Mouthguards for straightening teeth in children: how do they work?

Indications and contraindications Aligner technology Treatment regimen Advantages and disadvantages Care Reviews Specialists

Treatment of malocclusion in a child is corrected not only by installing braces. Transparent aligners can be used to straighten teeth in children.

This replacement for the bracket system appeared relatively recently - about 15 years ago they began to be used in orthodontics. The material chosen for them is transparent biosilicone or bioplastic, which obtains the properties of strength and elasticity.

The mechanical impact is insignificant - children's mouth guards gradually straighten the teeth without causing serious pain. The second name of the instrument is aligners, which in their principle and structure are similar to adult models. You need to wear mouthguards constantly - under normal conditions, about 22 hours a day, removing them while eating and brushing your teeth.

When are children's aligners needed?

You need to correct your child’s bite right away—in the first stages, all procedures are more effective and simpler. But usually parents come to the orthodontist after 12 years. A special feature of our clinic is that we treat occlusion without braces from the age of 7, that is, even the presence of baby teeth does not prevent us from planning treatment with aligners.

If you compare this bite mechanism and classic braces, then in the aligners you can see changes in the structure and position of the teeth in advance. The technique involves 3D scanning and already at the appointment you will be able to see the result - your future smile.

This can motivate the child well and add patience to him while wearing. After the appointment, the doctor will describe all the actual treatment methods, assessing the child’s personal characteristics.

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Cases when wearing a mouth guard becomes necessary:

  • you need to remove the gaps between the teeth;
  • crowded teeth;
  • incorrect alignment of the jaws;
  • rotation of teeth in different directions;
  • protruding jaw;
  • The teeth in the row are positioned incorrectly.

A dental mouth guard for children can solve the same problems as braces. With one difference - they are more comfortable for the child.

Children's mouth guards for proper teething

These are silicone overlays for teeth, which are also called, among others. retainers, trainers. They are called teething mouthguards because they are most often used during the period of change of baby teeth to molars in children aged six to ten years.

The main purpose of teething trays or teething guides is to correct the position of the jaws and align the position of the child’s incisors during the period of early mixed dentition. They are worn for several hours during the day and all night while sleeping. The treatment period is approximately one year; during treatment, it is necessary to periodically visit an orthodontist to monitor the changes occurring.

Also, during the period of mixed dentition, children's aligners are used - children's orthodontic aligners. Since 2022, such mouthguards have been produced by the Star Smile company.

Indications and contraindications

Typically, a mouthguard for straightening teeth in children does not cause irritation and is not felt in the mouth. The transparent and flexible design fits tightly to the teeth, making it invisible to the eye. We have already named the main indications for use - they include dental pathologies of growth and its direction.

And although the doctor will warn you about possible obstacles, we will give you a list of contraindications.

Mouth guards for children are a modern, safe and effective method of treating children's malocclusion.

Benefits of correcting your bite with mouthguards

  • Efficiency. The positive result of therapy is due to the computer calculation of the parameters of the aligners in strict accordance with the characteristics of the clinical case.
  • Wearing comfort. The aligners do not injure the mucous membranes of the cheeks and lips, as they have the smoothest possible surface. They can be removed and put on independently, without the help of a doctor.
  • High degree of aesthetics. The appearance of the products does not cause rejection among children.
  • There is no fastening elements and no need to apply an adhesive mixture to the enamel surface.
  • Hypoallergenic. The material for making correctional products does not cause allergic reactions in the child.
  • Possibility of use with other orthodontic structures.
  • Short adaptation period.
  • Quick restoration of diction.
  • Easy to care for your mouth and aligners.
  • No need to adhere to a special diet.

Aligner technology for children: features

Dental mouth guards for a child are made to order after visiting a doctor. During the appointment, he examines the oral cavity, evaluates options for aligning and improving the bite.

