Cholisal gel for teething children

pharmachologic effect

Release form: gel

Active ingredient: choline salicylate, cetalkonium chloride

Synonyms: Metrodent, Dentamet, Rotokan

Cholisal is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity. When applied, the gel is quickly absorbed and spreads inside the affected tissues. Cholisal eliminates bleeding gums and bad breath, relieves pain and relieves inflammation, reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria, and acts against fungal infections.

The adhesive base increases the effectiveness of the drug and retains the active ingredients on the surface for up to 6 hours. The gel relieves pain in 2 minutes.

Characteristics of the drug

The drug is available in gel form. It is a homogeneous colorless mass with the smell of anise oil. There are packages of 10 and 15 g. Manufacturer: Polish pharmaceutical plant Elfa. The product contains the following active ingredients:

  • choline salicylate;
  • cetalkonium chloride.

One of the active ingredients of the drug is choline salicylate. This substance has a local analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The component also destroys fungi, including the genus Candida.

Due to the presence of cetalkonium chloride in the composition, the medicine has an antiseptic effect. The analgesic effect is observed 2-3 minutes after application of the product and lasts up to 8 hours. In addition to the main active ingredients, the product contains auxiliary components:

  • glycerol;
  • anise oil;
  • purified water;
  • ethanol;
  • glycerol;
  • methyloxyenzoate;
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose.

The medication does not contain sugar and is well tolerated. Its active substances are quickly absorbed into the mucous membranes. Due to this, the fastest possible effect is achieved. If it is not observed, the inflammatory process has spread as deeply as possible and cannot be eliminated by local means.

Indications for use of Cholisal

Cholisal is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity, relieves pain, relieves inflammation in soft tissues in the following pathologies and conditions:

  • periodontal disease;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • injuries from wearing prostheses;
  • mechanical damage to the gums;
  • painful symptoms from teething;
  • lip inflammation;
  • fungal infections;
  • microsurgical manipulations in the mouth;
  • development of lichen planus;
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

When to use Cholisal is not recommended:

  1. An allergy to the components was detected.
  2. Until the child is one year old.
  3. Pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects of Cholisal: when applied, a slight tingling and burning sensation is felt. The feeling of discomfort goes away in 3–5 minutes. It is possible to develop allergic reactions to the components of the gel.

Reviews about Cholisal

Most reviews about the use of the drug by adults and children are positive. The gel is able to quickly and effectively eliminate pain and inflammation and cools the affected area. If you use the medicine at night, the effect will last almost until the morning. Also has an antipyretic effect. For many, the advantage is that the composition does not contain lidocaine, to which many have adverse reactions and allergies.

There are many rave reviews from patients who had stomatitis. Within 3-5 minutes after application, you can notice a significant improvement in the condition, pain disappears, and after 15-20 minutes the inflammation is relieved. If you apply compresses before bed, then after a couple of days the signs of stomatitis will almost completely disappear.

The gel is sold in pharmacies. It can be bought without a doctor's prescription.

Cholisal - instructions for use

A strip of gel 1 cm long for adult patients and 0.5 cm for children is applied to the index finger and rubbed in a circular motion without pressure into the oral mucosa at the site of the lesion. For periodontal diseases, Cholisal is applied to periodontal pockets or used as a compress, or the gums are gently massaged twice a day.

For stomatitis in adults, Cholisal is used locally 2-3 times a day before meals, after and before going to bed. If you feel a burning sensation at the application site, do not worry, it will go away in 5 minutes. Hands should be washed before use.

No cases of drug overdose were found. Cholisal is not recommended to be swallowed; the drug is for external use only. If a lot of gel gets into your mouth, rinse with water. If it enters the stomach, rinsing is recommended as indicated. If the instructions are followed, the product does not react with other medications.

Popular dental gels for teething

At the moment, gels for teeth and gums are presented by many companies. To make your choice easier, let's look at the most popular ones.


It is a transparent gel with a yellow tint and a distinct scent of mint and chamomile. Using Dentinox gel for preventive purposes allows you to achieve painless and normal formation of the first incisors, primary and subsequent molars. This drug also prevents inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis), irritation of the gums and any painful sensations.

  • Composition 1 g of the drug . Active ingredients - tincture based on chamomile flowers (150 mg), polidocanol 600 (3.2 mg), lidocaine hydrochloride (3.4 mg); excipients - xylitol, carbomer (974 P), sorbitol, propylene glycol, polysorbate 20, levomenthol, purified water, sodium edetate, saccharin and hydroxide.
  • Side effects . The appearance of a slight burning sensation, redness and irritation. In some cases, allergies may develop, including contact allergic reactions, itching, skin rashes and angioedema. If any of the side effects occur, stop using the product and consult a doctor.
  • Contraindications . Hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug, the presence of open wounds on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. Due to the sorbitol content, Dentinox is not recommended for the treatment of children with congenital fructose hypersensitivity.


