The best dental implants - which implant to choose?

By level of engraftment By time of osseointegration By volume of bone tissue Prosthetics possibilities Indications and contraindications Types of implants TOP brands
Dental implantation is rapidly gaining popularity. Every year, about a million patients improve their quality of life and the aesthetics of their smile thanks to implants. There are dozens of brands and models on the service market, and they all compete with each other. Each pin released falls into a certain, albeit unofficial, category and affects the popularity of the brand. Dentists say that the best dental implantation is the one that suits the given clinical case. Why then does one implant cost 15 thousand rubles, and the other 60 thousand?

The price of an implant is influenced by many factors, primarily the manufacturer. Famous brands invest millions of dollars in research, development and search for new technologies. The high quality of their products is guaranteed, because products from well-known brands meet all the key parameters required for implants.

Let's consider what criteria influence the rating of dental implants.

Survival rate

It should be noted that for all well-known brands it is quite high, at least 97%

. However, for premium brands it is higher than 99% (Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Roott, Astra Tech). German, Israeli, Korean implants strive to achieve the same results, but their studies are not as long, this affects long-term prognoses.

The survival rate is a relative concept, because it depends not only on the quality of the pin. The skill of the implantologist and compliance with the recommendations by the patient play a big role. It is not without reason that they say that the best dental implants are those placed by a highly qualified surgeon, although other factors also need to be taken into account.

Company goals

The abbreviation BTK combines Biocompatibility, Technology and Know-how. And in its mission, Biotec declares its desire to offer patients affordable and highly personalized solutions in the field of implantation, thereby improving their quality of life. The company's management strives to ensure that its products become the standard in the dental implants market. Biotec Academy regularly conducts training seminars around the world, including in Russia. However, so far the BTK brand clearly does not reach the industry leaders in popularity - Nobel Biocare, Straumann, Astra Tech.

Osseointegration time

In order for a titanium post to perform all the functions of a natural tooth, it must be covered with bone tissue. This phenomenon is called osseointegration. Only after its completion the implant becomes stable and ready for prosthetics. In the classic protocol, implantation is carried out in 2 stages. 10-15 years ago between installation and prosthetics took from 6 to 9 months

. Modern design and coating of implants from leading companies have reduced this time to 2, maximum 3 months. So, which implants are best placed also depends on how long the patient is willing to wait for the completion of the osseointegration process.

Quality control

The company carefully controls the quality of its products. Barcoding has been introduced into production; the entire process of manufacturing products is automated and takes place on the latest high-precision equipment. Quality is monitored by a specially developed computer system Manny (“Manny”). All BTK implants are accompanied by documentation confirming compliance with European quality standards ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. Moreover, you can trace the history of each product from manufacturing to installation. After implantation, the patient is given a special implant passport, which contains all the information about it.

Bone Volume Requirements

After tooth loss, atrophy (loss) of bone tissue begins. This leads to negative consequences, one of which is the impossibility of implantation in the future. The bone is too thin for an implant. In addition, it is not dense enough to provide high primary stability. Of course, leading manufacturers have provided for such clinical cases and produce pins for cortical, zygomatic (where the tissue is denser) implantation or compression pins that compact the bone along the movement of the thread.

Israeli manufacturers have also achieved great success in producing products for installation in bone tissue of different densities. Korea is somewhat behind here. They, for example, have neither pterygoid (pterygoid) nor zygomatic models. If we are talking about severe atrophy, the answer to the question “Israel or Korea?” obvious. But Switzerland or Israel - it depends on other factors. If the bone is dense and there are no complications, then Korean or Israeli implants will perform their functions perfectly.


Implants are made from grade 4 and 5 titanium. VTK dental implants are processed using the company’s unique technology - Double Acid Etched Surface. The surface with microscopic roughness is quickly overgrown with bone tissue, which contributes to excellent initial stabilization of the implants.

Abutments with connections in the form of an internal or external hexagon with or without a Morse taper allow you to fix any orthopedic structure at an optimal angle - from a single crown to a complete denture. The precision and tightness of the connection prevent even minimal movement of the structure and the spread of bacteria at the interface between the implant and the abutment.

Prosthetics prospects

Completion of osseointegration is not the end of the process. Now you need to put the prosthesis on the artificial root. It can be single (crown), bridge or full jaw. Comfort when chewing, diction, and aesthetics depend on the capabilities of prosthetics. The wider they are, the better for the patient, especially in complex clinical cases. Therefore, dentists say that when choosing an implant, you need to focus not only on the manufacturer, but also on the condition of the patient’s jaw. The question is not whether Korean or German, Swiss or Israeli implants are, but which of them are better suited for a particular case.

Implants Nobel Biocare (USA)

Nobel Biocare has been around for over four decades. Their main office is located in Switzerland. Manufacturing laboratories are located in the USA. Their products are highly effective and come with a lifetime warranty. Products are numbered, which prevents counterfeiting. Other advantages:

  1. Nobel products have an almost 100% survival rate.
  2. The shape of the products is anatomical and round, as well as other configurations.
  3. Nobel is installed even in those patients who have minimal bone volume.
  4. The special surface accelerates survival even in difficult situations.
  5. Restoration of masticatory organs for any clinical picture.
  6. Nobel is installed in the form of single crowns and units of the entire dental system.

Product components are made from materials that do not oxidize. They are perfectly compatible with all tissues of the oral cavity. The company's designs are ultra-strong, they are no different from natural chewing organs.