How does a consultation take place at Propricus:

  1. The doctor examines the oral cavity, makes a diagnosis (determines the pathology of the bite)
  2. A photographic puncture is performed to determine how the bite affects the asymmetry of the face and head position. Often, malocclusion leads to changes in posture.
  3. The child undergoes a 3D scan. This is a safe option that takes no more than 15-20 minutes and allows you to display the current location of your teeth on the monitor in 3D format.
  4. The doctor develops a preliminary treatment plan online in the program and within 10 minutes, you and your child can see the future result of their smile, which can be achieved with the help of aligners.
  5. The doctor discusses with you the timing, features of treatment, cost of treatment, possible installment plans.

Invisalign children's dental guards are made from a patented hypoallergenic plastic. This is especially important when a child is allergic to the materials of the braces system or there is severe irritation of the oral mucosa.

Luminous decorative burls

Here manufacturers have a wide range of options, as they say - for every taste and color. And even light, which, thanks to technology, is now built into mouth guards.

Of course, in this case we are not talking about the benefits of mouth guards, but about entertainment. You can wear them to a disco or surprise others at a friendly party.

General treatment regimen

After starting treatment, you receive a set of mouth guards, which must be changed every 7 - 14 days, as prescribed by your doctor. This can be done at home, which is a tangible advantage over braces - systems where the arch is changed only in the dentist's chair.

The aligners work due to the fact that each subsequent one is slightly different from the previous one and gradually moves the teeth into the position that we planned.

Before installation and starting the course, you need to cure caries and eliminate any inflammation on the gums.

Children's mouth guards have the advantage not only that they can be changed independently. The most problematic story of our little patients is hygiene. Children's aligners make brushing your teeth easy because they can be removed.

An orthodontic mouth guard does not cause any discomfort, and adaptation to the mouth guard occurs within a few minutes. This is the main difference from the braces system, which takes more than one day to get used to.

general information

Children's dental mouth guard is made of soft medical silicone or polyurethane. They are chosen for the treatment of minor anomalies in the development of the dentition. Crowded teeth or large gaps between them require braces.

The difference between adult and children's mouthguards is insignificant: they are made the same, the material is the same, and the only difference is in size. To correct a bite, a set of mouth guards consisting of 12-25 mouth guards is most often required. Each design is numbered and its purpose is to correct uneven teeth, millimeter by millimeter, and to hold the teeth in a given direction. Each mouthguard is worn for 2 weeks. The daily duration of the device being in the mouth of a small patient ranges from 3 to 22 hours (depending on the indications). Once every 30 days, dentists advise seeking a consultation. This allows you to adjust the treatment and carry out timely sanitation of the oral cavity.

Advantages and disadvantages: what is better to know in advance?

We have already briefly described the comparison of aligners and braces for a child. For the bite and its formation, mouth guards will be a gentle tool. Positive features:

  • simple removable device;
  • no restrictions on food;
  • no complications with hygiene procedures;
  • the development of caries during wear is excluded;
  • no damage to gums or enamel;
  • quick addiction;
  • preservation of the original appearance - transparent material is invisible.

Negative aspects may arise: you need to convince the child not to remove the children's mouth guards on their own in order to maintain the effect. Motivation from parents and doctors helps here. Among the disadvantages, we note that aligners are perceived as an expensive treatment option, although with a full calculation, you will be convinced that the final cost of a similar treatment with a brace system is comparable in cost.

Although these disadvantages seem insignificant if you focus on practicality and absence of pain. For children, these parameters seem to be the most important.

Orthodontic dental guards

These aligners are used to correct malocclusions. At the moment, there are several types of orthodontic aligners on the market from different manufacturers, including Star Smile aligners, the well-known aligners.

But not all orthodontic aligners are capable of solving serious bite problems; they only help to close the spaces between the teeth and correct minor curvatures.

Much has changed when Russian-made orthodontic mouthguards or aligners from the Star Smile company appeared; they became serious competitors to braces, since they can correct almost all defects in the development of bite.

What to do with care?

A mouthguard for straightening teeth in children does not require specific or atypical actions. All care consists of timely replacement and storage under normal conditions. Aligners should be removed before eating - many foods can stain them. Although you are allowed to drink water without harm.