Compared to cooling gels based on lidocaine, Cholisal has a pathogenetic effect aimed at getting rid of the cause of pain in this process - swelling and inflammation.

After application to the surface of the gums, the active substance of the drug, choline salicylate, is absorbed by the mucous membrane and relieves local inflammation: compression and swelling of nearby tissues are reduced, due to which the pain effect disappears. The adhesive base of the gel ensures a rapid onset of the effect (after 2-3 minutes), as well as its long-term retention, which allows Cholisal to eliminate unpleasant sensations during teething in children for up to 8 hours in one application.

  • Composition per 1 g of product . Cetalkonium chloride (100 mcg), choline salicylate (87.1 mcg); auxiliary components - anise seed oil (1.61 mg), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (1.5 mg), ethanol 96% (390 mg), hyaetellose (20 mg), glycerol (50 mg), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (0.8 mg), water (up to 1000 mg).
  • Side effects . Allergy; A short-term burning sensation may occur in the area of ​​application of the product, which can be eliminated independently.
  • Contraindications . Hypersensitivity to salicylates, as well as other components of Cholisal. When treating a child under 1 year of age, caution should be exercised.


Designed to eliminate pain during teething in children aged 5 months and older. Calgelalidocaine, which is part of the product, helps block the excitability of the membranes of the most sensitive nerve endings, and cetylpyridinium chloride is responsible for suppressing harmful microorganisms.

  • Compound . Cetylpyridinium chloride (10 mg), lidocaine hydrochloride (33 mg); auxiliary components - xylitol, sorbitol solution 70%, glycerin, PEG-40 castor oil, ethanol 96%, xylitol, hydroxyethylcellulose 5000, laureth-9, sodium saccharin, hydrogenated concentrate, macrogol 300, vegetable flavor, levomenthol, caramel E150, purified water .
  • Side effects . Allergy, as well as local irritant effect with prolonged use.
  • Contraindications . The presence of hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary substances of the drug, liver or kidney failure, bradycardia, heart failure of the II or III degree, arterial hypotension, intraventricular conduction disturbance.

Pansoral “First teeth”

The most popular herbal gels to ease teething without anesthetics. At the same time, the plant extracts included in the composition have a softening and soothing effect on the gum mucosa.

  • Compound . Extracts of marshmallow root (49.75 mg), saffron flowers (1 mg) and Roman chamomile (49.75 mg); excipients: sodium methylparaben, glycerol, sodium propylparaben, purified water, sodium saccharin, carbomer, sodium benzoate, Irish moss and triethanolamine.
  • Side effects. Not identified.
  • Contraindications . Newborns up to 4 months, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Refers to the number of dental gels for small children, used at 3 months and later. Kamistad has a quick pain-relieving effect and allows you to temporarily normalize the child’s general well-being. Due to the high content of lidocaine, treatment of children under 12 years of age should be carried out only as prescribed by a pediatrician.

  • Compound . Active ingredients: tincture of chamomile flowers (protects against inflammation), lidocaine hydrochloride (anesthetic for pain relief); excipients: purified water, sodium saccharin dihydrate, benzalkonium chloride, trometamol, carbomers.
  • Side effects . If you follow the recommended dosage of the gel, there are no side effects. In rare cases, a burning sensation may occur in the area where the gel is applied, as well as transient hyperemia.
  • Contraindications . Hypersensitivity. Not recommended for treating infants under 3 months.


Indicated for quick relief of pain in children from 4 months during teething. After application, Dentol begins to act after 1 minute and provides an analgesic effect for 20 minutes.

  • Gel composition .7.5%: per 1 g: benzocaine (75 mg); excipients - sodium saccharin, polyethylene glycol 8 and 75, glycerin, red dye, cherry flavor, ascorbic acid, purified water.
  • Side effects . If the dosage is observed, no negative effects have been identified. There is a possibility of side effects due to individual intolerance. If swelling, itching, or hyperemia occurs in the area where the drug is applied, its further use should be discontinued.
  • Contraindications . The presence of infection or multiple wounds at the site of application of the gel. Hypersensitivity to benzocaine.

