Lumineers for teeth: description, “before and after” photos, reviews, pros and cons

The easiest way to find out how high quality lumineers look on your teeth is from photo reviews. Having analyzed several forums dedicated to installing ceramic onlays on teeth, we have collected enough reviews with photos before and after the procedure and are posting them for your viewing.

We would like to note that we do not guarantee the accuracy of the following information, as we obtained it from free Internet sources. Although the continuous growth of interest in dental services can serve as a certain guarantee of quality.

What do they represent?

At their core, Lumineers are dental microprostheses.

. Moreover, they belong to the category of conditionally removable. The original English name is LUMINEERS. This word comes from “luminary” - bright, shining.

These microprostheses are very thin ceramic plates that are used as onlays for teeth. The technology is patented by the American company DenMat, and the material from which lumineers are produced was developed by the CERINATE laboratory.

Photo: this is what lumineers look like

These plates can only be compared in thickness to eye lenses, because they do not exceed 0.3 mm. This is one of the most significant advantages of lumineers, since they are installed without preliminary tooth preparation. The plates are glued directly onto the enamel using special compounds.

Of course, the tooth surface requires special treatment and cleaning, but it is minimal

. Therefore, such microprostheses can be removed if necessary. They are classified as conditionally removable only because removal is not carried out at home - only in the clinic by a dental specialist.

When can Lumineers be used?

With the help of thin ceramic plates you can solve a lot of problems. Firstly, cover the unsightly surface of the teeth if they seem unsightly to you - they are chipped, yellowish or brownish in color. Secondly, due to the fact that lumineers can be made in different thicknesses, they help to slightly straighten the dentition. The overlay on the protruding tooth is made thinner than on the neighboring ones, due to which the smile acquires beauty. Thirdly, lumineers do an excellent job of closing the gap - diastema. This is exactly the case when, thanks to minor intervention, you can avoid many years of orthodontic treatment - wearing braces and retainers.

What is the difference with veneers?

The question of which is better: regular veneers or Hollywood Lumineers is not entirely correct.

Firstly, the important difference is that they are produced using completely different technologies and from different materials. Secondly, one should also proceed from those specific conditions that make one think about installing aesthetic dental onlays.

However, something can be said in general terms.

  • Veneers have the same shape and almost the same indications for use, but their thickness is much greater. On average it is about 0.5–0.7 mm. Therefore, they cannot be installed on untreated enamel. After all, then the teeth will be too thick, and their appearance will not be natural.
  • This implies the need for serious treatment of the enamel in order to reduce the overall size of the teeth before installing veneers. This is not required for lumineers.
  • After severe grinding of the enamel, the patient is forced to always wear veneers, since the teeth no longer have their own enamel. Despite the fact that their service life is quite long - about 15 years, it is still finite. Therefore, worn-out veneers must subsequently be replaced.
  • With lumineers, such a problem cannot arise, because the untreated surface of the teeth is alive. Therefore, such linings can be removed without any damage to the teeth.

From all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself: Hollywood Lumineers are more preferable for installation for aesthetic purposes.


However, before insisting on this particular type of microprosthesis, you should consult a doctor. After all, each type has its own disadvantages and indications for installation.

Description and features

The products are essentially the thinnest porcelain plates that are placed on the teeth and make them perfectly smooth, snow-white and shining. At first glance, they resemble veneers, but at the same time they have a number of fundamental differences.

The thickness of lumineers is equal to the thickness of a contact lens - you can imagine the precision and care required in their manufacture. The minimum thickness of veneers is 0.5 mm, which often requires treatment of the tooth before installation. The maximum thickness of lumineers is no more than 0.2 mm, which makes them completely invisible.

The production technology is such that, despite their apparent fragility, they are very durable and practically not susceptible to cracking. And the biggest difference is that these products are not fixed dentures; they can be removed if necessary without effort or damage to tooth enamel.

The product protrudes above the lower teeth by no more than 1.5 mm - this is enough to correct teeth that are uneven in height and make them ideal. Lumineers reliably hide defects and make a smile flawless, while others will not even suspect that it is not natural.

Indications for installation

As with any prosthesis, even if it requires only minimal intervention in the anatomy, lumineers have certain indications for installation.

Cracks and chips on the surface of the teeth

Although tooth enamel is a very hard material that can withstand significant loads, it is still subject to mechanical deformation. For example, if you frequently eat very hot and very cold food alternately under the influence of a sharp change in temperature, cracks may appear on the surface.

