Vitaon Baby - a universal child care product


The product contains oil extracts of a number of herbs: pine buds, peppermint leaves, rose hips, wormwood herb, fennel fruits, St. John's wort herb, yarrow herb, celandine herb, chamomile flowers, thyme herb, marigold flowers, caraway fruits.
The drug also contains camphor, fennel oil and peppermint. There are two main types of products available: Vitaon, which is based on soybean oil, and Vitaon Lux, which is based on olive oil.

Release form

The production of several types of the drug has been established: Vitaon Lux, Vitaon Baby, Vitaon for the oral cavity and cream are produced. All these drugs belong to the group of Karavaev balms, which are parapharmaceuticals used for external use.

The drug Vitaon is a transparent liquid of oily consistency, which has a color from yellow-green to brown-yellow, and has a specific odor.

Vitaon Baby oil and other Vitaon products are sold in bottles of 15, 25, 30, 50 and 500 ml.

pharmachologic effect

The effect of the drug is determined by the properties of the extracts of those herbs that are included in its composition. The medicine has a regenerating effect on the body, promoting tissue restoration. The medicine also provides analgesic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. The balm increases the body's level of resistance to negative external factors - chemical, thermal, etc.

When used externally, the medicine provides protection against burns during sun tanning, tones the skin and protects it from the processes of aging and fading. It is gentle even on sensitive skin.

Vitaon has an anti-exudative effect, promotes more active healing of wounds in ulcers, burns, and cracks. Under its influence, bactericidal and immune activity increases and itching is eliminated. The product also helps restore water-fat metabolic processes in cells.

The balm promotes the delivery of a complex of vitamins, nutrients, and microelements to the skin cells, under the influence of which blood flow processes in the skin are improved and the overall process of skin regeneration is activated.

Indications for use

Vitaon (Karavaev's balm) is used in the treatment of various skin diseases: dermatitis , psoriasis , eczema , neurodermatitis . The product is also used to speed up the healing process of wounds, burns, cracks, and ulcers on the skin.

It is prescribed for the treatment of paraproctitis , hemorrhoids , proctitis . Karavaev Vitaon balm is used for a runny nose, as well as for the nose as an effective remedy for rhinitis , tonsillitis , and sinusitis . The drug has a pronounced effect on pharyngitis , otitis media , and laryngitis .

In dentistry, the medicine is used to treat gingivitis , alveolitis , stomatitis , and periodontal disease .

In gynecology and obstetrics, the balm is used in the treatment of cervical erosion and candidiasis .

The medicine is also used in the field of cosmetology for people who have undergone plastic surgery to heal the skin.

Vitaon Baby is used for children to treat diaper rash, as well as for daily skin care. The ointment can be used as a massage oil.

The product is also used for lactostasis , cracked nipples in nursing mothers.

Features of Vitaon: composition and areas of application

The main feature of Balsam Karavaev or Vitaon lies precisely in its unique composition - it contains only natural ingredients:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Extract of medicinal plants (cumin, fennel, wormwood, pine buds St. John's wort, calendula, thyme, rose hips, yarrow, chamomile, mint, celandine)
  • Essential concentrate containing fennel, orange and peppermint oils
  • Camphor
  • Fragrance

Vitaon is a product for external use and has a wide spectrum of action - it is used for wounds, burns, cracks, and to reduce inflammation of skin areas. In addition, it perfectly moisturizes the skin and helps restore fat and water metabolism of skin cells. That is, it can be used for dry hands in winter, after a burn, and even to relieve inflammation of the gums, for example. You can also use this remedy for skin diseases, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, some gynecological diseases, runny nose or even otitis media.

Balm Karavaeva (Vitaon), instructions for use (Method and dosage)

When using the product, the instructions for use must be strictly followed. The balm should be applied to a bandage that is soaked with the product. This bandage should be applied to the affected area of ​​skin. The dressing needs to be changed every two or three days, given how quickly it gets wet. If it is not possible to apply the ointment to the bandage, then the product is applied directly to the place that requires treatment.

Vitaon is used both in pure form (as an external remedy, nasal drops) and in diluted form (half a teaspoon per 0.25 tbsp of boiled water) for rinsing the mouth.

