What does Fukortsin help with? Instructions for use

The drug Fukortsin, known to many since childhood, is often called “red brilliant green” in everyday life, because it, like a solution of brilliant green, when used, colors the skin, but not green, but red. We will look at more details about what Fukortsin is, indications for the use of this medicine and restrictions on its use below.

Overdose symptoms

An overdose of Fukortsin can occur due to prolonged use of the solution. In addition, negative effects from use can be observed when treating large areas of skin. These symptoms include the following negative phenomena:

  • attacks of dizziness;
  • increased weakness;
  • breathing problems.

The appearance of such symptoms requires immediate measures to eliminate them. In addition, immediately after their appearance, it is recommended to go out into the fresh air.

Particular attention should be paid to such a nuance as driving a vehicle after applying the solution. In a situation where the medicine is used on large areas of the skin, it is best to refrain from driving

In addition, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require a person to react quickly or have particularly strong concentration in the process.

Instructions for use of Fukortsin, dosage

The solution is applied to the affected areas of the skin using a cotton swab or cotton swab to disinfect the wound surface and dry out weeping erosions.

After the solution has dried, additional medications can be applied to the skin in the form of ointment or paste.

For chickenpox, the use of Fukortsin can effectively combat pustules and promote rapid wound healing. For chickenpox in children, daily treatment of new rashes with a solution is recommended.

special instructions

It is unacceptable to apply the solution to large areas of skin.

Fukortsin can be used for stomatitis, but in the form of spot applications on ulcers and erosions, and not for rinsing.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Fukortsin:

Local reactions: short-term burning sensation and pain at the site of application (goes away on its own and does not require discontinuation of the drug).

Additionally, the following may appear:

  • feeling of skin tightness;
  • dry skin;
  • peeling of the skin at the site of application of the drug.

These effects are due to the drying effect of the drug.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Fukortsin in the following cases:

  • chronic allergic dermatoses,
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the solution.


With prolonged use and application to a large surface area of ​​the body, symptoms of the toxic effects of phenol (dizziness, weakness) may develop.

Side effects

Fukortsin solution can cause various adverse reactions associated with the individual characteristics of the body and the correct use of the drug.

Possible side effects:

  • burning sensation at the application sites;
  • moderate pain;
  • local allergic reactions;
  • intoxication – nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches.

With prolonged exposure to the drug, severe toxic damage and the development of dermatitis of various forms are observed.

Fukortsin method of use for various diseases, dosage and side effects

The medicine is prescribed after consulting a doctor for a long course of treatment or is used independently for preventive purposes with a single wound treatment.
Contraindications for use are pregnancy, early childhood and individual intolerance.

For infectious diseases of the skin, the drug Fukortsin is used, the method of application of which involves external application to the site of a bacterial or fungal infection. Using a clean cotton swab or glass spatula, the solution is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin using pointwise or light linear movements in case of massive infection.

For wounds and abrasions

Fukortsin is applied generously to completely treat the damaged skin surface and left until completely dry. Covering the treated surface with a plaster or bandage is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to a burn to the wound surface.

For erosions, cracks and weeping wounds

Fukortsin is used for a course of up to seven days until complete healing occurs and granulation tissue grows at the site of the pathological focus. It is used as prescribed by a doctor once a day in the evening, the skin area remains uncovered, after drying, an antibacterial ointment, zinc paste or healing cream is applied.

For fungus and lichen

Fukortsin is used throughout the area affected by fungal flora, covering a centimeter from the visible hyperemic edge of the lesion. This prevents the growth of microspores outside the treated surface area.

For herpes

the drug is used precisely on the area of ​​the vesicle, reapplied every four hours, and blocks the proliferation of viruses in the affected area. For chickenpox, it is used in children over three years of age, as well as for herpes infection, it is applied pointwise. If a child experiences hyperemia after applying Fukortsin, it should be replaced with brilliant green or Miramistin.

For stomatitis and damage to mucous membranes

the product is applied to a swab, previously lubricated with sea buckthorn or other type of oil, after which it is applied pointwise to the affected surface. Oil reduces the risk of burns and erosion of the thin mucous membrane by aggressive components of the solution; this method allows you to treat massive volumes of affected tissue.