In addition, sometimes teeth are damaged due to impacts and falls, when chewing too hard foods (for example, nuts). Not only does it look unaesthetic, but it can also lead to exposure of the inner layer - dentin, and this leads to caries.

Stains and darkening of enamel

There are several reasons why stains appear on the enamel surface. First of all, caries is the most common factor.

More spots can arise as a result of fluorosis, which is a consequence of prolonged intake of fluoride and its compounds in the body. Fluorosis can result in yellowish or white spots and even erosion of the enamel.

There are also so-called tetracycline teeth - discoloration occurs due to taking an antibiotic during the period when the enamel is formed.

Diastemas and trema

A fairly common phenomenon is gaps and too large spaces between the teeth. Sometimes, in not particularly difficult cases, you can do without orthodontic treatment, that is, without wearing braces for a long time, but with the help of lumineers.

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Unsightly old fillings

Composite materials, which are used for fillings and dental restorations, tend to darken over time. This can occur as a result of eating foods or drinks that contain strong coloring pigments, smoking, and many other factors.

Strong enamel abrasion

This can occur both as a result of inevitable age-related changes, and due to improper distribution of the load on the jaws.

Irregularly shaped teeth

Often one or more teeth may differ in size or shape from the neighboring ones, which is very noticeable when a person smiles. Lumineers can solve this problem too. This also includes malocclusion, not taking into account complex cases that can only be corrected surgically.

In the following video you will find a review from one patient who decided to have lumineers installed:

Lumineers care

Caring for lumineers is almost no different from caring for your own teeth. It is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day, discard dental floss and replace it with an irrigator, which will carefully clean the spaces between the teeth from food debris. In addition, you should not put strong physical stress on your teeth: do not crack nuts or open bottle caps with your teeth.

As for coloring products, they can be consumed as before, since lumineers are not stained by such products.

Thus, lumineers are an excellent way to create a “Hollywood smile” in a short time and without severe damage to your own teeth.


Of course, it is not always possible to install lumineers in dentistry. Some cases require pre-treatment of the oral cavity and dental treatment

, some completely exclude the possibility of installation. In each individual situation, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

  • Poor oral hygiene and, as a result, the formation of multiple deposits on the surface of the enamel - plaque and stone.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the gums and periodontium.
  • Multiple caries.
  • A large number of fillings.
  • Direct bite, which involves the closure of the cutting edges of the front teeth, while the upper ones should slightly overlap the lower ones.
  • Severe dental deformation, which requires long-term orthodontic treatment.
  • The special properties of enamel are fragility and tendency to abrasion and thinning.
  • Bruxism is uncontrolled clenching and rubbing of the jaws, which causes teeth grinding.

Some general problems, such as the presence of eye diseases and a pacemaker, are also contraindications.

How many lumineers should be placed on teeth to create a beautiful smile?

The number of plates depends on how many teeth are visible when smiling and what goals the patient is pursuing. If a person needs to correct the color or shape of only one tooth, then it is not necessary to cover the rest with lumineers - one is enough. Thanks to their exceptional ability to imitate natural tooth enamel, even a single lumineer easily blends in color with the surrounding teeth. How many Lumineers do you need to install to correct the aesthetics of your smile? This parameter is very individual. Sometimes 4 are enough, sometimes 6, or 8 or 10 for the upper teeth. Lumineers can also be installed on the lower teeth, or they can be bleached to match the color of the upper teeth.

Photos before and after dental restoration with lumineers at the Beauty Line clinic


The main advantages of this type of microprostheses are as follows.

  • Safety
    . Due to the very small thickness, there is no need to remove part of the tooth enamel for installation. This means that the teeth remain healthy and vibrant under the lumineers, so they can be removed at any time when needed.
  • Protection
    . The installation technology involves a very tight fit of the lumineers plates to the surface of the enamel, thereby making them an additional protective layer. This ensures that germs cannot penetrate inside the tooth.

    Additional protection is the material used for fastening. It contains a high content of fluoride, which strengthens and heals teeth.

  • Strength

    Photo: smile with lumineers | © elavuk81 / Fotolia

    The material from which the records are made has enormous strength thanks to special technologies and the addition of special strength crystals.

  • Life time
    . Good fastening and durable material can extend the service life to 20 years or more.
  • Natural appearance
    . Ceramics for making lumineers have many shades, and, in addition, it is possible to use special paints to create other shades in order to accurately match the lumineers to the natural color.
  • Painless installation
    . Attaching lumineers does not cause discomfort or pain, since there is no need to grind down the enamel.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost;
  • the impossibility of correcting too noticeable defects.