Instructions for use Vitaon Lux stipulate that the product should be applied to the affected area twice a day, approximately 0.1-0.5 ml per 100 square meters. cm skin.

The instructions for Vitaon Baby stipulate that the oil should be applied in a layer of 1-2 ml, after which it should be allowed to absorb well. For children, the balm is applied to the folds of the skin. It is advisable to use it after bathing the child, when changing diapers.

When using a balm to treat the breasts of a nursing mother, you need to apply it to previously cleansed breast skin or nipples and wait until the product is absorbed.

Vitaon for the oral cavity should be applied to the gums or mucous membrane of the mouth in the morning or evening after brushing the teeth.

Mode of application

This universal medicine can be used in the following ways:

  • Before water procedures. Vitaon for children must be distributed over the entire surface of the baby’s body, starting with the feet, and wait 3-5 minutes for it to be absorbed into the skin. This method will help protect delicate baby skin from the effects of hard running water and the bleach it contains.
  • At the end of bathing, the oil is applied with light massage movements to the baby’s entire body. The substance perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin, and also reduces dryness.
  • For various damage to the epidermis - wounds, cracks, burns, frostbite, the ointment is applied to the affected areas several times a day. The natural components included in the composition accelerate the processes of healing and tissue restoration.
  • To soften the skin and improve muscle tone, the balm can be used as daily care. To do this, apply the oil to a cotton swab and then wipe the baby’s face and body. When changing a diaper, apply ointment to all skin folds and diaper rash every day, two to three times a day.
  • The medicine copes well with skin rashes of various types, including dermatitis and diathesis. To do this, the cream is applied in a thin layer to problem areas several times a day.
  • Vitaon Baby is also perfect for other hygiene procedures: cleaning the nasal passages and ears using cotton swabs.
  • To treat and prevent diaper rash, apply oily liquid to all affected areas, then leave for a while so that the oil can be absorbed. If necessary, the substance can be applied to the skin and a bandage placed on top.
  • To prevent respiratory infections, a cotton swab is dipped in the preparation and the child’s nasal cavity is treated with it, or Vitaon is instilled into the children’s nose one drop at a time. For preventive purposes, the procedure is carried out before going for a walk or visiting public places.
  • As a massage product, the balm must first be applied to the palms and then rubbed over the baby’s body. The procedure can be performed every day.
  • Injecting one drop of the substance into the nasal passages 2-3 times a day will help relieve rhinitis. If the baby does not tolerate the procedure well, it can be used to treat the cavity and wings of the nose. A cotton swab is moistened in oily liquid. To avoid unexpected changes in the position of the head, it must be fixed. The stick is placed in the nasal cavity and gently lubricates the mucous membranes in a circle. Each nasal passage is smeared with a separate cotton swab or the other end.

In addition, during an epidemic, aromatherapy using Baby Balm can help. To do this, 2-5 drops of the drug are dripped into the aroma lamp or napkins are moistened in liquid and laid out throughout the room.

Other uses

The use of Vitaon Baby is not limited to external and nasal use.

  • The balm effectively reduces painful symptoms, inflammation and itching, and also improves overall well-being during the teething of baby teeth. The product is applied to the gums using cotton wool or a finger. The procedure is carried out as needed, up to 3-4 times a day.
  • The medicine will also help cope with stomatitis. Due to its natural composition, it is harmless for use even in infants. The affected area should be smeared with oil three times a day.
  • In addition, the ointment is used for sleep disorders. The herbs included in the composition have a calming and relaxing effect. Vitaon can be added a few drops to a warm bath when bathing. After completing the water procedures, an evening massage with oil is performed.
  • Vitaon Baby can be used during pregnancy. This drug has become a real salvation for expectant mothers. The natural composition of the product allows it to be used for colds as nasal drops.

The medicine is not capable of causing negative reactions, addiction and other complications in pregnant women. However, before use, you should consult your doctor and test for an allergic reaction.


Karavaev's baby balm has no restrictions on its use and can be used at any age. However, if there is hypersensitivity or intolerance to one or more active ingredients, the child may develop a negative reaction. Therefore, before purchasing medication, you should consult with your pediatrician, especially in cases where the baby is prone to allergies.

