How to teach a child to brush their teeth using cartoons?

To maintain dental health at any age, daily oral hygiene is extremely important. It would seem a simple procedure that does not take much time and does not require any extraordinary skills and efforts. But sometimes even adults are too lazy to do it regularly. What then can we say about kids? They don't even suspect such a need. How to teach a child to brush their teeth every day - morning and evening? What parenting tricks can you use to achieve the best results?

Baby 1 year old

At 1-2 years old, a child cannot yet brush his teeth on his own. But in order to develop a stable habit, this procedure can be carried out by parents until the baby grows up a little.

According to dentists, a child should start brushing his teeth when the very first ones have just erupted. For some it happens earlier, for others later.

But when the baby turns 1 year old, he definitely already has a couple of teeth in his mouth. And they require proper care. While the child does not know how to brush his teeth on his own, one of the parents does it for him using a special silicone brush.

Carry out this procedure regularly after your baby wakes up in the morning and before bed. This will be the initial stage of teaching a child to mandatory and regular brushing of teeth. And when your baby gets a little older, you can safely start teaching him to brush his teeth on his own.

Review of cartoons

You've probably thought more than once about how to motivate your child to practice independent and regular oral hygiene. And at the same time convince of the need for visits to the dentist.

Most likely, you have already familiarized yourself with proven tips for preparing your child for a dentist appointment.

Now you have a pleasant task ahead of you - watch a selection of cartoons that we have compiled so that your child will unobtrusively learn two simple rules for healthy teeth: brush your teeth regularly and visit the dentist regularly. And also, so that together with our beloved and kind heroes we can stop being afraid.


Tari bird.

A wonderful and kind Soviet cartoon about the fact that everyone has toothache - sometimes even the biggest and most formidable need the help of friends.

Lyolik and Bolik Bad Tooth.

New adventures of Lyolik and Bolik. This time they try in every possible way to remove Bolik's bad tooth - with the help of a dog, a motorcycle, a door and even a rocket, until they accidentally meet a dentist who, moreover, shows amazing tricks.

Krosh's new teeth.

The beloved hero of millions of children had a major problem: his tooth fell out! How can Krosh try the new carrot crop now? But, as in all good cartoons, a solution is found, although not immediately :)

The Legend of the Tooth Kingdom.

The fairytale kingdom is attacked by germs and our heroes go to the aid of the queen, armed with toothbrushes and toothpastes. They are led by court dentists. However, the sorcerer Karies is cunning - he sets traps for them, luring them into the icy caves of the sugar mountain. Will our hero be able to free the kingdom from invaders and save the captured soldiers? Your child will have to find out.

Good Doctor Dentist

Your child will go to a planet where...teeth lived peacefully! And one day this planet was captured by the evil king Caries! Of course, the good Doctor Dentist is in a hurry to help, armed with a toothbrush and toothpaste!

Brush your teeth with Hello Kitty

The beloved cat Kitty one fine day meets her friend, whose cheek is swollen, and now he cannot play with the rest of the children, because he is in pain and needs to go to the doctor. This is all because he didn't brush his teeth! But why did Kitty suddenly get worried and run home? Something is wrong here…

Rabbit dentist

Your child will have a trip around the world looking for dazzling smiles. The rabbit dentist will tell you why you shouldn’t share your toothbrush with friends, where caries comes from, and what to do to get rid of germs.

Child 4-5 years old

By the age of 4-5, many toddlers have already developed a stable habit of brushing their teeth. And parents can begin to draw their attention to the quality of the procedure.

Be patient. You are unlikely to be able to immediately teach your child to take care of his teeth. And that's okay. Moreover, for several more years (approximately until the toddler reaches school age) you will have to control the process itself. Since the baby still cannot properly brush his teeth on his own.

Children brushing their teeth: how to add mindfulness to the game

Children are usually ready for this stage at the age of 2–3 years. Action plan for parents:

  • the baby stands in front of the mirror, and the parent stands behind him;
  • the baby holds the toothbrush himself, and the parent holds his hand;
  • Mom or dad gently guide the baby’s movements: the movement of the brush should be from the gum to the edge of the tooth;
  • Parents ask the baby to rinse his mouth and finish brushing his teeth.

