What do you need to know about the design and material of Quick braces?

The FORESTADENT company based the development of new braces on naturalness and naturalness. A new ceramic mixture was specially created, which in color most closely matches the natural color of tooth enamel. This guarantees excellent aesthetic properties of the braces: the braces become noticeable only from a close distance.

Quick Clear braces are self-ligating translucent ceramic braces that provide an aesthetic alternative to metal braces. Kwik Clea is an interactive system with an opening mechanism similar to the Kwik braces system. Excellent aesthetics, natural smile, reduced treatment time - ideal conditions for the patient.

A few words about the manufacturing company

With such a wide variety of modern brace systems, it can be quite difficult to choose the option that best suits your specific expectations and financial capabilities. If you want to get results as quickly as possible and not experience discomfort during treatment, you should immediately pay attention to braces from the German manufacturer Forestadent - the Quick brand.

The history of the company dates back to the middle of the last century in the city of Pforzheim in Germany. To date, the company occupies one of the leading positions in the global market, continuing to improve its technologies and developments in the production of modern high-quality and comfortable brace systems.

The first model of braces from Forestadent was presented to the world in the 70s of the last century. And most recently, the company patented a new base for brackets - the special design of the platform ensures the most accurate placement and strong fastening of each plate. Today, the manufacturer’s assortment includes many different models for the treatment and prevention of dental anomalies of varying degrees of complexity and etiology.

How long does the treatment last?

Quick metal solutions require minimal treatment times. In addition, the unique design makes it possible to equip the system with additional components that will create an enhanced effect on individual teeth. Thus, the course lasts on average about a year, even in the presence of complex defects of the dental system.

As for ceramic solutions, it is worth paying attention to the self-ligating type of construction, which also allows for faster treatment. As a rule, the duration of the course in this case is 1.5-2 years, however, if it is necessary to correct complex anomalies, the period can be increased.

Features of Quick systems

The Quick line is a series of self-ligating vestibular systems made entirely of metal or with ceramic plates. Several models are presented here, designed for different clinical cases, with active and passive types of ligation. The following characteristics distinguish Quick designs from braces from other brands:

  • in metal models there is no nickel in the alloy, and this almost completely eliminates the risk of developing an allergic reaction,
  • the plates that are fixed on the incisors have a low profile, which provides increased comfort and aesthetics for the patient,
  • each bracket has rounded edges - this eliminates the risk of rubbing and permanent injury to the mucous membrane during correction,
  • each bracket has an additional groove, which makes it easier to fix auxiliary elements if necessary,
  • anatomically shaped platform with grooves – the company’s patented technology. The base literally adapts to the anatomical features of each individual tooth. The grooves allow the use of a larger amount of adhesive composition for even stronger fastening of the plates to the enamel,
  • The new archwire clamp increases the strength of archwire retention in the grooves by almost 20%. This feature allows you to better control the pressure of the power arc on the dentition1,
  • the ability to quickly repair individual fragments without the need to remove the entire system.

Ceramic braces look quite aesthetically pleasing on the teeth.
In German braces, all parts are made in compact sizes; there are no massive protruding components. Some experts believe that, along with the Sprint and aesthetic sapphire Aesthetic models, the Quick line for Forestadent has become one of the most successful, since each of the models presented in it gives a quick and high-quality result without much discomfort for the patient .

Disadvantages of braces systems

  1. high cost: braces of this brand are quite expensive.
  2. long treatment period: you will have to wear braces a little longer than solid metal structures. However, ceramic systems are specially created for patients for whom aesthetics is the most important and minor bite correction is required,
  3. probability of breakage: despite the fact that these ceramic braces are advanced systems and the manufacturer guarantees the integrity of the plates throughout the entire treatment period, the patient must remember that ceramics is a rather fragile material. Therefore, during treatment it is worth excluding hard meat, nuts, and hard fruits from the diet, as this can cause a breakdown of the system.

Types of Quick braces

  1. Quick BioPassive: A passive form of ligation design that has a deeper groove in the plates, giving the arch more space. Due to this feature, the friction force is reduced, but the pressure on the teeth increases and the process of their correction is accelerated,
  2. BioQuick: BioQuick metal systems with a low-profile self-ligating design cope even well with complex dental anomalies and at the same time provide increased comfort during treatment,

    The photo shows BioQuick braces

  3. QuicKlear: self-ligating ceramic braces are aesthetic models and therefore cost more to treat. There is a “Clea” model without metal parts, and this is an excellent option for patients prone to allergic reactions to metal. In another variation, the ceramic plates are reinforced with metal clips and are a suitable choice for more complex anomalies.

