Possibilities of aesthetic dentistry: laser teeth cleaning

Where to get laser teeth whitening in Moscow?

At the PROFI-Dent dental clinic!

This is a safe, painless and effective procedure that will give your teeth a pearly shine. A brilliant smile has always been the standard of beauty, and if you want to get it quickly and without harm to your health, laser whitening is the best solution of all!

The result of the procedure is a gorgeous snow-white smile!

Without pain, stitches and antibiotics - you no longer have to be afraid of treatment!

Laser dentistry in the modern Interdent dental clinic in Moscow provides maximum patient comfort and a reduction in rehabilitation time after procedures. Using a laser, you can achieve positive therapy results even in the most difficult situations, and the absence of the need for anesthesia allows the device to be used for people with allergies to painkillers. Today, laser dental treatment in Moscow is widespread in dentistry, and enjoys deserved popularity among patients who appreciate the advantages of laser treatment. The use of laser at the Interdent family dental clinic is one of the safest and most effective treatment methods, which is indicated for almost everyone.


Types of laser teeth whitening vary depending on the equipment used. The use of the revolutionary Doctor Smile system (Italy), based on the impact of diode lasers, allows you to:

  1. Ensure a uniform and gentle effect on tooth enamel, eliminating the risk of overheating and other possible complications.
  2. Even patients with highly sensitive teeth should visit her.
  3. Achieve maximum results by lightening the enamel by 6-8 tones or more in just one visit.

Dental care after the procedure

Any type of professional cleaning will be of no use if you do not adhere to the rules of hygiene.

Oral care after brushing your teeth is divided into 2 stages: in the first weeks and everyday.

Immediately after the procedure, adhere to the following tips:

  • do not eat or drink for the first 2 hours;
  • within 24 hours after laser treatment, do not clean your teeth - only rinse your mouth after eating and remove food debris with floss;
  • to clean your teeth, buy a new brush: the old one contains bacteria and microbes that will cause inflammation in the disturbed gums;
  • 2 weeks use a brush with soft bristles (marked Soft) and low-abrasive paste (RDA level up to 50 units);
  • For several days, rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula: they will help eliminate bleeding, heal gums and reduce sensitivity;
  • Follow a “white” diet for 2-3 weeks - all foods and drinks with coloring properties are excluded from the diet.

Daily care includes:

  • giving up smoking, strong tea and coffee;
  • careful adherence to oral hygiene: brushing teeth immediately after eating, using professional pastes, rinses, flosses, irrigators;
  • preventive examination every six months;
  • Carrying out hygienic cleaning every six months to a year.

Do not brush your teeth for 24 hours after laser treatment

How is the procedure performed?

Consultation with a dentist
Analysis of the condition of enamel and dentin

Professional cleaning

Removal of all deposits, including tartar

Laser teeth treatment

With application and removal of special gel

A special gel-like composition is applied to the tooth enamel. Under the action of a laser beam, the active substance is released, penetrates deeply into the enamel and removes stubborn pigments that worsen the color.

All necessary manipulations take on average about 1.5 hours. At the same time, one procedure provides lightening of 6-8 shades even in the most complex cases of enamel pigmentation.


Removing tartar helps prevent serious dental diseases that affect not only the tooth, but also the gums.

Professional cleaning can also be done using other methods. However, in addition to the listed advantages, the laser method has the following advantages:

  • the ability to clean enamel even from the hardest deposits;
  • cleaning stone from hard-to-reach places (including subgingival pockets);
  • strengthening enamel;
  • preventive action;
  • duration of retention of the result;
  • no discomfort during the procedure;
  • enamel lightening up to 3 tones;
  • polishing the surface being treated.

The only drawback that laser teeth cleaning method has is the price. The cost of such a procedure is quite high. However, if we take into account that ultimately the patient will not need to carry out additional manipulations such as whitening and polishing, as well as the safety of cleaning, then the cost is quite justified.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for laser teeth whitening is darkening of the enamel and its unaesthetic tint!

This procedure has a minimum of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the gel;
  • fluorosis;
  • age up to 16 years.

Since modern laser technologies make it possible to select the most accurate parameters for the intensity and duration of the beam in each clinical case, the possibility of thermal damage to dental tissues and gums or the occurrence of discomfort during the procedure is completely excluded.

When not to do laser cleaning?

