth

This dental abnormality is called a “vampire smile.” This name is appropriate both in appearance and because the patient has difficulty feeding. Due to an abnormality with the fangs, the corners of the mouth are raised, which can only be corrected with the help of braces.

Family planning

In ancient times, people did not use contraception. Women gave birth to as many children as God pleased. But mom and dad still wanted to know how many mouths they would have to feed until the heirs grew up and were able to work. The number of future children was determined by how many teeth the baby would have before one year of age.

But most modern parents do not plan to have a large number of heirs. Therefore, the sign has changed a little. Grandmothers and aunts determine the number of future children by the number of teeth on the upper jaw of a one-year-old baby.

Why are fangs positioned incorrectly?

This may well be a consequence of the fact that the fangs erupted too late. This happens when their growth begins at 9-12 years of age. At this age, the other teeth are well in place, so the fangs have almost no room to grow. And sometimes there are other teeth in the place that the fangs are supposed to occupy. Then the fangs have no choice but to grow in the second row. And this is already dystopia, a rather serious pathology.

What is dystopia?

Another incorrect location of the fangs may be due to the fact that the sizes of the teeth and jaw do not fit each other. Heredity is usually to blame. That is, the patient could have inherited a small jaw from one of the parents, and large teeth from the other. This is one of the reasons for abnormal development of fangs.

This can also happen if baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth too late.

Baby teeth can “tell” about a child’s future

Every parent wants his heir to grow up handsome, rich and in good health. To understand what kind of future awaits the child, adults paid attention to the condition of his baby teeth.

It was believed that if they erupt for a long time and painfully, the child will grow up angry and scandalous. In principle, this superstition has a completely logical justification. After all, from the first months of life, a baby does not give others peace. This means that it is likely that he will behave even worse in the future.

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And if a baby’s teeth appear very late, the child will grow up talented, successful and rich. If you believe this superstition, parents should not buy nibblers for their children. Babies do not need toys that stimulate teething. The later they appear, the richer and more successful the heir will be. After all, fate must somehow compensate him for this developmental defect. It’s a pity that such a sign is nothing more than a myth.

Therapeutic methods for canine dystopia

This disease is detected without much effort. But whether it is difficult to treat is determined by several factors:

  • neglect of the case;
  • patient's age;
  • nature of the disease.

How treatment is carried out depends on the specific situation

Here are the main therapeutic techniques:

  • removal of a wisdom tooth in cases where the disease arose due to its growth;
  • braces, and they often have to be used against the background of the removal of one tooth (usually a premolar) and the subsequent movement of the fang to where it should be;
  • prosthetics or, as an option, conversion of the first premolar into a canine, if it is absent in the row;
  • if the case is more severe, reposition.


Important ! To ensure that the patient retains all of his teeth, it is useful to begin treatment as early as possible. People under 12 years of age use removable plates to straighten their teeth, and then not fully formed teeth are straightened in just three to six months.

A teenager under 15 years old needs braces to achieve the same goal. But for adults, dystopia usually cannot be cured without surgery.

  • Braces for children

Strange "seedlings"

As you know, not only children, but also adults lose teeth.

Some superstitious people do not leave lost body parts in the dentist's office, but bury them in pots of violets or geraniums. According to the sign, this will bring good luck and wealth. By the way, it is still customary for gypsies to bury extracted wisdom teeth in the cemetery. Representatives of this people believe that such a ritual brings material well-being.

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Who can benefit from braces, the required duration of wearing

The question about the purpose of using braces is asked mainly by those who do not have dental problems. Braces are also worn by those who do not have dental health problems. Typically, such devices benefit those with malocclusions and problems with their dentition. Interestingly, this can be found in 80% of all people. But only a few are worried enough about this to see a dentist. However, if there is no discomfort, this does not mean the absence of pathology. This is one of the unwritten rules of all medicine. So, for maximum confidence in the health of your teeth and the correctness of your bite, you need to make an appointment with an orthodontist.

Braces can help every person with canine growth abnormalities

The required period of wearing braces is determined by many factors.