This simple lesson should be repeated every day, gradually offering the child more and more independence.

Recommendations for parents

  1. Brushing your teeth should not be a routine task for your child. Let it be in a playful way. So that the baby wants to repeat the procedure again and again.
  2. At the initial stage of your child’s education, your priority is to develop a habit, and not to teach the correct manual skills (how to hold a brush and how to move it, how long to brush your teeth, etc.). First, the baby must understand the importance of what he is doing, become interested, be inspired, and only then begin to follow the process itself.
  3. Therefore, after your little one brushes her teeth, be sure to check the result and clean them. Explain that not all evil caries were driven away by the child. Next time, let him try to reach with a brush all the nooks and crannies where they might be hiding.

Your child’s healthy, white-toothed smile in the future depends entirely on your patience, your perseverance and responsibility in the present.

Forming your child’s skills and established habit of brushing their teeth depends entirely on you. Be patient and moderately persistent. Your reward will be your child’s beautiful and happy smile for many, many years. And the knowledge that it was you who helped preserve this white-toothed smile.

How many times a day and for what time should you brush your teeth with your child?

To keep teeth attractive and healthy, children and adults need to brush at least 2 times a day – morning and evening. It is important to adhere to this regime constantly.

Some parents prefer to perform all manipulations immediately after their son or daughter wakes up. However, the surest option is to clean the surfaces after the little person has had breakfast. This will remove food particles remaining in the interdental spaces.

At the same time, there are certain nuances that moms and dads should remember. If children ate fruit or drank juice in the morning, hygiene procedures are postponed. This is due to the fact that the released fruit acids help to soften the enamel layer, and as a result, useful elements contained in the enamel can be removed along with soft deposits.

In any case, dentists recommend waiting at least half an hour after eating. This time is enough to restore the acid-base balance.

The correct duration of brushing

In order for each session to give the desired result, plaque and food debris are completely removed, and the components of the paste have time to act, you need to clean the oral cavity within a certain time interval. 3 minutes is the optimal period of time during which all soft deposits are eliminated, and the useful elements of hygienic compositions are most effective.

This indicator is relevant for any age. Of course, if the baby is still very small, he will not be able to endure a three-minute massage with a silicone tip. However, this is not necessary.

The duration of cleaning may increase or decrease if:

  • diseases of the oral cavity and inflammatory processes;
  • malocclusion and abnormalities in the structure of the jaws;
  • wearing corrective structures.

Video “When should you start teaching your baby to brush his teeth?” Komarovsky

  • Author: Polina
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Oral hygiene or rules for choosing toothpaste and brushes for a baby.

Where to celebrate New Year with a child (if the baby is only 1-2 years old)

At what age should you start brushing your child's teeth?

Cleaning should be done from the moment of teething. Newborns do not yet have a single crown, so it is enough for adults to take care of the oral cavity, including the gums.

At approximately 6 months, the lower central incisor (or two at once) emerges. From now on, he needs regular hygiene procedures.

At first, you don’t need to use the paste; you can also skip the brush by using a special silicone attachment on your finger. This way you will safely clean not only hard tissues, but also mucous membranes. This device helps relieve pain during teething and acts as a massager.

However, the issue of teaching children to clean rows on their own is controversial among leading domestic and international pediatricians.

About the loss of baby teeth

  • Three cats, three tails.
    The series is called “Milk tooth”. In this episode, Caramel's tooth begins to loosen, and the cat is afraid that she will be left without teeth. And my mother explains that this is normal, the tooth is temporary and a new tooth will grow in its place. And if the tooth does not fall out on its own (sometimes this happens), then the pediatric dentist will help, and then the tooth fairy will bring a gift for it! And what gift Caramel received from the tooth fairy you will find out by watching the episode to the end!
  • Peppa Pig.
    The episode is called “The Tooth Fairy”
  • Luntik.
    The series is called “Tooth” - the plot is similar.