Baby Doctor "First Teeth"

The product has a pinkish tint and is odorless and tasteless. Instantly eliminates inflammation and soothes gums. Regular use can significantly facilitate the process of teething without any complications, making it recommended for infants and older children.

  • Compound . Calendula (5.8%), chamomile (5%), water (70%), echinacea (5%), methylparaben (0.2%), marshmallow root (5%), plantain (5%), methylcellulose (4 %).
  • Side effects . When using the drug in recommended doses and according to indications, there are no side effects.
  • Contraindications . Hypersensitivity to herbal components of the medicinal product.

Cholisal's analogs

Many buyers are looking for something to replace Cholisal with. This is not surprising, because the average cost is 400 rubles.

List of cheap analogues of Cholisal with prices.

AnaloguePrice in rublesManufacturer country
Anti-Angin Formula350-400Netherlands
Metrogil Denta250-300India
Dantinorm Baby1000France
Leader Baby230-280Russia

The most popular children's dental analogs of Cholisal gel include such products as Kamistad, Metrogyl Denta, Kalgel, Solcoseryl, Asepta. Let's take a closer look at the listed medications.

Cholisal Dental or Cholisal gel – which is better, what’s the difference

Release form: gel

Active ingredient: atropine, aprotinin, propylene glycol, peppermint oil

Synonyms: Cholisal, sage leaves, Fitosept

Cholisal Dental does not contain NSAIDs and antiseptics, unlike Cholisal gel. This is a cosmetic product, the drug is used for preventive purposes from the age of 14. The Dental form prevents unpleasant odor and the development of inflammation when wearing dentures and braces. Structures in the mouth can create difficult to reach areas for cleaning. Food gets into them and bacteria spread.

Holisal Dental is used daily 2 to 4 times a day. After brushing your teeth, apply with a special applicator, which comes complete with the gel.

Unlike Cholisal gel, the drug is not used when teething.

A few facts about teething

  1. ideally, when the first milk teeth appear at 6 months: but if their eruption is delayed by a couple of months, i.e. falls at eight months of age, then there is no need to worry either - this situation is within normal limits. There is also no need to worry when the first milk units appear a little earlier, for example, at 4-5 months,
  2. If the baby is 10 or more months old, and the first teeth are not pleasing with their appearance, then it’s time to see a dentist, because this may indicate a violation of the formation of the jaw system,
  3. In most cases, the central incisors appear first on the lower jaw, then their antagonists erupt on the upper jaw. Afterwards, the lateral incisors delight with their appearance, then the fangs, which are also called “eye” ones. If the order is broken, then there is no need to panic, because... This process can be individual for each person. But it is still necessary to pay close attention to this point. For peace of mind, visit your dentist.

The photo shows the timing of the eruption of baby teeth.
Read the article on the topic: the main causes of cough and snot during teething.

Holisal or Kamistad - which is better for stomatitis

Manufacturer: STADA Arzneimittel, Germany
Release form: gel

Active ingredient: lidocaine, chamomile extract

Synonyms: Dentinox, Fitosept, Maraslavin, Stomatofit

Both drugs are used in dentistry for pain and inflammation. Cholisal is more aimed at treating inflammatory processes with a slight analgesic effect. The Kamistad analogue gives a pronounced anesthetic effect because it contains lidocaine.

For severe pain, it is better to use Kamistad gel. Dentists use it as a local anesthetic, but the method is not used often. Chamomile extract acts as an anti-inflammatory component.

For children, Kamistad Baby is produced - a brown-yellow gel with mint, chamomile and honey aroma. To use, you need a small pea-sized amount of product. Apply 3 times a day after meals and before bed. The Kamistad analogue will relieve the discomfort of the first symptoms of teething within a few minutes.

List of analogues and substitutes

Cholisal costs about 450 rubles in pharmacies. If you wish, you can find cheaper analogues. There are many drugs that have a similar effect. They can also be used for pain relief during teething in children.

A drugActive substanceManufacturerPrice
Kamistadlaureth-9 and chamomile extractSTADA Arzneimittel AG, Germany300 rubles
Dentol babybenzocainePHARMACEUTICALS INC., Canada200 rubles
Kalgelcetilleridine chloride and lidocaineGlaxosmithkline, UK350 rubles
Metrogil Dentametronidazole benzoateUnique Pharmaceutical, India230 rubles
SolcoserylsolcoserylMEDA Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland640 rubles
Baby Doctor First teethherbal extractsHatzi Hazakot, Israel350 rubles
Dentinoxlidocaine hydrochloride and chamomile extractDentinox, Germany370 rubles

The difference between these drugs is not only in the active ingredient and price. It is problematic to say unequivocally which one is best to use to eliminate pain. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Cholisal or Metrogyl Denta - which is better and more effective, what is the difference

Manufacturer: UNIQUE PHARMACEUTICAL Laboratories, India
Release form: gel

Active ingredient: metronidazole, chlorhexidine

Synonyms: Romazulan, Metrodent, Dentamet, Rotocan

Metrolil Denta is an analogue of Cholisal ointment, used from 6 years of age. Both drugs are suitable for relieving inflammation. It is important to consider that Metrogyl Denta does not relieve pain.