    Ultrathin and translucent microprostheses are not capable of masking contrast stains, whitening too yellow teeth, etc.;

  • increase in tooth thickness.

    When fixed to large teeth that have not been ground down, the result is poor aesthetics with the effect of “horse” teeth, so lumineers are only suitable for flat and small teeth;

  • risk of caries;
  • gum injuries due to poor installation;
  • difficulty of removal.

Among the advantages, it should be noted that there is no need for turning and the installation procedure is painless.

Additional advantages:

  • long service life.

    Zirconium oxide is the most durable material used in prosthetics;

  • lack of grinding of teeth;
  • painless installation procedure;
  • excellent quality of material.
  • The linings do not change their color and retain their original appearance;

  • reversibility of prosthetics.

    Once the lumineers are removed, the teeth underneath will be able to fully function without the need for onlays.


Lumineers have very few disadvantages, but we need to talk about them.

  • Lumineers are the most expensive microprostheses of all similar ones. This is a consequence, firstly, of a single patent and protected technology, and secondly, of the fact that delivery from the United States is required.
  • If the teeth are initially quite large, after installing the plates they may look a little heavy, despite their very small thickness.
  • Mandatory implementation of all procedures prescribed by a specialist and careful treatment are implied in order for lumineers to serve the required period.

Would you like to see photos of veneers before and after their installation?

Well, here you can find out their prices.

By following this link: - you will find out how to treat stomatitis at home.

How to install

First, preparatory work is carried out - treatment and hygienic cleaning of teeth from plaque. Then they move on to grinding and remove a small layer of enamel from the front surface of the tooth.

On a note!

Theoretically, you can do without grinding your teeth, but in practice this happens quite rarely.

Lumineers are placed on dead teeth at the discretion of the attending physician, since a pulpless, nerveless tooth tends to accelerate destruction.

At the request of the patient, it is possible to produce a wax or electronic model to evaluate the future result of prosthetics. The maximum number of teeth on which lumineers are installed is 20.

The preparation is carried out without anesthesia, as the procedure is painless. Depulpation of the restored teeth is not required, and there is no need to wear temporary structures. Tooth sensitivity increases slightly and goes away quickly.

At the next stage, the casts are sent to America and returned in the form of finished prostheses three weeks later. The patient is invited to the clinic, where the resulting structure is fixed to the teeth using special glue. The fixing adhesive has a special, proprietary composition and contains fluoride for additional protection of the enamel coating of the teeth.

Teeth straightening technology

Installing these plates to straighten teeth involves several steps.

  • At the first visit, mandatory preparation
    . This could be treatment or professional hygiene.
  • Next, you need to make an impression of the patient’s teeth
  • Then the doctor, using 3D computer technology, models the appearance of the smile
    that the patient wants to achieve.
  • After this, you need to wait for the plates to be made according to the impression and for their delivery.
  • Already during the second visit (if there was no need for preliminary treatment), fitting and installation
    using special adhesive compositions.

So what, all these years my teeth will look perfect?

Yes! Lumineers are not subject to discoloration due to food, drinks or simply over time, which, unfortunately, inevitably happens to human teeth. Ceramic plates will remain smooth, white, and beautiful throughout their entire service life.

Lumineers are one of the most interesting and truly useful achievements in aesthetic dentistry. Just imagine - just a month after your first visit to the clinic, you can have a perfect smile that will become your calling card. A great way to give yourself a little more self-confidence, attractiveness and increase self-esteem, isn’t it?

Quick appointment Free consultation

Patient pictures

Photo: smile becomes more attractive

Photo: enamel color problems are solved

Photo: Lumineers as a way to get rid of diastema

Photo: dentists ways to solve any problems of patients

Photo: Lumineers can be placed even in old age

Photo: not only the smile changes

What do patients say?

Almost all reviews about Lumineers are positive. It’s not for nothing that most Hollywood stars use them to give themselves sparkling, snow-white smiles.

If you have already encountered the installation of these microprostheses, then you can share your impressions with the reader in the comments to this article.

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Lumineers: price for 1 tooth and for the entire smile

Write a comment

  • Alice

    February 17, 2015 at 10:19 am

    Oh, what a beauty this is. People’s smiles became positively radiant. The author mentioned the expensive price of luminars, and more specifically, how much it can cost on average. The most interesting thing is that this procedure will become more accessible in a few years. I also think that it protects your teeth, which is undoubtedly a big plus.