    This is what a QuicKlear brace looks like

Operating procedure

Installation of braces on teeth is carried out only after an initial examination. The orthodontist will examine your oral cavity and offer you several types of braces to choose from. Before installation, it may be necessary to treat damaged areas of enamel, and sometimes to remove affected teeth. After fluoroscopy, the orthodontist installs the system, gluing the fragments to each tooth and inserting the fixing arch into the grooves.

The design does not cause rejection by the body, the adaptation time is on average up to two weeks. Regular visits to your Dentalis dentist will help you understand when it is time to remove or change the system.

Are there any disadvantages

Like any other orthodontic system, Quick is not without its drawbacks. Of course, there are very few of them when compared with other corrective devices, but the disadvantages also cannot be ignored:

  1. the relative aesthetics of metal models - the material differs in color from the enamel, therefore, in any case, it stands out against the background of the teeth, despite the low profile and compact size of the plates,
  2. high cost of treatment - during production, the company spends significant funds on new developments and their implementation, and this inevitably affects the final cost of the structures,
  3. the adaptation period is inevitable, regardless of the chosen system and its brand. Diction and chewing functions are fully restored within 1-2 weeks.

The photo shows BioQuick braces
After installing the structure, you will not have to radically change your usual lifestyle. You will need to pay more attention to hygiene and give up too hard foods, such as seeds and nuts. Otherwise, there is no need to make any special efforts or set strict limits for yourself.


Despite the many innovative solutions of the manufacturer, Quick braces have several disadvantages:

  • First of all, this is a high price , which, however, is compensated by the excellent quality of any system of the German brand;
  • Complete invisibility of the structure remains an unattainable dream. For all its grace and diminutiveness, Quick is still noticeable to others;
  • At the initial stage of treatment, a minor disturbance in diction is possible , which subsequently quickly passes.

Indications for installation

The range of possibilities of Quick braces is quite wide. Their installation may be indicated in the following clinical cases:

  • anomalies in the structure of the dental system of various etiologies and degrees of complexity,
  • crooked position of the teeth, including crowding, large gaps between teeth (tremes and diastemas) or their severe rotation,
  • curvature of the coronal part along with the roots.

Such designs are used for various malocclusions.
Correct correction not only makes teeth straight and beautiful, but also normalizes the functionality of the dentofacial apparatus. After treatment, problems with breathing and speech disappear.

What contraindications can be identified?

Treatment with Quick braces may not be possible in all cases. Plates are not installed in cases of increased sensitivity of the enamel (hyperesthesia), acute inflammation of the gums and periodontal tissues, tuberculosis, serious disorders of the nervous system and psyche, pathologies of the endocrine and circulatory systems, as well as poor oral hygiene. Plates will also not be placed if there are untreated carious lesions in the mouth or a large number of fillings and crowns.

It is recommended to begin orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances at the age of 12-13 years, not earlier. It is necessary to wait until the process of formation of the child’s dental system is completely completed. At an earlier age, correction is carried out using removable plates or soft trainers.

Design features

The entire line has a number of characteristics that make it unique. The main ones are:

  • The low profile of Quick Clear and Bioquick braces is achieved thanks to the thinnest brackets, especially for the front teeth. This prevents chafing and irritation of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​contact with the bases.
  • All sharp corners on the plates are smoothed out during the manufacturing process. This is achieved by careful polishing, so the risk of soft tissue injury is minimized.
  • There is a double groove system, which allows the orthodontist to accurately install all structural elements. This gives an enhanced effect on the dentition and guarantees an early start of adjustment processes.
  • The materials are not subject to staining during wear, and this preserves their original appearance.

Approximate treatment time

The self-ligating design of Quick braces speeds up the correction process. It also allows you to fix additional elements at any time for more accurate and effective correction. To correct minor defects, 6 months is usually sufficient. In more complex cases, it may take from 1 to 1.5 years. Some serious defects require more time.

To correct minor defects, 6 months of treatment is usually sufficient.

“I had one like this on my upper jaw, Quick. Some teeth were crooked, but nothing serious. The doctor immediately told me that it was better to choose a metal system, it would be faster. In my case, they immediately announced a period of one and a half years. In fact, it turned out even less. My teeth have straightened and I’m happy with the result.”

Igor, from correspondence on the forum www.32top.ru

The doctor will definitely inform you about the approximate time of treatment after a careful visual examination and examination of x-rays. The duration of correction directly depends on the complexity of the anatomical anomaly and the age of the patient. The Quick system refers to non-ligature braces, and therefore you will have to visit the orthodontist during treatment no more than once every 2-3 months.

Duration of treatment

Patients often worry that ceramic orthodontic systems will be ineffective and will have to be worn longer than metal ones.

The dentist-orthodontist of the Lucky Smile clinic, Anna Sergeevna Paravina, comments.

