Implantium and SuperLine implants: what are their features?

Implantation is the most effective and advanced way to restore teeth, but titanium roots from premium manufacturers are not available to everyone. At Altamed+ we try to find the optimal solution for each patient, not only from a functional and aesthetic point of view, but also from a financial point of view. We offer to install implants in the budget price segment, which have the best price-quality ratio. One such solution is the line of South Korean Implantium implants.


  1. Dentium range
  2. Description of the Implantium systems
  3. Advantages of Implantium implants
  4. Indications and contraindications for installation
  5. Possible complications
  6. How to properly care for Implantium implants

After removing damaged teeth, the question invariably arises about ways to restore the integrity of the dentition.
Existing defects can be closed using special implants. They replace missing units, make the smile aesthetic, and cope well with the chewing function. Today, doctors offer many highly effective implantation systems. Many of them are too expensive. Dentium offers consumers a decent combination of price and quality. It produces Implantium implants.

The company has been operating since 2000. It has its own Institute of Implantology, a clinical base where experimental research is conducted and innovative products are developed. Dentium products have already proven themselves well in Asia, America, and Europe. Increasingly, they are being installed for Russian patients in dental clinics.

A little history

South Korea is far from new to the field of implantology. Back in 2000, it began producing both implants and special tools and components for their installation. Over a long period of time, continuous tests, experiments and scientific research were carried out in which new technological solutions were involved.

Developing and improving, it began producing its products in the United States. In addition to the research center, where new models are developed and experiments are carried out, Dentium also has a modern training center, where specialists are trained to work with Implantium.

Dentium range

In addition to affordable Implantium implants, the organization presents the following lines:

  • SuperLine. Premium products. Used when working with front units. They look impeccable, visually indistinguishable from their natural neighbors.

  • SlimLine. Miniature options used during the fixation of conditionally removable and removable dentures. Serve as a reliable support.

If we talk about Implantium implants, they belong to the economy category, therefore they are available to a wide range of consumers.

Wide range of models

Implantium products are presented in several models and produce 4 types of systems. Each series differs in technical characteristics, the possibility of two-stage or one-stage implantation, cost, etc. Each patient will be able to choose something suitable for himself; implantium systems are suitable for any clinical case.

Description of the Implantium systems

Implants came to Russia in 2007 and almost immediately became popular due to their good quality and low cost. Doctors often prefer them when it comes to choosing between a premium product and its cheaper analogue.

Among the features of these systems:

  • Double thread with high ribs.

    Due to this, screwing in the pin occurs very quickly. The thread is quite long, so the stability of the finished unit is always high.
  • Anatomical root-like shape. Needed to distribute the chewing load as evenly as possible. Ensures rapid healing of the artificial surface and perfectly replaces the natural tooth root.
  • Reliable connection of the implant with the abutment. It has a positive effect on the distribution of chewing load, reduces the risk of micromovements and the occurrence of bone tissue resorption. There is a hexagon on the conical contact surface. It guarantees a strong connection between the elements of the dental structure.
  • Increased thread pitch. Promotes accelerated osseointegration.
  • TIN coating. Resistant to oxidation reactions, does not allow the artificial root to show through the gum tissue.

Using Dentium implants, you can solve dental problems of varying levels of complexity.

About Dentium

Implantium are made according to the latest biomechanical requirements, have a unique root structure with two types of threads, thanks to which the installation of the implant is reliable, high-quality and durable.

The company's products have been on the world market for more than 20 years, conduct clinical studies, have all the necessary quality certificates and invest part of the profits in scientific developments in their field. The company also produces related instruments and bone material, allowing specialists to work at the highest level with different clinical pictures and age categories of patients.

Dentium provides comprehensive training and advanced training for doctors around the world, resulting in certificates and certificates. Altamed+ implantologists have also completed all training programs and have all supporting documentation. In addition, the company has a wide dealer network in Russia and abroad, which allows it to obtain tools and components.

Advantages of Implantium implants

Among the advantages of the devices:

  1. Fast and low-traumatic fixation in bone tissue, eliminating the risk of extensive damage to the gums.

  2. Creating conditions for accelerated tissue regeneration.
  3. Very reliable adhesion of the titanium root to the jaw bone.
  4. Rapid engraftment of the system.
  5. Easy installation due to special coating and standard shape. Since bone trauma during surgery is minimal, the patient does not experience significant pain.
  6. There is no risk of perforation during treatment due to incorrectly selected implant length.
  7. The porous coating of the artificial root guarantees accelerated osseointegration.
  8. It is possible to combine the implantation of the base with bone grafting.

One should not write off the fact that despite numerous advantages, Implantium implants are cheap.

The process of installing Implantium in Altamed+

During the initial consultation, the implantologist collects an anamnesis, conducts a visual examination of the oral cavity, and refers the patient to a computed tomogram. Before implantation, the patient needs to undergo a blood test.

At the second stage, if necessary, treatment of caries of teeth adjacent to the implant, sanitation (professional teeth cleaning), bone grafting (bone tissue augmentation), and gum grafting are carried out.

After anesthesia, the implantologist cuts the gum and drills a bed into the bone into which the implant is placed. Next, sutures are placed at the incision site and, if necessary, a gum former is installed on the implant.

7-14 days after the rehabilitation period, the sutures are removed and it is time for the implant to heal - it must grow into bone. On the upper jaw this is usually four months, on the lower jaw – less. The process is controlled by x-rays.

