Dental aligners for teeth straightening – transparent, effective, comfortable!

Quick bite correction with an invisible orthodontic system.

Correcting teeth with mouth guards is an alternative to braces. The thinnest onlays are made of transparent bioplastic, invisible on the teeth. The caps fit tightly around each tooth, carefully moving pathologically located units into an even smile line. Transparent mouth guards for straightening teeth easily eliminate minor malocclusions and are used as retainers to be worn after removal of orthodontic appliances.

Invisible aligners for teeth straightening: product description

Dental mouth guards are a removable orthodontic structure made of a transparent polymer composition. The second name of the products is aligners. The technology is new, it has been used for just over 15 years, but the achieved treatment results are impressive.

Plastic mouth guards for straightening teeth, like braces, exert targeted physical pressure on incisors, canines, molars and premolars, carefully correcting the dentition. Mouthguards for straightening teeth are given to the patient in a set of 5-30 pieces. Each new aligner placed is a small step towards an ideal bite and smile.

Material and layering

Most mouthguards are made from either thermoplastic POE, silicone, or latex. All these materials are safe for health and widely applicable in martial arts.

Hot melt trays can be molded when exposed to temperature. This allows you to adjust the mouthguard to the individual bite of the athlete. This is necessary for better protection; the mouth guard fits tightly to the teeth in accordance with the individual bite. To obtain this result, the mouth guard must be pre-fitted; read our material on how to weld a mouth guard.

Mouthguards that cannot be cooked (usually silicone) are used without prior preparation. One of the peculiarities is that they can fall off the upper jaw, causing some discomfort.


Modern mouth guards come in both classic ones, made of single-component material, and multi-layer ones.

Multilayer mouthguards are made from several types of thermoplastics, varying in density and softness. Each layer here performs its own task.

For example, a mouthguard of the Zelart 3535 brand has two layers: an internal one, made of soft plastic (gel), which makes it easier to ensure a better fit and form the correct bite, and an external, more rigid plastic, which provides the frame and shape of the product.

Mouth guards for teeth correction: types and options

The orthodontist will recommend which mouth guards to install. The selection of products is presented in a variety of categories.

Preparation method

Custom alignersThermoplastic clear aligners
Advantages: — created from the patient’s casts; — the treatment plan is 3D designed; — quick bite correction; — the correction period is known in advance; — convenient design; - tight fit; - hypoallergenic; - invisible on the teeth; - easy care. Advantages: - sold in pharmacies; - are inexpensive; - easy to place on teeth; - universal; - undemanding in care.
Disadvantages: - the cost is higher than braces; - you need to wait for the kit to be manufactured. Disadvantage: - the versatility of the product excludes high-quality correction; - there is a possibility of worsening of the bite.


Silicone aligners for teeth straighteningBioplastic aligners
Advantages: - Low price. — Solving speech therapy problems in children. — Relaxation of the maxillofacial muscles. — Accelerated bite correction. Advantages: - Thin products that are invisible in the mouth. — Comfortable wearing up to 23 hours a day. — Transparency. - Hypoallergenic. — Strength and rigidity are sufficient to displace dental units. - Easy to care for, wear, put on, take off.
Disadvantages: - Increased thickness. - Inconvenience and discomfort. — Indications for short-term wearing. Disadvantages: - Bioplastic is used only for individual trays for correcting teeth; there are no universal models.

Wearing time

Aligners for 24/7 wearNight guards for teeth straightening
Features: — Alignment mouthguards are worn 20-23 hours a day. — Removed for meals and for hygiene care. — Suitable for adults and children. Features: — Convenient for patients, since aligners only need to be worn at night. — Ineffective for serious pathologies.
Indications: — Correction of various anomalies of the dentofacial rows. — Correction of crowded teeth and return of individual units to their proper place in the row. Indications: - A night guard for straightening teeth acts as a retainer upon completion of orthodontic treatment with braces. — Minor deviations of dental units from the correct position in the bite.

Patient age

Clear aligners for adultsChildren's mouthguards for teeth straightening
Features: — Completely invisible on the teeth even at close range. — Fast and high-quality correction. - Moderate duration of treatment. - Do not require changes in habits - food, sports, personal. Features: — Mouthguards with color indication to control the required wearing time. — Complete absence of complexes in front of peers. - Does not require getting used to. — Unpretentious in care. — Do not interfere with an active lifestyle.

