How to choose a frenulum piercing: frenulum, smile, antismile

Piercing is the piercing of different parts of the body for the purpose of decoration with earrings and special products made from hypoallergenic materials. For quick and successful healing, it is necessary to correctly make the hole and care for it according to the rules and recommendations of the master. There are different types of piercings, but the most popular are those placed in the facial area. If you want to have an earring, but due to certain circumstances it cannot be shown openly, you can choose a frenulum piercing under the tongue.

How is frenulum made?

Your work with a piercer will begin with a detailed consultation. He will tell you about all the nuances, list contraindications and make sure that your lifestyle and health state allow you to get this type of puncture. Then the master will disinfect, fix the bridle in the desired position and insert a disposable needle, after which he will immediately put on the jewelry. The good news is that you won't need any pain relief. The mucous fold under the tongue, which we call the frenulum, is almost devoid of nerve endings, and its thickness at the site of the frenulum puncture is only about a millimeter.

Types of punctures

There are many types of tongue piercings, including:

  1. Classic . It is performed by vertically puncturing the body of the tongue followed by installing a stud.
  2. Horizontal . The most difficult type of puncture, as it is performed in the horizontal plane, where the tongue is thickest. Rarely practiced, usually by people experienced in various types of piercings.
  3. Double (plural) . It consists of combining several types of punctures, with the installation of several different decorations.
  4. Tip puncture . It is performed as close as possible to the end of the body of the tongue, after which rings of various diameters and thicknesses are installed.
  5. Frenum piercing . The frenulum is a small, thin piece of tissue under the tongue. Due to this, the accessory can be easily hidden and shown only to selected people.


Benefits of frenulum piercing:

  • pierced quickly and without severe pain;
  • hidden from prying eyes;
  • looks impressive and original;
  • can be shown without using your hands, simply by raising your tongue (unlike piercing the frenulum of the lower or upper lip, for example).

True, body modifications in this part of the mouth also have a significant drawback. The tongue is one of the most mobile muscles, so a fresh wound will constantly be under stress. Add to this the need to eat and drink, and you have an additional risk factor. And smokers and lovers of long kisses are forced to come to terms with a longer healing period for any body modifications in the oral cavity. Keep this in mind when choosing what to pierce.

What is and features of frenulum piercing

The procedure is not difficult, but it is advisable to perform it by a specialist with special equipment and skills.
Like other minor surgical interventions, piercing the frenulum under the tongue requires sterility and care. If the technique is violated or infection occurs during work, the earring may be rejected and serious health problems may occur. Even with a successful piercing under the tongue, there is a risk of the following complications:

  • inflammation of the gums;
  • chips of enamel when jewelry rubs against a tooth;
  • long healing.

Doctors are against any punctures in the oral cavity, since the lesions are an entry point for dangerous infections.

How to care

The technician will not let you leave the salon without a detailed instruction on how to care for a fresh piercing. Be sure to follow all the points and do not engage in “folk” methods such as twisting the earrings or rinsing with peroxide. Try to postpone all activities associated with long conversations or large feasts. Let the tongue be as quiet as possible - then the wound will heal quickly and without complications. You should also take care of other people's microflora: explain to your loved one that it is better to postpone kissing for a week. If you smoke, you should switch to electronic devices for the first time or give up this habit altogether.

Who should not get oral piercing and when?

There are few contraindications to this type of piercing, but they still exist. Not recommended:

  1. Pregnant women . Due to the possible risk of infection and resulting stress.
  2. For children . Piercing is contraindicated for children due to active tissue growth, which can lead to stretching of the puncture and a significant enlargement of the hole.
  3. People under the influence of alcohol or drugs . This is due to possible inappropriate behavior of a person during the procedure, which can cause harm to himself and the master. This condition is also dangerous due to profuse hemorrhage.
  4. People who are allergic to antiseptics.
  5. People who suffer from epilepsy, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases , or have a fear of blood.

Where to do

Although piercing is considered a cosmetic procedure, it is essentially a mini-surgery. It would be a mistake to trust random people or experiment on your own body. We recommend contacting only the best masters in St. Petersburg - for example, the Art Of Pain studio. You will be satisfied with the atmosphere, quality and prices.

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  • We create custom designs for free
  • We offer comfortable conditions in tattoo studios in the center of St. Petersburg
  • Only professionals work in our studio
  • Quality work at reasonable prices
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Make an appointment

How frenulum piercing occurs in the salon and at home

The master performs the procedure in ideal lighting. The arsenal includes a special needle with a catheter and a tongue clip. Hydrogen peroxide or antiseptic solutions are used to treat the wound. The decoration must be disinfected in an autoclave. Before starting work, rinse your mouth with a disinfectant and check the health of the cavity.

