Quality and rating of German dental implants from Alpha Dent Implants

Titanium implants from the British company Alpha Dent are a budget-friendly and effective option for replenishing teeth. They are suitable for patients regardless of their bone tissue condition. The main advantage of these implants is the porous bioactive surface, thanks to which they quickly and firmly fuse with the jaw bones. All implants from the manufacturer come with a lifetime warranty.

The main distinguishing feature of Alpha Dent implants is the so-called 3D surface. It is typical for products from the Active, Classic and Slim lines.

Alpha Dent Implants company (Germany)

The company's employees developed a bone-implant system and were able to achieve predictable osseointegration of structures, significantly reducing the risks of unsuccessful implantation. Implants undergo thorough quality control and meet international standards ISO 9001, ISO 13485.

Alpha Dent Implants participates in charity events and conducts training courses for beginners and experienced dentists. The company's philosophy is that high-quality implantation can be accessible to everyone . The company has representative offices in different countries.


Experts and patients leave many positive reviews about Alpha Dent products.

They note the durability and high aesthetic performance of the devices.

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Features of the technology

  • Surface 3D . Based on research conducted by the STR Surface Research Treatment laboratory (UK), a bioactive 3D surface for implants was created, which became the main achievement of the company. The coating has a porous multi-level structure obtained by sandblasting with oxide microparticles. This has a beneficial effect on the speed of healing of the structure.
  • Oxide film is a coating of calcium hydroxyapatite, 10-12 microns thick. Stimulates active growth of bone cells and protects the surface of the implant.
  • Biocompatible material . The gum formers, abutments and the implants themselves are made of pure titanium alloy GRADE 4. It combines high strength and biological compatibility with jaw tissue, which prevents allergic reactions and minimizes the risk of rejection.
  • Carving . Each type of implant is threaded to allow installation with minimal damage to the bone. By choosing one or another option, you can achieve maximum compression, since when screwing the products, the bone tissue around is compacted, creating a kind of shell.


Alpha Dent implants can be installed in loose, narrow bone, with a minimum amount of tissue.

Types of thread of implants for Alpha Dent teeth

The lower part of the structure (intraosseous) is manufactured in three versions, due to which implants are divided into:

  1. Screw - have a pointed thread, which is responsible for reliable fixation in the gum. They are screwed in according to the principle of a self-tapping screw.
  2. Conical - imitate the anatomical shape of the tooth root. This is an innovative development with a 3D surface.
  3. Cylindrical - shaped like a cylinder with a thread on the end. The surface also has a porous structure that accelerates fusion with the bone.

There are models for immediate and delayed loading, as well as for implantation in conditions of significant atrophy of the jaw bone.

Preparing for surgery

Before the intervention, the specialist assesses the general condition of the patient’s body and examines his oral cavity. General examination of the body includes:

  1. Consultation with a therapist.
  2. Classic collection of blood and urine tests.
  3. Identification of contraindications to the procedure. The therapist gives an opinion based on laboratory tests and examination of the patient.

If relative restrictions are identified, the procedure is postponed until complete recovery.

To examine the jaw structures, the patient is prescribed instrumental diagnostic studies - CT or X-ray. The methods allow us to identify the degree of damage to bone structures.

Computed tomography is performed in 3 projections. Due to this, the specialist can assess the condition of the mandibular joint and the bottom of the maxillary sinus.

Before the intervention, mandatory sanitation of the oral cavity is necessary, including:

  1. Filling of all root canals of the problematic element. If conservative therapy is ineffective, resection of the apex of the tooth root is performed with simultaneous removal of the granuloma.
  2. Removal of all soft and hard deposits. After this, the gum pockets are treated with antiseptic agents.
  3. Professional cleaning of dental elements. Before installing the products, the tooth and surrounding soft tissues are treated.

If there are correction plates in the oral cavity , the dentist must determine their compatibility with the implant material.

The implant model is selected taking into account the condition of the bone structures. The operation is not performed in the presence of carious cavities or inflammation of the oral tissues. In case of periodontitis and periodontal disease, implantation is not performed.