A-Medic Clinic is a professional dentistry, so our specialists do not remove tartar if the patient has contraindications. To do this, before the procedure, an examination of the oral cavity is carried out, and if concomitant systemic diseases are suspected, a diagnosis is prescribed.

Laser cleaning is not recommended for patients who have contraindications:

  • periodontitis or endocarditis;
  • AIDS or hepatitis;
  • asthma or tuberculosis.

Patients can receive a refusal from a specialist:

  • under the age of 18;
  • have a pacemaker;
  • female during pregnancy or lactation;
  • undergoing a period of treatment for malocclusion with braces (cleaning is done first);
  • with installed implants or a large number of fillings;
  • with sensitivity to ultrasound.

The procedure is also impossible during the development of ARVI, caries, sore throat or pharyngitis.

How much does laser teeth whitening cost in Moscow?

The cost of laser teeth whitening depends on the volume of work and the number of units. Quick results and absence of discomfort are the main advantages of the procedure.

The price for laser teeth whitening in Moscow at the PROFI-Dent clinic is in the budget range and is affordable to any patient.
Whitening 1 tooth1,500 rubles
20 dental units in the smile zone22,000 rubles
Air Flow plaque removal (1 jaw)1,600 rubles

Possible complications

There are usually no complications after laser removal of pigmented and mineralized deposits. Only standard consequences occur: minor bleeding and increased sensitivity, which disappear in a couple of days.

However, if the technique is not followed or contraindications are ignored, serious consequences arise: damage to teeth and gums, aggravation of existing oral diseases or systemic pathologies.

There are usually no complications after removing pigment and mineralized deposits with a laser

Possibilities of laser dentistry

Laser dentistry is relevant for:

  • teeth whitening,
  • removal of soft tissues,
  • root canal sterilization,
  • installation of braces,
  • opening of implants,
  • treatment of inflammatory diseases, periodontitis.

Modern techniques are actively used in the elimination of caries, in orthodontics, orthopedics, and surgery.
Lasers also play an important role in aesthetic dentistry. It allows you to whiten teeth, change the contour of the gums, and the shape of the tissue. Now everyone can have an attractive smile! The popularity of laser dentistry is explained by the fact that laser radiation can:

  • reduce the permeability of vascular walls and reduce inflammatory reactions,
  • improve microcirculation,
  • increase local immunity,
  • stimulate tissue regeneration and metabolism.

The possibilities of modern laser dentistry will allow you to forget about any discomfort and not be afraid of going to the doctor!

Prices for laser dentistry in Moscow

NameCost, rub.
Antiseptic treatment of a periodontal pocket in the area of ​​1 tooth with a laser660 rub.
Laser curettage of periodontal pockets1100 rub.
Curettage (open) of periodontal pockets in the area of ​​1 tooth using a laser1650 rub.
Flap surgery in the area of ​​3 teeth using a laser6600 rub.
Plastic frenulum of the tongue5500 rub.
Upper lip frenuloplasty5500 rub.
Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the lower lip5500 rub.
Excision of cords with laser3850 rub.
Deepening the vestibule of the oral cavity with a laser8800 rub.
Opening a periodontal abscess (cyst) with a laser1650 rub.
Gingivectomy in the area of ​​1 tooth with laser2420 rub.
Laser gingivoplasty in the area of ​​1 tooth2090 rub.
Exposure of an impacted tooth for orthodontic treatment4400 rub.
Laser treatment of pericoronitis (excision of the 'hood' with a laser)3300 rub.
Treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa using laser (1 visit)990 rub.
Cystectomy with resection of the root apex of a single-rooted tooth using a laser8800 rub.
Cystectomy with resection of the apex of a multi-rooted tooth using a laser10450 rub.
Removal of benign soft tissue tumors in the oral cavity with a laser4950 rub.
Treatment of reimplantitis using laser2750 rub.

Feature of the procedure

The need for office cleaning of plaque arises for the following reasons:

  • plaque forms in the absence of proper oral care;
  • rare visits to the doctor for preventive examinations;
  • lack of regular professional cleaning;
  • using the wrong care products, too soft brushes;
  • presence of oral diseases;
  • smoking;
  • curvature of the dentition;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • presence of bad habits, for example, chewing only on one side of the row.