The dosage of Fukortsin is determined by the attending physician, as a rule, no more than three applications to the skin during the day. The course lasts no more than a week, after which the skin needs a break to restore its protective properties and produce surface enzymes of the epidermis. Fukortsin is available in doses of 10 and 25 ml.

Side effects of the drug include pain and discomfort

directly during the treatment of damaged tissue. This effect is due to the irritating effect on nerve endings located in the layers of the epidermis and dermis. With significant skin lesions and frequent application, Fukortsin can lead to burns, redness, swelling of the surface epithelium and even the development of dermatitis. Urgent discontinuation of the drug and monitoring of treatment by the supervising medical specialist is required.

With extensive application, phenol vapor poisoning is manifested by dizziness, weakness, lethargy, irritation of the conjunctiva of the eye, respiratory failure, and a sharp decrease in pressure. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, ventilate the room, drink cold water, if the symptoms do not stop within 15 minutes, call emergency help.

What is Fukortsin used for?

The pronounced antimicrobial effect allows Fukortsin to be used as a local antiseptic that fights potential infection of wounds and abrasions. In addition, the drug has a fungicidal effect, which means it can prevent the proliferation of fungus. The main purposes of Fukortsin are:

  • purulent wounds;
  • superficial damage to the skin;
  • erosion;
  • abrasion;
  • deep cracks;
  • fungal infection of the epidermis.

Diagnosed streptoderma is treated with the timely use of Fukortsin.

special instructions

The combined antiseptic drug is not used in the treatment of patients under 12 years of age. Due to increased sensitization of the body, many preschool children develop contact dermatitis when the solution is applied to the skin.

Patients with kidney failure should consult a doctor before using Fukortsin. Abuse of an antiseptic can cause accumulation of active substances in soft tissues and the appearance of signs of overdose.

The antimicrobial agent is not used in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases due to the content of acetone and ethanol. If the solution gets into your eyes, rinse the mucous membrane with cold running water.

Gestation and lactation

Fukortsin is not prescribed to patients during pregnancy or breastfeeding, because components of the solution can penetrate the systemic circulation and be excreted in milk.

How to wash Fukortsin

The drug has a rich crimson color, which is not so easy to remove. It gradually fades away on its own, and the color saturation decreases, but what to do if you urgently need to wash furniture or skin from Fukortsin? There are several ways:

  1. Take baby cream and apply it to a cotton pad. Rub the stained area of ​​skin with light movements for a couple of minutes. If this does not help, do the same, but apply lotion or tonic to the cotton wool. Repeat this procedure every few hours.
  2. Mix 1 teaspoon of ammonia and two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide. Dip a piece of cotton swab into this mixture and wipe the stained skin for a couple of minutes. If tingling or burning occurs, shorten the duration of the procedure. Rinse off with warm water.
  3. You can wash Fukortsin from clothes and furniture with laundry soap - lather it and leave for half an hour, and then wash the clothes as usual. In this way, you can try to remove stains on the hands or other parts of the body except the face.
  4. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) removes Fukortsin stains well. Buy vitamin C in powder form at the pharmacy (1 sachet = 2.5 g), dissolve it in water and wash off traces of the drug with this solution.

In pharmacies you can purchase medicines that were well known until recently, but now they are often unfairly forgotten. Such drugs include fucorcin. At a budget price, the drug has decent effectiveness.

Removing stains from fabrics and interior items

After shingles and chickenpox, as a rule, crimson traces remain not only on the body. To remove fucorcin from clothes, bedding, furniture and other surfaces, you can resort to stronger methods: this will help get rid of the stain faster. When choosing the appropriate method, you need to take into account the characteristics of the material from which the product is made.

Clothes and bedding

Store-bought bleaches (Belizna, Bos, Vanish) will cope well with the problem. It is recommended to follow three simple recommendations.