Diamondbrite thermoplastic mouth guards

Diamondbrite Thermoplastic Mouthguards

Diamondbrite thermoplastic silicone trays are used at home for teeth whitening and remineralizing procedures. The principle of their operation is based on their ability to become soft when heated, and to retain their shape when cooled. In this way, by heating the trays and applying them tightly to the teeth, you can obtain a shape that will accurately follow the relief of the dentition. Having received an impression of the teeth, various procedures can be carried out with great efficiency using special means, ensuring close contact with the surface of the teeth.

Mode of application

    Fill a small container (300-500 ml.) with hot (70-80 C°) water; Dip one mouthguard blank into water for 15-20 seconds. The workpiece will soften; Remove the workpiece from the water and, making sure that it is not very hot, place it on the upper row of teeth; Press the blank tightly onto the teeth from the outside and inside with your fingers to give the shape of the dentition; Remove the tray and rinse under running cold water to fix its shape (harden); Try on the mouthguard and make sure it fits snugly to your teeth. If necessary, cut off unnecessary sections of the edges of the mouthguard with scissors; Repeat all steps to make a lower jaw guard.

Having thus obtained mouthguards that perfectly replicate the surface of the dentition, you can proceed directly to the necessary procedure. The required amount of product is evenly applied to the inner surfaces of the trays, and the trays are placed on the teeth, ensuring full contact of the active substance with the surface of the teeth. The duration and frequency of procedures is determined depending on the requirements of the drug used.

Diamondbrite is a trademark of products of one of the leaders in the production of dental products - the American company Confi-Dental . All of the company's products are made from high quality materials and meet all international safety requirements.

Hello everyone who stopped by! The topic of teeth whitening has become the most pressing for me in recent years; during this time I have tried a bunch of methods: whitening strips, special home kits with a lamp, remineralizing gel from ROCS, as well as whitening pastes, but have not yet made it to the office. dentist

Actually, such silicone trays always come in whitening kits in the amount of 2 pieces, they can be found in a pharmacy, but the price for 2 pieces is about 200 rubles , on Aliexpress 40 and a penny rubles for 2 pieces . And this is not a matter of bad plastic, etc., the material is exactly the same.

    My detailed review of Aliexpress: coupons, Brazilian purchases, buyer ratings, points and much more, and photo BRAGs, of course

Delivery took 4 weeks, the mouthguards came in a zip bag, there was no smell, but before use I washed them thoroughly with Cold Chlorhexidine. Under no circumstances treat the mouth guards with boiling water or even slightly hot/warm water, the mouth guards will become deformed!

    Link to thermoplastic mouthguards

Generally speaking, there are 2 types of dental guards : Conventional and thermoplastic . The latter differ in that they can be “customized” Ideally to your teeth , then the whitening process will be effective.

Teeth whitening trays are probably the most inexpensive method of whitening, not counting toothpastes.

How to make a mouth guard for your teeth?

We take an already cleaned mouth guard (I wrote about this above) and a glass of hot water. We lower our mouthguard literally for 5-10 seconds in water, take it out and insert it into the oral cavity, put it on the teeth, bite it and get a ready-made mouthguard for you. You need to make 2 trays in this way: on the top and bottom row.

That's it. Now apply the whitening gel to the teeth or mouth guard and insert it onto the teeth, wait for the allotted time and rinse your mouth.

I want to say that the main thing is not to overdo it with the time you hold the mouth guard in hot water . I ruined the first mouth guard in this way, it turned into a mini version of the mouth guard, shrank, and could not be returned to its original position.

It's better to under-than over- - this law works here.

Caring for a teeth whitening tray

After each use, the mouthguard should be thoroughly rinsed in cold water, removing all the product from the surface. I also don’t hesitate to wipe them with chlorhexidine once again. It is better to store it in a bag or box and not in the open scorching sun.

I change my teeth whitening tray every 3-6 months (I use it 1-2 times a week).

Conclusion: I recommend, recommend and once again recommend for purchase! Aliexpress mouth guards are no worse in quality than mouth guards from expensive sets, as well as regular mouth guards that I bought at the pharmacy, but the savings are obvious in your wallet. I will continue to order from here.

also recommend using these products whiten and strengthen

Thank you for your attention! Wishing you strong and healthy teeth.