After eating, you need to rinse your mouth with water to remove any leftover food, or even better, brush your teeth. Mouthguards can only be put on a clean surface. Cleaning the product is carried out only in cool or warm water, but hot water can spoil the visual design and deform the surface.

If you notice any deformities, you should immediately consult your doctor. For sterility and hygiene, aligners are stored in a special container. And mouthguards for children often come with interesting designs for such containers.

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Applications on teeth using trays

These mouth guards are used to restore and strengthen tooth enamel. A special composition is placed inside the mouthguard, thanks to which the teeth are remineralized.

There are two types of mouth guards for dental applications – standard and thermoplastic.

Thermoplastic ones react to heat and soften when placed in hot water, and harden when put on the teeth.



I went to Natalya Sergeevna Ivanova for treatment and have been undergoing it for more than a year and a half. I am very pleased with the doctor, her attentiveness and leisurely manner. Always remembers all the nuances. Always greets you with a smile, which is rare these days. The treatment is carried out efficiently using modern equipment quickly, conveniently and comfortably. I always receive SMS messages about a future visit and they always welcome me here with pleasure. Thank you!

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I want to say a huge thank you to the PROPRICUS clinic, as well as to the doctors of this wonderful clinic. My acquaintance began with orthodontists. Previously, I didn’t even know that such doctors existed, but after I met Nana Karenovna and Natalya Sergeevna, I realized that the impossible can be possible. Despite the fact that all my adult life I had crooked teeth and I didn’t really want to get braces, which don’t look very aesthetically pleasing, Nana Karenovna explained to me that there are such magical things as Invisalign aligners. And now, after two years, my smile has become beautiful, and now I can smile without embarrassment.

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I have been receiving treatment at the PROPRICUS clinic for a long time. I thought that my case was completely hopeless and since childhood I have suffered and been tormented by the fact that I have crooked teeth. And it was just terrible. By chance, I came across Nana Karenovna on Instagram and initially I came to her for treatment when the PROPRICUS clinic did not yet exist. First of all, I liked her, and when you like a doctor, you are ready, of course, to trust him. My treatment to correct my bite lasted a little over two years. After my bite returned to normal, I needed to have aesthetics done. And the PROPRICUS clinic, represented by the wonderful orthopedist Nikolai Ivanovich Lavrenenko, also came to my aid. He made veneers on my front teeth and ceramic inlays on my old fillings. And now I still need to get an implant on one tooth and of course I will continue treatment at my favorite PROPRICUS clinic. Many thanks to the clinic and all my doctors. You are true professionals in your field. And if my friends or acquaintances need to do something, I will only recommend your clinic to them. Thanks a lot!

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Mouthguards for night teeth grinding

Bruxism or nighttime teeth grinding is one of the serious diseases that affects approximately 3% of the world's population. The reasons for this have not been fully identified, but the consequences can be very serious - from abrasion of tooth enamel to deformation of the jaw joints. Wearing special mouth guards allows you to protect your teeth from premature wear, relieve muscle tension, and reduce headaches. For the effect to be effective, the mouth guards should be worn for up to 10 hours a day.

Mouthguards for the treatment of teeth grinding are distinguished by the time of their use. There are day guards that are worn during the day; they are transparent and almost invisible.

There are night guards that you wear while you sleep. They may differ in shape from daily mouth guards, but are also comfortable and imperceptible in the mouth.

The most popular mouthguard manufacturers

The most popular products on the market are from several companies:

  • American plastic mouthguards. Quite affordable, they give noticeable and quick results.
  • 3D Smail. Manufactured in Russia. There are many models that are suitable for the most complex defects. If there are contraindications to the use of braces, this option may be the last chance. Orthodontists prescribe them only after reaching 14 years of age.
  • Star Smile. Another reputable domestic brand. Can be used when the child is already 6 years old.
  • Invisalign Teen. Quite expensive American models. Suitable for difficult cases, easy to use.
  • Clear Corret. The mouth guard shows an excellent level of adjustment. They do not cause allergies and feel comfortable in the mouth.