  1. White things. You can try sodium sulfate, but the product must be washed off with plenty of water immediately after applying to the stain: the aggressive formula of the substance quickly destroys the fabric.
  2. Colored things. Judging by the reviews, it quickly removes traces of pink green from Vanish colored products. Other products specifically designed for dyed fabrics will also help remove fucorcin stains from clothes and linen.
  3. Delicate fabrics. To remove pink stains from silk and wool clothes, you can only use commercial stain removers with a gentle formula. The packaging must indicate that the product is suitable for products made from delicate materials.

Cushioned furniture

The easiest way to remove fucorcin from upholstered furniture is with bleach. The algorithm of actions includes three stages.

  1. Prepare a weak solution of bleach.
  2. Use a cotton pad or rag to wipe the stain. Gradually the concentration of the composition can be increased.
  3. After removing contamination, the treatment area should be rinsed with plenty of water.

Acetone can also clean a sofa and other upholstered furniture; you need to work with it in the same way as with bleach.

Cabinet furniture

A simple three-step method will help you quickly remove red stains from furniture.

  1. Apply a little soda ash to a damp sponge.
  2. Rub the stain vigorously and wait a couple of minutes.
  3. Rinse the treated area with clean water.

Soda can be combined with vodka or acetone - this will help get rid of dirt faster. But you should not resort to this method if the contaminated surface is varnished.

Carpets and rugs

Laundry soap and ammonia are an effective tandem that will remove crimson stains from your favorite carpet. Cleansing is carried out in two stages.

  1. Prepare a concentrated solution of laundry soap by adding a little ammonia.
  2. The composition is applied to the dirt, after two to three minutes it is washed off with plenty of water.


If fucorcin is spilled on linoleum, you need to apply sodium sulfite to the stain, quickly wipe the stain with a brush and immediately rinse with water. A bleach solution will also work.

Acrylic and wood surfaces

Acrylic bathtubs, toilets, and sinks can be easily cleaned of traces of red paint using acetone or nail polish remover containing the substance. To avoid damaging the wooden surface, it is best to use commercial cleaning products for wood products. Well proven:

  • Emsal;
  • "Pine";
  • Wood cleaner;
  • Pramol.

Before removing a stain, you should apply the product to an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric or surface to be cleaned to check whether the composition will not spoil the appearance or structure of the material.

If you find a crimson spot on your skin on the eve of going out, do not refuse the long-awaited invitation. When you see that a child has spilled a bottle of fucorcin on a new sofa, do not scold the child. After all, proven methods will always help you wash off the red green stuff from your face and body, clothes and bed linen, furniture, and floors.

Characteristics of the drug

Fukortsin solution is a combination drug that is intended to combat fungal infections. The medicine is used exclusively for external application. The medication has excellent antimicrobial and fungicidal effects.

The Fukortsin solution for nail fungus is used extremely effectively. Reviews from people show that this medicine is no less successful in eliminating cracks, wounds, erosions, and abrasions on the surface of the skin.

The excellent antiseptic “Fukortsin” owes its positive effect on the body to its unique composition:

  1. Acetone. The component perfectly disinfects the affected surface. It provides a drying effect.
  2. Boric acid. The substance has earned the reputation of a powerful antiseptic. It is this component that effectively fights various types of fungus.
  3. Resorcinol. The ingredient has keratolytic properties. Thanks to this property, this substance protects healthy tissues from the spread of infection. It stimulates cell regeneration.

The combined antiseptic has a pungent, pungent odor. The active ingredient phenol gives this aroma to the medicine. Due to the fuchsin content, the Fukortsin solution has a rich red color. When the medication gets on fabric it leaves extremely unpleasant stains that cannot be washed off.

The drug can be prescribed by a mycologist even to children. However, the solution can only be used after consultation with a specialist.

special instructions

Interaction with other drugs is unknown
. That is why it is not recommended to use other drugs while using this medicine.

If this is still necessary, you should consult a specialist.

The product is stored in a cool, dark place out of reach of children. The solution should be used only for its intended purpose. Do not use too much of the drug, as it dries the skin and can lead to peeling.

There is no need to wait for recovery after the first application of the drug

. Recovery occurs gradually with regular use of the product for several days.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

The medicine is available without a prescription. The drug can be purchased at any specialized institution or in city pharmacies. The solution must be stored in the original orange bottle. It is forbidden to pour liquid into other vessels and containers due to the high susceptibility of the drug to sunlight.

