Xiaomi electric toothbrushes: comparison of main models and their characteristics

The Chinese are enslaving the market of “smart things”: in the vastness of online stores you can find many gadgets for controlling home life, from a universal IR remote control to a socket extender that can be controlled using a smartphone.

All these devices have one thing in common. All of them are produced by the Xiaomi brand.

Now my home has become a little smarter: I am holding a Xiaomi Mijia Electric Toothbrush in my hands. Let's see if you can use it to send an SMS or post a photo of your tongue on Insta.

Now I'll just update the firmware.

Xiaomi brand history

This company1 appeared not so long ago, in 2010, but today its products are widely represented in 80 countries around the world. All products have a recognizable Mi or MI logo, which the representatives of the manufacturing company themselves decipher as mobile Internet, because the first thing they began to create were smartphones and intelligent equipment, whose full-fledged operation today is impossible without an Internet connection. The mission of the company's employees is to bring unique products to the end consumer at affordable prices, allow them to enjoy innovative technologies and make life easier, better and more interesting.

The official international name of the Chinese brand is Xiaomi, however, when pronounced and written in Russian, you can hear many different interpretations: “Xiaomi”, “Haomi”, “Xiaomi”, “Xiomi”. If you come across one of them on the Internet, keep in mind that they are one and the same.

The company is constantly improving, it has fans all over the world who create entire forums for communication and sharing experiences in using certain gadgets. And even moreover, most employees came to work for Xiaomi precisely because they love the products of this brand, i.e. This is truly a team of like-minded people. Today, Xiaomi is the 4th largest smartphone brand in the world, while the company has created its own consumer IoT platform, to which more than 150.9 million smart devices are connected (excluding smartphones and laptops). For example, home security cameras, smart watches, table lamps, even water filters and much, much more.

Fearlessness in testing new ideas and pushing the boundaries of what is possible is what makes this brand's products, including electric toothbrushes, so unique.

The principle of operation of Xiaomi brushes

The product manufacturer emphasizes that daily brushing of teeth should not become something insignificant or boring for us, because our daily life will depend on how well we do it. It is important to develop a good habit and learn to receive positive emotions from the process so that your teeth are cleaner, healthier and more beautiful. And Mi electric toothbrushes will help with this, facilitating more thorough and gentle cleaning of the oral cavity due to the smart technologies programmed into them.

Each Xiaomi electric toothbrush model is equipped with a sonic motor with magnetic levitation, which allows for more than 31,000 vibrations per minute. In this case, the power is transferred to the head, which makes teeth cleaning better and more productive even when you simply bring the device to the enamel, but do not have a significant impact on it, i.e. don't press. Another feature is that the brush head does not rotate, but vibrates.

On a note! Xiaomi brushes belong to the sonic class, so compared to ultrasonic brushes (which have more than 100 million vibrations per minute) and classic electric brushes (where the head simply moves), they do their job more carefully. In addition, they do not make as much noise, but only produce a faint but not annoying buzzing sound. Suitable for children, the elderly, people with sensitive enamel and even those who have artificial crowns or braces installed.

User reviews about Xiaomi Soocare X3

Anastasia, has been using Xiaomi Soocare X3 for 2 months:

  • What I liked: good quality of teeth cleaning and whitening.
  • What I didn’t like: it took me a long time to get used to.

“I bought the device after reading reviews. This is the first electric toothbrush I've ever used, but it won't be the last. It took me about 3 weeks to get used to it. I even thought about quitting, because at first there was severe discomfort, but I was very pleased with the result from the very first day. The quality of cleaning is excellent, so it’s worth being patient.”

Oleg, has been using the brush for 4 months:

  • What I liked: design, low price, results.
  • What I didn’t like: mobile application.

“I decided to buy Xiaomi Soocare X3 after watching a YouTube video about it. I’ve been using electric toothbrushes for 10 years, so it didn’t take me long to get used to. On the contrary, this one cleans more softly than simple ones with rotating heads, but more effectively. The mobile application seemed inconvenient - there is a lot of unnecessary stuff in it and it does not save settings. But perhaps I haven’t fully figured it out, I can manage without it.”

Buy a brush

Design features of Xiaomi brushes

Special bristles and small head

Very dense bristles (40% denser than devices with a similar head size) were created by the American company DuPont and attached to the base using a special technology, due to which dirt does not get between them, and the device is considered more environmentally friendly, healthy and safe. Each bristle is smoothly polished and rounded at the end - this makes cleaning safe, you will not damage or scratch your tooth enamel or injure your gums.