What is included in the implant system catalog

  • Gum formers;
  • abutments;
  • implants;
  • transfers;
  • locators.

In addition to dental systems, the company offers: dental cement, drills, implant drivers, and instruments. For the convenience of specialists, the latter are formed into sets: compression, surgical, for sinus lifting and others.

Types of implants

  1. Active - rods with active triple thread in the form of a spiral. They have an increased area of ​​contact with the bone and increased stability. Used for immediate installation in soft or damaged bone.
  2. Classic is a root-shaped implant, made in a classic shape, with a triangular thread. Can only be used if there is sufficient bone tissue in a healthy state.
  3. Active Plus - has a cone shape with a small thread at the top. Prevents bone resorption and relieves stress on it.
  4. Active Conus is an analogue of the Active model, which additionally provides strong adhesion to the abutment.
  5. Classic Conus is a cone-shaped product that connects to the abutment and healing abutment. This allows the crown to be firmly secured.
  6. Slim is a thin implant for fixation in a narrow bone (frontal zone). It can be installed in the alveolar ridge or between closely spaced teeth. Suitable for immediate loading.
  7. Integral is a monolithic abutment design with high primary stability. It has several levels of thread height, rounding in the apical zone and micro-threads in the area of ​​​​contact with the cortical plate of the bone. Indicated for installation in atrophied and soft bone. Designed for one-stage implantation in a minimally invasive manner, does not require a gum incision.
  8. The company's latest development is the Active Bio with a hydrophilic 3D surface. It is distinguished by a triangular body shape in the area of ​​​​the transition of the cortical bone to the spongy bone, which provides maximum anti-rotation effect and the creation of favorable conditions for bone regeneration. To increase primary stability, a “latch effect” is used.


Alpha Dent Implants custom abutments:

  • spherical;
  • conical (angular, straight, wide);
  • zirconium;
  • plastic and aesthetic superstructures;
  • titanium (long, wide, narrow, angular, straight, with or without ledges);
  • plastic burnt out;
  • temporary (made of biologically compatible thermoplastic).

Thanks to their diversity, they give the dentist the opportunity to achieve good aesthetic results in any clinical case. They are easy to combine with implants of any type, adjusting the prosthesis to the patient’s dentition. Each abutment is equipped with a screw for attachment to the implant. All elements are divided by color for easy selection.


Among the possible complications after Alpha Dent implantation it is worth noting:

  1. The occurrence of discomfort in the area of ​​intervention. Minor pain appears immediately after the anesthetic wears off.
    Discomfort persists for up to 3 days. For patients with a low pain threshold, it is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs for 3 days.

    If unpleasant symptoms persist for more than 3-4 days, this indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in soft tissues or damage to nerve endings. The condition requires immediate medical attention.

  2. Minor swelling at the site of installation of the structure. The symptom occurs 5 hours after the procedure and lasts up to 5 days.
    If soft tissue swelling persists for more than 7 days, you should visit a dentist. Otherwise, an acute inflammatory process may develop.
  3. Bleeding. Normally, it lasts up to 10 days after implantation. Severe bleeding after surgery often indicates damage to blood vessels.
  4. Rise in body temperature. An increase in temperature to 37 degrees is normal after surgery.
    Medical care for patients is required if hyperthermia is accompanied by inflammation of the soft tissues in the oral cavity or the separation of purulent contents from the treated area.
  5. Dehiscence of seams on the gum. Indicates mechanical damage to soft tissues or the development of an inflammatory process.
  6. Device rejection. Occurs when the patient fails to comply with the dentist’s recommendations during the recovery period.

Product advantages

The Alpha Dent Implants dental system is characterized by well-thought-out packaging, convenient color coding and beautiful design. Among the main positive points:

  • the ability to install several rods immediately after tooth extraction;
  • rapid period of osseointegration;
  • high probability of engraftment (98%);
  • preventing tissue damage during installation;
  • correct distribution of chewing load on the jaw;
  • minimal risk of allergic reactions or rejection;
  • use of pure titanium;
  • active thread for reliable fixation in the bone;
  • 3D Active coating, which enhances the adhesion of implants to bone tissue cells;
  • ease of use (does not require complex hygiene procedures);
  • high strength;
  • lifetime warranty.