December 4, 2022

The Tale of the Doctor and Masha

Once upon a time there lived an ordinary girl, Masha, very similar to all the other children, girls and boys. Masha was eating a nut one day and suddenly her tooth ached. This has never happened to Masha before. But the tooth started hurting and stopped, and Mashina’s mother only got upset and said that she definitely needed to see a doctor. Masha and her mother came to the doctor, as soon as they entered the office, Masha screamed: “Oh, I know, you are an uncle doctor in a white coat, you will treat me, I don’t like doctors!” “Well, I didn’t intend to treat anyone yet, I’ll just take a look,” the doctor answered and asked Masha to open her mouth. Indeed, he just looked and said: “Well, the tooth needs to be treated.” “I don’t want to treat anything,” Masha shouted in fear, “I’m afraid to treat!” I just won’t eat nuts anymore, just soft bread! But the doctor looked into her eyes and quietly calmly answered: “And if I tell you in detail how and what we will treat, and you understand that it is not painful and not scary, then maybe you will agree?” “No,” Masha said insistently. – What if I tell you that doctors are all a little bit wizards? We have magic pills, magic ointments and powders. For example, I will give your mother a magic pill of courage. If you are afraid to undergo treatment, your mother will give it to you and the fear will go away. – Is there really such a pill? – asked Masha.

A fairy tale about a bad tooth

Once upon a time there lived a little tooth. It appeared quite recently and was a small sprout, the size of a claw. And they called it milky. Although he was small and cute, he was so stubborn and nervous that no one wanted to be his friend. “I don’t want to be dairy, but I want to be indigenous,” the kid was capricious. He really didn't like that name. “You will when you grow up,” his brothers and sisters persuaded him. “And now I want to be big, right away,” he squealed. Why are you so restless? - the elders marveled, looking at the baby. Everything has its time. On top of everything else, no sooner was the baby born than he fell in love with sweets, especially candy. But he didn’t refuse cookies and gingerbread either. Mine, mine,” he shouted with all his might, trying to try as many sweet and tasty things as possible. The adult teeth just shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment and turned away from the sweet tooth. “But you can’t have so many sweets at once,” a neighbor couldn’t stand it one day. But the baby didn’t listen, just “crunch” and “crunch.” How many times can you rip me off with brooms? – he grumbled, looking at the toothbrush. But the brush seemed to swallow its tongue and continued to roll over the teeth with its rough surface. “Don’t touch me, leave me alone,” came the long, whiny echo. … And suddenly. One day, the baby woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t fall asleep. “I have a headache,” he thought, closing his eyes. Oh no. It was as if a sharp needle had pricked the baby somewhere inside. “Oh,” he cried out from unexpected pain. And as soon as the baby opened his eyes, he simply couldn’t believe how big a black hole had grown overnight. But she wasn’t there just yesterday,” the kid tried to remember. And the hole, by the way, grew bigger and bigger each time, not paying any attention to the baby. Let me take another tasty pill. Oh, no, that’s wrong,” the kid stopped short, “not a pill, but a piece of candy—maybe it will make you feel better.” And then he reached for the sweets. But, having eaten the candy, he also managed to grab three gingerbread cookies and cookies. “He’s really a glutton,” the baby ate, watching his brothers and sisters sleep. I'm not a glutton, not at all. And then he felt that an invisible needle was stuck into him again. But I didn’t eat the needle, where did it come from? – the baby didn’t have time to think when he suddenly felt incredible pain in the hole. And the baby whined as hard as he could. Everyone woke up from his roar, from the smallest to the old grandfather. And they began to calm him, poor thing, and persuade him. As soon as the toothache subsided, every single tooth, including the sleep-deprived baby, went to the clinic. Some for prevention, and some for treatment. After the treatment, the baby became so healthy, so cheerful that even his pale cheeks turned red and rounded. A light appeared in his eyes, and he felt the happiest. And, most importantly, he realized that one should not eat too many sweets. And now he had so many friends that he was surprised himself!

Author: Vyacheslav Lapshinin

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