Using an electric toothbrush incorrectly can harm your teeth. To prevent this from happening to you, read the article on the topic: how to properly brush your teeth with an electric brush.


Everyone can choose exactly the mode that suits them best. This can be a standard, “gentle” (gentle) or individual mode. In the latter case, you need to connect your phone to an application in which you can set individual parameters, for example, time and pressure. Also in the application, you can enter data about the products you eat, your diet, your habits - then the program will offer you settings and programs, among which you can choose the ones that best suit your needs or daily habits.

“I have an electric toothbrush Xiomi, I really like that it has an individual mode. Just don’t be alarmed: when it turns on for the first time, it will automatically tune in to beginner mode and offer to brush your teeth in it several times first. He will, as it were, study the features of your cleaning, your needs and then allow you to switch to other modes. This is cool! I’ve been using it for six months now and never tire of being surprised by new things!”

Gele, fragment of review from otzovik.com

High precision acceleration sensor

It is built into the handle of the device and allows you to determine how effectively you brush your teeth, whether you remove plaque and dirt from all areas equally well, or whether there are areas that you miss. The sensor analyzes the statistics of your daily cleanings, their duration, coverage, creates graphs for the week, for the month - all this can be tracked and analyzed through a special application downloaded to the phone. The device communicates with the phone via Bluetooth.

Long operating period after recharging

One recharge is enough for 18 days of work - and this is the minimum; depending on the model, the period can be much longer. Thus, the most advanced models work up to 60 days without recharging. All this is possible thanks to the built-in lithium battery of Mi Electric Toothbrush, which has a long service life. Moreover, on your phone you can control the battery power level, for example, decrease or increase it, in order to prevent the device from being unable to complete its work at the appointed time.

Mi Electric Toothbrush USB port

You can even charge your smart accessory from your computer.

IPX waterproof housing

If your device has an IPX7 housing (or in the most advanced models IPX8), then according to the manufacturer, it can be placed in water to a depth of about 1 meter and still not worry about its functionality being impaired for about half an hour. However, it’s still not worth experimenting; you don’t need to take the device into the bathroom or use it in the shower, because... Unlike water, steam and gas molecules, which are formed from high temperatures, can penetrate unnoticed into a sealed housing.

Anti-slip handle

It will be unpleasant if the device jumps out of wet hands during oral hygiene and gets damaged by hitting the bottom of the bathroom, sink or floor. However, this will not happen with the Xiaomi electric toothbrush, because... the manufacturer has provided textured ledges, bumps and lines on the back of its handle.

Smart charging dock

You brushed your teeth and carelessly installed the device on the base, but in the end it did not recharge? Now this is not a problem, in the case of the Xiaomi electric toothbrush this is not a problem, which is confirmed by the reviews of its satisfied owners, because it will automatically adjust to the desired position even if you place it at an angle or not securely.

Changeable color ring

If you buy brushes from this brand for the whole family, then you don’t have to worry that they will all be the same. On each of them you can install a ring that distinguishes it from the rest by color. This will help you not to get confused about where and whose device is.

Important! For Russians, the Xiaomi electric toothbrush can only be purchased on online platforms. However, reviews from some users indicate that becoming the proud owner of an original Mi gadget is not so easy, because... As a result, the product either does not arrive from China, or a fake arrives. Fortunately, today there are official representative companies, for example, Xiacom2, which are aimed at expanding the brand’s coverage area in Russia and can advise the buyer on different models.

How does a sonic toothbrush work?

An electromagnet built into the handle acts as a generator of oscillatory waves of sound frequency, which causes the bristles of the toothbrush head to oscillate at a high frequency (vibrate). We already said above that the bristles can make up to 62,000 movements per minute. You should not make any movements with the handle of the sonic toothbrush other than moving it along the teeth. The vibrations of the bristles resemble small sweeping movements that occur from the gum to the tooth and back.

Cleaning teeth from plaque occurs through 2 processes. Firstly, the moving bristles mechanically scrape off microbial plaque from the surface of the teeth (in the same way as a manual toothbrush does). Secondly, high-frequency vibrations of the bristles lead to a dynamic flow of oral fluid, which at this moment consists of water, saliva, toothpaste and air bubbles. The manufacturer notes that this flow even cleans interdental spaces well.