I have an opinion

Reviews from patients who received Alpha Dent implants.

I have two artificial teeth from this manufacturer, and I have been successfully living with them for three years. I am personally very pleased with the quality.

When I had to face such a problem as the need to restore a tooth, I was surprised by the range of Alpha Dent models.

The doctor himself selected the necessary option for me. I just nodded my head. If we talk about quality, then Alpha Dent can confidently compete with European manufacturers, whose products are much more expensive, but it is not clear why it is better?!

Nikolay, 49

When I had to deal with the issue of dental implantation, Alpha Dent became the most suitable option for me. They are significantly cheaper in cost than many other manufacturers.

I consulted with the doctor, he told me everything about them in detail and added that I would never regret this choice. In principle, it’s not scary even if something happens to the implanted tooth, because they come with a lifetime guarantee. Therefore, if necessary, they will replace it for me free of charge.

Valery, 36

Manufacturer's warranty

The manufacturer provides a lifetime warranty on Alpha Dent implants . All elements undergo a multi-level control system. To protect against counterfeiting, the rods are packaged in a double flask with individual markings. The serial number is entered into the patient's record upon installation.

The products are highly sterile, which eliminates the risk of infection. The radiation method is used for sterilization. The advanced set of implants includes:

  • patient passport;
  • work protocol for an implantologist;
  • sterile napkin;
  • flask holder.


Complications rarely occur after Alpha Dent installation. But during the rehabilitation period you should adhere to some rules:

  1. Avoid eating for the first 2 hours after surgery.
  2. Chew food on the side opposite the implant.
  3. Apply an antibacterial ointment, for example, Solcoseryl, to the suture site.
  4. Refrain from taking any medications containing calcium for the first week after the intervention.

You should know! For the first 7 days after implantation, physical activity, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages are not recommended.

How are implants of other systems different?

Many patients ask about which implant is best to install. In the ranking of dental systems, Israeli Alpha Bio and German Ankylos occupy good positions:

  1. Alpha Bio implants come in 4 types: Spiral, Arrow Press, Alpha-Tec, Dualfit. They differ from each other by the type of thread. There are models for atrophied bone. The surface is treated with a special compound for reliable fixation in the tooth socket and improved performance.
  2. Universal Ankylos implants are made of titanium and zirconium oxide. The relief surface is created by jetting. Equipped with a specially designed progressive thread for implantation into bone of any density and volume. The crown is placed just above the gum, which guarantees a natural appearance.

Average cost of treatment in Moscow

The products of Alpha Dent Implants belong to the economy class. The price of an implant is on average 6,500 rubles. To install a turnkey implant, you will need from 37,000 rubles. This installation includes:

  • implant;
  • gum former;
  • abutment;
  • metal-ceramic crown;
  • the work of a specialist.
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Installation steps

Installation is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure is performed in stages:

  1. A small incision is made in the gum. The incised soft tissues are carefully pulled apart.
  2. A small hole is made in the tooth using a drill. The implant rod will be installed in this bed. The parameters of the hole are controlled by the dentist. When creating a bed, the doctor can alternate drills of the instrument. Due to this, the hole dimensions are more accurate.
  3. The insertion of the rod is carried out using additional dental instruments - a driver and a key. The prosthesis is inserted into the hole until it stops. In this case, the dentist must prevent contact of the material with saliva or soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  4. The original screw is used as a plug. It is carefully screwed into the product.

After implantation, the soft tissues are sutured. With one-stage techniques, an abutment is used, which is a reliable connecting link between the implant and the prosthesis attached to it.

Types of Biotech implants and the purpose of systems.

In this article you will find reviews about Superline implants.

Follow the link https://www.vash-dentist.ru/implantatsiya/proizvoditeli/semados-obzor-produktsii.html if you are interested in the price of Semados implants.

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