New toothpaste and new disappointments in my review of Biomed sensitive toothpaste with grape scent

It's easier to prevent than to cure

All doctors know the truism: “It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it later.” Therefore, dentistry, one of the most progressive areas of modern medicine, offers many preventive procedures, such as fluoridation of enamel, its remineralization and restoration, and stone removal. All of them are carried out in a dentist’s office by a doctor, but this is not enough for dental health. Every person should take care of their oral cavity every day: brush their teeth at least twice a day, rinse their mouth with special elixirs for fresh breath, remove germs and improve gum health, use dental floss.

Nowadays the range of such products is very large. The latest innovation, Biomed toothpaste, is one of the best for daily dental care. We'll talk about it in more detail later.

Sensitive - for particularly sensitive teeth

Biomed Sensitive toothpaste contains 12 natural ingredients, which make it a universal remedy for protecting enamel and gums at any age. The composition includes the following components:

  • plantain, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the gums; if they are inflamed and too weak, then the extract will help soothe and restore periodontal tissue;
  • birch leaf polyphenol, as well as red grape seeds - the component helps prevent the development of caries;
  • essential oils of frankincense and neem will protect against the development of various bacteria in the mouth and on the teeth, but if inflammatory processes have begun, then these components will help soothe and relieve irritation;
  • lemon oil will strengthen the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • oak bark in combination with thyme essential oil are aimed at eliminating pathogenic microbes;
  • hydroxyapatite, which helps not only strengthen the enamel, but also restore it;
  • L-Arginine - the action of the component is aimed at maintaining the enamel in a healthy condition.


In total, there are five types of Biomed paste on sale. Each of them has its own unique composition and is designed to solve specific problems:

  • SUPERWHITE Biomed - recommended for people with sensitive enamel. With regular use, it strengthens teeth and gently whitens them.
  • SENSETIVE Biomed - strengthens tooth enamel and significantly reduces its sensitivity.
  • BIOCOMPLEX Biomed - antibacterial paste. Destroys harmful microbes in the oral cavity without damaging teeth. Provides fresh breath for at least 12 hours after use.
  • PROPOLINE Biomed - toothpaste designed to combat bleeding gums. She solves this problem well by caring for the oral cavity.
  • CALCIMAX Biomed - promotes remineralization, strengthening and restoration of enamel.

To achieve the maximum positive effect, dentists recommend periodically changing toothpastes and using one type in the morning and the other in the evening. This approach will provide comprehensive and comprehensive oral care.

Biomed line

Each type of paste of this brand contains a unique set of natural components, the complex effect of which achieves the expected result. The positive qualities of the products include:

  • possibility of daily use;
  • thanks to the narrowly targeted action of a specific product, everyone can use the appropriate one;
  • beautiful, convenient packaging;
  • a large number of active components;
  • patented formula;
  • adequate cost.

Biomed products provide careful care and prevent oral pathologies.


The paste contains a rich complex of natural extracts and various components that carefully clean and restore the surface of the teeth. Thanks to Dead Sea salts, the product protects against the formation of caries. It contains:

  • deep-sea algae with elements of pink clay - normalizes blood circulation in the gums, prevents inflammatory processes;
  • vitamin complex and carotene;
  • natural antiseptics – relieve irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • baking soda with Dissolvine complex – cleans, polishes, whitens teeth.

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The product is aimed at active remineralization.


The Superwhite product from the Biomed line contains 12 useful natural ingredients. Suitable for regular use, even for children. Designed to strengthen enamel, improve gum condition, and provide long-lasting fresh breath. The whitening composition contains:

  • bromelain, papain – remove plaque, gently polish;
  • thyme oil, coconut oil, cinnamon extract – improve smell, taste, have an antimicrobial effect;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite – improves the quality of enamel, strengthens, accelerates regeneration;
  • antiseptic substances - relieve irritation, destroy bacteria;
  • L-Arginine;
  • vitamin complex.

It is recommended by dentists as a gentle bleach.


The effectiveness of the paste, like the rest of the company's products, is confirmed by clinical trials. This proves its absolute safety for use by children or adults. Due to the content of unique natural components, the product has a cleansing, preventive, and therapeutic effect:

  • lemon zest oil – tones irritated gums;
  • plantain and birch leaves – prevent inflammatory processes and bleeding;
  • essential oils – strengthen gums;
  • propolis is the most powerful ingredient that has an antibacterial effect and prevents the formation of inflammatory processes;
  • soda complex with Dissolvine – cleanses, whitens, polishes;
  • L-arginine – strengthens periodontal tissue;
  • Hydroxyapatite – restores damaged enamel.

Paste with propolis was created as a prophylactic agent to prevent bleeding gums.


The product is designed for daily use and helps maintain healthy gums. Its use provides about 12 hours of fresh breath. The positive effect is achieved by the complex action of the components contained in the paste:

  • natural antiseptics – stop the appearance of inflammatory processes;
  • chamomile – eliminates unpleasant odors, leaving a feeling of comfort and freshness;
  • essential oils – have antioxidant properties;
  • a unique complex of soda enriched with Dissolvine – cleans and polishes enamel without compromising its integrity;
  • hydroxyapatite is a component contained in the tooth surface that has a strengthening effect;
  • L-Arginine – strengthens all tissues of the oral cavity.

