Metrogyl Denta or Cholisal, which is better, reviews from doctors and patients

For the treatment and prevention of diseases, products are used that must meet a number of requirements: ease of use, price-quality ratio, and safe to use. The above requirements are met by such drugs as Cholisal and Metrogil denta.

These drugs, as their manufacturers claim, are the best remedies. What is their difference and what is better can be found out only by considering their composition, their spectrum of action and contraindications.

What properties do the drugs “Holisa” and “Metrogil Denta” have?

The main purpose of gels is to destroy pathogenic bacteria. You just need to smear the product on your gums. The active component of these drugs destroys pathogenic microbes, bacteria and fungi. Has an antiseptic effect.

The active substances "Cholisala" and "Metrogil" do not have a negative effect on internal organs and systems. At the same time, they quickly eliminate the cause of the disease and increase local immunity. Thanks to these products, the oral cavity is cleared of infections.

Description of the gel "Cholisal"

Country of origin: Poland. The drug is actively used in dental practice. The transparent gel has a pleasant anise scent.

The product consists of two active components - choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride. Cetalkonium chloride is an antiseptic. It eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Choline salicylate inhibits the activity of cyclooxygenases. In this case, the synthesis of prostaglandins is inhibited.

Thanks to this, it has the following effects:

  • – pain reliever;
  • – anti-inflammatory;
  • – antipyretic.

Thanks to the gel base, the medicine quickly spreads across the mucous membrane and penetrates deep into the tissue. Thus, the active component is retained for a long time at the site of pathogenic infection.

The pain goes away within three minutes after application. The effect lasts for 8 hours. The drug does not contain sugar or other irritants, so patients tolerate the treatment well.

The gel is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • – stomatitis (ulcers form in the mouth and tongue);
  • – candidiasis (Candida fungi provoke an inflammatory process);
  • – gingivitis (inflammatory process on the gums);
  • – periodontitis (the acute form leads to loosening of teeth and their loss);
  • – cheilitis (small ulcers and crusts appear in the lip area);
  • – erythema;
  • – gum injuries and damage to the oral mucosa (can be caused by dentures);
  • – pain and swelling after surgery;
  • – eruption of baby teeth.

It is recommended to apply the gel to the gums three times a day. The procedure should be performed 15-20 minutes before meals or immediately after it (you must first rinse your mouth well). The product is distributed on the gums with careful movements. The last procedure should be done before bedtime.

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Contraindications for use:

  • – personal intolerance to active components;
  • – children under 12 months.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, treatment with Cholisal is allowed only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Description of the product "Metrogil Denta"

Country of origin: India. Active components:

  • – metronidazole (antibacterial substance);
  • – chlorhexidine bigluconate (antiseptic substance).

Metronidazole enters the saliva and eliminates pathogens. It creates a barrier to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and reduces their concentration on the mucous membrane.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate destroys herpes and other pathogenic (simple) microorganisms.

The activity of the gel remains even in the presence of discharge in the form of pus. The product does not block the work of beneficial bacteria in the oral cavity.

The absorption of the gel is quite low. It acts locally and has the following effects:

  • – cleanses;
  • – eliminates pain;
  • – relieves inflammation;
  • – disinfects.

Metrogyl Denta is prescribed to patients with the following diseases:

  • – stomatitis of candidal and aphthous type;
  • – periodontitis;
  • – all types of gingivitis;
  • – cheilitis;
  • – destruction of gum tissue (periodontal disease);
  • – gingival abscess (flux);
  • – alveolitis of the tooth socket (appears after tooth extraction);
  • – damage to the oral mucosa.

The gel should be applied to the affected areas using the application method. Use twice a day after thoroughly rinsing the mouth.

The duration of treatment is from 7 to 14 days.

Restrictions on use:

  • – personal intolerance to active components;
  • – pregnancy;
  • - breast-feeding;
  • – children under 6 years old.

Before starting to use Metrogyl Denta dental gel, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

These drugs are part of a pharmacological group with antimicrobial properties. Gels also have a bactericidal effect.

Cholisal is a dental gel for local use with an antiseptic effect. When used, it is instantly absorbed into the wall of the oral cavity, which provides local anesthesia, relieves inflammation and heat. In an alkaline environment it performs antimicrobial and antifungal functions. Fungi lose their ability to reproduce and simply die.

The helium constitution of the drug helps to act effectively on the oral cavity. Pain relief occurs two to three minutes after using the product and lasts from two to eight hours.

Metrogyl is an antimicrobial gel, the effectiveness of which is dependent on the presence of two components:

  • metronidazole has antiprotozoal and antibacterial effects;
  • chlorhexidine disinfects without reducing its properties in the presence of blood and pus.

Metrogyl is practically not absorbed into the lining of the oral cavity, without disturbing the functional intensity of lactobacilli.

Similarity of drugs

Gels have similar characteristics:

  • – antimicrobial effect;
  • – bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect;
  • – active substances inhibit protein synthesis, which takes part in the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The drugs have a similar effect on the disease:

  • – make nerve endings less sensitive;
  • – replenish nutrients in damaged gum tissues;
  • – accelerate microcirculation in damaged cells;
  • – promote tissue renewal;
  • – normalize blood flow in the gums;
  • – eliminate swelling and inflammatory processes.

