Why dream of brushing your teeth with a brush or finger - 59 interpretations from different dream books

Usually, a dream in which a person brushes his teeth promises great moments - it speaks of well-being and prosperity, as well as success in business. The topic of our material today is why you dream of brushing your teeth in a dream, how traditional dream books of different authors interpret this picture. However, you should not focus only on positive factors - under certain conditions, such a dream may indicate a lack of knowledge and self-doubt. Therefore, when you see a dream related to brushing your teeth, try to find the most accurate interpretation, focusing on the details that you managed to remember, as well as on your current position.

Dream Interpretation: Brushing your teeth with a toothbrush symbolizes changes for the better in the near future.

Who had the dream

To a woman

According to Felomena’s dream book, if a woman had a dream about brushing her teeth, then it indicates many unsuccessful moments experienced, which are now being replaced by a period filled with well-being and personal happiness.

To a man

A dream in which a man sees himself brushing his teeth, according to Jung’s dream book, means that achieving success will not be as fast as planned. It will not be possible to solve all the accumulated problems in one hour. However, if the dreamer can restore confidence in his own abilities, in the near future he will already notice great progress towards success.


According to Meneghetti's dream book, if a pregnant woman dreams about brushing her teeth, then now her mood and general condition will depend on the atmosphere in the family circle. And if she tries to improve her relationships with loved ones, she will finally feel harmony in life.

Which ones brushed their teeth?


According to the Slavic dream book, if a person dreams of brushing his teeth, then the dream means that he will be able to resolve conflicts that arise in the near future and stabilize his emotional state and mood.


According to N. Grishina’s Noble Dream Book, brushing someone else’s teeth in a dream means solving property issues. If the dreamer acts consciously in solving such serious situations, then his well-being will certainly improve.


If a person brushes his big teeth in a dream, it means that many unexpected surprises will soon await him in his personal life. Whether they will be negative or positive is unknown. However, it is worth remembering that any emotions bear fruit for growth.


The Ukrainian dream book interprets a dream in which a person brushes rotten teeth as follows: soon the dreamer’s life will change for the better and cherished dreams will come true in the most unusual and unpredictable way.


According to Miss Hasse’s dream book, if you brushed your snow-white teeth in a dream, it means that in reality you must be careful not to miss the opportunities provided by life. You will have to try to see them and use them for the benefit not only of yourself, but also of those around you.


According to the esoteric dream book, if you had a dream about brushing your golden teeth, it means that a stage of new acquaintances will begin in life. New people will appear who will very soon become friends. Don’t be afraid to let new acquaintances get close to you, because there is no point in dwelling on the past. If a person develops and grows, his environment must necessarily change.


A dream about brushing dirty teeth promises the dreamer success and, as a result, gaining self-confidence. The time will soon come when he will be considered an authoritative person. Even envious people will have to admit this.


Miss Hosse's dream book says that if the dreamer brushes his yellow teeth in a dream, it means that in reality he will successfully complete all his affairs and receive some kind of material assistance from a new source. This will provide a chance to properly rest and gain strength for new exploits and achievements. Most likely, the holiday will be with close friends.

Why do you dream of white teeth, yellow, black, dirty teeth?

Teeth. which appear in your dreams in a not entirely beautiful form are unlikely to bode well for you:

  • White teeth are a favorable sign, indicating the absence of problems and difficulties in your affairs.
  • Unbrushed teeth or even teeth that have plaque on them mean scandals and showdowns.
  • Teeth that smell bad mean bad conversations about you.
  • If your teeth are yellow, this indicates that you may have health problems and therefore should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Black teeth tell you that bad rumors may be spread about you and intrigues will weave around you.
  • Dirty, rotting black teeth represent your financial condition and indicate that you may suffer large financial losses.

Where did you brush your teeth in a dream?

In the bath

A dream in which a person brushed his teeth in the bathroom foreshadows an unexpected illness that will become a big obstacle on the way to his goal.

