Vertical labret: features, photos, reviews and consequences

Piercing (English piercing - “puncture”) is the process of creating holes in various places on the body for wearing all kinds of jewelry. Modern people do it for the purpose of the need for self-expression, to attract attention, as a method of creating a unique image. The method of piercing the upper or lower lip - labret piercing - has gained popularity among young people.

What it is

This is a rather rare, but very original type of piercing, which is not particularly in demand among fans of body modifications due to an impressive list of potential complications and fairly high pain. An undeniable advantage of such a labret is the fact that the puncture site is almost completely devoid of large blood vessels. With this operation, the likelihood of severe bleeding and facial expression disorders is excluded.

Vertical lip labret is carried out from bottom to top, exactly in the center and perpendicularly. At the moment the puncture is performed, the needle is inserted into the base of the lower lip and passes through its entire thickness strictly at the upper point in the middle. True, in this case both ends of the decoration will be visible. No less popular is another method of piercing, in which the exit hole is placed inside the mouth - where the metal decor will not touch the teeth and damage them. In this case, only one tip of the decoration remains visible.

Features of the vertical labret of the lower lip

Most often, girls prefer to do this type of piercing, since it looks inappropriate and very ridiculous on men’s lips. The main advantage of this piercing lies in the visual increase in lip volume. The shiny details of the decoration visually make them more magnificent, sensual, expressive, and plump.

It is very important to install the earring in such a way that its clasp does not touch the teeth or does so as rarely as possible. After all, due to friction with metal, tooth enamel gradually begins to deteriorate, as a result of which, instead of beautiful lips, the girl becomes the owner of caries.

A vertical labret is not suitable for those who wear braces to change their bite and straighten their teeth. The products will greatly interfere with each other and constantly cling, causing discomfort.

Features of the procedure

This puncture is quite painful, and not everyone is ready to endure such sensations for the sake of beauty.

The procedure itself is not particularly difficult. But those who decide to decorate their lips with such a piercing should remember that any violation of the integrity of the skin requires compliance with strict sanitary standards. So you shouldn’t get down to business at home; it’s better to go to a specialized office or tattoo parlor with a good reputation. In this case, it is advisable to take into account reviews, the skill level of the master, the cost of the service in the establishment and the ability to choose an earring.

A competent specialist will tell you during a preliminary consultation about the features of the procedure, help you choose the appropriate jewelry material, clarify the absence of any contraindications, and only after that will set a date for the puncture.

Where can I buy

The first product for initial wear can be purchased at a piercing salon. This will provide a guarantee of high-quality disinfection and correct procedure. Reputable salons offer clients only high-quality certified products that meet safety requirements.

A labret in the ear (photos and characteristics of products made from various materials are presented later in the article) can be purchased:

  • In specialized departments selling piercing jewelry. Such departments, along with cheap products, also offer products made from high-quality materials.
  • Online stores. They provide a wide selection of different types and sizes of labrets made from different materials.

  • Jewelry stores offer jewelry made from precious metals. Such products are sampled and cannot be counterfeited.

When purchasing decorative items, in order to avoid purchasing poor quality goods, it is recommended:

  • Purchase products with individual packaging.
  • Before purchasing, read the manufacturer's information and the composition of the material.
  • Choose products from well-known brands.

  • To avoid problems with skin irritation and allergies, try not to purchase cheap products from Chinese manufacturers.

How does the process work?

How exactly is the puncture performed? The vertical labret is made in several stages:

  1. Together with the master, you choose a piece of jewelry from the salon’s assortment or bring it with you.
  2. The specialist will advise you regarding certain prohibitions and rules for caring for the puncture after the procedure.
  3. The instruments and earring are placed in an autoclave for sterilization.
  4. After all the necessary devices have been processed, the intended puncture site is lubricated with an antiseptic inside and outside.
  5. Markings are made to maintain aesthetics and geometry.
  6. Using surgical punches, the lip is slightly pinched and pulled back.
  7. Using a sharp needle, the master makes a neat puncture, immediately after which he inserts the jewelry and secures it.
  8. The puncture is disinfected.

Keep in mind that the process must use a sterile needle, the packaging of which will be opened in your presence. In addition, the technician must wear rubber gloves at all times.

The manipulation itself lasts less than a minute.

Manufacturing materials

It is recommended to use bioplastic products as the first decoration that will remain after the procedure until the wound has completely healed: this is the most non-allergenic material, similar to silicone. The shape is a tube with a ball at the end; the length of the rod should be slightly larger than the thickness of the puncture area, since this place will swell. The only drawback of bioplastic is the high price, but the reliability of the material makes up for it. Afterwards, you can use almost any jewelry, except those made of medical steel (contain nickel). Desirable:

  • Gold - purity from 585 and higher, if there is no allergy.
  • Silver.
  • Hypoallergenic plastic (if it reacts to any precious metals).
  • Niobium.
  • Surgical titanium.
  • Zircon.
  • Teflon.


Vertical labret is a piercing that is a minimally invasive procedure. It has a number of limitations for use in people with certain pathologies and characteristics. The main prohibition applies to those who suffer from skin diseases and herpes on the lips. Such surgical interventions cannot be performed during exacerbations of colds, infectious and viral diseases.