Because Since the bristles of the sonic brush do not penetrate into the interdental spaces, the latter are cleaned remotely - precisely due to the pulsating flow of liquid enriched with air bubbles. When the bubbles burst, their energy is released (hydrodynamic shocks occur), which disrupt the attachment of a colony of soft plaque bacteria to the surface of the teeth. And here we don’t want to deceive anyone, but the fact is that plaque from the interdental spaces is not 100% removed (details below).

What do bristle vibrations look like in air and water?

In video 1 you can see the oscillatory movements of the bristles (vibration). Video 2 will be more indicative, in which, when the nozzle is immersed in water, we can already see the same dynamic flow of liquid with microbubbles. Naturally, we will not see such a powerful dynamic flow in the oral cavity, because... The volume of liquid when brushing your teeth will always be significantly less.

How a sonic toothbrush works (videos 1 and 2) –

Efficiency of plaque removal with a sonic brush –

And here we move on to the most interesting part, and we will justify this with independent research. The most interesting study: “Efficacy of Dynamic Sonic Toothbrush Fluid on Human Dental Plaque Removal” by Stanford CM, et al. (the original reads “Efficacy of the Sonicare Toothbrush Fluid Dynamic Action on Removal of Human Supragingival Plaque”). And let's see what was discovered.

In those places where the bristles of a sonic toothbrush directly touch the surface of the teeth, 96 to 100% of soft microbial plaque is removed. If the contact between the sonic toothbrush and the enamel surface lasted for at least 5 seconds, 95% of the plaque was removed. If the contact time was 10 seconds or more, almost all of the plaque was removed. The effectiveness of plaque removal was assessed under an electron microscope!

But most of all we are interested in the effectiveness of cleaning interdental spaces with a dynamic flow of liquid. We have already said above that the dynamic flow is created due to the high-speed movement of the bristles, which forcefully push out the liquid. Removal of dental plaque thus occurs - 1) the flow puts pressure on the soft microbial plaque, displacing it, i.e. disrupting its attachment, 2) bursting bubbles create hydrodynamic shocks, which also violate the integrity of dental plaque.

The study showed that dynamic flow can be effective up to 3mm (inclusive) from the tips of the sonic toothbrush bristles. If the distance from the tips of the bristles to the tooth surface was 2 mm, the dynamic flow of liquid with microbubbles led to the removal of 65% of plaque (if the toothbrush was held for at least 5 seconds). Under all the same conditions, but at a distance of 3 mm, only 58% of plaque was removed, and at a distance of 4 mm, slightly above 0%.

Review of varieties of Xiaomi electric brushes

As you already understand, the company’s products are distinguished by fairly high functionality and smart filling, which is why people around the world choose them. However, the brand presents a variety of models, and it is difficult to immediately determine what exactly you like the most. We present you an overview that will help you find your ideal assistant for high-quality, daily and enjoyable oral care.

Xiaomi Soocare Soocas X3

The review of Xiaomi electric toothbrushes should start with the classic Soocas X3 model, which can be the first electric brush in your life if you have only used mechanical ones before. It has medium-hard bristles and a long battery life without recharging - about 22 days. This smart device vibrates at a frequency of up to 37,200 vibrations per minute, which allows you to effectively remove plaque and food debris not only from the surface of the enamel, but also from the interdental spaces.

The standard kit includes one removable Soocare Clean base head for daily use. But if you wish, you can also additionally purchase other attachments for your Xiaomi electric toothbrush: Soocare Inter (suitable for sensitive enamel and inflammation of the gums) and Soocare Mini (for whitening enamel).

On a note! Soocare X3, like all other models from Xiaomi, is equipped with a smart sensor head (6 sensors are built into it), which prevents the paste from splashing on the device when it is turned on until it is in the mouth, and also stops vibrating and gives a signal if you stay in one area for too long (more than 30 seconds).

Soocare X3 operates in four modes: initial, sensitive, standard and individual. The first one is suitable for beginners and those with sore gums. The second will safely remove plaque from sensitive enamel. The third is used on an ongoing basis by those who have healthy teeth and gums. And the fourth mode is suitable for advanced users who themselves want to create an individual oral cleaning program. To start the individual mode, just download the special Soocas program for Andriod or iOS via Google Play.