Indications and contraindications for installation

The price of Korean, Israeli, and even more so Russian and Chinese implants is much lower than that of leading companies from Sweden, Switzerland and Germany. But they also have enough restrictions. In case of hepatitis, HIV, and cancer, the question of which implants to install: Korean or Swiss is not worth it. Because Korean companies include these diseases in the list of contraindications. Manufacturers from Sweden, Switzerland, and Germany offer a line of products that can be used for complex systemic diseases. No matter how hard companies from Israel or Korea try to catch up with them, they have not yet been able to significantly reduce the list of contraindications. However, it decreases every year; competition forces investment in new developments of pins that will suit more patients.

Which implants are better - Israel and Switzerland

Implant systems in Switzerland enjoy the well-deserved respect of experts. These are the most expensive products with excellent quality indicators, impeccable performance characteristics, and exemplary aesthetics. But the cost of these implants is the highest. Premium segment products are expensive and are installed mainly in elite dental clinics.

Straumann implants

Reinforcing the highest quality of products, the manufacturer provides a lifetime warranty on the use of implants of this brand. Distinctive features of titanium screws are the internal surfaces of the root, processed using patented technology. Profiling makes it possible to obtain not just a surface with a porous structure, but an artificial root completely permeated with pores, which makes it similar to the natural bone material of the jaw. This reduces the process of osseointegration in the tissues during implantation of the screw, giving it greater stability during immediate loading.


Offers basal type implants for sale. With this structure, the root is implanted into the deep bone layers, installation of the screw takes 1-3 visits to the dentist, and the artificially implanted tooth is loaded almost without delay. It is very important to contact a professional surgeon with extensive experience working with implants of this type, otherwise mistakes can be costly for the patient’s health. When figuring out which implants are better - Israel or Switzerland, you should not ignore the issue of the manufacturer's warranty. Roott basal implants come with a 10-year warranty.

SgS implants

They appeared on the implantation services market relatively recently. But they have already proven themselves in Russia as reliable implants made in Switzerland. However, everything is not so simple. The basic products are manufactured in Hungary, then the blanks are sent to Germany, to the factory workshops of DOT Gmbh, to complete the surface treatment of titanium screws. The trademark itself is registered in Switzerland, so the implants are considered to be Swiss-made.

For artificial roots, highly purified medical grade titanium grades Grade-4, Grade-5 are used. The company carefully monitors compliance with established international standards in the field of implant surgery. The surface of SBTC titanium screws is recognized by experts as one of the best in the world in terms of the degree of osseointegration in the jaw bone.

Biomed implants

They are extremely rare in Russian dental clinics. They are distinguished by impeccable quality, pure materials that have high biocompatibility with the tissues of the human body. The central element of the collection are basal implants, which puts the brand in a competitive position with Roott. They can be easily compared in terms of warranty obligations and installation costs in Russia and Russian-speaking countries.

Since the Biomed brand does not actively advertise for distribution and does not seek to conquer the Russian market, it remains relatively unexplored. Finding statistics on brand, survival rates and other characteristics is very difficult.

Find out the cost!

Types of implants

Classic dental implants consist of 2 parts: a pin and an abutment, an adapter on which an artificial crown is fixed. But over time, a new generation of pins appeared, where the abutment and the pin represent a single whole (multi-units).

Classification is carried out:

  • By type of design
    . 2-unit for classic protocols and multi-unit for protocols with immediate load.
  • According to the installation protocol
    . Prosthetics on implants with delayed loading are carried out after engraftment. The immediate loading protocol allows the design to be used immediately.
  • By installation method
    . Single-stage implantation means that the pin is inserted immediately after tooth extraction, into a fresh socket. The transgingival method is used if the tooth was lost some time ago. A puncture is made in the gum, then a pin is screwed into it. The traditional method is to remove a flap of gum, insert an implant, and then apply sutures.

The doctor decides which dental implants are best to choose after a thorough diagnosis. It determines the presence of systemic diseases, periodontal conditions, and bone density. Then he selects pins depending on their purpose. This takes into account the type of connection between the pin and the abutment, the angle of inclination, the coating of the rod, its diameter and length. Product varieties help make this choice more accurate.

Implantation of a chewing tooth on the lower jaw

If you decide to restore a chewing tooth in the lower jaw and place an implant, then most likely the classic two-stage technology will be chosen for the operation. At the first stage of the operation, the doctor will insert an implant and suture the gum in the area of ​​its incision. The prosthetic stage will be carried out after the installed implant has completely fused with the jaw bone tissue.

Classic two-stage implantation requires good condition of the jaw bone tissue: the bone must have certain height and density indicators. If diagnostics reveal a deficiency of bone tissue in the area where implants are placed, bone grafting will be required.

In the lower jaw, when restoring chewing teeth, osteoplasty is performed by transplanting bone blocks - donor or artificial.

The need for bone grafting before implantation will increase the treatment time, since it takes time for bone to regenerate and acquire the required height and density, but in some cases bone grafting can be performed simultaneously with implantation.

IMPORTANT: Do you need bone grafting, what implantation method will be chosen to restore chewing teeth in your case? It is impossible to answer these questions in absentia - you need to undergo an examination and diagnosis in the office of an implantologist. Our premium dentistry clinic in Moscow, Aesthetica, has created all the conditions for diagnosing and planning the implantation of anterior and chewing teeth. Having visited our implantologists, you will be able to learn not only everything about dental implantation, but also see its future result - for this we use modern computer modeling programs!

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