Charcle paste: fills teeth, composts brains

Can a person fix small holes in their teeth without a dentist? Until recently, everyone would have answered with complete confidence: “No.” But the Japanese have gone far beyond the ordinary: they have created a toothpaste that can easily treat teeth. Now people won’t have to stand in line or pay hefty sums to get a filling. Charcle is a toothpaste that can cope with this problem on its own.

Why do teeth deteriorate and turn yellow?

Dentin is the tissue that determines the shape of the tooth and forms its bulk. The whiteness of teeth depends on its color. On top of dentin is enamel. It protects it from external factors. The health of teeth directly depends on the condition of the enamel. If the enamel is translucent, then the tooth can be considered healthy. And if it becomes covered with spots, plaque, becomes cloudy and dull, then the tooth requires treatment.

With reduced salivation and frequent meals rich in carbohydrates, teeth, even if brushed in a timely manner, will be destroyed. This can be prevented by constantly replenishing the required amount of minerals (hydroxyapatite). Thus, complete tooth tissues are formed and further development of the disease is stopped.

Processes on the tooth surface

To make it clearer, it is necessary to take a closer look at how exactly the remineralization process occurs.

Hydroxyapatite is the third largest substance in our body. It is second only to water and collagen. There is especially a lot of it in bones and teeth. It can be said that human saliva also contains a large percentage of hydroxyapatite. It is thanks to this that the so-called natural remineralization occurs.

A completely opposite process that occurs on the surface of the tooth is demineralization, which occurs when sugar enters the oral cavity. When carbohydrates are ingested, bacteria begin to actively multiply, forming plaque, and also changing the acidity of the oral cavity. This is how demineralization occurs.

Under ideal conditions, these processes occur alternately, so demineralization always equals remineralization. However, today's lifestyle of the majority, namely stress, food rich in carbohydrates, fast food, high consumption of sugar and salt and, as a result, insufficient salivation, poor ecology - all this leads to an imbalance between the processes of demineralization and remineralization.

It is in this case that toothpaste can be recommended, which is supposedly capable of treating teeth itself. It can stop the development of caries at the initial stage, which is called the “white spot” stage and, in principle, is a good prevention of caries and other problems associated with tooth enamel. However, it is not able to close existing holes in the teeth, if only because they must first be thoroughly cleaned with a drill so that there are no bacteria left in the pulp or dentin, which can lead to even more serious consequences, including tooth loss. If this is not done, the tooth will rot from the inside.

Creator of a unique pasta

This revolutionary invention in the field of personal hygiene and preventive dentistry is the work of Japanese scientist Kause Yamagashi. The composition of toothpaste is very similar to tooth enamel. The Japanese specialist obtained this material during an experiment with hydroxyapatite. It is the main component of human teeth.

The manufacturer assures that filling a tooth with this paste is quick and painless. Of course, Charcle will not be able to remove serious forms of caries, but it will get rid of small cracks with ease. After using it, it is not recommended to chew gum.

How does it work?

The secret ingredient of the paste is a substance whose composition resembles the main component of the enamel crystal lattice. The action of the paste begins the moment it comes into contact with the tooth surface and saliva during foaming. But the product reaches its maximum effectiveness 3 minutes after you start brushing your teeth.

Any, even microscopic cracks and depressions in the enamel are potentially dangerous places where a carious process can develop. This is due to the fact that it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to remove food plaque from uneven areas, which over time becomes contaminated with cariogenic microflora. During their life, bacteria produce acids that lead to demineralization of enamel, and the carbohydrate component of dental plaque serves as a breeding ground for their reproduction.

The special effect of toothpaste is that the active substance penetrates into cracks and fills them, thereby activating the crystallization process. When it ends, even with microscopic examination it is difficult to distinguish which is natural tissue and which is restored.

It is also noteworthy that at the end of using the product, the substance is not washed out of the enamel, but remains in its structure, giving the tooth strength. This component also helps to get rid of increased tooth sensitivity, reducing the severity of the reaction to thermal and chemical irritants.

This special substance included in the product is hydroxyapatite. In fact, in the crystal structure, this compound is the main substance that ensures the strength of the enamel and its resistance to various types of influences. Several pastes containing this component are produced in Japan. The most famous representatives are Shellpika, Apagard, Charcle.

Japanese toothpaste Charcle

This product is capable of revolutionizing the field of personal hygiene and dentistry. It easily restores any damage to the enamel. It should be applied directly to the hole in the tooth or crack. The paste contains an acid that slightly dissolves the top layer of the enamel crack. After about three minutes, the paste crystallizes and the artificial substance (hydroxyapatite) firmly sets and is embedded in the structure of the enamel itself. This antibacterial agent can be said to produce a seamless correction of damage caused by acid-forming substances to the enamel.