In what cases is it prohibited to perform a vertical labret, as well as other punctures:

  • Defects of blood vessels. Due to problems with blood, healing of the injury takes quite a long time and is often accompanied by various complications.
  • Pregnancy period. The contraindication is not categorical, but such an intervention is undesirable for the body of a woman carrying a child.
  • Weakened immunity. In this case, rejection of the earring is possible.
  • Insulin-dependent form of diabetes mellitus.
  • Stomatitis, caries, periodontal disease and other pathologies of the oral cavity.
  • Malignant tumors in the body.
  • Chronic defects that lead to deviations in the functioning of internal organs.
  • Psychological disorders, epileptic seizures and traumatic brain injuries.

Objectively assess the state of your health and do not try to hide existing problems from the specialist. After all, the procedure, the duration of healing of the resulting wound, and the development of all kinds of complications, for example, inflammation or rejection of jewelry, largely depend on this.

How to pierce your lip at home

The number of masters performing piercings (not ears, but other parts of the body) was not so large 10 years ago, so most people who wanted to stand out tried to pierce themselves. However, a home procedure without professional supervision is painful and unsafe. This is done with special tools like this:

  1. Disinfect the instrument, jewelry and puncture area with medical alcohol.
  2. Remove excess moisture from the puncture area with clean gauze.
  3. Puncture the muscle tissue from the inside.
  4. With new force, push the tool further so that the tip comes out.
  5. Place the decoration along the tool mark into the hole created.

Lip piercing at home is easy to do, but keep in mind that you may hit the wrong spot, which will cause too long healing, scarring, and inflammation. Additionally, you should remember about the sterility of the instruments and their correct choice: no sewing needles - only a special medical catheter. The movements should be smooth, ideally the procedure should be carried out by a stranger - a mother, a friend.

How to care for a piercing

If you become the owner of a vertical labret, you should remember that the wound requires special care. After all, the oral cavity is the place where numerous bacteria and food debris accumulate. So experts recommend paying special attention to mouth rinses using special antiseptic and regenerating compounds.

Don't forget about other care rules.

  • To speed up the healing process, be sure to treat the mucous membrane with Stomatitis, Miramistin or other antiseptic medical solutions. This should be done in the mornings, evenings and after every meal.
  • Jewelry can accumulate ichor, dirt, blood and grease. That is why during the first few weeks you should systematically clean the earring using a cotton swab generously soaked in Chlorhexidine.
  • On the first day after the procedure, it is necessary to avoid contact with running water. Then, for a few more days, it is advisable to lubricate the wound with a rich cream or ointment, for example, “Rescuer,” to prevent contamination.
  • It is strictly forbidden to paint the injured area of ​​skin or apply cosmetics to it.
  • The area near the wound may remain swollen and red for the first few days - this is normal. To eliminate the swelling that appears, you can use compresses with Miramistin.

Lip piercing care

Caring for a lip piercing requires careful care . First of all, you will need antiseptic sprays octenisept or miramistin, treatment 2 times a day.

For 3-4 weeks you will have to exclude baths, saunas and hot baths (after taking a shower, treatment is also necessary).

For the first time, we advise you to exclude hot, salty and spicy foods; this also promotes faster healing.

In case of injury and inflammation, baneocin ointment (apply 2 times a day, maximum 5 days). For good healing, exclude any mechanical injuries, do not use cotton swabs/cotton pads when processing, if dried blood forms, do not pick at it under any circumstances, but simply treat it with an antiseptic, in which case it will wash off on its own over time. Replacing the primary decoration with a shorter one (downsize) after 2-3 weeks .

Choosing a decoration for a vertical labret in the lower lip

This type of piercing is good because you can use various decorative elements for it. The range of products is very wide. Different materials are used to produce jewelry, but it is best to give preference to an earring made of special medical alloys, precious metals (silver, gold) or bioplastic - a type of silicone that is very comfortable to wear in winter.

The labret itself is a kind of rod onto which a threaded ball is screwed. The length of the decorative element can vary from 5 to 20 mm, and the diameter of the rod can be 1-1.5 mm.

Earrings and piercing jewelry

Various types of jewelry are used to decorate lip piercings:

  • Microbananas
    . These are small curved rods, traditionally decorated with multi-colored balls. They decorate the piercings of Monroe, Madonna and some others;
  • Segment rings
    . They are suitable exclusively for piercings in the oral area; they are not used for planar piercings, as they are inconvenient to use. They are ordinary rings that can be divided into parts (segments);
  • Circulars
    . Earrings are similar to rings, but instead of segments, they are equipped with threaded connections on the edges. They can have different shapes (snakes look especially original). Made from titanium, steel alloy and gold;

    Lip piercing jewelry

  • Labrets
    . Jewelry typical for lip piercings. They consist of a flat surface, which is located on the mucous side, a rod, and a decorative top. The upper part of the earrings is decorated with diamonds or rhinestones.


According to statistics, in approximately 30% of cases such piercing leads to the development of various complications.

The most common consequence is infection and inflammation. If an infection has entered a fresh wound, then the client should increase the number of antiseptic treatments and systematically apply compresses. If severe swelling or suppuration occurs, you should consult a doctor.

The main cause of inflammation is often improper care and unsuitable material of the product. A person may encounter similar problems due to an earring that is too small or heavy.

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