What to do if the dental nerve is bothering you - remove it or treat it?

Painless removal of a nerve from a tooth: how it goes and consequences

Many people are familiar with the procedure of removing a nerve from a tooth, which was accompanied by the mandatory placement of arsenic. Previously, this method took several days, during which the substance killed the nerve, after which the doctor removed the pulp and installed a filling or crown. Modern methods make it possible not to resort to arsenic, using more effective and painless methods. The pulp or neurovascular bundle performs important functions; it nourishes and protects tooth tissue from infection. Without it, the enamel changes color, hard tissues are destroyed faster, but in some situations, removal of the nerve is necessary.

Stages of treatment

Diagnostics. Before removing the nerve, the dentist takes x-rays. The image allows you to assess the condition, number and structure of the root canals, decide on the need to remove the nerve, and plan the procedure.

Anesthesia. For pain relief, conduction anesthesia is used (injection is performed). In case of severe inflammation and severe pain, local anesthesia at the injection site can be additionally used.

Preparation of the working field. After opening the hard tissues, the tooth must be protected from saliva containing bacteria getting inside. To do this, the working field is isolated with latex strips (cofferdam). During further treatment, this insulation protects the mucous membranes from heating by polymerization lamps.

Processing of hard tissues. Performed after injuries, carious lesions, destruction, etc. The damaged tissue is removed, and the dentist creates an opening in the tooth to access the pulp. During treatment, the tooth is cooled with an air-water mixture to prevent overheating of its tissues. After removing the affected tissue, the walls of the pulp chamber are treated in such a way as to increase the reliability of subsequent filling.

Nerve removal. Performed with a pulp extractor. This is a dental instrument that looks like a needle with small teeth. A pulp extractor is placed in the canal, the nerve is wound around it and removed. This is a disposable tool. In some cases, instruments for cutting pulp tissue can be used instead.

Root canal treatment. Measuring their length, cleaning, treating with an active antiseptic. Needed to remove residual pulp and other particles.

Installation of a temporary filling. Performed as an intermediate stage of treatment. A permanent filling is not placed immediately so that the dentist has the opportunity to check the condition of the root canals during the next visit, before permanent filling or crown installation.

Taking a control shot. It is necessary to make sure that the canals are properly processed and completely sealed.

Causes of dental pulp damage

The dentist is often visited because of caries - damage and destruction of enamel, which at the initial stage causes aesthetic discomfort.

Important: if the disease is started, the process affects the deeper layers of the tooth and pulpitis develops, that is, the neurovascular bundle becomes inflamed.

Pathologies arise due to the rapid proliferation of microbes, but in addition, the pulp can be damaged for the following reasons:

  • gum disease, in which the neck of the tooth is exposed, the bone tissue is destroyed and harmful bacteria penetrate inside;
  • trauma, as a result of which part of the tooth can break off, and then microbes enter the resulting cavity;
  • mistake by the dentist who installed the filling or crown. If some actions were incorrect, then the nerve will make itself felt after a while.

These are the main causes of pulp damage. The symptoms of this condition will be acute. The pulp will begin to react to cold, hot, too spicy, sweet foods. Removing the nerve in such situations is a necessity, despite the fact that minerals and nutrients will stop flowing to the tooth.

Removing the nerves of the front teeth: what to pay attention to

A beautiful snow-white smile always attracts attention and encourages communication. That is why during preventive examinations you should pay special attention to the health of the front teeth, which are located on the so-called. "smile lines"

Removing the nerves of the front teeth is not a technically difficult procedure; it is comparable in complexity to similar operations on other teeth. In this case, it should be taken into account that a pulpless tooth becomes a “dead” tooth - without receiving the necessary elements, it darkens and becomes fragile over time. Naturally, in this case it will be necessary to restore the beauty of the dentition over time.

Aesthetic dentistry at the Eurodent clinic offers several options for restoring the appearance of teeth:

  • Teeth whitening (including pulpless teeth)
  • Installation of veneers (lumineers, ultra-veneers);
  • Artistic restoration of teeth;
  • Installation of crowns (metal-ceramics, zirconium oxide).

In order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of removing the nerves of the front teeth, you should undergo regular preventive examinations by the dentist. The specialist will be able to notice “problems” before the appearance of alarming symptoms and eliminate them without any problems.

In order to find out how much it costs to remove a nerve in a tooth , you can come for a free consultation at the Eurodent clinic.
With us you can undergo high-quality diagnostics and receive qualified dental care. Based on: 19 votes

Why do you need to remove the pulp?

We talked about the main reasons why nerve inflammation occurs, but most often pulpitis becomes a consequence of advanced caries. Therefore, it is very important to visit a dentist, even if nothing bothers you. The decision to remove the pulp is made in the following situations:

  • pulpitis has passed into the stage of periodontitis, when inflammation affects the whole complex of connective tissue in the tooth;
  • large area of ​​carious lesion;
  • the infection spreads through the apex of the tooth root;
  • the appearance of unbearable, prolonged pain;
  • spread of infection under an artificial crown;
  • consequences of improper treatment.