Through the application you can also launch programs that offer you enhanced enamel whitening, tongue cleaning or gum massage. Through the application, it is also convenient to update the brush firmware and keep an individual diary of the effectiveness of your daily cleanings - for each cleaning the program will assign points, by which you will understand whether you should strengthen your hygiene even more or, conversely, you should be more careful.

Cost – from 2700 rubles.

Mijia Sound Wave Electric Toothbrush

This model is similar in characteristics to Soocas X3, but it also has differences: there are only three modes - soft, standard and individual. It is better to start using it with the most gentle soft mode. The number of vibrations reaches 31,000 times per minute. True, some Internet users note that even the softest mode will initially surprise you with a whole range of sensations: it will not be discomfort, but a tickling sensation, some even compare it to a stone crusher and claim that the device wakes you up in the morning better than an alarm clock. However, everything here is individual; in the end, users get used to the vibrations and are satisfied with the purchase, and then they begin to experiment with the modes.

The device lasts for 1-1.5 months of use without recharging, provided that you brush your teeth twice a day for 2 standard minutes. All this is because it has a fairly powerful battery – 770mAh. You can also use different removable attachments for it, however, the kit includes only one standard one with medium-hard bristles, the rest must be purchased via the Internet - their cost is about 400 rubles per piece. You also need to be prepared for the fact that the nozzle will have to be changed once every 90 days - it is during this period of time that it will wear out and become unsafe for the oral cavity. However, if you install a smart application, you won’t even have to remember and calculate when you need to change the nozzle, because... The device itself will tell you about this.

Cost – from 2500 rubles.

Xiaomi Oclean One Toothbrush

The most advanced model that has a waterproof speaker and can “speak”. Using the application, you can record your voice or favorite music onto the device, which will accompany you during oral hygiene. There are 4 cleaning modes and 2 replaceable attachments included - both of them are basic, suitable for daily cleaning. For teeth whitening and for sensitive enamel, you need to purchase separately. Also included is a storage case and magnetic charger.

Oclean One will delight you with accelerated charging - a full charge will take only 3.5 hours, and a long period of battery life - up to 60 days without recharging. The frequency of sound vibrations is 42,000 beats per minute. If you install the application on your phone for an individual cleaning mode, you can use about 12 individual programs and 72 free basic settings.

Cost – from 4000 rubles.

Have you read the review but still can’t decide which electric toothbrush to buy? Continue reading this article for some helpful tips on how to choose a good electric toothbrush for an adult.

Through the application you can update the brush firmware or enable add-ons

All data is displayed on the smartphone, in a special application for controlling almost all Xiaomi gadgets, which can be used.

I was especially pleased with the ability to share statistics using social networks or WeChat. I can just imagine bragging to my colleagues that I brush my teeth not only every day, but also twice – in the morning and in the evening, looool.

But seriously, in the application you can activate an additional 30-second teeth whitening mode .

I honestly activated it, but I haven’t felt the effect yet. Let's see - either my teeth will fall off, or I will sparkle with a Hollywood smile.

Appearance of electric brushes for adults

Depending on the chosen model, it will differ:

  • MiJia: matte, white. The panel has one rubberized convex oval button and 5 color indicators. In the off mode, all components of the body merge with each other and are quite difficult to see. The only thing bright about it is the color of the bristles, they are blue. There are pimples on the back of the handle that provide an anti-slip effect.
  • Soocas X3: black or white, matte. The golden control button stands out brightly and beautifully on it; when turned on, the LED indicators are also activated - there are only 5 of them on the panel,
  • Oclean One: Has a crisp white color and a silver finish, glossy. It has a white round control button slightly recessed inside the device, and there are also four color indicators.

Xiaomi for children

The Chinese brand also presents a very cute model for children, and it is suitable for both boys and girls. It's called Soocas C1 for Kids. The head of this brush is small and the bristles are soft. It has a rubberized body, made in several variations: in soft blue tones or yellow (depending on which one you order). There are two replaceable panels: the blue one has a bunny as its main character, and the yellow one has a little man. According to the manufacturers, one panel will appeal to boys, for example, on the model in blue, it shows a bunny dressed in a blue jumpsuit, and the second panel is for girls - it shows a bunny in a red suit.

Choose an electric brush for your child according to his age and preferences. Then the process of oral hygiene will turn into an interesting and desirable activity, and we will help you approach the selection process wisely.

