How to get rid of smoke smell at home - 20 quick and effective ways to eliminate bad breath

Home>Articles> How long does the persistent odor of alcohol on your breath last?

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  • Why does the smell of alcohol appear?
  • What factors influence how long the smell of alcohol on your breath lasts?
  • Consumption of fatty soups on the eve of a feast as a preventive measure
  • An ideal snack during a feast
  • Use of activated carbon
  • How to get rid of the smell of alcohol from your breath: mint toothpaste or lollipops
  • Bad breath after alcohol: how to get rid of it with succinic acid
  • Use of folk remedies
  • Accelerating the process of removing alcohol from the body

What Russian person doesn’t like to drink a couple of glasses of alcohol at a special event! But the festive fun ends quite quickly, and the next morning a sharp headache often occurs, and bad breath appears after drinking alcohol. The article will talk about how to get rid of fumes using simple and accessible methods.

Why does the smell of alcohol appear?

Any alcohol contains wine or ethyl alcohol (ethanol). It enters the body through the esophagus. After this, ethanol enters the stomach and intestines. Then ethyl or wine alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood. After this, ethanol spreads throughout all organs a short

Approximately 1-1.5 hours after the penetration of ethyl or wine alcohol into the body, the process of breaking down this substance is activated. Initially it is transformed into acetaldehyde, and then into acetic acid. It is because of the influence of these chemical compounds that the unpleasant smell of alcohol emanating from a person appears. After the products of ethanol breakdown enter the bloodstream, they accumulate in the lungs. They enter the environment through human breath. This is the main reason for the appearance of fumes from the mouth after drinking alcohol.

In addition, wine and ethyl alcohol are excreted from the human body along with sweat and urine. The bodily fluids of a person who drinks alcohol also have an unpleasant, pungent odor.

Products that mask the smell of fumes

In addition to the methods listed above, ordinary products that can be found in every kitchen will help mask fumes.


Chewing gum eliminates unpleasant odor for just a few minutes. The effect lasts longer after a mint tablet, but in combination with ethyl alcohol vapor, the result can be unpredictable. Therefore, it is better to use fruit-flavored chewing gum for fumes.


A temporary result can be obtained by sucking on a lollipop. Halls candies are the best to help with fumes, but you can also choose regular barberry or mint ones. Duration of action - no more than 60 minutes. Then you can eat another lollipop.

Vegetable oil

Sunflower oil for fumes is used as a last resort. Its effect is short-lived - only 20-30 minutes. Moreover, if you drink too much of the product, in addition to the unpleasant odor and hangover, you will get diarrhea.

To avoid the smell of fumes, it is enough to take 1 tsp. vegetable oil every 15 minutes. And so on for an hour. Then take a break for 3 hours, even if the unpleasant odor remains.


When choosing how to remove the smell of fumes, pay attention to milk, kefir or sour cream. These products are safe for the stomach and work quite effectively. The fattier the product, the better the result.

You can get rid of fumes in just an hour if you eat 200 g of sour cream on an empty stomach or drink a glass of kefir. After 30 minutes, it is recommended to repeat the procedure. After another half hour, you need to have a hearty breakfast and go about your business.

By the way, milk not only masks breathing, but also allows you to quickly cope with a hangover.

Potato starch

This simple home remedy will reduce the smell of smoke. As practice shows, it is better to take it in the evening. If you don’t have powder at home, you can grate raw potatoes and eat 2-3 tbsp. l. At the same time, get rid of heartburn.

Potato starch works as an absorbent, neutralizes toxins and, while you sleep, saves you from fumes.


If you need to get rid of fumes in 5 minutes, lemon or other citrus fruits will come to the rescue. For a quick effect, these products need to be chewed with the peel.

To avoid fumes in the morning, it is recommended to take a mixture of sparkling water and lemon juice before breakfast. To do this, add a slice of lemon to a glass of soda and leave for 30 minutes.


Seeds or nuts, if eaten the morning after a party, make the alcoholic fumes from moonshine less harsh and unpleasant.

Before using this method, you must brush your teeth well and rinse your mouth with soda, otherwise you will not get the desired result.


This fragrant product is easy and effective to use. All you need to do to quickly eliminate the smell of fumes is bite off a piece and chew for 5 minutes.

Experts recommend swallowing the spice. This way you will not only be able to chew the fumes, but also reduce unpleasant fumes from the stomach. As a result, the problem will be resolved faster.