Professional teeth cleaning with a laser involves exposing the enamel to a light beam. In this case, there is no direct contact with the tissues, the destruction of the stone is not accompanied by pain or discomfort, bleeding of the gums.

The laser not only removes plaque, but also has disinfecting properties and accelerates the healing of injuries and wounds. At the same time, there is no negative impact on the enamel.

Laser teeth cleaning in dental clinics in Moscow

  • President prestige
  • 6th street New Gardens, building 2, bldg. 1
  • +7 (499) 938-… show all
  • Mon, Tue 9:00–21:00; Wed 9:00–18:00; th-

3.6 ratings: 8

    • White rainbow
  • Kotelnicheskaya embankment, building 25
  • +7 (499) 703-… show all
  • daily, 8:00–22:00
  • 4.4 ratings: 5

    • Dentist
  • Pererva street, house 39
  • +7 (495) 135-… show all
  • Mon-Fri 9:00–21:00; Sat, Sun 10:00–20:00
  • 4.4 ratings: 5

    • Dental fantasy
  • Garibaldi street, building 15
  • +7 (495) 106-… show all
  • daily, 8:00–22:00
  • 4.4 ratings: 5

    • Dentist
  • Pererva street, house 39
  • +7 (495) 152-… show all
  • Mon-Fri 9:00–21:00; Sat, Sun 10:00–20:00
  • 4.4 ratings: 5

    • Med-ostomy committee
  • Kotsyubynskogo street, building 10
  • +7 (495) 971-… show all
  • Mon-Fri 9:00–20:00; Sat, Sun 10:00–16:00
  • 3.9 ratings: 8

    • kind hands
  • Krasnodonskaya street, house 16A
  • +7 (495) 414-… show all
  • Mon-Fri 9:00–21:00; Sat, Sun 10:00–21:00
  • 4.0 ratings: 3

    • Kdk dent
  • Bogdanova street, building 2, bldg. 1
  • +7 (495) 934-… show all
  • Mon-Sat 9:00–21:00
  • 4.8 ratings: 4

    • Reiter
  • Saratovskaya street, house 24
  • +7 (495) 650-… show all
  • daily, 9:00–21:00
  • 4.0 ratings: 4

    • Implacity
  • Khersonskaya street, house 17
  • +7 (495) 106-… show all
  • Mon-Sat 10:00–21:00; Sun 10:00–20:00
  • 4.6 ratings: 5

    • Avantis
  • Nauchny Proezd, 19
  • +7 (495) 023-… show all
  • Mon-Sat 9:00–21:00
  • 4.2 ratings: 11

    • Dentistry Dmitrovich and colleagues
  • Petrovsko-Razumovskaya alley, house 10, bldg. 2
  • +7 (495) 414-… show all
  • Mon-Sat 9:00–21:00; Sun 9:00–18:00
  • 3.9 ratings: 10


    Cleaning steps

    Laser cleaning is carried out using the following steps:

    • the doctor conducts a preliminary examination, assesses the condition of the oral cavity, and identifies contraindications;
    • if there are problems, treatment is carried out, old fillings are replaced with new ones, if necessary;
    • the shade of the enamel is determined using a special scale, after which the doctor mechanically cleans the soft plaque, washing it off with water supplied to the row under pressure;
    • Non-contact laser cleaning is carried out, the surface of the tooth enamel is polished;
    • the surface is coated with fluorine-containing varnishes to strengthen and additionally protect the enamel.

    Benefits of using laser cleaning:

    • the presence of several operating modes of equipment and special attachments for high-quality, complete cleaning of the surface, interdental space, and hard-to-reach places;
    • strengthening of enamel, additional disinfection;
    • prevention of bleeding, caries development;
    • there is no tissue damage, there is no direct impact on the enamel;
    • The duration of the procedure is short, the patient does not feel discomfort, pain, and there is no bleeding of the gums;
    • the procedure is silent;
    • simultaneously with cleaning, the enamel is whitened by several tones, the natural shade of the fabrics is restored;
    • The procedure is safe and is often prescribed before treatment, whitening or prosthetics.

    The method has practically no disadvantages, the only disadvantage is the cost. Also, additional measures may be required before the procedure, for example, treating caries, replacing old fillings that have darkened or are poorly held in place. If it is impossible to eliminate contraindications, the doctor chooses other methods of office cleaning.