The nerve can be removed either completely or partially, it all depends on the degree of tissue damage. Depulpation will prevent the spread of the inflammatory process under the crown and preserve the natural tooth, which is a priority for endodontic therapy.

When is depulpation performed before prosthetics?

Until recently, nerve removal was a routine process before the installation of permanent structures. Recently, the views of dentists have changed. The fact is that a tooth without pulp is considered “dead”. There is no tissue exchange, secondary dentin is not produced. He becomes fragile. In addition, when there is no pulp, the inflammatory process can completely destroy the tooth, because there will be no pain for a long time.

On the other hand, if the pulp becomes inflamed under the crown, then an expensive and complex restoration will have to be removed in order to carry out treatment.

There is no consensus among dentists whether it is necessary to remove the nerve during prosthetics. Each point of view has its defenders and opponents. The golden rule of dentistry is to carry out manipulations strictly according to indications.

How does the pulp removal process work?

We mentioned the method using arsenic at the very beginning. Some dentists still use it. The disadvantages of this treatment include its duration and pain. Before administering arsenic, the doctor must widen the root canal and place the substance into it. He then seals the area with a temporary filling. After two days, the arsenic kills the nerve, then the dentist cleans the substance from the tooth cavity and removes the pulp.

Important! Arsenic should not remain longer than expected in the oral cavity, as it is a poison and can be destructive to tissue.

There are more modern ways of performing the procedure, which are both safer and more painless. Before any action, an x-ray is required, which shows the vitality of the pulp, the length of the canal and other features.

Pulp removal is carried out using the vital and devital method. The first option is used for patients of any age. Its stages are as follows:

  • the tooth is exposed;
  • the pulp is removed with a special tool - a pulp extractor;
  • a filling is installed.

In some situations it may be temporary and after a few days it changes to permanent.

Note: all stages of treatment are performed under anesthesia, so they will not be painful or uncomfortable for the patient.

The devital method is similar to what was used ten or more years ago, only instead of arsenic, a non-toxic substance is installed in the tooth cavity. The main method of pulp removal in modern dentistry is the vital method, when in just 1 visit to the doctor you can undergo complete painless dental treatment.

Important: temporary pain after a dental procedure is considered normal, as tissue intervention has occurred. If severe pain does not go away within 3 days, you should consult a doctor.

What does tooth color change mean after pulp removal?

Nowadays, almost all private dental clinics adhere to international depulpation protocols, but outdated practices are still in use in budgetary medical institutions. The main reasons for tooth discoloration are improper preparation of the cavity for installation of a filling, poor quality of instrumentation of the canal and poor materials for filling. For example, when using endomethasone, the enamel turns yellow (a similar outcome is even prescribed in the instructions). If resorcinol-formalin paste was used for filling, the teeth may turn pink. Most often, this material is used in the treatment of baby teeth.

The nerves from wisdom teeth, which dentists call “problem eights,” are extremely rarely removed. Given their location and short service life, as well as the difficulty of cleaning from stone and plaque, they are easier to remove. As a rule, the figure eight is removed in case of incorrect eruption (if there is a slope towards the tongue or towards the cheek), tooth retention, carious lesions, pulpitis, changes in bite, displacement of the dentition.

After depulpation, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid physical activity for the first 2 hours after the procedure.
  • To avoid infection and injury to the tooth, do not eat food for 3 hours after pulp removal (you can drink warm water through a straw).
  • For 5 days, exclude rough, solid foods from the diet.
  • To avoid irritation of the oral mucosa, it is advisable not to smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, or eat spicy, cold or hot foods for at least 5 days.
  • Rinse your mouth with antiseptics prescribed by your dentist for at least 1 day.

It is impossible to remove the dental nerve using folk remedies. Even if it can be destroyed, the pulp will need to be removed, and this can only be done with a special medical instrument.

When planning a visit to the dentist, remember that the longer you delay, the more difficult and expensive depulp removal will be. And do not forget that such intervention is recommended only if there are good reasons for it. Any dentist will try his best to keep the tooth “alive” if possible.

In what situations should a nerve not be removed?

We are talking not only about contraindications, but also about cases in which the pulp can be preserved. The procedure is not performed if the patient has:

  • any infectious disease;
  • one of the forms of stomatitis;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • acute pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • unsatisfactory condition of the oral cavity with suppuration and inflammation.

The nerve is preserved if it is not subject to inflammation due to caries or other pathologies and injuries. The dentist’s task is to save the pulp and remove it only in case of emergency.

Important: you cannot endure a toothache and hope that the pain in your nerve will stop. Inflammation can become chronic and show almost no effect, but any provoking factor will affect the development of a purulent abscess. In this case, the minimal consequence will be tooth loss, and the possible consequence will be the spread of infection to other tissues.

What is a tooth nerve

Each element of the dentition consists of hard and soft tissues. The visible part is represented by dense enamel. Then comes the dentin and only then the pulp chamber, which has many root tubules and nerve endings. The number of tubules is equal to the number of roots in canines and molars. Nervous tissue plays a vital role in the formation and growth of teeth. It is responsible for nutrition, delivering the necessary nutrients to the cavity to maintain their performance. You can see what the nerve of a tooth looks like on the Internet.