Diamondbrite thermoplastic trays for whitening and remineralizing gels - description

Diamondbrite thermoplastic silicone trays for home use of whitening and remineralizing gels. Many remineralizing gels or fluoridating gels require the use of special custom trays for maximum effectiveness. Such mouthguards not only increase the benefits of the remineralization procedure, but also make the procedure more comfortable, and also contribute to significant savings in gels.

Many at-home teeth whitening kits may also not include thermoplastic trays for at-home use.

You can order individual silicone mouth guards from your dentist, but the disadvantages of this approach are obvious: not every clinic has vacuum forming machines for making mouth guards, and where such a machine is available, the service for making mouth guards can cost from 3,000 rubles and more.

Why overpay and waste time if you can make exactly the same mouth guards yourself at home in just a couple of minutes? Using the kit, you can make your own silicone aligners that will fit perfectly on your teeth! The set includes two blanks for making aligners (for the upper and lower jaws), a stylish case for storing ready-made aligners.

Instructions for making custom Diamondbrite silicone aligners

Fill a glass with hot (but not boiling!) water at a temperature of 70-80 C°. Holding the mouthguard blank by the handle, lower it into the water for 30 seconds. Take out the workpiece, make sure it is not very hot. Place the blank on the top row of teeth. Crimp the blank onto your teeth from the outside and inside with your fingers so that it takes the shape of the jaw. Rinse the finished mouthguard under running cold water to fix its shape. Place the mouthguard on your teeth, making sure that it fits evenly and tightly enough to the dentition. If you did everything correctly, the mouthguard will stay on your teeth without falling off or interfering with your speech. If the mouthguard does not hold well, it can be reheated in water and the shape adjusted. Cut off the handle mentioned in step 2. Repeat the procedure for making a mouth guard for the lower jaw.

Country of origin: China

There are 3 types of trays used for whitening:

    Standard. Such products are produced in whole series. They are sold in pharmacies and some online stores. This is the cheapest type of whitening trays. The full course will cost only 2-3 thousand rubles. The disadvantage of this method is the lack of an individual approach, which can cause discomfort while wearing the product. The standard set includes 10 pairs for both jaws. All mouthguards are double-layered, with the inside filled with a special gel. The product must be worn for an hour. Thermoplastic. For the manufacture of such mouth guards, materials are used that can soften by heating. Thanks to this, there is no discomfort while wearing the product. The design is dipped into almost boiling water and then put on the teeth. The price of the kit ranges from 4.5-6 thousand rubles. To apply the whitening gel, use the syringe included in the kit. You need to wear a mouth guard for 8 hours at night and 3-5 hours during the day.

When purchasing a standard or thermoplastic mouthguard, the Client receives a whitening gel , the active ingredient of which is hydrogen peroxide. It also contains fluorine and potassium nitrate, which help reduce enamel sensitivity.

The gel for filling individual trays is prepared by the dentist. The doctor uses the desired concentration of hydrogen peroxide and then adds substances that reduce tooth sensitivity. The amount of finished paste is designed for 2 weeks.

If there is significant yellowing of the enamel, dentists recommend using a whitening gel with a high concentration of carbamide peroxide, as well as a composition aimed at remineralizing the enamel. The latter substance is worn on the surface of the teeth after the tray is removed.

Contraindications to whitening with trays

In order not to harm the health of your teeth and gums, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications to whitening:

Product use

Today, anyone can buy a mouth guard, because you don’t need a prescription. Some people purchase a whitening product without first consulting a dentist. This should not be done, since the whitening gel contains potent substances that, if used incorrectly, can damage tooth enamel , as well as injure the mucous membrane and cause inflammation of the gums.

To avoid possible consequences, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    When choosing a whitening gel, you should pay attention to the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. If there is a lot of it, then the mouth guard can be worn for 1-3 hours. Products with a minimal amount of peroxide are allowed to be worn at night; you must follow all the recommendations written in the instructions; Whitening should be done after professional stone removal; Before using the mouthguard, it is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste.

How to maintain the results of whitening?

To keep your teeth white, you should stick to a “white” diet for several days. In other words, your diet should not contain the following foods:

    red wine and fruit drinks; tea and coffee; chocolate; sparkling water, which contains dyes; beets, carrots and other coloring vegetables, berries and fruits; soy sauce, adjika and ketchup.

If you unknowingly eat something from the above list, be sure to brush your teeth.

