Should sick leave be given when a tooth is extracted?

Diseases of teeth and gums are a very common phenomenon among people of different age groups, including employed citizens. Many people are in no hurry to visit a doctor due to lack of free time or fear of pain.

This leads to serious complications that have to be promptly eliminated. To undergo treatment, a person is forced to be absent from work for some time. In this case, the question arises whether sick leave is issued for dental problems.

Is the bulletin required when visiting a dentist?

Modern dentistry is well developed, so in most cases there are no unpleasant consequences after operations.
Still, it cannot be guaranteed that tooth extraction will take place without problems, so doctors advise obtaining a certificate of incapacity for work in order to rest peacefully after the operation. But it is not always possible to draw up a document. 5 cases when a ballot is issued:

  1. Problems arise with molar removal. The doctor has to drill into the bone tissue or partially remove the gum. Such operations are often performed when the tooth has not fully erupted.
  2. A medical error has been made. Even an experienced doctor can make a mistake, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.
  3. The patient developed an allergic reaction to the drug. Often a person does not realize that he is intolerant to certain components of the medicine. Therefore, there is a reaction in the form of malaise or swelling. Sometimes hospital treatment may be required.
  4. Before the operation began, an infectious infection of the tissue around the tooth occurred. Do not delay visiting the dental clinic. Soft tissues are damaged while the tooth grows. This fact leads to infection occurring. You may need emergency medical attention.

Sick leave for tooth extraction is necessary for emergency surgery because the dentist did not provide the necessary preparation. After the removal of a wisdom tooth, a bulletin is issued for the entire period of inpatient treatment.

  1. The person does not feel well after the procedures, so a sick leave is required upon removal. Adverse consequences occur if hygiene is not maintained after removal.

An unfavorable consequence of the operation is a rise in temperature, swelling of the cheeks or gums. These reasons are enough for the dentist to give you a sick leave.

So, the reasons listed are enough to answer positively the question, is sick leave given for tooth extraction? The operation itself is not a reason to exempt a person from going to work. If complications arise, sick leave is issued.

Issuance of sick leave after wisdom tooth extraction and other dental procedures

The procedure for registering sick leave due to tooth extraction or for other reasons related to dentistry is no different from registering sick leave for any other illness.

However, there are still some nuances.

When applying for sick leave, they are guided by the developed form of the certificate of incapacity for work and the relevant legislative acts

The procedure for registering sick leave is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Article 183 of the Labor Code. According to this article, during an illness, an employee may not go to work and not perform his job duties, without losing his salary and seniority. In addition, he can also receive additional social guarantees during his illness
  • Federal Law No. 255 dated December 29, 2006. The article spells out the responsibilities that must be fulfilled by employers and employees of the enterprise, employees of the Social Insurance Fund and medical institutions regarding the issuance of sick leave.
  • Order of the Ministry of Health No. 624n dated June 29, 2011. It provides legal regulation of the general procedure for issuing sick leave and standards that determine the period when an employee is considered temporarily disabled and may be on sick leave
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 375 of June 15, 2007. It sets out the general procedure for calculating payments for the period when the employee was on sick leave. We are talking about persons participating in the social insurance system
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 347n dated April 26, 2011. The document spells out the form of sick leave that doctors prescribe to patients, the rules for their execution and other nuances of document management of this kind.

Duration for which the document is opened

The patient's health status affects the timing of document opening. If a person does not feel well after surgery, the rest period is extended after visiting the doctor. Dentists are mid-level medical specialists, and therefore have the right to issue a bulletin for five days. Therapists issue documents on incapacity for work for a period of ten to thirty days.

Important! Often the newsletter is issued by a general practitioner instead of a dentist. For this reason, in the “diagnosis” column there is no indication of surgery to remove a wisdom tooth.

The employer is being disingenuous if he says that only doctors at a state clinic can be released from work. The certificate can be issued by specialists from a private clinic. The main thing is that the organization has a license to provide medical services and conduct an examination of temporary disability (clause 2 of Order No. 624n).

Therefore, you can have a tooth removed in any clinic where it is convenient.

What affects the duration of a certificate of incapacity for work?

The period for which sick leave is opened directly depends on the current condition of the sick person . Poor health and the presence of symptoms of complications are grounds for the doctor to extend the treatment period.

Since a dentist is a mid-level doctor, he is responsible for issuing sick leave for a maximum period of 10 days. Therapists can issue sick leave for up to 30 days.

Important ! Some employers claim that only a doctor from a public hospital can issue sick leave. It is not true. Based on clause 2 of Order No. 624n, every practicing doctor in a clinic licensed to provide this type of service has the right to issue certificates of temporary disability.

The period of disability directly depends on the severity of the healing and recovery process and takes on average 5-7 days. During this period, it is recommended to reduce speech load.

How to get a newsletter

To obtain the document you need to see a doctor. You need to have your passport with you. The forms are made on special paper with special watermarks. This precaution allows you to protect against document forgery. The document form was approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development (Order No. 347n).

Only a clinic that has a license for medical activities has the right to issue a newsletter. Blood transfusion stations and emergency doctors do not have the right to issue documents of incapacity for work.

If a person sees a doctor on a working day, it is better to ask for a newsletter to be issued from the next day so that there are no problems with payment.

How to get a medical certificate from a dentist?

The dentist gives a sick leave certificate if complications arise after surgery . Often, the services of not only a dentist, but also other specialists may be needed to assist the patient. The operation itself is not a reason to vote. A person is released from work only when his health deteriorates after the operation and they issue the necessary document.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development approved the procedure for processing documents on disability in Order No. 624n. In this situation, the sick leave code is 01. If a person feels unwell after the procedures, the dentist will issue a sick leave. In other cases, you need to contact a therapist.