The solution must be stored in a dark place at room temperature no higher than 25 0C. Shelf life – 24 months from the date of manufacture. It is prohibited to use the product after the expiration date.

Dosage regimen

The disinfecting solution is intended for local and external use. In case of infectious inflammation of the skin, it is recommended to lubricate the affected areas with the medicine no more than 3 times a day. In case of mechanical damage to the integrity of the epidermis, Fukortsin is used to treat the wound 2-3 times a day, and to prevent post-traumatic infection - once a day.

For ulceration of the oral mucosa, it is recommended to apply 2-3 times a day. To prevent irritation, it is advisable to dilute the solution with boiled water in a ratio of 1:3. A cotton swab is soaked in the liquid and applied to the affected area for 15-20 seconds.

Indications and instructions for use

Fukortsin solution has the following indications for use:

  • purulent rashes;
  • fungal diseases;
  • mechanical damage to the skin.

Fucarcin liquid, instructions for children state that the solution is used to treat any type of skin damage. Since this remedy has an antiseptic effect, the use of the medicine helps prevent the development of inflammatory processes, as well as protect the child from infection. In addition, the medicine can be used to treat infected lesions. The use of Fukortsin will speed up the regeneration process, as well as eliminate inflammation and suppuration.

This means that the medicine can be used if any tumors or injuries occur. This product is great for children, as it accelerates the healing process of abrasions, burst calluses, and squeezed purulent pimples. In addition, the solution can be used to treat conditions such as prickly heat, allergic rashes, dermatitis and eczema, which often affect infants.

Fukortsin solution is used in cases where there is a need to dry the lesions, as well as to prevent the occurrence of inflammation and infection. The medicine is applied only to damaged areas of the skin or areas of inflammation. For application, you can use either cotton swabs or a special dispenser located on the lid of the bottle. Experts recommend using the solution three times a day. The maximum recommended dose is five applications in one day.

If you want to use this composition in combination with other external agents, then initially treatment is carried out only with Fucoricin. Then, after the liquid has completely dried, you can use other means. The medication should be used until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely. Doctors say that there is no specific duration of the course. Each disease must be considered individually.

It is very important to use the product correctly. It is forbidden to dip an already used cotton swab or cotton swab into the bottle.

Such actions may lead to contamination of the entire composition.

Before using the solution, it can be poured into a small container. It is advisable to use disposable dishes, since it is quite problematic to wash the container from the solution. After this, the composition is applied to the skin using various devices. After the treatment procedure, the remaining solution must be poured out. All of the above actions must be carried out before each treatment.

Application of Fukortsin to damaged skin may be accompanied by itching and burning sensations. These symptoms are observed within a few minutes after applying the medicine. If symptoms do not disappear within five minutes, this may indicate the development of an allergic reaction. In such a situation, it is recommended to wash off the composition and use special allergy medications.

Unlike brilliant green, Fukortsin is applied only to areas of skin damage. This rule of use is dictated by the fact that one of the components of the drug is toxic.

A high concentration of phenol in the bloodstream can cause feelings of weakness, attacks of dizziness and breathing problems.

The peculiarity of this product is that one of the components acts as a dye. In this regard, its contact with clothing and the surface of furniture can lead to staining. The medicine is quite difficult to wash off, so you need to use the drug with great care.

Fukortsin or brilliant green for chickenpox

With chickenpox, treating blisters on the body has a special meaning. Chickenpox is a type of herpes virus that causes a rash all over the body. Doctors do not recommend getting the affected areas of the body wet, which means the patient should not wash during the entire period of illness, which can last up to 14 days. The patient is considered infectious as long as new lesions of the rash appear on his body. As soon as the rash stops appearing, make a mark on the calendar and count another 5 days, after which the patient with chickenpox can return to the team.

Zelenka, like Fukortsin, in addition to drying out sores, preventing a secondary infection from joining, serves as a kind of marker for a previously appeared rash. The absence of uncolored bubbles will indicate that the disease is receding.