It is not recommended to smoke cigarettes for 2 weeks after the end of whitening. If you are unable to quit smoking even for 3-4 days, then it is better not to whiten your teeth, because the effect will not last long.

It is very important to maintain good hygiene. So, you need to brush your teeth at least in the morning and evening, and also use dental floss regularly.

By mouthguards we mean removable structures, which are special linings on the surface of the teeth.

Mouthguards can be used for any type of dental treatment, prevention, as well as to protect teeth from damage in traumatic sports.

Mouthguards are divided into 3 types: standard, thermoplastic and individual.

Standard mouthguards are immediately ready for use, but their disadvantage is the uniformity of shapes and sizes. Individual mouthguards are made from biopolymers in special laboratories using exact casts of the jaws of a particular patient according to the individual characteristics of the structure of the person’s dentition.

Thermoplastic mouth guards are a convenient, fast and almost perfectly fitting option for mouth guards. Thermoplastic trays are an indispensable accessory for home teeth whitening procedures and remineralization of tooth enamel using calcium or fluoride-based gels.

The mouthguards of the popular Diamondbrite brand are made from the best raw materials at the high-tech production of the American company Confi-Dental, a leader in the dental materials market.


Diamondbrite mouth guards do not require special care, but should be brushed regularly with a toothbrush in cool water and not exposed to high temperatures to maintain the shape of the mouth guard. Dentists recommend that while using a mouthguard, you should inspect it for abrasions or damage, and carry the mouthguards only in a specially designed hard container with good ventilation.

Instructions for use

For each jaw, mouth guards are made separately, sequentially. Using the handle, the mouth guard blank must be lowered into hot, but not boiling, water for 30 seconds. After this, the workpiece needs to be cooled a little and placed on the selected row of teeth (upper or lower), press the workpiece with your fingers from the outside and inside so that it takes the shape of the jaw. To fix the shape, the mouthguard should be rinsed with cold water. If the mouth guard is made correctly, it will not fall off and interfere with conversation, otherwise the shape of the mouth guard can be adjusted by repeatedly immersing it in hot water. Having made the mouthguard, the handle of the workpiece can be cut off.

Instructions for use Read more…

Ultralight aligners - American aligners for teeth straightening

Straightening teeth with Ultralight aligners is a simple way to correct your bite. Suitable for adults and children. Teenagers and their parents like it.

Ultralight aligners - the best aligners for bite alignment

  1. American brand. The technology was developed by leading US specialists and meets all the canons of international quality.
  2. 3D modeling of treatment. The correction plan is calculated using a computer program, which eliminates the risk of medical error when correcting occlusion pathology.
  3. Control of the American side. After receiving the patient’s casts and the initial correction scheme, all information is duplicated in the Ultralight office for verification by American colleagues.
  4. Manufacturing of aligners at the Skolkovo Innovation Center. In the laboratory of the innovation center, a powerful and high-precision 3D printer creates sets of aligners from biopolymer.
  5. Save time. The patient receives Ultralight aligners within a few days after the jaw line impressions are taken and can immediately begin wearing clear aligners to straighten teeth.

Advantages of transparent aligners for correcting malocclusion

  • Convenient – ​​a mouthguard for straightening teeth in adults does not reduce the clarity of speech, does not injure mucous tissue, and is hardly noticeable in the mouth.
  • Invisibility - even at a distance of three steps it is difficult to notice the transparent overlay on the teeth of your interlocutor, friend, colleague.
  • Safety - aligners fit the teeth, but do not require attachment to the enamel, so there are no cases of damage, abrasion, or decalcification.
  • Easy to care for - unlike braces, aligners can be easily cleaned with toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush, and rinsed with water.

Disadvantages of aligners

Every system has its downsides. The unique format of correction with aligners, as well as the materials used, impose their own limitations. Disadvantages of transparent aligners:

  1. Price. The price depends on the number of products for bite correction and, in case of serious pathologies, exceeds the cost of braces.
  2. Limited effectiveness. Complex and advanced malocclusions are treated only with braces or combined techniques.
  3. High level of responsibility. The patient himself controls the wearing time - at least 20-22 hours a day.

Price of mouth guards for sports: what affects the final cost?

When choosing a mouth guard, everyone is interested in one more question – the price, or how much money you will have to spend on the purchase. A good mouth guard for boxing cannot be too cheap, because its production is a process that requires time and professionalism. Cheap products are of low quality and also quickly need to be replaced.