The complexity of a particular case, individual characteristics of the pathologyThe most important factor to consider when determining how long to use braces. For example, with the curvature of the teeth alone, it is less than with an incorrect bite or displacement of the entire dentition. So, it is possible to say how long you will need to wear braces to straighten your teeth only if you have information about the degree of curvature of the teeth and whether the patient has any other disease.
Patient ageAs we age, the body experiences changes in physiology and anatomy. For example, the ability of the dentition to shift changes. It determines the period of use of braces. The older a person is, the longer he will have to wear them for the same pathology.
Bracket systemThe bracket system may well consist of a variety of materials. Its design may also vary. All this determines the timing of wearing. Ceramic braces will take a little longer to use than metal braces. And lingual ones, due to their greater complexity, are also used longer than vestibular ones. Also, the period of wearing braces is determined by the manufacturer. The products of each orthodontic equipment manufacturer have their own duration of use.
Accuracy of installation, correct operationWhen installing a brace system, the doctor must carefully observe certain parameters determined during diagnosis and selection of braces: width; height; tilt angle. Correct installation of braces by a doctor will greatly shorten the period of wearing them. The patient’s actions can also contribute to this: frequent and thorough cleaning of braces; proper nutrition; compliance with medical recommendations.
Purposes of wearingThe purpose of using braces also determines the duration of wearing them. For example, if, with a combination of malocclusion and crooked teeth, the purpose of wearing braces is only to straighten the teeth, orthodontic devices can be removed almost twice as soon as with a full treatment complex.
Doctor's experience and quality of workWhat is also important here is how well and correctly the orthodontist works. With the best professionals, patients wear braces for less time, but with worse professionals, it lasts much longer. So, the average period of wearing braces is one and a half to two years. If everything goes smoothly (the installation is done efficiently, the patient properly cares for the braces, orthodontic pathologies have not developed beyond the initial stages), in principle, about a year is enough. If the case is more severe, treatment may take three years.

The length of time you wear braces depends on many factors.


Chapter 1

Pursuit of prey

When you first look at the Northern Wilderness, you get the feeling that there is no life in these places, but this is not so. If you look closely, you can see a dog sled driving through the desert. Two men accompany the sled dogs. With the onset of darkness, the travelers stopped for a rest. After counting the dogs, they were missing one of them.

Chapter 2


All the way, Bill and Henry were accompanied by a wolf howl that was heard very close by. The next morning, the men discovered another loss. The strongest dog from the team ran away. There are only four dogs left. The fire did not scare away predators. Their silhouettes were visible behind him. The pack resorted to a trick, releasing the she-wolf as bait for the dogs. Attracting the attention of the dogs, she drove them away from people, and then the wolves pounced on the animal and killed it. She looked strange. She looked like both a wolf and a dog at the same time.

Chapter 3

Song of Hunger

Bill, trying to save another dog from death, dies himself. Henry is left alone with two of the six dogs. All night he had to scare off the insolent wolves with burning sticks. The remaining dogs disappeared. When the man almost said goodbye to life, salvation came unexpectedly. Something scared the wolves and they disappeared, and several people approached him, trying to stir him up and bring him to his senses.

Leveling process

Usually, it takes two years for the fang to return to its proper place when using braces.

To do this, you need to free up the space where the fang will be located, that is, make the jaw wider or remove the tooth standing in this place.

If the second and fourth teeth are not too far away, the fourth ones are usually removed. If the fang protrudes just a little, you can do without removal. All that is required is to widen the jaw, while moving the teeth where they need to be.

Various types of braces can be used

When straightening fangs, both simple metal braces and those that look more beautiful - lingual, sapphire, ceramic - are useful.

Important ! In order to reduce possible risks, the therapeutic course should be started as early as possible.