The advantage of Cholisal is that the drug is used in children from 1 year of age and has a broader effect in treating the disease. Metrolil gel not only kills bacterial colonies, but also destroys viruses and fungi. The medication acts specifically against inflammation, alleviates the period of illness, and accelerates recovery.

"Holisal" and "Metrogil Denta": reviews from doctors

Yakovlev Ivan Stepanovich, Voronezh (orthodontist)

They recommend their patients to use "Cholisal". This product has many advantages. The most important thing is the absence of sugar, so the gel can be used even by diabetics.

Vazhova Nadezhda Dmitrievna, Vladivostok (dentist)

Many people suffer from gum disease. However, not everyone notices this until the situation is aggravated by inflammation. You can avoid such unpleasant diseases by rinsing your mouth after eating. I prescribe Cholisal to my patients.

Demchenko Artur Leonidovich, Murmansk (dental surgeon)

There are many types of dental pathologies. It is simply impossible to cure them on your own. Only a specialist can understand the type of disease, so before purchasing any gel you need to consult a specialist.

Cholisal or Kalgel - which is better for teething and stomatitis

Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Poland
Release form: gel

Active ingredient: lidocaine, cetylpyridinium chloride

Synonyms: Eucalyptus tincture, Rotocan, Tantum Verde

Kalgel is a substitute for Cholisal gel for gums. Both drugs are used when baby teeth appear. The cost of gels is at the same level. When choosing between two medications, it would be preferable to buy Kalgel, since its use is allowed from 3 months, and Cholisal - from 12 months.

Contraindications are allergies to lidocaine and severe stages of heart disease. Because of this, one drop of Kalgel is applied for the first time to make sure that the child is not intolerant to the component. For adults and children over one year of age, when gums are inflamed or an infection is attached to the mucous membrane, it is better to use Cholisal, it is more effective in fighting microbes.

Cholisal or Solcoseryl - which is better

Release form: gel, ointment, paste

Active ingredient: deproteinized dialysate, polidocanol

Synonyms: Vitadent, Dicloran, Denta gel, Stomatofit

If we compare the effectiveness of using medications to treat diseases of the gums and mucous membranes in adult patients, then both medications are equal. Customer reviews report rapid therapeutic results when using two drugs. To eliminate ulcerations on the mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks, both drugs will cope in 3-4 days.

The pediatrician decides which drug to choose for the child. Both products can cause allergic skin rashes. Solcoseryl distorts the taste while eating, this is due to the fact that the analogue affects the functioning of taste buds. Cholisal gives a characteristic taste of anise, which can also be a reason for refusing to eat.

Benefits of Cholisal gel

The popularity of the product is due to the fact that it has many advantages. The medication acts quickly and can eliminate pain in a matter of minutes. In addition, among its advantages are the following:

  1. Long lasting. If you apply the product before bed, pain will not occur until the morning.
  2. Thick consistency. The medicine does not spread and adheres well to the mucous membranes.
  3. Penetration into the deep layers of inflamed tissue.
  4. Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, Cholisal destroys many pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it is used for inflammatory processes of various etiologies. This is an effective medicine in the fight against thrush and herpes.

Cholisal or Asepta

Manufacturer: Vertex, Russia
Release form: gel

Active ingredient: Metronidazole, Chlorhexidine bigluconate

Synonyms: Albadent, Metrogil Denta

Asepta is a cheaper analogue of Cholisal for adults. Both gels are used to relieve inflammation in gum disease. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, it has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect. Asepta is not prescribed in the acute stage of periodontal disease; with such a diagnosis, it is used exclusively for prevention.

For a full therapeutic effect, the Asept analogue is used for 10 days, 3 times a day. No side effects were found on the body of pregnant and lactating women.

There is Asepta gel with propolis. Its only drawback is an allergic reaction to bee products. If a patient is allergic to this group of components, Cholisal is prescribed.