How much a mouthguard costs for boxing and other sports is influenced by:

  • Material of manufacture.
  • Design features.
  • Manufacturer brand.

We recommend trusting trusted brands, and also paying special attention to the characteristics of the equipment (material, thickness, dimensional data and much more). After all, a quality product is the key to your safety during sports.

Why adults and children choose clear aligners to straighten teeth

A teeth aligner for adults is simply irreplaceable:

Invisible - no one around you will know that orthodontic treatment is being carried out.Convenient - you can eat your usual foods, drink coffee and wine.Hypoallergenic – the risk of allergies is eliminated, there is no danger to health.

Teens like aligners because:

Easy care - all you need to clean the mouth guard is a toothbrush and toothpaste.Unusual solutions - colored aligners will amaze peers and classmates.Minimal contacts with doctors - aligners are changed at home according to the schedule.

Mouth guards or braces: what to choose to correct your bite

Step-by-step treatment plan and exact time to wear the traysOnly an approximate forecast of the duration of treatment
Correction of simple malocclusion or tooth misalignmentCorrection of even the most complex dental anomalies
Aesthetics, invisible on teethAll braces are visible in one way or another, except for lingual ones.
Painless and quick addictionDiscomfort and pain during the adaptation period
Minimum care requirementsDifficult cleaning using numerous brushes and brushes
Smooth surface prevents injuryScratch and injure the oral mucosa

Types of aligners for remineralization

There are several types of mouthguards for mineralization of teeth:

  • Standard (universal) - available in various sizes, they can be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the dentition.
  • Individual - made in a dental prosthetic laboratory for each patient, from casts of the jaws.
  • Thermoplastic in terms of comfort they are not inferior to those made to order, and the price is comparable to the cost of standard aligner models.

To prepare for using a thermoplastic tray for remineralization, you need to “model” it to fit your dentition. For 30-40 seconds, the plastic structure should be immersed in water heated to 70-80°C, and then put on the teeth and pressed on both sides with your fingers. The mouthguard, softened when heated, will take the shape of the dentition and retain it as it cools. The thermoplastic elaner, like other models of mouthguards, is used repeatedly; it adheres firmly to the teeth and does not cause discomfort.

Treatment of malocclusion using aligners

The installation of a mouthguard is performed only on healthy teeth, so a mandatory step in the preparation of the dentition is the treatment of caries and pulpitis, plaque removal and professional cleaning.

In trusted Moscow dental clinics, the stages of bite correction in adults and children include:

  1. Initial visit to the orthodontist. The doctor will evaluate the bite and condition of the teeth and refer you for a mandatory x-ray examination. The main goal of this stage is to determine the feasibility of installing transparent aligners and the possibility of correcting the identified malocclusion pathology.
  2. Taking impressions and treatment planning. The orthodontist creates a 3D computer model and designs the correction step by step. The patient sees in the program how the position of the teeth changes and the dental rows are straightened. Simultaneously calculates the number of aligners and the amount for treatment.
  3. Production of caps The period depends on the manufacturers. For Italian and American aligners manufactured abroad, patients wait up to 2-4 weeks. Orthodontic devices created in Skolkovo near Moscow are ready in a few days.
  4. Get to know your aligners and get a replacement schedule for your aligners. The orthodontist teaches the patient how to put on and take off the aligners, explains the care technique, and explains when it is necessary to change one product and not another.
  5. Aligners straighten teeth - wearing aligners and watching how the bite straightens every week.

Indications for remotherapy

Tooth enamel is a kind of crystalline network up to 2 mm thick, consisting of 96% inorganic compounds. The porous structure of this hard shell of the tooth allows acids and enzymes contained in food and saliva to penetrate into it. Under the influence of these aggressive substances, some of the minerals in the enamel dissolve, the tooth shell becomes thinner and loses strength.

Remotherapy is used to eliminate defects that have arisen due to a deficiency of mineral components in tooth enamel, in order to strengthen it, and also as a means of caries prevention. It is indicated for:

  • hypoplasia (congenital underdevelopment of enamel);
  • enamel damage (erosion, microcracks, chips);
  • hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) of teeth;
  • superficial caries;
  • change in enamel color;
  • during the recovery period after long-term wearing of orthodontic appliances;
  • as a preparatory procedure before teeth whitening;
  • to stabilize the result after teeth whitening.
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