BioMed toothpaste: reviews from customers and dentists

Relatively recently, a new product from Organic Pharmaceuticals LLC appeared on the domestic market. BioMed toothpaste was created according to original recipes and under the control of a Russian manufacturer of oral care products. The company specializes in creating high-quality products that have no analogues in the world.

In our article we will present a description and reviews of BioMed toothpaste. Below we will imagine what professional dentists and ordinary people think about this product.

Toothpaste "BioMed Sensitive"

The presented product has a natural composition based on plantain extract, birch leaf polyphenols and red grape seeds. With regular brushing of teeth with this toothpaste, it is possible to achieve a pronounced anti-caries effect, strengthen tooth enamel and reduce their sensitivity. Other components in the product have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

According to reviews, BioMed toothpaste has the following advantages:

  • provides a feeling of freshness in the mouth and preserves it for a long time;
  • cleans enamel until it squeaks;
  • reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • has a 99% natural composition;
  • economical consumption.

The presented product is not without its drawbacks:

  • toothpaste has an unpleasant, bitter taste;
  • the effect of application does not appear immediately;
  • the cleaning result is not stable enough.

Question No. 7. Can children use adult toothpaste?

No, because the fluoride contained in the toothpaste is good for teeth, but swallowing it is harmful. And small children, sometimes unknowingly, swallow up to 35% of toothpaste while brushing.

Therefore, special children's toothpaste is produced for children with a low fluoride content (up to 500 ppm), and to make brushing teeth seem more pleasant to the baby, special flavoring additives are added (the taste of berries, chewing gum, etc.).

Parents should remember that children under 6 years of age should brush their teeth under their supervision to prevent the child from swallowing the toothpaste. To get acquainted with children’s toothpaste, you can choose products from brands such as ROCS kids, Splat junior, Colgate, LACALUT or Silca.”

Reviews of BioMed Calcimax toothpaste

This product is intended for high-quality and comprehensive oral care for every family member. With regular brushing, Calcimax toothpaste strengthens and remineralizes the enamel, preventing the formation of caries. The product has an environmentally friendly composition and features a unique patented formula. Calcium hydroxyapatite and L-Arginine provide an anti-caries effect. At the same time, plantain leaf extract, algae and pink clay promote gum blood circulation and relieve inflammation.

According to reviews, BioMed Calcimax toothpaste really reduces tooth sensitivity, relieves bleeding gums and has a pleasant consistency. After cleaning, the enamel becomes smooth, providing a slight whitening effect.

Some people did not like the presented toothpaste. They noted that the product had an unpleasant, salty taste. Not suitable for those who like a refreshing effect.

Biomed line

Each type of paste of this brand contains a unique set of natural components, the complex effect of which achieves the expected result. The positive qualities of the products include:

  • possibility of daily use;
  • thanks to the narrowly targeted action of a specific product, everyone can use the appropriate one;
  • beautiful, convenient packaging;
  • a large number of active components;
  • patented formula;
  • adequate cost.

Biomed products provide careful care and prevent oral pathologies.


The paste contains a rich complex of natural extracts and various components that carefully clean and restore the surface of the teeth. Thanks to Dead Sea salts, the product protects against the formation of caries. It contains:

  • deep-sea algae with elements of pink clay - normalizes blood circulation in the gums, prevents inflammatory processes;
  • vitamin complex and carotene;
  • natural antiseptics – relieve irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • baking soda with Dissolvine complex – cleans, polishes, whitens teeth.

This is interesting: Splat toothpaste range
The product is aimed at active remineralization.


The Superwhite product from the Biomed line contains 12 useful natural ingredients. Suitable for regular use, even for children. Designed to strengthen enamel, improve gum condition, and provide long-lasting fresh breath. The whitening composition contains:

  • bromelain, papain – remove plaque, gently polish;
  • thyme oil, coconut oil, cinnamon extract – improve smell, taste, have an antimicrobial effect;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite – improves the quality of enamel, strengthens, accelerates regeneration;
  • antiseptic substances - relieve irritation, destroy bacteria;
  • L-Arginine;
  • vitamin complex.

It is recommended by dentists as a gentle bleach.


The effectiveness of the paste, like the rest of the company's products, is confirmed by clinical trials. This proves its absolute safety for use by children or adults. Due to the content of unique natural components, the product has a cleansing, preventive, and therapeutic effect:

  • lemon zest oil – tones irritated gums;
  • plantain and birch leaves – prevent inflammatory processes and bleeding;
  • essential oils – strengthen gums;
  • propolis is the most powerful ingredient that has an antibacterial effect and prevents the formation of inflammatory processes;
  • soda complex with Dissolvine – cleanses, whitens, polishes;
  • L-arginine – strengthens periodontal tissue;
  • Hydroxyapatite – restores damaged enamel.

Paste with propolis was created as a prophylactic agent to prevent bleeding gums.


The product is designed for daily use and helps maintain healthy gums. Its use provides about 12 hours of fresh breath. The positive effect is achieved by the complex action of the components contained in the paste:

  • natural antiseptics – stop the appearance of inflammatory processes;
  • chamomile – eliminates unpleasant odors, leaving a feeling of comfort and freshness;
  • essential oils – have antioxidant properties;
  • a unique complex of soda enriched with Dissolvine – cleans and polishes enamel without compromising its integrity;
  • hydroxyapatite is a component contained in the tooth surface that has a strengthening effect;
  • L-Arginine – strengthens all tissues of the oral cavity.