Today, the most famous anti-caries product in Japan is Charcle (toothpaste). The price of this universal product is not yet known exactly, since it is not yet sold in Russia (original).

All experiments with toothpaste have shown that the treatment is as effective as possible. All damaged teeth that were subjected to the test were no different from healthy ones after it. This was noticeable even under a microscope.

Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral of bone tissue, which is why Charcle is so effective. Toothpaste containing it does not cause a rejection reaction in the enamel. Its particles actively bind to healthy bone tissue and thus smooth out irregularities.


Japan produces a huge variety of toothpastes, but only a few of them are presented on the domestic market. In a regular store you can hardly find a product made in Japan. Such pastes can only be purchased in large supermarkets or in online stores specializing in the sale of cosmetics from the land of the rising sun.

For smokers and coffee fans, there are products containing special substances that help get rid of pigmented plaque and restore the attractiveness of your smile.

For problems with gums and bleeding, plant extracts that have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect are added to toothpastes. Also, in such pastes you can often find compounds of mineral salts, which restore balance and, thanks to their osmotic properties, reduce the fragility of vascular walls.

A large number of pastes are anti-caries. This effect is achieved due to the inclusion of fluoride compounds in the product. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the dosage of fluoride, since exceeding it can lead to negative consequences for both dental and general somatic health. The recommended preventive dose for adults should not exceed 1800-2000 ppm, and for children, depending on age, 400-1000 ppm.

The most famous paste is White & White from Lion. The manufacturer positions the product as a whitening agent, additionally enriched with fluoride for an anti-caries effect and remineralization of enamel.

Thanks to its exotic nature, as well as positive customer reviews, the product is in demand. The packaging indicates that the composition contains fluoride and calcium compounds, which protects the enamel and prevents caries.

Upon careful examination of the composition, it becomes clear that the tube does not contain any unique components. The paste has a standard list of ingredients, thanks to which teeth are cleaned and have a preventive effect.

In addition to this product, Lion produces other types of pastes:

  • Zact Smokers Toothpaste is a paste that helps fight pigmented plaque that occurs from smoking and frequent coffee consumption.
  • Clinika Soft Mint is a comprehensive oral cleanser. In addition to the standard components, the paste contains the enzyme substance dextranase, which destroys the matrix of deposits and helps eliminate them.
  • Dentor Systema is a line of products designed to care for the oral cavity in the presence of gum disease. The composition contains the antibacterial substance isopropyl methylphenol.
  • Herbal Medicine is a product containing extracts of six plants.

Charcle toothpaste: reviews

The product has been released for sale in small quantities so far, but many buyers have already been able to try it out in action. Some are happy with the result, others do not yet see the difference. But it should be noted that the effectiveness of use is achieved only from constant use of the paste.

Many people are scared by the color of the paste; it is almost black. But this only means that it contains particles of real coal. They help eliminate bad breath, whiten teeth and remove plaque.

This universal toothpaste perfectly whitens teeth. That is why its popularity is only increasing. Teeth remain healthy and strong for a long time. According to many buyers, the toothpaste really cleans teeth very well. After cleaning, the feeling of freshness and perfect cleanliness remains for a long time.

Fans of Asian cosmetics are not at all disappointed with Charcle toothpaste. Reviews of gratitude to the manufacturer are received on an ongoing basis.

Japanese toothpastes have always been considered one of the best in the world. They have high whitening and antibacterial properties. But you need to take into account that they often produce analogues of such hygiene products, which are very inferior in quality to real toothpastes.

Salt paste Sole-Zahncreme from Weleda

An indispensable item for travel lovers and those who often have to go on business trips. The fact is that you don’t need water at all to brush your teeth with this toothpaste! There is also no need to rinse your mouth after the procedure. The product contains sea salt, which contains many substances necessary for dental health: calcium, silicon, iodine, manganese, sodium, phosphorus and others. In addition, it effectively neutralizes oral acids that cause the formation of gray plaque and tartar.

Filling teeth at home: benefits

In the absence of pain and carious lesions, you can fill a tooth at home without going to the doctor. Self-installation of a filling helps:

  • Reduce waste of time and money. A “homemade” filling is much cheaper than one placed by a doctor in a clinic. The procedure takes no more than an hour and does not require changing your usual schedule.
  • Save the damaged tooth. There are dentists who still prefer radical methods to modern treatment. By filling the hole yourself, you can avoid removal and subsequent costs for prosthetics.
  • Prevent infection. Regardless of the level of the clinic, there is no complete confidence in the quality and compliance with instrument processing techniques. The devices used at home are absolutely sterile.
  • Avoid stress. The need to visit a dentist simply frightens most adults. The home filling method helps eliminate the problem without discomfort.