The child, reacting to the itching that often accompanies the chickenpox rash, tries to scratch it, breaking the tightness of the ulcers. Dirt and infection can quickly get into a torn wound, which will cause suppuration and other complications. Fukortsin, like brilliant green, does an excellent job of disinfecting. What color the patient will be after treatment is a decisive factor influencing the choice between the two drugs. Both brilliant green and Fukortsin are difficult to wash off from the skin.

Cleaning furniture, clothing and leather from Fukortsin

Since this product has a coloring effect, the question of how to wash Fukortsin is quite popular. In order to remove it from the skin, you can use the following recipes.

To prepare the cleanser, you will need a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The proportions of the ingredients are two to three. This mixture cleanses only those areas of the skin that have been affected by the coloring composition. After using the product, it is recommended to rinse the painted area with warm water.

You can also add crushed soap to the above mixture. This composition should have a mushy consistency. Once prepared, apply it to the stained skin and leave for five minutes. After this, the product can be washed off with water.

For cleaning, you can use various alcohols, as well as vodka. After cleaning, the skin should be washed in hot water using laundry soap.

People often open bottles that are difficult to open with their teeth, which can lead to the appearance of burgundy stains on the enamel. In order to get rid of them, you need to prepare the following mixture. Table soda is mixed with lemon juice, after which the teeth are brushed with this solution. Using this method allows you to get rid of unwanted stains in a few minutes.

To remove the composition from synthetic clothing, it is enough to wash it in hot water with laundry soap. Cotton and other natural fabrics require a more careful approach. To clean them, you can use a solution based on ammonia and soap. The mixture is applied to the painted areas, and after fifteen minutes it is washed off with water.

Also, to remove paint stains, you can use a special stain remover from. Apply the product to clothing until the paint is completely dissolved. After this, the laundry must be washed.

Another way to get rid of stains is to use toothpaste. It is applied to the dyed fabric and then left until completely dry. After the paste has dried, the painted areas are treated with laundry soap and washed in hot water. This measure allows you to carefully clean natural fabrics from dye.

To clean furniture, use: bleach, aspirin or salicylic acid. The method of using these tools is quite simple. Chlorine-based bleach is diluted in water, after which the resulting liquid is treated with the painted surface. Acetylsalicylic acid in tablet form must be dissolved in one glass of water before use. After this, the solution is applied to the painted furniture.

Adverse reactions

Sometimes, if the solution is abused, inflammation of the treated areas of the skin may occur, accompanied by burning or itching. A similar effect is achieved by prolonged contact of the epidermis with the active substance. Treatment of adverse reactions is symptomatic:

  • Wash off excess solution from skin using soap and running water.
  • Apply a cream containing dexpanthenol to the skin, excluding the wound itself.
  • Stop using Fukortsin.

Indications for use

An antiseptic solution is used externally to prevent septic inflammation, as well as to accelerate the processes of epithelial regeneration. The conditions for prescribing an antimycotic and antimicrobial drug are:

  • abrasions and scratches;
  • shallow cuts;
  • microcracks in the skin;
  • erosion;
  • microbial eczema;
  • aphthae on the oral mucosa;
  • furunculosis;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • purulent inflammation of the skin;
  • sycosis;
  • mycosis of the skin;
  • nail candidiasis.

As part of polytherapy, Fukortsin is used in the treatment of dermatopathologies caused by epidermophytons, trichophytons and other types of dermatomycetes.

pharmachologic effect

The tool is aimed at:

  • antifungal effect,
  • antiseptic effect,
  • acts as a disinfectant.


The active ingredients provide the drug with antiseptic properties. The action of the medicine is effective in the fight against microbes and fungi.


How the body reacts to the ingredients of the product and how it removes them - such research has not been carried out. Preparation for external use.

It is assumed that its action is limited and occurs at the site of application to the surface of the skin

It is only known that phenol has the ability to enter the bloodstream, which gives recommendations for more careful use of the product


There are no complete analogues of the solution in composition.

