ROX Toothpaste sensitive instant effect for sensitive teeth 94g

Unpleasant sensations of varying intensity when exposed to temperatures and tastes - from mild “whining” to sharp pain - arise as a result of thinning and damage to tooth enamel. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different, including excessive use of whitening pastes, most of which are quite aggressively abrasive. In addition, a common cause of pain is a lack of minerals.

To reduce the intensity of the tooth’s reaction to cold, hot or sour, it is recommended to use a special toothpaste containing strontium and potassium salts (strontium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium nitrate). They help strengthen the enamel and suppress susceptibility.

The product must have a low level of abrasiveness to avoid mechanical damage. Dentists recommend buying a toothpaste whose packaging has a special index - RDA. Ideally, its score should be below 75.

Pastes for sensitive teeth are divided into the following categories:

  • Covering teeth with a protective membrane.
    The effect is achieved due to certain substances, most often strontium, arginine, NovaMin. They quickly relieve pain by forming a superficial layer.
  • Acting on nerve endings.
    These are compositions based on potassium (most often potassium nitrate or citrate). They gradually affect the nerve endings, dulling the pain.
  • Combined.
    A modern manufacturer strives for excellence, trying to produce products that solve the maximum number of problems. The optimal pastes are those that can not only dull the reaction of teeth to an irritant, but also eliminate the damage that provokes such a reaction.

We present the rating of toothpastes for sensitive teeth 2022. The best 13 products that were selected by our experts based on user reviews and ratings.

Rating (2020)Prices, ₽A country
The best inexpensive toothpastes for sensitive teeth
1. Sensodyne With fluoride, for sensitive teethfrom 100₽Great Britain
2. Forest balm For sensitive teeth and gumsfrom 70₽Russia
3. Splat Professional Biocalciumfrom 70₽Russia
4. Parodontol Sensitivefrom 35₽China
5. New Pearl Calciumfrom 20₽Russia
The best toothpastes for sensitive teeth in the mid-price segment
1. Weleda Rataniyafrom 300₽Germany
2. ROCS Sensitive Instant effectfrom 190₽Russia
3. Lacalut Sensitivefrom 130₽Germany
4. Isme Rasyan herbal clovefrom 170₽Thailand
5. Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relieffrom 150₽Poland
The best premium toothpastes for sensitive teeth
1. Biorepair Total Protection Plusfrom 600₽Italy
2. RemarsGel two-componentfrom 900₽Russia
3. Sangi Apadent Total Care, mintfrom 1200₽Japan

The best inexpensive toothpastes for sensitive teeth

Inexpensive toothpastes cause skepticism, especially in terms of treatment and prevention. Often they do not meet the effect declared by the manufacturer, remaining an ordinary “mint foam”. But among the abundance of products with questionable characteristics, you can find worthwhile ones that can help relieve teeth from hypersensitivity or protect against its occurrence. The selection below is proof of this.

5 New Pearl Calcium

Fifth place in the ranking is occupied by “New Pearl”, loved by customers for its affordable price, versatility and noticeable effect.
Suitable for every family member from three years old and older, which was appreciated by large families, owners of small bathrooms and people who prefer not to clutter up the space with separate tubes and jars for each family member. “New Pearl” has both a therapeutic and preventive effect, and works especially well in cases of sensitivity to temperature. Experts often recommend it for milder problems - the paste copes with unpleasant reactions to hot or cold no worse than expensive products. However, in case of acute pain, you will have to look for something else.

The enamel is strengthened by saturating it with essential minerals, which compensates for their insufficient supply from other sources. The composition contains fluoride, also a necessary element in the structure of healthy teeth, but there is a controversial point here - if a person lives in a region where drinking water is fluoridated, then it is advisable to refuse additional fluoride intake - its excess negatively affects the body. Some buyers consider the disadvantages to be a watery consistency.


  • Efficiency.
  • Suitable for the whole family.
  • Therapeutic and preventive effect.
  • Pleasant taste and smell.


  • Weak effect with very strong sensitivity.
  • Not everyone likes the runny consistency.