Chapter 1

On a long journey

The smell of trouble was in the air. The wolf intuitively sensed the approach of something bad and was not mistaken. Whedon was packing his bags and planning to leave these places. It was time for him to return to California and he did not plan to take White Fang with him. It was hellish heat there and he had no place there. It was not an easy decision for Scott, but the choice was made. He leaves the dog. Imagine his surprise when, just before departure, somewhere deep in the deck of the ship he saw White Fang. He managed to break the window and rush after his beloved owner. Whedon's heart sank. He takes his faithful pet with him.

Chapter 2

On South

The big city impressed the wolf, but he was even more surprised by the reception he received from the owner’s dogs, the shepherd Collie and the greyhound named Dick. They were not happy about the uninvited guest, clearly making it clear that he was unnecessary here.

Chapter 3

God's Domain

The wolf quickly joined the owner's family. He even fell in love with his children, although at first he did not want to follow their lead, refusing to submit to them. Allowing everyone in the household to stroke and caress him, he still loved Weedon most of all and, at the sight of him, he dropped everything he was doing and ran to meet him.

Chapter 4

Voice of Blood

One day, during another horse ride, Scott falls off his horse and breaks his leg. The wolf was not at a loss, rushing home for help. Seeing the owner's wife, he grabbed her dress with his teeth and pulled it towards the exit. The woman guessed that something bad had happened to her husband. After this incident, they began to treat the wolf much better, recognizing that he was a smart dog, even though he was a wolf. Even Collie changed her attitude towards him, ceasing to see him as an enemy.

Chapter 5

Sleeping wolf

The life of Weedon's father, Judge Scott, was in jeopardy. The criminal, Jim Hall, convicted of murder, wanted revenge. He escapes from prison and enters the judge's house with the goal of killing him. He would have been able to carry out his insidious plan if the wolf had not stood in the way, protecting a person close to him. He grabbed the stranger by the throat, knocking him down. The criminal is defeated, but White Fang himself is seriously injured. He received a non-life-threatening injury. According to doctors, there is practically no chance of salvation, but the wolf apparently really wanted to live. He managed to defeat death. After regaining his health, he returns home, where the wonderful news awaits him that he has become the father of many children. The collie gave him six well-fed puppies. The wolf lay on the lawn, basking in the rays of the sun and watched the puppies until he fell asleep.

Are braces really necessary to straighten fangs?

A large number of people do not want to wear braces. Moreover, not only aesthetics play a role here, but also the following possible reasons:

  • Braces: before and after
  • high cost of braces and necessary procedures;
  • difficulties in predicting results;
  • long-term rehabilitation.

There are other ways to fix fangs. The most optimal one can be selected based on the complexity of the case and the age category of the patient.

Correcting the position of fangs is easier for a child than for an adult

Interesting ! It is much easier for a child to correct his bite than for an adult.

Here are methods for correcting children's fangs that do not involve the use of braces:

  • using mouth guards during sleep;
  • removable and easy to maintain soft plates;
  • trainers.

If an adult has noticeable problems with his bite, he is recommended to use braces. Only for minor diseases can other therapeutic methods be used. For example:

  • removable aligners - the course of use is one and a half to three years, the smile does not deteriorate;
  • veneers - the indication is only a minor disease that only affects appearance. Used if you need to fix things quickly. Thin plates that need to be attached to the teeth. It is difficult to notice them, there is no inconvenience, but they do not get rid of the problem.

Adults can use veneers

The doctor must decide which method of correcting the bite to use - braces or something else. He will conduct a full examination, get all the necessary results and, based on them, decide which technique to use.

No design eliminates the need for frequent visits to the doctor. He can give advice on this or that issue, and he will also monitor how correctly the treatment is going.

Video - Teeth straightening

Fangs are a sign of anger

For any modern mother, the absence of such teeth in a baby is a reason to visit a dentist. But in some African and Asian countries, fangs are a sign of anger.

If the baby's teeth erupt first, the baby and his mother are kicked out of the village so as not to bring trouble to the rest of the inhabitants of the settlement. In some tribes, it is still customary to knock out the fangs of young men so that they behave prudently, do not show aggression, and sorcerers from enemy tribes cannot turn them into animals.