This is interesting: Biorepair toothpaste line: Plus, Kids

Biocomplex product strengthens enamel, cleanses its surface, heals gums, freshens breath, and prevents the formation of caries.


Biomed Sensitive contains 12 components that provide protection to the gums and surface layer, regardless of age. The taste and smell of the medicinal and hygienic product are due to the natural components included in the composition:

  • plantain - designed to strengthen gums, relieve inflammation, restore periodontal disease;
  • polyphenol of birch leaves, red grape seeds - prevent the formation of caries;
  • essential oils of neem and frankincense – eliminate the appearance and proliferation of bacteria, relieve irritation and inflammatory processes;
  • lemon oil – has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, improves immunity;
  • the combination of oak bark with thyme oil destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
  • hydroxyapatite – strengthening, regeneration of enamel;
  • L-arginine – maintains a healthy oral cavity.

The manufacturer has created a paste that corrects hypersensitivity. A product containing grape seeds strengthens the structure of teeth.

Biocomplex toothpaste

This product provides a refreshing effect that many people love. Biocomplex toothpaste effectively cleanses enamel, fights harmful bacteria and makes your breath fresh. The product contains calcium hydroxyapatite, which is an innovative component for restoring enamel. The toothpaste contains natural extracts of birch, chamomile and plantain leaves, essential oils of sage and rosemary, cedar and eucalyptus. This ensures a strengthening and restorative effect.

People have mixed reviews about BioMed toothpaste. On the one hand, they like the soft, pleasant taste of the product compared to other pastes. There is no unpleasant taste left in the mouth and effective cleansing is ensured. On the other hand, according to customer reviews, this paste is less effective compared to other brand products.

Reviews of Superwhite BioMed toothpaste

This product is designed to gently whiten and strengthen sensitive enamel. High-quality cleansing and polishing is ensured by papain and bromelain in the BioMed toothpaste. Coconut and thyme essential oils, cinnamon extract and other natural ingredients give the product a pleasant taste.

According to reviews, the toothpaste does not provide the whitening effect declared by the manufacturer. But it freshens breath well, has a pleasant, mild taste, does not contain harmful substances, fluorine, SLS, synthetic dyes, flavors, and cleans enamel well.

Question No. 2. Are toothpastes that contain antiseptics safe?

Not if you use such pastes constantly. As a rule, pastes containing antiseptics (triclosan, chlorhexidine, hexitidine) are prescribed for inflammatory gum diseases. You should brush your teeth with such pastes for no more than two weeks in a row. With their frequent use, antiseptics, designed to destroy only harmful bacteria, can smoothly switch to useful ones: a certain balance between microorganisms is disturbed, resulting in painful processes.

Toothpastes containing antiseptics as the main components, for example, Lacalut Aktiv, PresiDENT Active, SPLAT Professional ACTIVE, Elmex Aronal, Blend-a-med Pro-Expert Gum Protection, are considered harmless, but for their correct use, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Dentist reviews

Most professionals are skeptical about the BioMed toothpaste presented above.

Firstly, many manufacturers of oral care products, including BioMed, began to massively abandon the use of fluoride in their composition, although its positive effect on enamel was proven decades ago. In fact, this element is extremely necessary for children and adolescents whose teeth are just beginning to form. The use of BioMed paste, which does not contain fluoride, will be advisable only when the body is oversaturated with this element.

Secondly, the manufacturer claims that using the products presented above you can brush your teeth in 30 seconds. According to dentists, this is just a spectacular advertising ploy.

Thirdly, BioMed toothpaste has a natural composition and contains extracts of medicinal herbs. This is a definite advantage. In addition, the manufacturer produces several product lines to solve various dental problems, which is a big plus. Despite the absence of fluoride in the composition, the presence of extracts in toothpaste certainly will not harm anyone.

How is the procedure performed?

Injections are performed by a cosmetologist in an isolated, sterile office. The process consists of several main stages:

  • Consultation. The specialist gets to know the patient, examines the condition of the soft tissues of her face, identifies indications and possible contraindications, determines the most effective method of administering the gel, the number of sessions per course and their frequency.
  • Skin preparation. It starts with removing makeup and impurities. Next, an anesthetic drug is applied. There are a large number of nerve fibers in the eyelid area, so Mesoai injections are quite painful. Typically, to make the procedure more comfortable, a lidocaine cream is enough to apply to the target area for about 20 minutes. When the desired degree of numbness is achieved, the doctor additionally treats the skin with an antiseptic, for example, miramistin. This allows you to avoid infection and purulent-inflammatory complications after injections.
  • Carrying out injections. The drug is administered intradermally in small portions, using one of the main mesotherapy techniques. Since the target area is small, the entire process takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Upon completion, the antiseptic solution is again applied to the skin. You can then apply an ice compress to it. The cosmetologist makes sure that there are no early side effects and gives recommendations for further care of the treated area, after which the patient can go home.

The first few days you will have to follow specific rules of behavior, in particular:

  • postpone visiting the pool in order not to introduce infection into the wounds at the site of skin punctures with a needle;
  • avoid any heat exposure so as not to provoke swelling;
  • protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation to prevent pigmentation;

To obtain a pronounced lasting effect, the manufacturer recommends conducting courses of at least 3-6 sessions with an interval of 7-10 days, after which 1 maintenance procedure every six months will be sufficient. The results obtained last for up to two and a half years.

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