New pearls Calcium reviews

Toothpaste New Pearl Calcium

4 Parodontol Sensitive

In fourth place is the “Parodontol Sensitive” paste, which was developed specifically for people who suffer from high enamel sensitivity to tastes and temperatures.
It is based on a gentle abrasive system that does not damage or thin the surface, and the presence of a soft foaming component based on natural raw materials allows for delicate cleaning. The paste has a healing effect. Its regular use soothes the gums, helps fight periodontitis, promotes the restoration of gum tissue, and is a preventative against gingivitis. Strontium chloride is responsible for reducing sensitivity to hot, cold, sour and sweet. The product does not contain fluoride, which is a plus for people at risk of overdose of this substance.

Buyers note the pleasant taste, light aroma, and gentle cleansing. The main disadvantage can be called only a few comments from customers about the weak effect, from which we can conclude that “Parodontol Sensitive” does not help everyone.


  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Herbal extracts included.
  • Several scents to choose from.
  • No fluoride.


  • Not suitable for everyone.

Parodontol sensitive reviews

Toothpaste Parodontol Sensitive

3 Splat Professional Biocalcium

Third place goes to a product with an ideal balance of price and quality.
It not only strengthens tooth enamel, but is also designed for comprehensive care of the oral cavity, including gums, the condition of which is normalized by sodium bicarbonate. Plus SPLAT Professional is able to eliminate microcracks. The main distinguishing feature of the paste is biocalcium, which is released from egg shells (the building block for the restoration of enamel). In this process, it is helped by hydroxyapatite, a substance involved in the formation of hard tissues. According to customer reviews, a positive result can be noticed within a few days from the moment of first use - susceptibility to cold/hot decreases. The composition also contains the enzyme papain - it is responsible for reducing the risk of plaque and tartar. Innovation system Sp. White system gently whitens and polishes the surface without damaging the protective layer.

Reviews for the product are positive; the rare combination of whitening (albeit not pronounced) and decreased sensitivity deserves special attention. But the most meticulous users noticed that the composition contains parabens, which cannot be considered an advantage.


  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Bleaching.
  • Comprehensive care.
  • Based on biocalcium.


  • Contains parabens.

Splat Biocalcium reviews

Toothpaste SPLAT Professional Biocalcium

2 Forest balm For sensitive teeth and gums

The second place is occupied by the Russian product “Forest Balm” for sensitive teeth and gums, which combines modern cleansing technologies and natural ingredients.
Since the basis is a special finely dispersed form of abrasive particles, cleaning is carried out effectively and with maximum care, which is optimal for weakened enamel. The abrasiveness is more reminiscent of children's toothpastes, while maintaining the “adult” result. Additionally, “Forest Balm” helps restore damage from the first days of use, so the effect becomes quickly noticeable. The paste has an intense (but not harsh) mint taste, suitable for daily use. It has proven itself well after enamel whitening and lightening procedures, when strengthening and gentle effects play a key role.

It contains potassium salts, which block dentinal tubules and reduce sensitivity to strong tastes and temperature changes. Hydroxyapatite is responsible for filling damaged areas of enamel, strengthening it, and restoring the shine of the surface. This is a mineral that is the basic component of bones and hard tooth tissues - enamel consists of 97% hydroxyapatite, dentin - 70%.

A strong argument in favor of the purchase for many was the plant-based antibacterial complex, which included: magnolia bark, ginger extract and bisabolol. The complex helps fight plaque and bacteria and has an anti-inflammatory effect.


  • Rapid decrease in sensitivity.
  • Gentle effect.
  • Pleasant taste and smell.
  • Natural ingredients.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.

Toothpaste Forest Balm For sensitive teeth and gums

1 Sensodyne With fluoride, for sensitive teeth

The leader in the rating is Sensodyne paste, which contains fluoride, which provides additional protection against caries.
Another advantage noted by users is that the paste maintains the whiteness and shine of teeth throughout the entire cycle of use. But the main advantages still include effective reduction of tooth sensitivity and provision of protection from unpleasant sensations throughout the day. Many buyers admit that they did not expect such a noticeable result, and even in the shortest possible time. Many people purchase the product on the recommendation of a dentist - an ideal replacement for more expensive analogues.

The paste foams well, but does not foam excessively, has a pleasant taste, and the composition does not cause any complaints. The only nuance that should be taken into account is the presence of fluoride. People living in regions where drinking water is fluoridated should use the paste with caution.