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Using braces on canines

It takes about a year to two to use braces to get the fangs where they need to be and straighten them out. It happens that before installing braces, you need to remove one tooth or, alternatively, widen the jaw to free up enough space. If the curvatures are small, this is not necessary.

Fangs can be straightened using various braces: metal, ceramic, lingual, sapphire. For teenagers, results can be obtained more easily and in less time.

If the problems are related only to the fangs, you don’t have to install braces on the other teeth. Although the treatment will be faster, it will still take more than one year.

  • Incognito braces

You can install braces only on fangs

Important ! There are various ways to straighten protruding fangs. The doctor must decide which one will be used, focusing on the severity and characteristics of the pathology.

The average treatment option looks like this:

  • ridding the entire oral cavity of all diseases, including plaque, caries and stone;
  • its examination, radiography, making casts;
  • manufacturing a structure based on the data from the previous paragraph;
  • freeing up free space, if necessary, expanding the jaw or removing some teeth;
  • installation of braces;
  • achieving results;
  • removal of braces and selection of retainers, which the patient will have to wear for a certain period of time if he wants to consolidate the result.

Before installing the device, the doctor carries out preparatory procedures


Chapter 1

Fire creators

During another hunting trip, the wolf cub meets people. These were Indians who knew his mother. Kichi ran away from the tribe a year ago, joining a pack of wolves and never returning. Her owner, the old Indian Gray Beaver, immediately recognized her when he saw her and decided to keep her with the wolf cub. People gave him the nickname White Fang and now he is forced to adapt to new living conditions, which were not very attractive to him.

Chapter 2


White Fang considered humans to be superior beings. He was forced to submit to them just as his mother had submitted to them. The wolf cub gradually became accustomed to the Indian village. The dogs did not want to accept the half-breed into the pack. Lip-Lip especially tried. The dog was specifically looking for a reason for conflict. The fight always ended not in White Fang's favor. One day Lip-Lip ran into Kichi, for which he got a great deal. Soon the she-wolf was bought for debts and taken away from the village.

Chapter 3


Constant pursuit and skirmishes with dogs strengthened the character of White Fang. He learned to be cunning and evade pursuit. In a fight he could stand up for himself, fearlessly fighting with the whole pack. He had no equal in agility, strength, intelligence and dexterity. He had to become evil and merciless, otherwise he would not have survived in the environment in which he found himself.

Chapter 4

Chasing the Gods

While preparing for the autumn hunt, White Fang took advantage of the opportunity and escaped from the Indians into the forest. At first he enjoyed his freedom, frolicking like a little puppy. As dusk fell, he felt lonely. He was cold and hungry. He felt scared. He returns to the village, but finds no one there. For two days he ran on the man's trail until he came to the fire, where he saw the Gray Beaver. Instead of a good spanking for escaping, the Indian fed him and drove the dogs away from the fugitive, giving him the opportunity to get enough.

Chapter 5


When White Fang was first harnessed to the sleigh, he did not resist, accepting the new duty as due and inevitable. The owner had no complaints about his work. He tried, obeyed orders and obeyed discipline. Having protected the master's son from the attacks of the village boys, he received special gratitude from the Gray Beaver, who presented him with a large piece of meat as a reward.

Chapter 6


The wolf cub is one year old. He matured and stopped being afraid of adult dogs. They respected him, recognizing him as an equal. At the new wigwam, at the end of the village, he meets his mother, but Kichi did not recognize him. She had a new litter and during this time she managed to forget her cub. Now he is a stranger who must be avoided and not allowed near him, keeping at a distance. In the third year of White Fang's life, the Indians suffered from famine. People died one after another. He managed to escape only thanks to his ability to hunt. When the hard times ended, he returned to the village, to his owners.

Advantages and disadvantages of braces

This design has the following positive aspects:

  • the ability to get rid of almost any jaw anomaly, and the stage of curvature does not play a role here;
  • almost complete absence of contraindications;
  • effectiveness can be seen already in the first months;
  • can be used regardless of age category;
  • the design is installed only in clinical settings. It is non-removable, so the patient does not need to put it on and take it off on his own;
  • modern models are difficult to notice from the outside after installation.