However, according to the therapeutic effect and pharmacological group, the drug can be replaced with the following medications:

  • Diamond solution (brilliant green). Antiseptic, effective against gram-positive bacteria. Price – from 30 to 72 rubles.
  • Iodine. An antiseptic agent used to treat wounds and fungal infections of the skin. Price – from 30 to 37 rubles.
  • Chlorophyllipt is an antimicrobial and antiparasitic agent. Cost per bottle (100 ml) – from 150 to 250 rubles.
  • Acerbine is a local ointment with disinfectant and antiseptic properties. Price (80 ml) – from 420 to 450 rubles.
  • Salicylic-zinc paste with Levomycetin is an ointment for external use that exhibits keratolytic and antiseptic effects. Price (10%, 20 g) – 70-90 rub.
  • Fucaseptol is a solution with antimicrobial and disinfectant effects. Price (10 ml) – 150 rub.
  • Sangviritrin liniment is a local antimicrobial agent. Price – 190-210 rubles.

When selecting an analogue, the tolerability of the components of the product and the presence of contraindications are taken into account. It is prohibited to independently replace or use other medications with similar effects without first consulting a doctor.

Drug analogues

If you cannot find the drug in the pharmacy, it is recommended to pay attention to analogues that have a similar effect and a high degree of effectiveness:

  • Iodine solution.
  • Zelenka.
  • Yox.
  • Cameton.
  • Lugol's solution with glycerin.
  • Bonaderm.
  • Kutasept.
  • Ascosept.

These drugs are used to treat lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. Before using them, you must read the instructions and possible contraindications.

Fukortsin solution is a medical preparation that has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect.

. This product is widely used to treat mechanical damage to the skin, scratches and abrasions, as well as for fungus and purulent inflammation. Let's take a closer look at what Fukortsin is needed for.

To consider what Fukortsin is, you need to look at the release form of the drug. Quite often, this medicine is called brilliant green - red, because both solutions have the same properties. To date, the drug Fukortsin is manufactured only in the form of a solution.

This mixture has a burgundy hue and has a characteristic alcoholic odor. The medicine is packaged in glass containers with volumes of ten, fifteen and twenty-five milliliters. Depending on the manufacturer, a special dispenser or brush may be included with the medicine for convenient use of the medicine.

Fukortsin is a disinfectant and antiseptic for external use.

Among the ingredients in the mixture, the following active components should be highlighted:

  • magenta;
  • resorcinol;
  • boric acid.

In addition, the medicine contains products such as acetone, distilled water and ethanol. The container into which this product is bottled is colored dark orange. This measure allows you to reduce the effect of ultraviolet rays on the drug. In this regard, the medicine must be stored away from sunlight. The recommended storage temperature is twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Fukortsin - analogues

Fukortsin is an alcoholic antiseptic solution, which has no analogues in terms of its complex of active ingredients. At the same time, based on the therapeutic effect of the drug, you can find many substitute drugs that can be used for the same indications as Castellani liquid. Let us list some analogues of Fukortsin, which are also available in the form of external solutions:

  • Diamond Green;
  • Methylene blue;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Saledez;
  • Fucaseptol;
  • iodine, etc.

Fukortsin colorless

Due to the fact that Fukortsin is a red coloring solution, it is very noticeable on the skin and is difficult to wash off. This is a significant drawback of the drug. An alternative could be a similar preparation with identical properties, which has the same composition, but without the inclusion of fuchsin, which gives the solution its color. Colorless Fukortsin is produced in some pharmacies upon request.

Fukortsin or brilliant green - which is better?

Zelenka (brilliant green solution) is a common drug that, similar to Castellani’s liquid, is used for skin lesions, purulent-inflammatory tissue lesions, etc. It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the two drugs - Fukortsin or Zelenka - is more effective, because The effectiveness of drugs is determined by various factors: the type of pathogen, the severity of the lesion, the individual reaction of the body to the components of the drug, etc. However, we note that in terms of antifungal activity, brilliant green is inferior to Fukortsin.

Recommendations for use

Treatment of nail fungus with Fukortsin does not cause any particular difficulties. In the first stages of the lesion, the disease can be eliminated exclusively with the above solution. But if the pathology is advanced, then the mycologist will recommend complex therapy.