  • Preventing caries.
  • Gentle but effective cleansing.
  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Recommended by dentists.

Sensodyne With fluoride reviews

Sensodyne Toothpaste With fluoride, for sensitive teeth

Positive effect

ROCS SENSITIVE “Repair & Whitening” toothpaste is designed specifically to reduce discomfort, restore enamel and improve the appearance of sensitive teeth. The effectiveness and speed of sensitivity reduction is achieved through three mechanisms of action:

  1. Mineral restoration of natural (own) tooth structures. Achieved thanks to the high bioavailability of calcium glycerophosphate, which is synthesized in the WDS laboratory using a unique patented technology and is a rich source of ionic forms of phosphate and calcium.
  2. Restoration and protection of hard dental tissues by activating one’s own physiological processes. The triggering “mechanism” of this process is the high content of magnesium and xylitol in the paste.
  3. Instantly reduces the symptoms of hypersensitivity of teeth by sealing the tubules of exposed dentin and the smallest enamel defects. This action is provided by hydroxyapatite particles of different sizes and high affinity for tooth tissue.

Thus, toothpaste ROCS SENSITIVE “Restoration and Whitening”:

  • quickly eliminates symptoms of hypersensitivity of teeth;
  • effectively protects against caries and a number of other dental diseases;
  • brightens enamel, returns shine to teeth;
  • has prebiotic properties, normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity;
  • has very low abrasiveness (RDA = 40, which is lower than most regular toothpastes intended for daily hygiene);
  • does not injure tooth enamel and dentin;
  • freshens breath.

These positive effects of this toothpaste have been confirmed by laboratory and clinical studies. The formula is protected by patents.

The best toothpastes for sensitive teeth in the mid-price segment

The average price category is the best option for most buyers. Such pastes have an affordable price tag, and increased attention is paid to quality and effectiveness. The main task here is to find a product whose effectiveness and cost correspond to each other. We have collected five favorite toothpastes by customers and dentists, which have saved more than one hundred people from increased sensitivity of teeth, earning maximum positive ratings.

5 Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief to reduce sensitivity

The Colgate brand is one of the leading brands on the Russian market.
Its products lack stars from the sky, but have firmly taken their place in the niche of inexpensive but high-quality toothpastes for any age. Sensitive Pro-Relief is created on the basis of natural components and acts as a repairman - it seals the dentinal tubules, thereby eliminating the cause of the vulnerability. Among the additional qualities, it should be noted that the paste has an excellent cleansing effect, has a pleasant refreshing taste, is gentle on the gums, for which it receives positive ratings from people in whom other formulations provoke bleeding or pain.

The only caveat that should be taken into account is that it may take time to feel improvements, although the manufacturer promises instant results. However, some users in their reviews claim that the product does not give immediate results. But the effect is long-lasting, due to the slow but sure elimination of the cause of the disease.

Sensitive Pro-Relief has passed clinical trials and is approved by the Russian Dental Association.


  • Long lasting effect.
  • Restoration of tooth structure.
  • Pleasant taste and smell.
  • Gentle on gums.


  • It takes time to feel the results.
  • Small volume (75 ml).

Colgate Pro-Relief reviews

Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Toothpaste for Sensitivity Relief

4 Isme Rasyan herbal clove

Fourth place is the Thai paste ISME Rasyan, which has recently become very popular.
It is packaged in a compact jar, which makes the product even more exotic, and the original herbal taste and smell will add new sensations. It does not contain fluoride, which will appeal to people who try to avoid formulations with this component. The product has good foaming properties, is economical and has excellent cleaning properties. However, there is a small nuance - whitening comes first, so those with sensitive teeth should use it with caution when combining it with other toothpastes. The mark “for sensitive teeth” rather means that whitening is more gentle, rather than the presence of therapeutic functions.

Also, the most attentive users discovered sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which is responsible for foaming, but with prolonged use has a negative impact on health - it provokes the appearance of stomatitis and aphthae, which is an additional incentive to alternate pastes. ISME Rasyan is an ideal option for those who love rich foam and low consumption.

As for the effect, users are satisfied with it. ISME Rasyan whitens teeth perfectly, has an unusual but pleasant aftertaste, it can be used if the enamel is slightly sensitive, the packaging is compact, so it is convenient to take on the go. Also, the Thai novelty showed excellent results in the fight against tartar.