On the street

The meaning of a dream about brushing your teeth on the street is this: self-improvement is already producing visible results. Now those around you will begin to notice how much the dreamer has changed, become more delicate and calm. Don’t stop there, and then you can say that you have been transformed beyond recognition and have become a completely different person.

In the forest

The dream book of the subconscious says that a dream about brushing your teeth in the forest promises the implementation of some important and long-awaited task, but you will have to sacrifice or give in something.

At the dentist's office

Interpretation from Catherine the Great’s dream book: brushing your teeth at the dentist’s office in a dream means that the dreamer will experience mutual feelings soon.

In a public toilet

If in a dream a person brushed his teeth in a public toilet, it means that he need not worry about his financial well-being.

At work

According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, a dream about brushing your teeth at work is negative and can foreshadow unpleasant events, both in business and in relationships. Attentiveness and responsibility will now be the surest manifestations.


If a person dreamed of brushing his teeth at a party, then, according to the family dream book, he is now having a hard time due to going through some kind of dark period in life.

Why do you dream about a molar, a wisdom tooth?

  • A molar that you see in a dream can represent for you one and family members who is the eldest and most important person.
  • The older the tooth, the older the generation. In this case, you should definitely pay attention to the condition in which the tooth appeared in the dream.
  • If the tooth was sick or black, you predict future events when someone in the family may contract a serious illness and even die (especially if we are talking about grandparents).

molar that you saw in a dream - interpretation of the dream and its exact meaning

What did you use to brush your teeth?


According to the modern dream book, brushing your teeth with a toothbrush portends the dreamer a certain situation in which you will have to be careful and carefully consider all actions before taking anything.

Hard brush

If you dreamed that you were brushing your teeth with a hard brush, then the dream speaks of marriage.

Electric toothbrush

According to Loff's dream book, brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush in a dream indicates the emergence of a new business alliance that will bring benefits and successful deals.


If a person had a dream in which he brushed his teeth with a toothpick, then it foretells him a certain conversation that will be unpleasant. Perhaps someone is dissatisfied with the dreamer's behavior or the consequences of his actions. This could be a conversation with management/higher authorities, or with a partner/family.


According to the lunar dream book, if you brushed your teeth with floss in a dream, then the dream means a meeting with a close woman. She will need help and support, but the dreamer will only be able to give good advice.


Interpretation according to the Jewish Dream Book: brushing your teeth with your finger in a dream indicates that a familiar person will soon show himself in a way that is unexpected for the dreamer.

By hand

If a person brushed his teeth with his hand in a dream, then most likely he will receive a gift that will provide him with a good mood for several weeks.


If you had a dream about brushing your teeth with a comb, then it gives a sign that the dreamer has ceased to be reasonable regarding income and other material aspects. Most likely, these may be risky transactions, gambling, etc., which will lead to losses, tears and regrets.

Basic interpretation

According to the overwhelming majority of predictors, a dream about a toothbrush means that a person is beginning to grow up, gaining life experience and wisdom. If a personal hygiene item has a pleasant appearance, there are no scratches or abrasions on it, such a plot can foreshadow personal development and career growth.

Accordingly, an old brush is interpreted by dream books as a fall, degradation, a period of stagnation in all matters. Such a night vision is a call to action, a reassessment of life values ​​and priorities. The sleeper should definitely reconsider his habits and lifestyle, otherwise such behavior will lead to disastrous consequences, which will then be impossible to correct.

Some sources say that a dirty accessory is not a cause for alarm. You need to calm down and pull yourself together - all your fears will be in vain.

How to brush your teeth in a dream

To shine

According to Vanga’s dream book, if in a dream you brush your teeth until they shine, then now it is better to stop protracted disputes and avoid quarrels with anyone. It is better to postpone all kinds of discussions for a while; now persistence and the desire to prove one’s superiority can lead to irreparable situations and the dissolution of relationships, both love and work.