A puncture of the frenulum frenulum of the tongue is done in the salon according to the following scheme:

  1. The master determines the location of the future hole using a special marker.
  2. The tip of the tongue is fixed with a special clamp and raised upward.
  3. A needle with a catheter is inserted with a quick movement.
  4. Using a catheter, an earring is inserted into the puncture.
  5. The needle is removed and the product is secured using locks.
  6. The frenulum piercing under the tongue is treated with an antiseptic by rinsing.

By contacting a salon with a good reputation, protect yourself from complications. Cosmetologists or piercers know how to correctly determine the place for a puncture and will quickly carry out manipulations without harm to health.

If it is impossible to contact a specialist, you can carry out the procedure at home. To do this, purchase a tongue holder (a type of clamp or forceps), a sterile needle with a catheter, an antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide, and a large and comfortable mirror.

Stages of the under tongue piercing procedure:

  1. Disinfect the instruments and be sure to rinse your mouth with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (to prepare it, you need to dilute the antiseptic with clean water in a 1:1 ratio). Rinse time – 5 minutes.
  2. Immerse the earring in alcohol or antiseptic for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Raise your tongue and set a guide for needle entry, which is positioned in proportion to the midline of the frenulum, located transversely.
  4. Hold your tongue, point it towards the upper palate and quickly insert the catheter needle. The direction of movement is from right to left.
  5. Insert the earring into the hollow tube and insert it into the hole.
  6. After piercing the frenulum, rinse your mouth again with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

The same method is used to pierce a smiley face in the frenulum of the upper lip. The main thing during the procedure is to maintain sanitary conditions and not to work with dirty hands.

Victorian Pleasure2

It is worth saying that the “Prince Albert” piercing is not a collective name. This is one of the varieties of piercing techniques. Namely, when the master punches a hole through the urethra, coming out. In addition to this, there are many other techniques and places of piercing (frenum, Dido, aradraiva, ampallanga, etc.).

They differ in localization. However, with Alberta everything happens much faster and more painlessly. The puncture heals within a month and a half. All thanks to the successful placement of the puncture. Urine here acts as a healing and disinfectant every time you go to the toilet.

Treatment of external punctures is carried out according to the same scheme as with frenum or ampallang. The main thing is to wait for complete healing to begin further experiments in the field of sex or start making new punctures. It is believed (and confirmed) that penile piercings provide additional stimulation during sex.

Associated inconveniences9

At first, a person may encounter difficulties in wearing clothes and in sexual intercourse when stimulating the penis. In any case, discomfort will be present, since there is a foreign object in the organ. To reduce discomfort, you should wear loose underwear and resume sexual activity gradually. Don't try to get back into the world of sex by having hard sex. You will probably experience completely new sensations during intimacy, which you need to get used to gradually.

It is also worth talking about difficulties urinating. The puncture can stretch so much that urine will flow from two openings at once - from the urethra and the puncture. In order not to catch the stream from the two holes, you need to press the puncture site with your finger when urinating. At first it may seem unusual, but soon you will stop paying attention to it altogether.

How to make a smiley piercing?

For some reason, many people, especially minors, believe that they can do piercings themselves. Some people think that it is easy to pierce themselves, others seek professional services.

Although it may seem like a frenulum piercing is easy to do yourself, it is highly recommended that you consult with an experienced piercer so that they can determine if the frenulum is the right size and advise on the appropriate type and size of jewelry. Will also suggest proper post-operative care techniques to reduce the risk of infection and rejection.

Contraindications and care for under tongue piercings

The frenulum can be pierced only after a detailed examination and assessment of the condition of the frenulum. There are features of the anatomical structure of the organ that do not allow the installation of an earring under the tongue. If the size and length of the frenulum allow it to be pierced, then the general health of the body is assessed:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes;
  • allergic reaction to antibacterial drugs and antiseptics;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of acute course of chronic diseases;
  • insufficient blood clotting;
  • AIDS, HIV;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • age under 18 years;
  • epilepsy.

The procedure is prohibited for clients under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

To avoid negative reactions, inflammation and rejection, it is necessary to provide the piercing with proper home care. During the healing period, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the master:

  • Regular rinsing of the mouth using antiseptics.
  • Cleaning after every meal.
  • Resorption of lollipops and drugs with an antibacterial component.