The drugs are actively prescribed to patients with the following dental pathologies:

  • – periodontitis;
  • – gingivitis;
  • – cheilitis;
  • – complications after surgery.

For the most positive result, gels should be used regularly, taking into account the treatment regimen. Complex treatment also includes rinsing the mouth with various decoctions (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort).

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What is the difference?

When choosing the appropriate drug, the doctor takes into account the patient’s personal characteristics, diagnosis and the presence of severe symptoms.

Metrogyl gel is not prescribed to children under 6 years of age. "Cholisal" can be used for children during teething. The product has an analgesic effect, has a pleasant taste and smell. Also, the “Cholisal” gel does not contain alcohol-containing substances, so it can be safely used by children under 12 months.

The work of these drugs is aimed at destroying pathogens and bacteria (streptococcus, staphylococcus, enterococcus). However, for patients with weak immunity, in which viruses and bacteria multiply, only Cholisal gel can help. You can use this remedy until complete recovery. "Metrogil Denta" is prohibited from being used for more than 14 days.

"Metrogil" has a pleasant mint smell and thick consistency. It contains levomenthol. This gel has a higher level of toxicity. It also contains an antibacterial substance that negatively affects peristalsis and digestion.

Dental gel "Cholisal" can be used as a prophylactic agent. Its most important advantage is the presence of anesthetic functions.

Kholisal has only one drawback - the high price for a small volume.

Release form, composition and packaging

Dental gel

opalescent, soft, white or almost white.

1 g
metronidazole benzoate16 mg,
 which corresponds to the content of metronidazole10 mg
chlorhexidine digluconate 20% solution2.5 mg,
 which corresponds to the content of chlorhexidine digluconate0.5 mg

Excipients: propylene glycol - 50 mg, carbomer-980 - 15 mg, disodium edetate - 0.5 mg, saccharin - 1 mg, levomenthol - 5 mg, sodium hydroxide - 4 mg, water - up to 1 g.

"Cholisal" and "Metrogil Denta": which gel is better and more effective?

You need to choose the right product together with your dentist. Sometimes, when prescribing Cholisal, patients decide to save money and buy its cheap generic. It is important to understand here that the analogue can provoke a relapse. The reason for this is unfinished treatment of the disease, because Metrogyl can only be used for 2 weeks.

Gel "Cholisal" is prescribed in the following cases:

  • – initial stage of the disease;
  • – absence of bleeding and purulent discharge;
  • – inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane at a shallow level.

The drug "Metrogil Denta" is prescribed in the following situations:

  • – at any stage of the disease;
  • – in the presence of bleeding and purulent discharge;
  • - in the postoperative period.

For stomatitis

This disease is provoked by a virus that neither one nor the other remedy can cope with. In this case, complex treatment is necessary. Metrogyl is prescribed only for aphthous and candidal stomatitis. The gel does not treat other forms of this disease. The active substances of Metrogyl are also powerless against allergic stomatitis.

  • Cholisal has the best therapeutic effect for allergic and bactericidal stomatitis.

For gum inflammation

Treatment of cheilitis, gingivitis and periodontitis must be carried out comprehensively.

Therapy consists of the following procedures:

  • – removal of tartar on teeth (only in the dental office);
  • – rinsing the mouth with an antiseptic;
  • – gel applications.

In the initial stages of gingivitis, drugs can replace each other. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment will be the same.

  • However, for purulent inflammations, it is better to use Metrogyl.
  • For severe pain, Cholisal is prescribed.

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The description of the drug METROGYL DENTA is based on the officially approved instructions for use and approved by the manufacturer. METROGYL DENTA - description and instructions provided by the Vidal drug directory. The information provided on prices for drugs is not an offer to sell or buy goods.
The information is intended solely for comparing prices in stationary pharmacies operating in accordance with Article 55 of the Federal Law “On the Circulation of Medicines”. Found an error? Select it and press Ctrl+Enter. INN:
Metronidazole, Chlorhexidine
Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories (a branch of J.B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.)
Anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification:
Other antimicrobial drugs
Registration number in the Republic of Kazakhstan:
No. RK-LS-5 No. 005653
Information about registration in the Republic of Kazakhstan:
12/27/2017 – 12/27/2022

"Holisal" and "Metrogil Denta": reviews from doctors

Yakovlev Ivan Stepanovich, Voronezh (orthodontist)

They recommend their patients to use "Cholisal". This product has many advantages. The most important thing is the absence of sugar, so the gel can be used even by diabetics.

Vazhova Nadezhda Dmitrievna, Vladivostok (dentist)

Many people suffer from gum disease. However, not everyone notices this until the situation is aggravated by inflammation. You can avoid such unpleasant diseases by rinsing your mouth after eating. I prescribe Cholisal to my patients.

Demchenko Artur Leonidovich, Murmansk (dental surgeon)

There are many types of dental pathologies. It is simply impossible to cure them on your own. Only a specialist can understand the type of disease, so before purchasing any gel you need to consult a specialist.

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