With the development of carious processes, damage to the dentin and pulp chamber occurs. The dentist most often diagnoses pulpitis or periodontitis. The patient may experience severe piercing pain. The cause may be general hypothermia of the body, the development of an infection in the oral cavity, mechanical damage to the coronal part, or an advanced carious process. Most often, the patient cannot understand which element of the dental system is bothering him. He only indicates the location of the pain, and the dentist determines the cause.

Consequences of nerve removal

If the treatment was carried out by a professional and experienced dentist, then apart from slight pain the patient will not be bothered by anything. Otherwise, there may be such complications:

  • a fragment of the instrument remains in the dental canal;
  • the nerve was partially removed;
  • incorrect or poor-quality filling of the canal;
  • mechanical damage to the root or wall;
  • rapid darkening of the enamel;
  • suppuration due to poor disinfection.

Important! Depulpation at the Crystal clinic is carried out with the minimum possible complications, since all procedures are carried out by certified doctors with extensive experience using high-tech equipment and tools.

After depulpation, it is recommended not to eat for 2-3 hours, not to eat cold, hot, hard or other foods that irritate the mucous membrane. Your doctor will tell you in more detail about the necessary actions after removing the nerve.

Causes of tooth pain after depulpation

Individual reaction of the body

It may appear in the first two days. Even after removal of the nerve, the tooth is still able to respond to strong pressure and thermal irritants, but not longer than 3-4 days. Poor quality of pulp extractors or inability to handle them

Instruments for pulp extraction are marked because they must correspond to the canal. Poor quality of canal cleaning

The presence of tissues damaged by caries will certainly lead to renewed pain and complications of the inflammatory process, so it is extremely important to remove them completely. Allergic reaction to filling materials

This rarely happens, especially if the doctor has determined in advance the patient’s body’s predisposition to allergies. Instrument fracture

If the instrument was damaged during the procedure and its remains lingered at the top of the root, they will cause pain. In the worst case, if there is already a filling, the tooth will need to be removed. Residual pulpitis

May affect one or more canals. The main symptom of such a secondary inflammatory process is aching pain, which then becomes acute. Relapse is possible with partial depulpation.

How to calm the tooth nerve yourself

In some cases, it may not be possible to visit a dentist in the near future. For example, if you are far from the city, where it is impossible to find a specialized clinic. Then you can use traditional medicine recipes, use a soda-salt solution. To do this, you will need to dilute baking soda and salt in warm water and rinse your mouth. If soda and salt are not available, you can use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1. Then the swab is moistened in this solution and applied to the painful area of ​​the dental system.

We looked at how to calm the dental nerve at home if you are unable to visit a dentist. Additionally, you can use herbal decoctions based on mint or chamomile. In some cases, clove essential oil is used. It is enough to drop it on a cotton swab and apply it to the painful area. It has good anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. However, if these funds are not at hand, and you do not know how to numb the tooth nerve that is inflamed, call the dentist on duty. It is better, of course, to immediately go to the doctor, since an independent decision can lead to the development of dangerous complications.

What is pulpitis: how does the disease appear, what signs may indicate its development?

The pulp, or dental nerve, is located inside the tooth and is protected by its crown (the hard outer part). But if a person does not treat caries, then gradually pathogenic bacteria will destroy the tooth and this process will reach the pulp. As soon as the infection penetrates the sensitive nerve bundle, the inflammatory process begins. Strong throbbing pains that usually appear at night can tell you about inflammation of the nerve. The strength of these pains can be so great that they do not go away even when taking strong painkillers from the pharmacy.

USEFUL TO KNOW: Of course, pulpitis can appear for a number of other reasons. For example, due to poor quality treatment of caries, improper treatment of dental canals, severe colds with complications. But most often the cause of pulpitis is advanced caries!

Watch a short video about the treatment of pulpitis

But acute pain due to pulpitis appears already with sufficient development of inflammation. In the initial phase, pain may occur when a diseased tooth comes into contact with cold or, conversely, too hot food, sweet or sour food. If you have such signs, be sure to make an appointment with a doctor, because in the initial phases of the disease, pulpitis can be treated quickly and using gentle methods!

USEFUL TO KNOW: At the initial stage of development of the inflammatory process in the pulp, pain in the tooth can be suppressed with analgesics. And many patients do this, believing that they have cured the tooth on their own. This is a very dangerous misconception, since taking painkillers does not eliminate inflammation, but simply removes its external signs. Inflammation will develop and can affect not only the entire dental nerve, but also spread to the root of the tooth. Under such circumstances, it will be impossible to save the tooth!

You should not rejoice prematurely even if the pain in your tooth subsides on its own. This may indicate that the dental nerve has died and the inflammation has turned purulent. In such cases, flux usually appears in the area of ​​the diseased tooth.

Therefore, if you suspect you have tooth pulpitis, do not delay its treatment, contact the dentist immediately. Our clinic in Moscow, Aesthetica, uses modern and effective methods for treating pulpitis, allowing you to save the tooth even in the most advanced cases!

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Manukyan Artavazd Genrikovich

Chief physician of the clinic

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