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Biocomplex product strengthens enamel, cleanses its surface, heals gums, freshens breath, and prevents the formation of caries.


Biomed Sensitive contains 12 components that provide protection to the gums and surface layer, regardless of age. The taste and smell of the medicinal and hygienic product are due to the natural components included in the composition:

  • plantain - designed to strengthen gums, relieve inflammation, restore periodontal disease;
  • polyphenol of birch leaves, red grape seeds - prevent the formation of caries;
  • essential oils of neem and frankincense – eliminate the appearance and proliferation of bacteria, relieve irritation and inflammatory processes;
  • lemon oil – has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, improves immunity;
  • the combination of oak bark with thyme oil destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
  • hydroxyapatite – strengthening, regeneration of enamel;
  • L-arginine – maintains a healthy oral cavity.

The manufacturer has created a paste that corrects hypersensitivity. A product containing grape seeds strengthens the structure of teeth.

Biomed (toothpaste): composition

Each of the pastes listed above consists of 12 unique components. Their main characteristics: 100% natural, harmless.

In the production of Biomed, extracts of birch leaves, plantain, aloe, red grape seeds, chamomile, as well as essential oils of cedar, rosemary, sage, and eucalyptus were used.

Biomed toothpaste does not contain harmful chemical additives such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, a strong cleaning agent that is added to some toothpastes to promote better foaming. Biomed does not contain the antibiotics triclosan or chlordexidine, or aggressive abrasives. A big plus is that the formula of this product does not contain synthetic dyes or flavors. The pure composition makes Biomed paste absolutely safe and anti-allergenic. It is recommended for use by both adults and children over 6 years old.

Review of Roskontrol about Biomed pastes

When checking a sample of Biomed products, experts found that the paste fully meets the necessary safety requirements. The initial slight discrepancy between toxicity indices and regulated technical specifications was refuted by additional research.

This proved that the toxicological indicators of the sample submitted for testing meet the requirements of the regulations. The irritating effect of the product on the mucous membrane is completely eliminated. Also, there was no discrepancy between the sample and the labeling specified by the manufacturer. The label “Fluoride Free” is true. The tested sample meets the requirements of GOST 7983-99 in all respects.

Biomed products are designed to solve common oral problems: darkening of the tooth surface, bleeding gums, unpleasant odors, increased sensitivity. The whole family can use the drug, starting from the age of 6 years. Effective cleansing ensures economical consumption and preserves the family budget.

Product effectiveness

Biomed toothpaste, reviews of which are mostly positive (some are confused by the price), is recommended by dentists for daily oral care. It has 3 directions of its influence:

  • preventive - prevents the development of caries, pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, destruction of enamel;
  • therapeutic - solves problems that have already arisen at an early stage;
  • aesthetic - whitens teeth.

Biomed toothpaste is one of the best new products in oral hygiene products.


Biomed toothpaste is recommended for use by all people. The natural composition practically eliminates any contraindications for this product. The only obstacle to using pastes may be individual intolerance to any component. In general, the products are well tolerated.

Experts draw attention to the fact that even the best toothpaste is effective only if used correctly and regularly. Daily thorough cleansing procedures should be combined with preventative visits to the dentist every six months. This will help preserve the health and beauty of your smile for a long time.

Author: Tatyana Grosova, dental assistant, especially for

Biocomplex for daily care

Biomed Biocomplex toothpaste is an excellent and effective tool for daily teeth cleaning that will help keep your gums healthy. In addition, using the product can guarantee fresh breath for up to 12 hours. This happens due to the unique composition of the toothpaste, which includes:

  • antiseptics, which are made from natural ingredients, will help relieve the onset of the inflammatory process on the gums or in the oral cavity;
  • chamomile removes unpleasant odor for a long time and gives a feeling of freshness and comfort;
  • essential oils guarantee an antioxidant effect;
  • baking soda in combination with the unique Dissolvine component helps to safely clean and polish teeth at the same time without damaging the enamel;
  • hydroxyapatite is one of the main components that is part of tooth enamel, so its presence in the composition can guarantee its strengthening and restoration;
  • L-Arginine is responsible for strengthening all tissues.

Medicine with propolis

Propoline, like all Biomed products, has undergone clinical trials in Switzerland. Which once again proves its safety for use by adults and children. Toothpaste has its positive effect due to its unique composition, which contains the following components:

  • lemon peel oil is designed to tone inflamed gums;
  • essential oil of manuka and thyme will help strengthen weakened gums;
  • plantain and birch leaves will prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the mouth;
  • propolis is one of the strongest and most active components, which has an antibacterial effect and will help prevent the development of inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • baking soda in combination with Dissolvine will not only help to clean your teeth well and efficiently, but will also carefully polish the enamel;
  • hydroxyapatite will restore enamel;
  • L-Arginine will strengthen periodontal tissue.

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