Braces have many advantages

It also has its negative sides:

  • Oral hygiene should be carried out more carefully. You also need to clean your braces well. Otherwise, pathologies such as caries, periodontitis, and gingivitis may develop. Moreover, while wearing braces, hygiene procedures must be carried out every time after eating;
  • long wearing;
  • minus in aesthetic terms. There are braces that look disgusting. However, some, for example, ceramic and lingual, are quite difficult to notice on the teeth;
  • expensive compared to other systems that help correct teeth.

Many people refuse to wear such a device due to difficult dental care

Pregnancy and tooth loss

For many years, the birth of girls was considered an unpleasant event. But mothers and fathers were very happy about the birth of boys. After all, male children played the role of breadwinners of the family. The expectant mother carefully monitored all the signs that, according to popular belief, indicated the birth of a boy. One of these characteristic signs was considered to be poor dental condition during pregnancy. People believed that the son was “taking” them away from his mother. Experts say that this sign has no relation to reality. And it does not at all indicate that the future baby is male.


The results of using braces are very good. However, sometimes patients do not want to resort to them.

This failure occurs for the following reasons:

  • duration of therapy;
  • high price;
  • difficulty in forecasting;
  • long rehabilitation.

Mouth guards can be used

It is the patient’s task to finally choose whether to use a braces system. For the same purpose there are mouth guards, trainers, and soft plates. However, for an adult they are useless.

Only mouthguards can correct the matter, and only if the fangs are only slightly protruding.

Mouth guards should be worn at night. Soft plates require much less effort to maintain than braces; on the other hand, the treatment period with them is longer than with braces. Trainers are easy to use, and they also have a targeted effect.

An adult can resort to lumineers or veneers. These devices are installed on the back side of the dentition.

  • White braces

Purpose of the wolf tooth talisman

An amulet with a wolf tooth is suitable for both men and women of any age. At the same time, he is able to enhance and reveal various qualities.

A talisman made of plastic, porcelain or other material will not be particularly effective. Only a real predator tooth demonstrates truly strong energy.

For men

The Wolf's Fang has a special meaning for men. Such a talisman helps make its owner more courageous, courageous and courageous.

With the help of an amulet you can cope with the following problems:

  • get rid of doubts and fear;
  • strengthen the spirit;
  • improve physical development;
  • develop intuition;
  • protect yourself from negative emotions and feelings;
  • improve sexual functions.

Using wolf teeth helps a man become more self-confident. Thanks to this, a person can act much more decisively at work. The talisman also provides reliable protection from evil people in the professional sphere. It helps you achieve a career advancement or expand your business.

A woman must present such an amulet to her husband. It will help protect against temptations and strengthen the bond between husband and wife.

For men who have not yet met their soulmate, the amulet has special meaning. It makes its owner more attractive in the eyes of women and helps to find the most worthy among them.

For women

Women have been using this talisman for love spells since ancient times. Young girls who wear a talisman will be able to find their soulmate faster. They literally become the center of male attention.

This effect of the sign is associated with the devotion of wolves, who grieve for a long time after the loss of loved ones. This is where the belief came from that the Wolf Fang helps create a strong family and preserve love for life.

The Wolf Fang is a powerful amulet that has a powerful mystical meaning.

For children

The amulet can be used as protection for a newborn child.

  • The sign will protect the baby from the evil eye, dark thoughts, damage and envy. That is why, since ancient times, the Wolf's Fang was hung over a child's crib.
  • In order for the child to grow strong and healthy teeth, he was given Wolf Fang to gnaw.
  • The sign was also hung around the neck of capricious children. He helped the child calm down and become more disciplined.

Wolf teeth are also suitable for teenagers. They protect from the negative influence of envious people from the environment, protect from bad habits and unnecessary advisers.

Care of braces and nutrition when using them

We talked about the timing of wearing braces. There is another important point that concerns many people - the necessary care of braces and proper nutrition during therapy. Keep in mind that not all foods can be eaten while wearing braces.