Due to the large number of essential oils in the composition, nasal use of the substance in its pure form can cause an unexpected reaction, irritation, swelling of mucous surfaces, as well as difficulty breathing.

This is why it is recommended to do an allergy test first. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug to the skin, and then observe the reaction.

  • Vitaon for the nose: instructions for using balm and drops for a runny nose

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the drug is 24 months. After this time, the use of the substance is prohibited. Store the product at room temperature away from sunlight.

Vitaon Baby is a safe medicine for children from birth, does not provoke negative reactions and has no contraindications. It can become an indispensable assistant in any situation: both in the treatment of diseases and for their prevention, so every mother should always have it on hand.


Level 4 ATC code matches:
Naftalan oil




Hydrogen peroxide

Potassium permangantsovka



Diamond green


Salicylic-zinc paste


Salicylic-Zinc ointment








The following drugs have a similar effect on the body:

  • Panthenol
  • Collomak
  • Atoxyl

You should consult your doctor when using any of these drugs.

Reviews of Vitaon (Balsam Karavaev)

Those who have used Vitaon note in reviews that this oil is really effective in healing wounds, burns and other damage to the skin. There are also many positive reviews about the effect of the balm on the condition of the skin: it noticeably softens the skin, allows you to quickly get rid of minor manifestations of inflammation, without leaving any marks on the skin. This drug is often used as a cosmetic product. Reviews of Vitaon nasal drops are also mostly positive, as the drug helps eliminate infectious diseases.

Reviews of Vitaon Baby are left mainly by young mothers, who note that the drug helps prevent diaper rash in babies and quickly eliminates inflammatory processes on the baby’s skin. Mothers also use the product to lubricate their baby's hair before washing it to strengthen it.

Vitaon nasal drops are often used for a runny nose, as well as to prevent the development of infectious diseases. Judging by the reviews, this use of the product is also effective.

However, it is important to use the drug regularly for at least a month to get the desired effect.

Contraindications and possible harm

The manufacturer does not note any restrictions for the use of Vitaon, however, a child may have hypersensitivity to any of the components, which is why a negative reaction to the balm may develop. In this case, the use of any of the means should be abandoned. In addition, essential oils when used in the nose can cause swelling, irritation and breathing problems.

To prevent negative symptoms, it is recommended to consult your pediatrician before purchasing Vitaon (especially for children prone to allergies). In addition, a sensitivity test will not be superfluous.

For this test, a small amount of oil is applied to the baby’s skin, and after a while its condition is assessed. If there is no rash, redness, swelling or peeling, then the drug can be used without fear.

Price of Vitaon (Balsam Karavaev), where to buy

Vitaon balm is sold in most pharmacies; depending on the volume of the bottle, the cost of the drug ranges from 150 to 300 rubles. The price of nasal drops also depends on the volume of the bottle. The price of Vitaon Baby is on average 200 rubles. for 30 ml.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Balm Karavaeva Vitaon for the oral cavity 30 mlLitomed LLC
    235 rub. order
  • Balm Karavaeva Vitaon Lux 15 mlLitomed LLC/Agatis-T

    RUB 158 order

  • Balm Karavaeva Vitaon 50 mlLitomed LLC/Agatis-T

    RUB 267 order

  • Balm Karavaeva Vitaon Baby30 mlLitomed LLC

    RUB 202 order

  • Balm Karavaeva Vitaon 25 mlLitomed LLC

    RUB 174 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Vitaon balm Lux (25ml bottle) Litomed LLC

    RUB 235 order

  • Vitaon balm for mouth (30ml bottle) Litomed LLC

    RUB 259 order

  • Vitaon balm (30ml bottle) Litomed LLC

    RUB 193 order

  • Vitaon balm (bottle 100ml) Litomed LLC

    RUR 499 order

  • Vitaon balm (25ml bottle) Litomed LLC

    RUB 194 order

show more

Terms of sale and storage

All types of Vitaon are over-the-counter products, and the price of the balm depends on its type and bottle capacity. For example, for 15 ml of Lux you need to pay 130 rubles, and 30 ml of Vitaon costs 200-240 rubles.

You need to store balms at home at room temperature, placing the bottle in a place hidden from the sun. The shelf life of any Vitaon is 2 years.

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