To the point of pain

A dream in which a person brushed his teeth until it hurt is a sign that he will experience disappointment from constant failures. If many attempts have not given the desired result, it is better to step away for a while to understand what exactly the essence of the problem is. But you shouldn’t give up what you want. It's just a matter of some nuances, not the overall picture.

Till blood

Smurova’s dream interpreter says that brushing your teeth until they bleed in a dream is a favorable sign for a woman. She will find a true friend or meet a good adviser.

For a man, such a dream, on the contrary, speaks of clashes with a successful opponent.

For a long time

Interpretation according to Meneghetti's dream book: if in a dream a person brushes his teeth for a long time, then in real life he experiences dissatisfaction due to the indifference of his partner. Or someone didn’t want to come to the rescue at the right time.

With soap

If in a dream you brushed your teeth with soap, then in reality you will find success, wealth and many friends ready to help and grow in business/work.


If you had a dream in which a person brushed his teeth vigorously, then, according to the healer Akulina, in the near future he will experience long-awaited happiness and well-being, which was achieved through great effort and long persistent patience.

Why do you dream of a broken tooth?

A broken tooth in a dream tries to hint to you about many things:

  • rapidly deteriorating health
  • impending quarrels in the family
  • discord in a relationship with a loved one
  • losing a large amount of money

Be attentive and very careful about such a dream, where you clearly feel a broken tooth or watch someone break it, and depending on what sensations you experienced, make the correct interpretation.

the meaning of a broken tooth in a dream, the interpretation of that dream

Who had their teeth brushed in a dream?

To a woman

A dream in which a man brushed a woman’s teeth, according to the lunar dream book, speaks of a long journey ahead. Sometimes it means a long but successful path to the designated goal.

To a man

According to the English dream book, if a man’s teeth were brushed in a dream, then this is a sign of deception. Someone from the environment uses a false mask of goodwill to gain the dreamer’s trust, and later use it for selfish purposes.

Wife or husband

If you had a dream in which the dreamer was brushing his wife or husband’s teeth, then he will have to come to terms with the fact that the dreams and plans previously outlined will ultimately prove fruitless. But losing hope is not the best time. With diligence, you can turn failure into success.

Son or daughter

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, a dream in which a person brushes his son or daughter’s teeth suggests that one should be more picky about people. Perhaps there are crafty friends nearby or simply not very reliable individuals.

To grandma or grandpa

According to the Islamic dream book, if you brushed your grandparents’ teeth, then this dream gives a sign that the home will soon be filled with warmth and comfort. The dreamer will find happiness with his family. Sometimes a dream foreshadows some changes in the home environment.

To kid

If the dreamer brushed a child’s teeth, then, according to Freud’s dream book, he may have serious problems due to excessive generosity and weakness of character. There will be those who will take advantage of a person’s naivety.

To a friend or girlfriend

Brushing a friend’s teeth in a dream means meeting a female rival or enemy. This person will bring jealousy and even, perhaps, separation into the dreamer’s life.

To a stranger

For the dreamer, a dream in which he brushed the teeth of a stranger is unfavorable. It means that you will soon have to work very hard to get all your affairs in order. Very often, a dream predicts bad news from distant relatives or old friends.

To the dead man

According to the interpreter of Nostradamus, a dream in which a person brushes the teeth of a dead person indicates that he will receive news that will change his life for the better. This may concern a change of place of residence or professional activity.


A dream about brushing a cat's teeth foreshadows the dreamer's help from his best friend in resolving a long-standing situation that is preventing him from moving on.

To the dog

If a person brushed a dog’s teeth in a dream, this indicates that he will soon begin a time of romantic encounters and emotional attachment.

Miller's opinion

If you had a chance to talk with a toothbrush in your mouth in a dream, the sleeping person will not be able to resist and will tell a stranger information of a confidential nature. After this, he may have serious problems with the law. Taking someone else’s personal hygiene item means listening too much to the opinions of others, being dependent on public opinion.