Similarity of drugs

Gels have similar characteristics:

  • – antimicrobial effect;
  • – bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect;
  • – active substances inhibit protein synthesis, which takes part in the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The drugs have a similar effect on the disease:

  • – make nerve endings less sensitive;
  • – replenish nutrients in damaged gum tissues;
  • – accelerate microcirculation in damaged cells;
  • – promote tissue renewal;
  • – normalize blood flow in the gums;
  • – eliminate swelling and inflammatory processes.

The drugs are actively prescribed to patients with the following dental pathologies:

  • – periodontitis;
  • – gingivitis;
  • – cheilitis;
  • – complications after surgery.

For the most positive result, gels should be used regularly, taking into account the treatment regimen. Complex treatment also includes rinsing the mouth with various decoctions (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort).

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Cholisal or Dentamet

Manufacturer: ALTAIVITAMINS, Russia
Release form: gel

Active ingredient: metronidazole, chlorhexidine

Synonyms: Periodontocide, Metrodent, Stomatidine

Dentamet is a cheap Russian analogue of Cholisal. Both drugs have an antimicrobial effect. However, Cholisal has the advantage that it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and is used not only for gum diseases, but also for the entire oral cavity. The Dentamet analogue does not eliminate pain, is not used for teething, and is approved for use in children only from 6 years of age.

Cholisal is a proven medicinal substance that relieves inflammation and pain. Collected dozens of positive reviews. The price of cheap analogues of Cholisal may be lower, but before making a purchase it is recommended to read reviews and consult a doctor. This will help avoid adverse reactions.


Are there any other gels on sale besides Cholisal that you would recommend for teething?

Alena (02.10.2019 at 10:14) Reply to comment

    Dear Alena! It would be best if a doctor gives you recommendations based on the condition and individual characteristics of your child, because There are a lot of medications that help with teething. For example, “Kamistad Baby” or “Dantinorm Baby” - you can read detailed articles and reviews about them on our website.

    Editorial staff of the portal (04.10.2019 at 09:24) Reply to comment

Tell me, can Cholisal gel be used for a six-month-old baby who has started teething? The fact is that the child is very restless due to teething and I would like to help him somehow.

Vika (10/14/2019 at 6:07 pm) Reply to comment

How often can you use Cholisal gel for children under one year old whose first teeth have just begun to emerge? Is there any dosage and can this gel be used at night?

Elena (10/14/2019 at 6:15 pm) Reply to comment

The child just turned 5 months old and his teeth began to come out. Became restless and refuses to eat, we heard that Cholisal gel can help cope with problems such as pain and swelling of the gums. How often should a five month old baby use it?

Alisa (10/14/2019 at 6:17 pm) Reply to comment

Can Cholisal gel cause an allergic reaction in a child? It should be used correctly initially, in order to observe the baby’s reaction, the teeth are being cut, but I would also like to avoid the consequences.

Masha Archipenko (10/14/2019 at 6:19 pm) Reply to comment

Please tell me whether Cholisal gel will harm the child’s health? Why am I asking, because it contains chemical components... what effect do they have on the child’s body?

Anna (11/02/2019 at 12:44 pm) Reply to comment

How long can a child use Cholisal gel? During the examination, the doctor said that the upper two teeth were about to erupt, and the lower ones right behind them. Perhaps, immediately after these ones erupt, others will begin to erupt. My daughter is already acting restless, but if I start using Cholisal now, won’t it turn out that at the very peak of the pain I will have to stop using it?

Daria (11/11/2019 at 12:19 pm) Reply to comment

Today I purchased Cholisal, but have not used it yet. Tell me where is the best place to store this product after opening so that it does not lose its properties in the future? Thank you in advance for your answer.

Zhanna (11.11.2019 at 16:52) Reply to comment

I recently had my wisdom teeth cut out. I was periodically very sick, I made an appointment with the dentist, but I still have to live to see the dentist! A friend gave me this same Cholisal, if it helps children, then why don’t I try it, we are all children at heart. The pain was relieved. I would like to know for the future, since I have another tooth about to come out, what good analogues are there for adults?

Alice (11/11/2019 at 07:46 pm) Reply to comment

Cholisal helps not only children, but also adults with stomatitis. It stings slightly when you apply it to your gums. Can you recommend an analogue of this gel? Otherwise, it works fine for children, but for adults it is sometimes weak.

Nata (11/27/2019 at 10:42 pm) Reply to comment

How long does Cholisal last and how often can it be used? I didn’t use anything at all with my first child, the second one is very restless, there is no peaceful life without the gel!

Anna (11/28/2019 at 12:06 pm) Reply to comment

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