A raw egg

The effect of a raw egg occurs 30–35 minutes after consumption, but the product effectively copes with toxins and reliably relieves fumes.

To get the desired result, drink raw eggs (2 pieces) on an empty stomach. You cannot eat any other food for an hour.


With the help of coffee beans you can easily and quickly get rid of beer, vodka or wine fumes. To do this, just chew the grains for 5 minutes. Or drink a couple of cups of strong coffee. After this, it is advisable not to eat anything.

For severe pain in the head, this method will not work. Possible problems with blood pressure.


Baking soda will help you quickly get rid of fumes at home. Based on it, you can prepare an alkaline drink and take it in the evening and in the morning.

Half an hour in a soda bath and rinsing the mouth will remove excess ethyl alcohol from the body and remove unpleasant body odor.


Another effective product for fumes. To make your breath pleasant, you need to eat ginger not only in the morning after the fun, but also before attending the event.

Cut the product into slices, pour boiling water over it, and leave for 15 minutes. You can take the infusion with you in a thermos and drink it at work or on the road.

This method is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Stomach pain and heartburn may occur.


Champagne fumes will help eliminate dark chocolate. It will get rid of the smell for about half an hour, and then the unpleasant aroma will go away on its own.

For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to use chocolate in combination with sorbent preparations.


One of the best remedies for bad breath. With its help, the smell goes away within an hour. The effect is felt already in the first 30 minutes. Both greens and the root of the plant are suitable for solving the problem.

Tomato juice

A proven folk remedy for fumes. Due to the vitamins and antioxidants that the drink is rich in, the elimination of toxins is accelerated. The smell from the mouth becomes less pungent, and the general condition of the person improves.

To get rid of fumes, just drink a glass of tomato juice.

Bay leaf

This remedy is considered the best for getting rid of fumes. Helps cope with the smell after cognac, vodka, gin, whiskey, absinthe and other strong drinks.

Dry bay leaves mask the unpleasant odor best when chewed. True, few people decide to undertake such a procedure. It is more convenient to use it brewed.

To prepare the infusion, you need to brew 15 leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Divide into three parts and drink within two hours.

What factors influence how long the smell of alcohol on your breath lasts?

Each organism is unique. What one person can easily endure will be a difficult ordeal for another. Some people suffer from headaches even after one glass of wine. Others feel relatively normal even after allowing themselves to drink an entire bottle of vodka.

The rate at which alcohol vapors are eliminated from the body is influenced by a variety of circumstances. How long the smell of alcohol on your breath lasts depends on the following factors:

  1. The amount of alcohol consumed. The greater the dose of alcohol consumed, the longer the person will emit a specific smell of fumes.
  2. Strength of alcoholic drinks. “Light” alcohol disappears much faster than “heavy” cognac, whiskey, and vodka.
  3. Quality of alcohol. Natural drinks are eliminated from the body much faster.
  4. Body mass. People with a thin build get drunk much faster than those with a stocky figure. In addition, they suffer much longer from hangovers and fumes.
  5. Age. In young people, metabolic processes proceed at a normal speed. But with age they begin to slow down. Consequently, the older the drinker, the longer the alcohol vapors leave his body.
  6. Health conditions. If you have any chronic disease that helps slow down the rate of breakdown of ethyl alcohol, the smell of alcohol on your breath lasts much longer. This is especially true for patients who have been diagnosed with liver disease.
  7. Paula. Women are more sensitive to the effects of alcohol. This is expressed in relatively rapid intoxication and rather slow elimination of ethanol from the body (about 15% slower than in the stronger sex).
  8. Taking medications. Any drug affects the body as a whole. Some medications provoke faster elimination of alcohol, while others, on the contrary, help slow down this process.
  9. Snacks served. If someone present at a feast ignores the food on the table, intoxication occurs much faster. But a person who actively snacks will feel the fumes longer. If ethyl alcohol is “seasoned” with a variety of dishes, it will leave the body much more slowly.

How long does the fumes from different types of alcohol last?

How long such amber will last in the human body and blood depends on many factors. Among them: weight, quality of the drink and its quantity, age, alcohol level, presence of snacks.

The table shows how long the fume lasts depending on body weight and strength of the drink. Let's take 100 ml of alcohol as an example.

Type of alcohol / weight of person60 kg80 kg100 kg
Beer, 6%50 min40 min30 min
Champagne, 11%1 hour 30 minutes1 hour 20 minutes60 min
Wine, 18%2 hours 40 minutes2 hours1 hour 30 minutes
Vodka, 40%5 hours 50 minutes4 hours 20 minutes3 hours 30 minutes
Cognac, 42%6 h 05 min4 hours 35 minutes3 hours 40 minutes

The fumes from cider last as long as those from beer. The intensity of the smell depends on the body and the amount drunk.