    To consolidate the results of laser q xbcnrb, the patient is recommended to follow the rules of oral care:

    • regular brushing of teeth with toothpastes with whitening properties and protection against plaque accumulation (at least twice a day);
    • use of medium and high hardness brushes, dental floss or irrigator;
    • Mouth rinses should be used after meals;
    • For the first time after the procedure, it is recommended to follow a “white diet”, exclude coloring foods, drinks, and smoking.

    In addition to care, it is recommended to visit a doctor every six months, who will perform a preventative examination and provide recommendations for further care if necessary. The frequency of professional cleaning at the dentist depends on how well the patient maintains hygiene and the rate of plaque accumulation on the teeth.

    Our services

    The cost of laser teeth cleaning in St. Petersburg depends on many factors. This is the general condition of the oral cavity, the patient’s compliance with hygiene rules, and the need for additional treatment. On average, the price of laser teeth cleaning starts at 350 rubles, but the doctor will tell you the exact cost of the services after a preliminary examination and identification of contraindications.

    You can get additional information about the procedure and cost and make an appointment by calling us at 8 (812) 438-21-17. The clinic’s specialists will advise on treatment issues and make an appointment with a hygienist.

    Ultrasound removal of dental plaque: technique

    If you only have supragingival deposits and/or pigment plaque on your teeth, then the cleaning procedure usually only takes about 1 hour. With this type of deposits, ultrasonic cleaning can be carried out even by a regular dentist.

    Important: but if you suffer from periodontitis (inflammation of the gums), then cleaning is best done by a periodontist. This will give a greater guarantee that you will then have subgingival dental plaque removed, and also, if necessary, prescribed a course of home anti-inflammatory therapy, which will include rinsing the mouth with antiseptics and applying gels to the gums.

    Removing dental plaque with ultrasound consists not only of an ultrasonic cleaning procedure, but also the mandatory subsequent polishing of teeth, and ideally, also fluoridation. Below, we will talk in detail about the intricacies of each stage.


    • We clean dental plaque in the same way as in premium dental centers in Europe, Israel and the USA.
    • We use the same equipment and drugs produced by SIEMENS (Germany). This is a high-quality deep teeth cleaning that will satisfy the needs of the most demanding patients and will have a long-term beneficial effect on the oral cavity.
    • We carry out a comprehensive procedure consisting of three cleaning stages: ULTRASOUND DEEP CLEANING, AIR FLOW CLEANING, ZIRCONIUM POLISHING.
    • We strengthen teeth enamel after cleaning in 100% of cases.
    • We do not use soda, which damages tooth enamel and gums!

    Methods for removing tartar

    There are the following effective ways to remove hardened plaque:

    1. Use of hand tools. This method was especially often used during the existence of the USSR. Dentists used curettes - instruments with sharp edges that can be used to scrape off hardened formations. The modern development of dentistry has made it possible to abandon such an ineffective and traumatic method.

    2. Application of ultrasound.
    3. Cleaning teeth with a mixture of air, water and soda, supplied under high pressure through the tip of the device. This method is called sandblasting. Its essence is as follows: the smallest particles of soda, moving at very high speed, knock down deposits. This method is effective if the stones are small: large stones or subgingival deposits will be almost impossible to remove.

    Ultrasound removal of stones

    This is the most effective and safe method currently used to remove hardened formations. Of course, the human factor must also be taken into account: the tip must be in experienced hands, and then there will be tangible benefits from the procedure.

    Scaler is an ultrasonic device for destroying stone. In the inner part of the device body there is a motor, due to which the tip vibrates (the mechanism provides more than 100 million movements per minute). When the tip of the nozzle comes into contact with deposits, it creates a vibration that can destroy the stone.

    During the entire procedure, a liquid (antiseptic solution or water) is used to cool the tip of the device and the surface of the teeth, washing away deposits located in the dental pockets. A saliva ejector is placed in the oral cavity, effectively removing excess fluid.

    But the procedure does not end with the elimination of large deposits, because there are still roughnesses on the surface of the teeth that need to be gotten rid of. If you ignore this, then a soft coating may adhere to the unevenness, which will quickly begin to harden, that is, the process of stone formation will begin all over again. This stage is called polishing, and the procedure itself is carried out using a brush and paste.

    Sometimes (especially with gum inflammation) anti-inflammatory therapy and the use of a special paste for several weeks that reduces the inflammatory process are required.

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