Teeth are filled at home if there are no contraindications to the procedure (we recommend reading: how are teeth filled?). If it is possible to obtain advice from a competent specialist, it is advisable to use the services of a professional dentist.

Buy DENTA SEAL with filling effect

Currently, dental products are in great demand among the population. With the advent of new therapeutic agents, the occurrence of various types of diseases, including caries, can be avoided.

If you decide to buy DENTA SEAL with a filling effect, we recommend going to the manufacturer’s website and getting acquainted with the full information.

Quality guaranteed

Set price for DENTA SEAL as of October 1, 2022:

  1. RF—990 rub.;
  2. Kyrgyzstan - 1735 KGS;
  3. Armenia - 7524 AMD;
  4. Georgia - 54 GEL;
  5. Azerbaijan - 49 AZN;
  6. Uzbekistan - 135,000 UZS.

Appearance of toothpaste

Theodent paste for enamel building

Scientist Tetsuo Nakamoto from the world-famous Theodent company has long been involved in research into the formation and restoration of enamel. He discovered that theobromine, a substance found in cocoa beans, promotes the formation of hydroxyapatite, which is one of the main components of tooth enamel. Next, the researchers came up with the idea of ​​creating a toothpaste containing this substance. This is how Theodent Classic paste appeared, which enriches weakened enamel with hydroxyapatite, stimulates its restoration and strengthening. The product also eliminates the yellow tint of teeth and relieves sensitivity, does not contain fluoride and, of course, prevents caries. The paste is even certified Generally Recognized as Safe - usually only issued to food products. By the way, the pastes in the Theodent line have a variety of flavors - Belgian waffles, chocolate, mint, vanilla.

Tsivinsky method

The Tsivinsky method is the fastest and most affordable way to place a temporary (therapeutic) filling in a damaged tooth. It involves the use of the patented Santedex powder, which is freely available for sale in pharmacies. To seal a tooth with the mixture:

  1. Prepare the solution according to the instructions. The product is mixed with a small amount of liquid from the kit to form clay.
  2. Clean the oral cavity and the filling area. The teeth are cleaned with hygienic paste, and the carious canal is additionally treated. To prevent saliva from entering and increase the strength of the filling, Vaseline or vegetable oil is applied to the installation site.

Within 30 minutes, the paste will be absorbed into the tissue and distributed along the carious canal. It is more convenient to place a filling before going to bed so that the powder performs its healing function overnight. In the morning, the material is removed and a permanent filling is placed in the hole.

The procedure can be repeated several times if pain reappears. User reviews show that temporary fillings using the Tsivinsky method help to significantly improve the condition of teeth recommended for removal (see also: what to do if a temporary filling falls out?). More details about the effectiveness of the drug are described in specialized literature.

According to the creator, Santedex powder can be used for any degree of tooth decay. The product provides a double effect:

  1. relieves inflammation;
  2. disinfects the area.

After removing the temporary filling, the cavity must be immediately filled with a permanent one if there is no pain. Painful sensations accompany inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis) and require treatment of the disease in a dental clinic (we recommend reading: is it possible to treat pulpitis at home?).

Acrodent filling

Acrodent is recommended as a material for installing a permanent filling after using Santedex medicinal powder. In work they use:

  • cotton wool;
  • chlorhexidine solution;
  • dental spatulas;
  • household hair dryer.

The kit includes instructions with a step-by-step description of the procedure. To install a permanent filling based on Acrodent, perform the following steps:

  1. clean the oral cavity with toothpaste;
  2. treat the tooth before filling with a cotton swab and chlorhexidine solution;
  3. dry the filling area;
  4. apply the oxidizing agent from the kit to the hole area and dry it again;
  5. Place pieces of cotton wool around the tooth to prevent saliva from entering the open cavity;
  6. prepare a dough-like mixture for installing a filling based on powder and oxidizing agent;
  7. fill the bottom of the hole with a small amount of solution on a spatula;
  8. apply the composition in layers, drying each layer with a hairdryer.

To avoid discomfort, the tooth is filled to the bottom and the hole is filled completely, but not above the level of its surface (see also: video about how teeth are filled). When working with a large cavity, it is recommended to make two fillings.

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