To get kids excited about the process of daily brushing their teeth, the manufacturer suggests installing a special application in which the main character is a hare or rabbit. He will brush his teeth on the phone screen just like your baby, and after the procedure he will advance along the travel map and receive a pleasant bonus in the form of fruit.

On a note! A particularly sensitive touch sensor is built into the Soocas C1 for Kids head, which causes it to slow down or stop completely if there is excessive pressure on the enamel from the child.

The brush is made of environmentally friendly and safe plastic, which is easy to clean, hypoallergenic, does not absorb odors and does not emit toxins. The device has a minimum vibration power, the teeth brushing time is standard - programmed for 2 minutes, as for adults. There are two operating modes - training and standard. The battery is fully charged in 12 hours, and then the smart device can last up to 20 days without recharging.

Cost – from 2200 rubles.

Xiaomi Oclean X Smart Sonic Tootbrush

The most modern and progressive gadget of today's top. The brush is smart, synchronized with a smartphone (there is an Oclean application). The main feature of the device is the presence of a touch display. This was not the case in earlier models. The display shows information about:

  • date and time;
  • weather;
  • current operating mode;
  • remaining charge.

Use the display to switch the toothbrush mode. It’s convenient because you don’t have to touch your smartphone with wet hands.

Xiaomi Oclean X Smart Sonic Tootbrush is a new generation toothbrush with a touch screen. Photo: allegro.pl

Xiaomi Oclean X Smart Sonic Tootbrush has a modern and stylish design. The thin, elegant white body is decorated with gold flecks.


  • fast charging - only 2 hours;
  • adjusting the oscillation frequency - choose a convenient mode;
  • engineers have improved the charging unit. Now placed as a horizontal or vertical suspension (mounted on a wall, mirror);
  • The brush has a sensor installed that reads more than a thousand signals every minute. It processes information about the angle of inclination, pressure level and cleaning duration. At the end of the procedure, the gadget analyzes the information and displays an assessment of the effectiveness of the manipulations;
  • There is a pressure sensor. If you press hard on your gum or tooth, the gadget will pause;
  • 32 power levels and 4 operating modes: delicate, daily, massage, whitening;
  • IPX7 moisture protection class. The gadget is not afraid of water, it can be washed;
  • the bristles have a rounded shape. This prevents damage to sensitive enamel.

Price 3,360 rubles (at the time of writing).

Packaging and accessories: comparison table

devices in soft packaging or boxes that are white. The box shows the brush model you ordered, and the picture is also accompanied by Chinese characters. Inside the treasured box you will find the device itself, as well as attachments for it (1 or 2 pieces depending on the model), instructions (also in Chinese) and a charging dock. Some configurations have a plastic container for storage and transportation, for example, in Oclean One, as well as a color ring to differentiate the owner - in MiJia.

All Xiaomi electric toothbrushes differ slightly in their configuration and functionality. Their comparison is presented in the table.

MiJiaSoocas X3Oclean OneSoocas С1 Kids
Number of nozzles1121
ChargerDock stationDock stationDock stationDock station
Battery lifeAbout 30 daysAbout 30 daysAbout 60 daysAbout 20 days
Number of cleaning modes3452
What else is included in the packagecolor ringStorage case
Cost in rublesFrom 2500From 2700From 4000From 2200

As you can see, Xiaomi brand products are very diverse, so everyone can choose what they like and can afford. The manufacturer also offers the adult population to improve the quality of teeth cleaning by purchasing not only an effective electric brush, but also SOOCAS Whitening Toothpaste. The paste contains 5 active ingredients that will help to carefully whiten enamel, strengthen teeth, and make your breath fresh. Its cost starts from 800 rubles per tube. However, we recommend that before purchasing a toothpaste, as well as any electric brush, you first consult with a dentist, who will determine whether these products and advanced devices are suitable for you for health reasons.

What was taken into account in the rating

1. Relevance. The models listed in the top provide the maximum degree of teeth cleaning. You can achieve better results at home by adding irrigators to your dental hygiene. 2. Is there synchronization with a smartphone? Some devices can be connected to a mobile application. For example: Soocas, SoocasKid, Oclean. 3. Number of operating modes and programs. 4. Is there a pressure sensor on the teeth?

We have already talked in detail about how to choose an electric brush. If you choose a gadget for yourself, use our tips. Now let's move on to our rating.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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