Read more about how long the fumes from different types of alcohol last →

Consumption of fatty soups on the eve of a feast as a preventive measure

You should think about how to get rid of the smell of alcohol from your breath even before the special event. To make it less pronounced, it is recommended to eat heavily on the eve of a noisy feast. In this case, it is desirable that one of the dishes be fatty. Ideal for this purpose:

  • sandwich with butter and trout;
  • a portion of soup cooked in meat broth.

Eating fatty foods before partying can help ease the hangover that comes with the morning after the party . Carbohydrate foods (high-calorie homemade pizza or a plate of pasta) have a similar effect.

Prevention of fumes

There are no universal methods to help prevent the appearance of a foul odor after drinking alcoholic beverages. But you can reduce the symptoms of a hangover and keep them to a minimum.

  1. A hearty meal before a feast - it is best to give preference to pasta, fresh pastries, and sandwiches with butter. This will prevent the development of a hangover.
  2. In no case should you drink alcohol without a snack - the best option would be salmon, mackerel and other types of fish, sandwiches, vegetables with herbs and mushrooms. Too “heavy” food puts stress on the liver, slowing down the breakdown of ethanol.
  3. You should not try to try all the drinks that are on the holiday table - if you drink only one type of alcohol, the manifestations of a hangover will be minimal.

An effective and proven remedy is regular activated carbon, which can be found in every home medicine cabinet. An hour before the feast, you need to take the drug in a dosage of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of your weight. To make the drug work even more intensely, it can be crushed before use. This will help the digestive system break down alcohol faster and prevent intoxication.

An ideal snack during a feast

During the libation you need to have a good snack. At the same time, it is better if the dishes served at the festive table are light. Fatty foods only make the situation worse: when consumed, it is much more difficult for the liver to resist the effects of ethanol.

Great options for snacks during a holiday event:

  • legume dishes;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • greenery;
  • fruits.

According to “experts,” if you drink the same type of alcohol throughout the feast, you are unlikely to experience a strong fume the next morning. Therefore, decide in advance what drink will be in your glass or wine glass.

How to get rid of the smell of alcohol from your breath: mint toothpaste or lollipops

There are time-tested methods on how to get rid of the smell after alcohol:

  1. To mask the “amber” you can use mint paste with a strong smell. You need to thoroughly brush your teeth with it for 3-5 minutes. This product is capable of eliminating the smell of fumes for a short time.
  2. Lollipops or slices of chocolate help to temporarily eliminate the fume “aroma.”

People who doubt how to get rid of the smell of alcohol from their breath using improvised means should also use chewing gum. Its duration of action is approximately 15 minutes.

Is fumes harmful to others?

Typically, feasts last until late, and the resulting volume of alcohol consumed is significant. After this, the person is faced with a disgusting breath. The average duration of breath cleansing is from 10 to 15 hours. Sometimes the smell lasts for 2 days. The drinker reeks of fumes as long as his body contains toxic residues from the breakdown of ethanol.

The fume is harmless, but people nearby will experience discomfort . If there are small children in the apartment, then they should be taken to another room, since the smell of alcohol can have a bad effect on their sleep, especially if the child is just a baby.

Bad breath after alcohol: how to get rid of it with succinic acid

If you have bad breath after drinking alcohol: how to get rid of it with succinic acid? The drug activates the process of removing toxins from the body. Succinic acid helps to quickly get rid of hangover syndrome.

Note! The use of succinic acid is contraindicated in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

It is worth remembering that a product with a tonic effect acts on the body like caffeine. Therefore, succinic acid should be taken no later than two hours before bedtime. To eliminate the unpleasant odor of alcohol, you need to drink six tablets of the drug within three hours. Special medications purchased at a pharmacy

When a hangover occurs, you can take special medications sold at pharmacies:

  • "Petrusha";
  • "Anti-policeman."

Eliminating the unpleasant odor of alcohol from the mouth is the main purpose of pharmaceutical drugs. But the effect of such remedies lasts for a short time: about 20 minutes.

Methods for getting rid of unpleasant odors at home

There are several ways to eliminate fumes and quickly remove toxins from the body. First of all, it is necessary to neutralize the effect of alcohol or slow down its absorption into the blood - then the smell of fumes will be felt less in the morning.