    February 18, 2015 at 3:51 am

    Hello Alice. You can learn more about the cost of lumineers from a separate review we prepared, located at the following address:

  • Olga

    July 24, 2016 at 14:00

    Installing lumineers is, of course, an amazing new technology! Allows you to get a Hollywood smile in the shortest possible time and hide all existing imperfections, and what’s more, these plates also protect your teeth from caries. As far as I know, installing lumineers takes very little time and is much safer for teeth than installing veneers, and besides, it seems that you can try to install temporary lumineers first and see how all this beauty will look. The only drawback, in my opinion, is that they sometimes look a little artificial, but this probably depends on the patient’s personal choice.

  • Popova N.

    October 16, 2022 at 9:09 am

    The tooth began to decay, they said it was necessary to do restoration. I didn’t really like the rest of my teeth either - they grow crookedly, the incisors are huge, the neighboring ones are small. And holes between the teeth. I called the dentist and chose Luxnir. They promised that everything would be quick and painless. I just had to leave the country for six months, the time frame was limited. I’ll tell you what happened: an examination + they took impressions of my teeth. Then they were made, when I came for the second time, they had already given me luxeirs! These are the same American Lumineers, but Russian ones, much cheaper. They put a mask on the teeth, anointed it with something cooling, then washed it, anointed it... put these plates on, then lay under the lamp. Everything was fast, I didn’t have time to get tired! It didn't hurt at all! And I was preparing for something terrible))) In general, I recommend it. You kill several birds with one stone. Inexpensive, restoration, perfect and white teeth.

  • Inna

    January 15, 2022 at 15:50

    To be honest, I wouldn’t have decided in life if it weren’t for the wedding! They decided to celebrate it abroad. And everything had to be perfect. The choice was luxnir. The best option, in my opinion. I wanted lumineers, but they were very expensive... I was worried that the teeth wouldn’t look real. But they did everything as it should - a very beautiful natural white color. Overall, they look great! My teeth were also a little chipped on the sides, now everything is straight - great shape! And the price compared to foreign analogues suited me.

  • Zhanna

    February 5, 2022 at 6:51 am

    Since childhood, I hated smiling, now I’m studying at a university, and I decided to take a closer look at my teeth! I read a lot of reviews and information and settled on Luxnir - for me this is the best option. Because Lumineers, whatever one may say, are expensive! At the clinic, during the examination on the first day, impressions were already made. So fast! Then I made an appointment for a second appointment and they immediately installed these pads. Thin and durable. Nothing was ground off the teeth. I was wearing a special mouthguard so that my teeth were as open as possible. The doctor described her actions, but I don’t remember much anymore. When they installed them, they gave me a mirror. And I was stunned by my reflection! Very beautiful. Thank you for your work and this beauty!

  • Manufacturing and installation technology

    In its principle, the installation technology resembles the technology for installing veneers. But the tooth does not need to be drilled or ground, and no anesthesia is required.

    The step-by-step process looks something like this:

    1. At your first visit to the dentist, an initial consultation is carried out .
      The dentist explains to the patient in detail what it is, how the installation takes place and what further care will be required. Then he examines the patient’s oral cavity and makes a conclusion about indications or contraindications for the installation of lumineers. If necessary, complete sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out.
    2. Then a cast is made. The impression is transferred to a computer, after which the patient’s new smile is modeled. All data is transferred to a laboratory located in the USA. It is there that ceramic lumineers will be made according to an individual impression.
    3. When the lumineers are ready and delivered, the patient comes to the doctor a second time to try them on. If everything fits (and lumineers are made so well that, as a rule, everything fits perfectly), the plates are installed .

    The quality of the cement composition with which they are glued plays an important role. The durability and wear resistance of lumineers are primarily determined by the composition of the adhesive, and not by the strength of the ceramic plates themselves.

    That's all - the patient can go home or to work, beaming with a new, truly Hollywood smile. You should be prepared for the fact that about a month will pass between the first and second visit - this is exactly how long it will take for the production and delivery of lumineers.

    Not every doctor can perform a high-quality installation so that the teeth look natural and beautiful, even if he has undergone special training. The most beautiful smiles are obtained only from those specialists who have extensive practical experience in such procedures.

    Watch the video to see the process of installing lumineers.

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