“I have been using QuicKlear braces in my work for several years. According to my observations, if patients follow the recommendations and do not miss appointments, treatment takes the same amount of time as when wearing metal braces - about a year and a half. Of course, this is a very average period. Each person has their own situation with their bite, the condition of their tooth enamel, and gums. I had a patient who needed ten months of correction with a ceramic system. And there was a patient who wore the same braces for two and a half years. Everything here is very individual.”

Care during the correction period

The Quick bracket system is distinguished by the compact size of the plates and their tight fit to the enamel. This eliminates the risk of gaps forming and bacteria multiplying in them, which can lead to caries. During correction, it is important to ensure proper and complete care of teeth and braces. In this regard, experts in the field of orthodontics provide the following recommendations:

  • brush your teeth twice a day, including with a special brush-brush for high-quality cleaning of structural elements,
  • rinse your mouth every time after eating, use preventive antibacterial rinses,
  • It is advisable to purchase an irrigator - a small device for supplying a high-pressure air-water jet, which effectively removes food debris and plaque from hard-to-reach places.

When using braces, it is recommended to use an irrigator.
With Quick ceramic braces, you don’t have to worry about staining the plates. They do not change their color under the influence of coffee, natural juices and other coloring drinks. However, during orthodontic treatment you will have to give up too hard foods, sticky sweets, chewing gum, seeds and nuts. All hard vegetables and fruits should not be bitten off; it is better to cut them into small pieces. Attentive attention to oral hygiene during the course will help to avoid many problems after removing braces.

If you decide to correct your bite, you only have to go through a few steps:

1. X-ray images:

  • CT scan of the upper and lower jaw
  • TRG in lateral projection
  • HFNS (CT of the temporomandibular joint)
  • OPTG (not necessary if CT scan is available)

2. Orthodontist consultation.

In our clinic it is free and includes taking diagnostic impressions of the jaws, calculating x-rays and jaw models. After this, the doctor will be able to estimate the approximate duration of treatment and help with the choice of braces.

3. Preparing to fix braces

Before fixing braces in the oral cavity, it is necessary to carry out sanitation: if there are carious teeth, problems with the gums, tartar, plaque - all this must be eliminated for a favorable treatment prognosis.

4. Fixation of braces in the oral cavity and their monthly correction

After fixing the briquettes in the cavity, you will need to visit the orthodontist once a month for corrections: replacing arches, ligatures, elastic bands, etc.

5. Retention period

After removing the briquettes, it is necessary to fix the teeth in this position in order to avoid their further displacement. For this purpose, a transparent thin mouthguard is made, which must be worn at night, or a retainer, a special wire fixed to the inner surface of the teeth, which is subsequently removed.

Quick appointment Free consultation


How much does installation cost?

The cost of installing the Quick bracket system on one jaw varies from 35 to 40 thousand rubles. Models from this line do not belong to the budget price segment, but they guarantee quick and effective correction of dental defects of any complexity. The exact price will depend on the chosen model and the complexity of the clinical case. In addition, after installation you will have to pay for each doctor’s visit (every 2-3 months), if this is not a “turnkey” correction. Therefore, it is better to discuss the full cost of the course with the orthodontist in person.

  1. According to the manufacturer at the office. website: forestadent.com.


Forestadent bracket systems are not cheap, but the excellent quality of the products and comfort during use fully correspond to the price.

Metal braces – 90,000 rubles. Classic orthodontic designs, time-tested. It still remains at the peak of popularity due to its reliability and low price.

Ceramic braces for two jaws – 100,000 rubles. Quick Clear ceramic systems are made of a material that is close in color to the natural shade of teeth. An excellent alternative to metal systems for those who value invisibility.

Lingual braces for one row – 180,000 rubles. Invisible products that are attached to the inside of the jaw and are completely invisible. Suitable for people leading a public life.

Sapphire braces – 60,000 rubles. The most beautiful and inconspicuous designs made from artificially grown sapphires. They look more like jewelry than a corrective device.

The list of services related to the correction of defects will include:

  1. Installation of the product – from 3,500 rubles.
  2. Activation of the structure costs about 3,000 rubles.
  3. Withdrawal – from 2,500 rubles.

The costs should include each visit to the orthodontist - 4-5 examinations throughout the entire treatment period.

We should not forget about the retention (recovery) period. On average, it lasts one and a half to two times longer than the treatment period. The body needs this time to get used to the new position of the teeth. The orthodontist may recommend wearing a mouthguard or retainer.

Retainers are removable and non-removable. Fixed retainers with installation will cost the patient 5-10 thousand rubles. The price depends on the design and location of the clinic.

Removable products are more in demand - trainers, retention guards, plates covering retainers. This type of retainer is worn at night. The cost ranges from 4 to 10 thousand rubles.

During the retention period, it is also necessary to regularly visit the treating orthodontist. Exact prices for products and services can be found in clinics.

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