Experts recommend drinking plenty of alkaline water: still mineral water, milk with soda or water with lemon, activated carbon. It is better not to take diuretic tablets. But if you decide to use this remedy for burnout, choose potassium-sparing diuretics.

The following methods will help remove fume smell at home:

  • Water procedures. Take a steam bath, take a contrast shower or lie in a warm bath. All this will speed up the removal of ethyl alcohol from the body;
  • Sorbent agents. Use Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Filtrum for hangovers and fumes. They will absorb some of the toxins;
  • Lots of liquid. The more a person drinks, the faster the unpleasant odor disappears;
  • Breathing exercises. Helps remove fumes by cleansing the lungs and saturating the blood with oxygen;
  • Rinse your mouth with salt and water. A solution of these two components is considered a good folk remedy for fumes.

Brushing your teeth, eating a protein breakfast, and eating hot spices will help you quickly and effectively eliminate the smell of fumes. Of course, the results from using these products will be temporary, but they will also speed up the weathering of the amber.

Use of folk remedies

Cloves have a distinct aroma that counteracts the smell of alcohol well. You can simply pour a small amount of spice into 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting drink is infused for 20-30 minutes and filtered. To make the fumes from the mouth noticeable , take small sips throughout the day.

Another effective remedy for eliminating the smell of fumes is milk with honey. The method for preparing the drink is as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon of natural linden honey is dissolved in 200 ml of milk;
  • The resulting product is thoroughly mixed.

After drinking alcoholic beverages, consume 100-200 ml of a product made from bee honey. This allows you significantly improve your well-being after a heavy libation.

For what reasons does fumes occur?

All alcoholic drinks contain a substance called ethanol. It comes in wine and ethyl varieties. Ethanol enters the body through the esophagus and then enters the intestines or stomach. Through the mucous membrane there is rapid penetration into the circulatory system. The alcohol is then carried to other organs and vital systems.

The breakdown procedure is activated an hour after drinking alcohol. This time is enough for transformation into acid. The components are considered chemical, so in the morning a person smells alcohol or fumes.

When waste products begin to move through the circulatory system, they can accumulate in the lungs. When a person exhales air, others may notice a foreign odor near the drinker. There are other physiological ways to remove breakdown products.

Accelerating the process of removing alcohol from the body

You can speed up the process of removing ethanol from the body if the following conditions are met:

  1. Taking diuretic medications. Frequent trips to the toilet activate the process of removing ethanol from the body.
  2. Drinking large amounts of liquid. A person suffering from fumes and a hangover needs to drink as much clean water as possible. Sufficient fluid intake helps speed up metabolism.
  3. Visiting the sauna. In this case, the alcohols present in the body are eliminated through the pores on the skin.
  4. Taking a long walk at an accelerated pace in the fresh air. Physical activity helps speed up breathing. This helps to “ventilate” the lungs well from the alcohol vapors accumulated in them.
  5. Taking Glutargin. This drug cleanses the liver, promoting increased processing of ethanol.
  6. Gastric lavage with a cleansing enema. Such a radical measure is a quick option for getting rid of the remaining ethyl alcohol in the body, and an excellent method for eliminating bad breath.

The surest step is to control the alcohol consumed at a gala event. In this case, you will not have to face the problem of getting rid of bad breath.

Pharmacy medications for fumes

Antipolitsay and other pharmaceutical remedies for fumes are very popular. Some of them only mask the smell, others work with its source.


The product not only relieves fumes, but also has a beneficial effect on concentration, relieves depression, and alleviates hangover symptoms.

succinic acid

This drug is not recommended for people who have intestinal problems. It is not advisable to take it before bed because it works like caffeine. The main advantage of succinic acid is the rapid removal of toxins.


Two tablets of this drug eliminate bad breath from the mouth. They are dissolved in a glass of water and taken before meals.

Alcoseltzer contains acetylsalicylic acid, so it not only saves you from overexposure, but also eliminates headaches after excessive alcohol consumption.


You can’t drive after taking this drug, but it copes well with fumes.

It is recommended to start taking it in the evening, 20-60 minutes before your first drink. Then Limontar is taken 1 tablet four times a day with an interval of 1.5–2 hours.

To eliminate fumes, the tablets are crushed and dissolved in a glass of mineral water or soda.


Petroselicaps capsules with parsley seed extract and peppermint oil relieve fumes at the level of the digestive system. Take 2-3 capsules once after meals. If necessary, you can take another 1-2 tablets every hour.

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