How to care for your mouthguards

Typically, mouthguards do not require special care. Modern dental mouth guards often just need to be rinsed with running water. Less often they need to be cleaned with toothpaste and a brush. When using orthodontic aligners, the doctor will definitely advise you on how to care for them.

Sports mouthguards require slightly different care and are stored in separate containers and periodically placed in a special solution to extend their life. Any sports mouthguard comes with its own instructions for use and care.

Application trays have their own service life and, as a rule, are not designed for long-term use.

It is enough to wash decorative mouth guards after use under running water, or, in extreme cases, with soap or brush them with a toothbrush.

Reasonable prices for myOSA mouth guards for children at DENT-HUNTER

Does your child sleep poorly and breathe through his mouth? Buy him a mouth guard that fits properly from myOSA! Our online store DENT-HUNTER offers affordable prices for all products and a wide selection of products for children. Advantages of cooperation with us:

  • delivery throughout Russia and Moscow in the shortest possible time;
  • regular discounts and sales (see special section);
  • only original products, the quality of which we can confirm with certificates;
  • detailed consultations on all issues.

Are you planning to place an order? Select the appropriate product from the catalog and add it to your shopping cart. And if you have any questions, call our manager or request a call back through the feedback form on the website. We are always happy to help the client!

Mouth guards made using neuromuscular technology

The neuromuscular mouthguard is a unique development of sports dentists; the device not only protects the athlete from injury, but also increases the strength of the shoulder girdle muscles by 30%. For the average person, this result seems implausible, but the effectiveness of neuromuscular mouth guards has been proven.

Scientific studies have found that athletes constantly clench their teeth during training and competition, which leads to tension in the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back. Unnecessary muscle tone leads to loss of energy, and this affects the athlete’s strength performance and reduces athletic performance. Neuromuscular mouthguards solve the problem - they allow you to fix the position of the lower jaw in such a way that the muscles are in a state of minimal tension at the moment of clenching the teeth. Thanks to this, the athlete’s muscular frame is stabilized, and the amount of energy required for victory increases.

These mouthguards are the most customized and expensive.

Our clinic’s specialists manufacture individual Dental Guard sports mouthguards (Agility Guard company) using neuromuscular technology in this way: electrodes are fixed on the client’s face and neck, which transmit a signal about the strength of muscle contraction to the computer screen. The athlete opens and closes his mouth, while the dentist, based on sensor readings, looks for a position in which muscle tension reaches a minimum value. When such a position is found, a mouth guard is made in the laboratory based on the impression and computer data.

What does a neuromuscular mouth guard provide to an athlete:

  • Increases strength and endurance;
  • Reduces sensitivity to pain;
  • Improves accuracy and speed of movements;
  • Prevents the impact force from being reduced when re-stressing.

Due to the fact that the mouth guard improves strength and speed performance, it is used by athletes in those sports where dental protection is not traditionally used. In this case, a mouth guard is made without a protective function; its purpose is to eliminate reflex overstrain of the muscles of the shoulders, back and arms.

Indications for use of transparent aligners

The method of correcting a bite with mouthguards is indicated in the following cases:

  • individual teeth are incorrectly positioned;
  • crowding or sparseness;
  • slight curvature of the dentition;
  • mild crossbite, open bite or distal bite;
  • displacement of dental units due to tooth loss;
  • disruption of closure as a result of injury;
  • to consolidate the result after wearing braces.

As an independent technique, it is mainly used during the period of baby teeth and the transition to molars - 3 - 10 years.

Pros and cons of using mouthguards for children

Like any medical device, mouthguards for correcting malocclusion in children have their advantages and disadvantages.


  • wearing comfort;
  • no risk of damage to teeth and gums;
  • aesthetics - the products are completely transparent and invisible in use;
  • ease of care and use;
  • high effectiveness - the effect of bite correction is achieved in the same time as treatment with braces;
  • safe and hypoallergenic material;
  • fast adaptation;
  • minimal risk of developing caries and periodontal disease;
  • preservation of the quality of diction;
  • removable system.


  • high price;
  • inability to correct complex orthodontic defects;
  • presence of contraindications.
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