  • Original taste.
  • Complete cleansing.
  • Removing tartar.
  • Compact packaging.


  • Focus on whitening rather than eliminating sensitivity.
  • SLS included.

Isme clove reviews

Isme Rasyan herbal clove toothpaste

3 Lacalut Sensitive

LACALUT Sensitive helps remove plaque, reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes due to the presence of chlorhexidine, and has an astringent effect (aluminum lactate is responsible for this quality).
But the most important thing is that a decrease in sensitivity to cold and hot, sweet and sour occurs after the first use. Thanks to the combined action of amino fluoride and sodium fluoride, a protective film is created on the surface, which quickly relieves discomfort and accelerates natural recovery. The presence of these two components also prevents the occurrence of caries. Sensitive copes well with care during the recovery period after teeth whitening. Users like the pleasant aftertaste, complex effect, gentle treatment of the gums and their strengthening due to aluminum lactate. As for the effectiveness of the paste, the opinions of buyers are divided - some praise it for its quick 100% effect, while others claim that sensitivity remains. From this we can conclude that LACALUT does not have a therapeutic effect in all cases.

LACALUT Sensitive is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. It is recommended to use in approaches of 30-60 days, alternating each course with other lines of the brand. The paste has received approval from the Russian Dental Association.


  • Quick effect.
  • Removing plaque.
  • Prevent bleeding and gum inflammation.
  • Safe composition.
  • Prevention of caries.


  • Not suitable for everyone.

Lacalut Sensitive reviews

Lacalut Sensitive toothpaste

2 ROCS Sensitive Instant effect

Second place – ROCS Sensitive.
This is one of the most successful developments from the WDS laboratory, effectively combating the vulnerability of the enamel layer and preserving a snow-white smile. The paste has a low level of abrasiveness (RDA=40), which allows it not to injure the already damaged shell while hydroxyapatite particles accumulate in dentinal tubules and microcracks. ROCS Sensitive “Instant Effect” works in three directions. The first is the restoration of solid structures through mineral supply. The second is sealing of defects, which leads to a rapid decrease in susceptibility. Third, activation of natural regenerative processes due to sufficient xylitol and magnesium content. The paste is suitable for any age group, including children (due to low abrasiveness), daily and long-term use.

The ROCS brand is one of the DRC group of companies, which develops and produces oral care products. DRC products are safe, combine natural ingredients and the latest developments - DRC owns not only factories, but also the WDS scientific laboratory.


  • Quick effect.
  • Help with natural recovery.
  • Suitable for the whole family.
  • Suitable for daily and long-term use.
  • Does not contain fluorides, pyrophosphates, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate.

Toothpaste ROCS Sensitive Instant effect

1 Weleda Rataniya

Ratania is an inconspicuous dense shrub that grows in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador and has the valuable property of strengthening gums due to the presence of tannins in its composition.
The developers took into account the beneficial qualities of the plant, creating a natural, effective product based on it. Weleda paste with ratania is distinguished by its softness, which makes it indispensable for a double ailment - tooth sensitivity and bleeding, “loose” gums. The composition has a soothing antibacterial effect, provides thorough but gentle cleansing, and has a soft, refreshing aroma created through the use of essential oils. The product will be a real find for people who value natural cosmetics and hygiene products. The paste contains no synthetic preservatives or flavorings, harmful surfactants, or bleach.

Weleda is a company that, since 1921, has been developing and producing natural cosmetics and medicines, caring about ecology, environmental protection, and human well-being. It is not surprising that the company’s paste became the leader in the selection - its safe composition, reasonable cost, effectiveness, and lack of manipulation with customers are able to win trust.


  • Based on natural ingredients.
  • Strengthens gums, relieves bleeding.
  • Gentle cleansing.
  • Antibacterial effect.
  • Suitable for vegans.

Weleda Rataniya toothpaste

Indications for use

ROCS SENSITIVE “Repair & Whitening” toothpaste is recommended for all persons suffering from symptoms of increased tooth sensitivity. Regardless of the reasons for the occurrence of undesirable symptoms (be it age-related changes, cracks and chips of enamel, periodontitis, caries, pregnancy, dietary habits, the result of exposure to aggressive substances, or others), the ROCS SENSITIVE “Restoration and Whitening” paste for sensitive teeth will significantly relieve discomfort after first use.