During the procedure, a temporary decoration is installed, which can be replaced after 12 days, plus or minus two days. At first, your lip and tongue will swell and hurt. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to rinse with cold water and ice.

In the first month, you should not eat hard foods, hot, spicy, salty or sour foods. It is advisable to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

The speed at which a wound heals depends on the body’s ability to recover.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • No need to worry about hiding your piercing (as long as you don't smile all the time)
  • It heals very quickly
  • Doesn't affect much tissue
  • Compliments
  • Large selection of jewelry.


  • Very painful
  • Has a high likelihood of rejection
  • Not suitable for everyone (for some people)
  • Slight natural movement of the lips can put pressure on the piercing
  • Risk of permanent damage to gums and teeth.

Anti-smile piercing

Also known as a frown piercing, it is done on the frenulum of the lower lip, the exact opposite of a smile piercing. It is barely noticeable unless you frown or lower your bottom lip to expose your bottom row of teeth and gum line. This piercing is less popular and because it is very discreet, it is suitable for those who like to keep their body changes a secret.

Like other types of piercings, they are subject to many risks and problems, such as rejection. It also cannot be performed if the frenulum is too small.

The standard jewelry for anti-smile piercings is a small, thin piece of jewelry, usually a size 16 or 18 and over half an inch in diameter. It is important to use the right type of jewelry to prevent damage to your teeth and gums.

Side effects of piercing

The side effects that can occur after getting a piercing are numerous. Incorrect installation of piercings in both the upper and lower lips can lead to irreversible consequences, such as damage to the facial nerve. Also, the piercing procedure itself guarantees inevitable swelling and bleeding .

Regular contact of metal parts with tooth enamel leads to its damage, this can be either minor microcracks or severe chips . In fact, the teeth of a person who has had an oral piercing are constantly injured 24 hours a day . When you talk, chew, or simply move your tongue, the hard metal earring continually damages your tooth enamel .

After some time, tiny cracks invisible to the human eye develop into quite serious problems. There is increased sensitivity of the teeth to irritants such as cold, heat and acids. Constant irritation of the nerve leads to caries .

Due to the occurrence of galvanic currents between the metal of the earring and other metals in the mouth, severe irritation of the pulp . Plus, this is facilitated by the acidic environment in the mouth.

Piercing also entails a change in the normal function of the oral cavity. Foreign objects, in particular jewelry in the mouth, can provoke excessive saliva production, which can significantly affect the clarity of pronunciation , as well as chewing and swallowing food . This is not particularly convenient in everyday life.

Wide range of piercings3

What are we all about "Prince Albert"? No, he, of course, deserves increased attention due to the fact that it all started with him, but now it’s time to discuss other, no less interesting types of penis piercing. You can experiment a lot in this area: pierce the foreskin, the skin of the penis or the scrotum. And the assortment of jewelry will not leave anyone indifferent: rings, barbells, horseshoes and earrings. It is worth considering in more detail other types of punctures:

  • Ampallanga. Characterized by a transverse puncture of the head of the penis. If the client wants, he can pierce slightly above the urethra. The healing process lasts from three to nine months.
  • Aradrive. Here, on the contrary, a vertical puncture of the head is performed. It is done in such a way that the bottom ball of the bar is located at the base. Even though the healing process lasts for several months, many have noticed that sex with this particular piercing becomes much brighter with increased sensitivity.

These techniques are characterized by increased complexity; there are also simpler options.

  • Dido. A very simple technique, characterized solely by puncture of the edge of the head. A barbell with balls along the edges is placed in the resulting hole. Since Dido looks neat, many men do several punctures at once (but at intervals).

  • Frenum. Here the craftsman punches a bridle, into which any decoration can then be inserted: from a primitive barbell to a massive ring. With frenum for men, the process of ejaculation is somewhat delayed, which prolongs sexual intercourse. Here you can also experiment and add a few more punctures nearby.

It is not necessary to do more perverted procedures. It is enough to make a simple and neat piercing that will not disappoint.

Risks and possible consequences

There is an opinion that smiley piercing harms teeth . This is partly true, but this only happens when the decoration is chosen incorrectly. If you notice that jewelry has begun to harm your tooth enamel, consult your dentist, he will help you choose the best jewelry. There are also cases when the smile becomes inflamed, this happens due to injury or unsuitable material in the decoration. In the first case, it is enough to treat with miramistin and keep the puncture alone, and in the second case, replace the jewelry with titanium.

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