Keep under running water - you should change the environment. A sleeping person has had too little rest recently, so he has every right to take a short vacation and go to nature or to the sea.

If you dreamed that someone gave you an electric brush, something similar will happen in real life and a stranger will present you with a pleasant surprise. If you dreamed of a child’s brand new brush, it means a pleasant time with younger family members.

If the dreamer squeezes out too much toothpaste while brushing his teeth, in reality he neglects his money, so he constantly has financial problems. You need to learn how to save and manage your earned money wisely. You can start investing or putting money into real estate.

Other dream plots about brushing teeth

  1. According to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, if in a dream a person brushed his teeth with his loved one, then the dream symbolizes many common pleasant chores and worries that generally bring pleasure to the dreamer and make him feel needed.
  2. If you brush your teeth and spit out blood in a dream, you will soon encounter gossip regarding personal relationships or family. The “duck” will be let in by the person from whom it was least expected.
  3. If the dreamer brushed his teeth from caries with soda and salt, then most likely he will be visited by guests in the coming days. Time spent with them will leave a pleasant imprint on your heart and memory.
  4. A dream in which the dreamer brushed his teeth with an old brush, according to the interpretation of the dream book of the healer Akulina, foreshadows him receiving some insignificant gift in material terms, but expensive in spiritual terms.
  5. If you had a dream about brushing a tooth that hurts, it means that the dreamer will have some kind of late trip or meeting in the dark.
  6. A dream in which a person brushed a tooth that was crumbling speaks of impending troubles that will not be so easy to overcome.
  7. If, while brushing, your teeth begin to fall out in a dream, then the dream symbolizes unrealizable dreams, on which a lot of time and effort are spent. The dreamer should look soberly at the world and his capabilities.
  8. A person who dreamed that his teeth broke while brushing will in reality meet his love in some crowded place, it could be a supermarket or a night bar.
  9. According to Vanga’s dream book, if the dreamer brushed his teeth in front of the mirror, it means that he will have good luck in life and in business.
  10. A dream in which the dreamer cleaned his dentures symbolizes an obstacle, when faced with which the person broke down and gave up. However, this obstacle was easy to overcome, but self-doubt forced the dreamer to give up.
  11. According to Phoebe’s Great Dream Book, if you had a dream about brushing your teeth after treatment, it means that it foreshadows a quick fun trip with your loved ones and friends.
  12. According to Juno's dream book, a dream in which a person brushes his teeth with someone else's brush indicates that some kind of love news will be received, or the dreamer will correspond on romantic topics.
  13. Removing tartar while brushing in a dream means finding unexpected success in business in real life. The dreamer will be lucky or lucky in some situation.
  14. According to the Chinese Dream Book, if a person brushes his teeth and gums in a dream, then he will have an argument with friends about personal relationships, which can lead to their destruction or making mistakes. You shouldn’t give in to other people’s opinions, even if they are voiced by your friends.
  15. If in a dream, after brushing, your teeth become white, then the dream speaks of a loss of strength at the moment.
  16. Brushing your teeth and shaving in a dream means experiencing joy.
  17. A dream in which a person brushes his teeth after eating means some kind of trouble and fear of the future.
  18. According to the dream book of E. Avadyaeva, if the dreamer dreamed of brushing his teeth before going to bed, then he will soon find a person close in spirit.
  19. If in a dream the taste of toothpaste was unpleasant, then in life a person was immersed in his illusions.
  20. According to Sigmund Freud's dream book, a dream in which a person felt the sweet taste of toothpaste speaks of the pleasure of completed tasks.
  21. A dream in which the dreamer brushed his teeth with tooth powder is favorable and promises money matters.
  22. Juno's dream book says that if in a dream a person brushed his teeth with laundry soap, then his relatives will cause him trouble.
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