In January 2013, the following procedure for paying sick leave was established::

  • payment is made for each day of the newsletter;
  • the first 3 days are paid by the employer, and the rest of the period by the social fund. insurance;
  • The amount of payment depends on the employee’s length of service and salary.


  1. A sick leave certificate for the removal of a wisdom tooth can be issued by a dentist or general practitioner.
  2. A dentist can take a leave of absence from work for five days, and a general practitioner can take a leave of absence for up to thirty days.
  3. In most cases, work release is issued by a therapist.
  4. For sick leave, special paper with watermarks is used.
  5. Payment for a certificate of incapacity for work depends on two years’ earnings and length of service.
  6. You can ask for a certificate at a private or public hospital. The main thing is that the clinic has a license to provide medical services.

Grounds for extension and possible deadlines

Based on Order of the Ministry of Health N 624n, the extension of the certificate of incapacity for work is carried out after examining the patient by a doctor and recording data on the state of health in the patient’s card. Patient complaints that are not confirmed by examination are not sufficient grounds for extending the treatment period. A dentist may issue a bulletin for a maximum period not exceeding 10 days .

During one patient visit, the extension of sick leave, if necessary, is carried out for a period of no more than 3 days. If the patient has not recovered during this period, a visit to a therapist will be required to further extend the treatment period.

All nuances of obtaining and extending temporary certificates of incapacity for work are regulated by law. Each employee, when officially opening a ballot, is protected by law from unlawful actions of management. The duration of recovery depends on individual factors, the speed of healing and the complexity of the intervention.

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Sick leave from the Dentist for how many days

This question is not so simple - it is known that dentists have always rarely issued sick leave. The issue of issuance is decided depending on whether the medical institution has the right to carry out work on the examination of temporary disability. According to current legislation, dentists can issue certificates of incapacity for work only in individual cases and by decision of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare.

One day, my husband had a toothache, and that day he had to go to work. He went to the dentist, who put medicine on his tooth and told him to come back in three days. And on this day, that his husband came to him, he gave him a sick leave. I wrote it out for just one day.

Cases when sick leave is required (read more...)

How to calculate how much money I am entitled to for sick leave due to coronavirus?

Step 1 - calculate the total income for the last two years. For example, 2022 - 360,000 rubles, 2022 - 420,000 rubles.

Step 2 - calculate the average earnings for 1 day, that is, divide the amount of earnings for 2 years by 731. In this case, it turns out:

(360,000 + 420,000) / 731 = 1,067 rubles.

Step 3 - we calculate the daily sick leave payment based on the current work experience:

a) Less than six months - the amount of daily payment corresponds to the minimum wage (currently - 404.33 rubles (if there are 30 days in a month) or 391.29 rubles (31 days).

b) Less than 5 years - 60% of the average daily earnings are due, in our example it is 640 rubles.

c) From 5 to 8 years - 80% of the average daily earnings, in our example it is 854.6 rubles.

d) More than 8 years - 100% of the average daily earnings, in this case it is 1067 rubles.

Each working day missed by the employee due to health reasons is paid. The maximum period of sick leave can be extended to 10 months by decision of the medical commission.

If the specifics of the job and the enterprise do not allow switching to a remote work format, the employer can arrange downtime for reasons beyond his control and, with the consent of the employee, provide him with annual paid leave or leave at his own expense.

The employer pays the employee himself for the first three days of sick leave. Next, the funds are accrued from the Social Insurance Fund, in favor of which tax was withheld from the employee’s wages. In accordance with the Federal Law “On the National Payment System” (161-FZ), funds from the Social Insurance Fund can only be credited to the MIR card.

What else has changed in sick leave?

It was clarified that a duplicate sick leave can be obtained if benefits have not yet been paid for it. Moreover, if you have lost or damaged a paper form, you can duplicate it electronically. By agreement with the patient or his legal representative, medical institutions that specialize in oncology, psychiatry-narcology, dermatovenereology, HIV infection, tuberculosis, and mental disorders may indicate other positions of doctors, for example, “attending physician,” “paramedic.”

If the employer made a mistake when filling out his section of the electronic sick leave, he must enter the correct information and indicate the reasons for the corrections. When sending again, the signatures of the chief accountant and the manager are also affixed.

Sick leave from the Dentist for how many days

In severe cases, surgery is necessary. If the patient feels unwell due to flux, he is at risk of developing sepsis, then the dentist writes him a certificate of temporary incapacity for work. After opening the abscess, a person may develop a fever. Therefore, the doctor must monitor the patient for at least three days. This will help prevent the spread of infection in time.

The question of whether a dentist can issue a temporary disability certificate is quite relevant. There is a group of medical workers who are not authorized to issue sick leave.

Tooth extraction (read more...)

New in filling out certificates of incapacity for work

New details have been added to the section on filling out sick leave.

  1. If social insurance pays temporary disability benefits directly to the employee, you only need to fill out the line “At the expense of the employer.” The lines “At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund” and “Total accrued” are left empty.
  2. The information that the employer fills out in the electronic sick leave must be certified by two signatures - the chief accountant and the manager. If the duties of the chief accountant are assumed by the manager, one of his signatures is sufficient.
  3. Calculations of sick leave benefits must be stored electronically or in paper form. They must be signed electronically or with handwritten signatures of the chief accountant and manager. If the position of chief accountant is not provided, only the manager signs the calculations.
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