Here are the foods whose consumption is incompatible with the use of braces:

  • solid plant foods;
  • nuts;
  • confectionery products such as sweets and toffees;
  • tea, coffee, gas. water (when wearing ceramic/sapphire braces due to some staining due to such drinks);
  • everything is very hot/cold;
  • meat (if without proper care).

You will have to give up some food while wearing braces.

Important ! These tips are not a complete ban on all foods on the list. They only mean the need to reduce their use.

Hard fruits and vegetables can be softened by heat treatment, while meat can be chopped into steamed cutlets or put into casseroles. It is only important to eat gentle food.

What type of verb to give?

Verb, perfective aspect, transitive, conjugation type according to A. Zaliznyak’s classification - ^b/c'. In past form.

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What do the experts say?

Braces are required mainly to correct the bite and prevent pathologies that may appear due to problems with it.

Braces are especially good for normalizing your jaw. This is easy to notice when comparing the dentition before and after a course of therapy. As a result, the patient receives not only a beautiful smile, but also natural chewing function and speech. And there are almost no contraindications for braces.

There are no contraindications to wearing braces

The use of braces is not a reason for embarrassment for an adult, unlike crooked teeth and problems with bite. If you can get a beautiful smile, you should use it. And for this you simply need such a device.

Bite correction: has it always been welcomed?

Today, many people turn to orthodontists to get rid of gaps between their front teeth. But in ancient times people were in no hurry to do this. This feature was considered a sign of happiness and prosperity. However, modern doctors, on the contrary, convince patients to correct this defect. Otherwise, the gap will begin to cause physical discomfort, which is by no means associated with a prosperous life.

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Contrary to the stereotype, braces are not the last stage in the treatment of malocclusion. After their removal, a long period of recovery and adaptation begins.

No matter how long you have to wear braces, once you remove them, you should install retainers. This is a special wire-like design. It is placed on the inside of the dentition. Because of this, retainers are invisible. And they are also very comfortable. Retainers are necessary to secure the results of wearing braces.

To consolidate the result, retainers are worn

Pile - definition of pile according to the Free Dictionary

pile 1

(pīl) n. 1.
The number of objects placed or thrown together in a heap.
See synonyms in the pile. 2. Informal

Large accumulation or quantity: a lot of work.


Large sum of money: made a ton in the real estate boom.


Atomic reactor.


Volta heap.


A very large building or complex of buildings.


Funeral pyre.

piles against tr. 1.

To place or place in a heap or heap: stacked books on a table.


To load (something) with a heap or heap: stacked a table with books.


To add or increase in abundance or to the point of burden: pile up homework on students.
v. intr.

To form a heap or heap.


To move, exit, or advance in a disorderly mass or group: fold into a bus;
a bunch from the car. Phrasal verbs: pile on

To jump on the existing bunch of people, especially football players.


To add to or increase (something, such as criticism) in abundance or excessively.

For accumulation: work accumulates.

Go through a serious car collision.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin saw, pillar

pile 2

pile 2

(pīl) n.

A heavy pole of wood, concrete, or steel driven into the ground to serve as a foundation or support for a structure.

Wedge-shaped charge directed downwards.


Roman spear.
tr.v. piles

For driving piles.


For support by piles.

[Middle English, from Old English saw, trunk, stake

, from Latin pilum,
spear, pestle


The result of using braces is influenced not only by the professionalism of the orthodontist, but also by the patient’s compliance with his recommendations, and to no lesser extent. Here are the recommendations that the patient should follow:

  • wearing elastics;
  • high-quality oral hygiene.

Important ! If a specialist notices a lack of oral care, he can easily refuse to install braces.

A person must maintain oral hygiene

Is it worth attaching importance to signs?

There are many superstitions that modern people inherited from their ancestors. Today, some people do not attach importance to signs. Other people, on the contrary, take them seriously. Attitude towards superstitions is everyone’s personal choice. But you need to monitor the health of your teeth and oral cavity from childhood.