To ensure effective treatment of nail fungus, you must adhere to the following rules:

Before applying the product, it is necessary to properly prepare the affected nails. Initially, take a bath for your hands or feet (depending on the damage). To provide an antiseptic effect, you can add herbs, sea salt or soap to the water. After the bath, you need to cut your nails short. Finally, the plate is carefully processed with a nail file. This manipulation will ensure deeper penetration of the drug into the affected area. The lid of the Fukortsin bottle is equipped with a special stick designed to facilitate application of the product

If the applicator is difficult to use, you can use regular ear sticks instead. Carefully apply the solution to the damaged plate. Try not to touch healthy skin, as the medicine has the ability to change skin tone. When applying, avoid the possibility of the solution getting on the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes.

The medicine can cause instant burns. Depending on the stage of spread of the fungus, the doctor will determine the duration and frequency of use of the product. For mild cases, it is recommended to use the solution 2 times a day. If the lesion has reached a serious extent, then four times a day is prescribed. This therapy is maintained for 4 weeks. If necessary, it can be extended, but only on the recommendation of a mycologist.

Indications for use

The instructions provide an impressive list of pathologies for which the Fukortsin solution can come to the rescue.

Indications for use of this product:

  1. Skin lesions of a traumatic nature: splinters, cuts, cracks, wounds, abrasions.
  2. Bacterial inflammation: furunculosis, pyoderma, weeping wounds, pustulosis, pemphigoid, streptoderma.
  3. Fungal infection: onychomycosis, mycosis, trichophytosis, epidermophytosis, lichen, superficial candidiasis.
  4. Diseases accompanied by a rash: chickenpox, herpes, acne, urticaria, vesiculosis.
  5. Damage to the mucous membranes: stomatitis, erosions, roseola, aphthous stomatitis.

As you can see, the Fukortsin solution is used for a wide variety of diseases. Indications for the use of the drug are very extensive. This makes the medicine one of the most sought-after drugs.

Features of the drug

The drug acts in the following directions:

  • disinfection (antiseptic),
  • prevention and destruction of fungal infections.

The product has a specific smell and a pronounced crimson color. Among analogue drugs, fucorcin has a wide spectrum of action, and the drug is quite effective.

Along with the advantages, there is also a certain point that obliges users to exercise caution when treating with the drug. The ingredient phenol, if released into the blood, can cause a toxic reaction. Therefore, do not use the medicine on large surfaces or open wounds.

Fukortsin as a drug is discussed in this video:

Dosage forms and prices

The drug is a solution. Manufacturers produce the product in dark glass bottles of different capacities: 10 ml and 25 ml.

The drug has an average cost of 75 rubles per 25 ml bottle.

Release forms and composition of the drug

The drug is available in the form of an antiseptic solution that is dark red in color. Fukortsin is bottled in glass bottles with a nominal volume of 10, 15 and 25 ml.

The vials with the solution are equipped with a special dispenser, which is necessary for uniform application and distribution of the product over the skin. Some medical companies produce a solution in the form of a pencil for spot application with a volume of 10 ml.

Fukortsin, the instructions for use of which indicate that the drug has a specific color and odor, has the following chemical composition:

  • phenol – organic compound;
  • boric acid solution;
  • resorcinol;
  • coloring element – ​​magenta main.

Auxiliary components include acetone, ethyl alcohol (95%), purified water.

Interaction with other drugs

To avoid allergic reactions, it is necessary to avoid the simultaneous use of fucorcin with other drugs containing boric acid, phenol, and this also applies to hormonal drugs. Examples of drugs not indicated for simultaneous use are:


The medicine Fukortsin has a complex effect. When used correctly, you can get rid of not only scratches, abrasions and wounds, but also chicken pox and even stomatitis. Before using the product, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for use and possible contraindications.

Drug interactions

Fukortsin, the instructions for use of which indicate that combined use with other drugs may cause undesirable reactions, is prescribed only after consultation with a specialist.

In cases of taking other medications, the patient should inform the doctor about this fact, since the simultaneous use of topical antifungal agents with the solution is strictly prohibited. The combined use of Fukortsin and Clotrimazole may lead to unwanted side reactions. Do not use the solution during therapy with Griseofulvin or corticosteroid drugs.

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