The paste has low abrasiveness (RDA=40), effectively removes plaque, provides a whitening effect and is fully recommended for regular daily use.

The best premium toothpastes for sensitive teeth

Premium segment toothpastes are distinguished by a stylish tube design, pleasant taste, aroma, the presence of components (or their compounds) not used in conventional products, as well as new medicinal formulas that can give a lasting effect. The high price is the result of expensive research, registration of patents, and promotion of a new product on the market. We have brought together three names that, in the opinion of users and dentists, have earned the title of the best in the ranking of luxury products.

3 Sangi Apadent Total Care, mint

Third place - APADENT paste, developed by Japanese using special technology.
The developers' task was to create a product that promotes the natural process of restoring the enamel layer using nanohydroxyapatite. Nanohydroxyapatite has the property of closing exposed dental tubules, filling microcracks and chips on the surface of the enamel, as a result of which it becomes smoother and repels bacterial plaque. In addition to reducing sensitivity, the composition has a beneficial effect on gums and has mild whitening properties, so it is recommended for smokers. There is no fluoride among the ingredients, which makes the paste an ideal solution for people who are advised to limit its consumption.

There is an effect of remineralization of teeth, which includes saturation of the enamel with mineral components. The process helps restore the structure and increase the protective properties of the coating. Sangi Apadent Total Care is recommended for use by pregnant women and people who wear orthodontic appliances.


  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Suitable for people who wear braces.
  • Natural restoration effect.
  • Bleaching.
  • Positive reviews from fans of coffee, tea, cigarettes.


  • High price, little information about the manufacturer and products.

Sangi Apadent Total Care toothpaste, mint

2 RemarsGel two-component

Second place in the rating is the two-component complex RemarsGel, which customers liked for its effective reduction of sensitivity and strengthening of enamel, achieved with the help of active compounds.
The peculiarity of the product is that it can be used in several approaches - the package contains two tubes of 75 ml each, the contents of which must be used in turn. This creates some inconvenience, especially if you need to leave home, but the positive qualities of the product allow you to turn a blind eye to this. The active ingredient of gel No. 1 is calcium nitrate, gel No. 2 is ammonium hydrogen phosphate. As a result of a safe chemical reaction that occurs during the interaction of calcium nitrate and ammonium hydrogen phosphate, a film is formed on the surface of the tooth with characteristics reminiscent of hydroxyapatite (the basic mineral component of the upper layer of teeth). The particles formed after binding the components are small in size, which allows them to easily penetrate the enamel and integrate into its structure without problems, which leads to the restoration of damaged areas. Such exposure not only increases the threshold of sensitivity, but also helps combat negative effects, reducing the risk of various diseases.

In addition to the therapeutic and restorative effect, users note a pleasant aftertaste, an organic base, good cleansing, and positive changes in the shortest possible time. The paste also worked well while wearing and after removing braces.


  • Noticeable decrease in sensitivity.
  • Restorative functions.
  • Recommended after removing braces.
  • Organic base.


  • The need to use the contents of two tubes.

RemarsGel two-component toothpaste

1 Biorepair Total Protection Plus

Biorepair Total Protective Repair becomes the leader in the premium segment.
The product is designed for comprehensive protection and is suitable for daily use. Users praise the product not only for its noticeable reduction in sensitivity, but also for other characteristics. With regular use of Biorepair Total Protection Plus, gum bleeding decreases or even disappears, mild lightening occurs, the period of feeling of cleanliness in the oral cavity increases, and breath is noticeably freshened. Biorepair Total Protective Repair has an antibacterial effect, making it an indispensable assistant when using braces. The composition does not contain parabens, SLS and fluorine, which will please lovers of “healthy” products. According to the research results, no allergic reactions were found.

Users note a pleasant aftertaste, a feeling of cleanliness in the mouth that lasts all day, ease of use, and a general improvement in the condition of teeth and gums.


  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • A complex approach.
  • Good results when using braces.
  • No parabens or SLS.

Biorepair Total Protection Plus Toothpaste

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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