It is necessary to visit the dentist regularly, treat diseases in a timely manner, and observe the rules of hygiene. These activities will help you maintain good health and avoid many problems.

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Patients' opinions

Alla, 30 years old

“I was forced to use braces by the doctor’s words about the prospect of losing all my teeth if the bite is not corrected. The treatment took two years, but I got a perfect smile. After some time, gaps became noticeable between the teeth. It turned out that this was the result of a medical error: the dentist simply forgot to prescribe mouth guards. Now I always wear them, which little by little brings my smile back to normal.”

Most often, people respond positively to wearing braces on their fangs.

Alexander, 41 years old

“My son wore braces for a little less than a couple of years. There was some discomfort during installation and tightening. He also couldn't eat anything that wasn't liquid. When wisdom teeth appeared, the teeth continued to pile up. In a word, the braces system helped, but not for long.”

Olga, 26 years old

“I had braces for over a year. Before this, I spent a long time looking for the most suitable clinic and doctor for installation. Then the correction process began, which was not very pleasant. She devoted a lot of time to keeping her mouth clean. At the same time, I used a variety of cleaning methods.

At first it was very painful, I had to take a lot of painkillers. But now the result exceeds all expectations, thanks to which I am extremely happy and grateful to the doctor. My teeth are straight and my smile is amazing. There’s only one downside, and it’s a minor one: you still need to wear mouth guards at night.”


Chapter 1


Soon White Fang became the leader of the team, which aroused fierce hatred among the other dogs. He didn’t like the new role, but he had to put up with it, otherwise he was in danger of death. The time came for a trip to Fort Yukon for the auction, and the owner decided to take the dog with him. In the Yukon, White Fang meets white people for the first time. In his eyes, they are even more powerful than the Indians. White people seemed strange to the wolf. They loved to organize dog fights and get paid for it.

Chapter 2

Crazy God

Vile and ugly, Handsome Smith was famous for his cruelty. He took great pleasure in dog fights with bloody endings. It is not surprising that White Fang immediately fell into his soul and he, taking advantage of the fact that Gray Beaver got drunk, agreed with him to sell the wolf.

Chapter 3

Kingdom of Hate

Life on a chain and constant mockery turned the half-wolf into a devil. He hated everyone and everything around him. Smith got what he wanted. Now the half-breed is completely ready to participate in a professional dog fight and he had no doubt that victory would be on their side.

Chapter 4

Tenacious Death

The first serious opponent turned out to be a bulldog, a clumsy and strange creature. He was unlike those he had to fight with. Cherokee is a fighter accustomed to winning. His death grip was known to everyone in the area. So this time, in the midst of the battle, he grabbed his opponent by the throat and hung on him. Handsome Smith was beside himself with rage. He ran up to the exhausted dog and began to kick it. A young engineer from the mines witnessed the disgusting scene. Weedon Scott stood up for the half-dead animal. Using the barrel of a revolver, he managed to open the bulldog's jaw and free the dog from the vice. Having given Smith one and a half hundred dollars, he buys the unfortunate animal from him.

Chapter 5


White Fang quickly recovered after the battle, but instead of gratitude for the rescue, he felt aggression as soon as he approached him a little closer than expected. Scott is sure that the animal needs time to get used to new conditions and only patience and affection can regain its trust.

Chapter 6

New science

With kindness, a gentle attitude, and a kind word, Whedon managed to find a response in the hardened heart of the beast. He managed to win his love. White Fang was sad when the owner left on business and rejoiced when he returned. He repaid him with endless devotion and love for the love given to him.

How to charge a magic item

In order for the amulet to acquire the required power, it must be charged. It is recommended to do this outdoors - in the forest or on the river bank. If this is not possible, the ceremony can be performed at home.

To do this, you need to relax and feel harmony with the world around you. The amulet must be taken in the palms of your hands, folding them into a boat. Then you need to read the plot and put on the pendant. Before going to bed, you can remove it and place it near the bed.

To distinguish a real wolf fang from a fake, it is important to pay attention to its shape and shade.

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