Then, after the implant has firmly grown into the bone tissue, the doctor installs an abutment on it and makes an impression of the jaw to make a crown. While the manufacturing process is underway, a temporary crown or prosthesis is put on, and when the permanent one is ready, the orthopedist fixes it to the abutment using a pin or dental cement.

After the operation

After implantation, pain is present, as after any other operation, so the doctor will prescribe pain medication and anti-inflammatory therapy.

Immediately after the operation, ice wrapped in cloth is indicated; swelling of the face may occur on the 2-3rd day, this is normal, after a while it subsides. It is necessary to follow a gentle diet and a soft diet.

Particular attention should be paid to oral hygiene; after surgery, use a new soft brush, thoroughly brush your teeth with medicated paste without touching the implantation area, and also make oral baths with a weak antiseptic solution.

Implant care

Care during implantation should be more thorough than regular oral care - you need to use dental floss, a special toothpaste recommended by your doctor, as well as rinses and irrigators.

Altamed+ specialists in Odintsovo have extensive experience in the field of innovative dental implantation, and are also always ready to help you choose the most suitable materials that are right for you in terms of all technical and medical characteristics. Make an appointment with an implantologist by calling us at the phone number listed on the website or use the feedback form!

Sign up for a consultation

Important information

Dental restoration using implant systems is the most advanced method to restore lost teeth, smile and self-confidence. But at the same time, one of the most expensive in terms of the volume of work and materials carried out.

Depending on the clinical picture, the scope of dental work may vary significantly. Accordingly, the budget planned for dental restoration may also change. And they don’t write about this on websites, promising an implant for 20,000 rubles, forgetting to indicate the cost of the abutment, crown and related services.

Only the dentist who will perform the operation can calculate the exact cost. There are no hidden services in Altamed+! We always draw up a treatment plan and you know exactly what manipulation needs to be done at what point and how much you need to pay for it.

Indications and contraindications for installation

Implantium implants can be used if one or two or three adjacent teeth are missing. They are also recommended for installation in case of terminal defects of the dentition. The devices are suitable for completely edentulous people. In this case, they should be considered as the basis for fixed dentures.

The following are absolute contraindications:

  • severe diseases of the central nervous system;

  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • excessively high tone of the masticatory muscles;
  • intolerance to anesthetics.

Relative contraindications include:

  • Untreated caries. Especially if the carious process has affected the teeth adjacent to the missing one. First you need to carry out treatment and close all the “holes”.
  • Inflammatory lesions of the gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Therapy aimed at stopping the inflammatory process is indicated.
  • Poor oral hygiene. You need to undergo a special hygiene procedure - ultrasonic teeth cleaning. It will help clean your teeth from soft plaque and hardened stones.

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the operation of implantation. If you properly prepare for it, the risk of titanium root rejection will be minimal, and rehabilitation will take much less time.

Service cost

The cost of restoring missing teeth using implantation depends on a number of factors. An important role in this issue is played by the number of implants needed for restoration, what prostheses will be used, whether additional procedures are needed, etc. At the first appointment, the dentist will conduct an examination and draw up a preliminary treatment plan, discussing it with you. If everything is satisfactory, the doctor begins preparing for implantation. The A-medic clinic employs qualified specialists, implant surgeons, who are fluent in the techniques of one-stage and two-stage implantation and osteoplasty. The approximate cost of installing implantium implants is from 30,000 thousand rubles. You can find out more detailed information by phone.

Possible complications

It is important to trust the installation of Implantium implants to highly qualified and experienced specialists. The fact is that due to the non-standard structure of these systems, complications arise in rare cases after their implantation:

  • the design unwinds a little;

  • mechanical damage to the abutment is observed;
  • the bone tissue is deformed at the site where the titanium pin is installed.

If any of these problems occur, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. The implantologist will correct the mechanism or prescribe its replacement.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cost-effective solution

The price of a new artificial tooth is one of the main arguments when choosing a particular system. And yet he is not the only one. In the small table below we have tried to reflect the main points regarding Implantium implants:

Arguments for"Arguments against"
  • Reasonable price with fairly high quality,
  • Suitable for most standard occasions,
  • They have all the necessary properties that more expensive brands also have.
  • When installing implants of this brand, the risk of rejection is at the level of 1-2%,
  • Not suitable for complex clinical situations - smoking, diabetes, hepatitis and others.

How to properly care for Implantium implants

Caring for artificial teeth is practically no different from caring for natural teeth. The most important thing is to thoroughly clean up any leftover food and strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor. In order for the Implantium structures to serve for a long time, it is necessary:

  • Eat a balanced diet and give up bad habits during rehabilitation.

  • Brush your teeth twice a day. During the hygiene procedure, use a medium-hard toothbrush and high-quality toothpaste.
  • After each meal, rinse your mouth with warm water. This will wash away food debris from the mouth and prevent the rapid spread of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Monitor the condition of your gums. As a result of poor teeth cleaning, gums often become swollen and inflamed. This happens especially often in the area of ​​the installed implant. At the first signs of inflammation, you should resort to anti-inflammatory rinses, gels, and ointments prescribed by your dentist.
  • Clean the interdental spaces with floss. It is recommended to do this after meals and before bed while brushing your teeth. If dental floss does not help, it should be replaced with an irrigator. This is a miniature dental brush.
  • Have preventive examinations at the dentist twice a year. Seek help from a doctor if you have any questions regarding the installed implant.

Proper care of teeth and implants will make your smile healthy and beautiful.

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